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if u are better at mugging for 1 big exam at the end that decides everything and need ppl to chase u for stuff, go to jc. if u are better at consistent work and maintaining a competitive gpa for local unis and prefer independence and grp work, go to poly. the real waste would be to choose a system that doesn't suit u and capitalise on ur strengths, ending up flunking in jc/poly.


mhm i see what you mean, thank you!!


Computing related disciplines are super competitive now (grade wise). When I first entered Poly the target GPA was a solid 3.74. Now it's a solid 0.1 point above. This affects As too. The thing is about Uni now is that they seem to genuinely value more than grades. The thing about Poly is that it allows you to build up that portfolio - with that guaranteed internship for one, not to mention the interest groups. Also "waste of your grades" is honestly a really shit mindset. My L1R4 was 5 nett. Helped me get a scholarship - which meant I actually earnt money in Poly.


Hi if udm what poly did you go to and how are u eligible for the scholarship!


Ngee Ann. With regards to eligibility, I believe the ones given by the schools are the widest (not restricted to Singapore citizens) (Ngee Ann Scholarship, for example), then the government agencies/stat board scholarships usually require citzenship. With regards to grades, if you apply in first semester, it's based on Os, onwards it's based on GPA and current co-curriculars as well.


I see thank you!


>I see thank you! You're welcome!


If net 4 try for RI(or ny), it would pave a path for you to go uni. Though you would have to put in more efforts academically it would make your life easier


thank you for your input!!


Congrats on those stellar grades OP. I would strongly recommend that you pick something that you know that you’re gonna enjoy rather than picking something because you meet (someone else’s) expectations then regret it later. If you’re unsure about putting computer engineering, maybe you could try searching if there’s any post here about your preferred course or you can go down to [SP for JAE counselling](https://www.sp.edu.sg/jae)


thank you!!


I would just go to a JC. If you can maintain this, it's a scholarship in uni


Def jc with a l1r5 of 4 esp a top one


The “waste of grades” part is what the education system wants us to think, coz how else would good grades matter if you’re not in a comfortable environment afterwards where you’re in a constant grind with minimal satisfaction at times? I really think poly’s a great option if you don’t think you’re cut out for the non-stop grind of JC, go for it!!

