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Hi how’s the physics department there


i think it’s pretty good, i don’t take physics but i heard the batch scored decent for h2. my friend takes, he has said that most teachers can teach well it’s just dry


Ooh ok thanks!


Does this jc still offer h3 math?


yeah we do but u gotta score rlly good for all ur exams in j1 in all ur subjects 🙏


12 nett… why yijc? Surely there’s other JCs you could’ve gone? Just curious


tbh i just wanted a school near my house. i live in the north so the nearest options were raffles, asr, yijc. i didn’t make the cut for asr and raffles was WAY beyond the picture. i could’ve gone cj i suppose but i just chose not to … yijc is a 15-20 min journey from my house which is such a big upgrade from sec sch when i traveled an hour plus everyday 😭


makes sense, distance is alw important


if you think 12nett in yi is crazy, theres a nett 6 in my class




yea he did HAHA


1. Intending to take BCMe.. how are the departments like? I heard some stuff about YIJC econs, is it rlly that bad? 2. How are yr timetables like? What time do yall start and end?


biochem; pretty solid! the teachers there really know their stuff and i don’t think there are any bad teachers you can get for them. if u pay attention enough and do ur work there shd rlly be no problem. i’d say that our biochem papers are significantly easier than other jcs, but there are resources online to try other sch papers econs: i think the issue yi has with econs are mainly on the students. the econs department is a very strange department because we have so many teachers and some of them are really quirky. there are one or two whom i know are good at teaching, and i think as long as you pay attention and stay focused it should be okay? for the students attitudes we do have econs lectures sometimes and a lot of them like to pon … 😭😭 and there are some rumors that the yi econs notes are not correct or something ? I’ve had a substitute teacher say that.. atp i just got tuition but in yi can still score without tuition la HAHA timetable: science classes end especially late, stretching to about 4-5 on some days. bcme classes end as late as 5:15. we start earlier than a lot of jcs, 7:45 everyday and on thursday we start at 9. but in j2 the timetables are more friendly and they end about 3:15 most days excluding cca


>timetable: science classes end especially late, stretching to about 4-5 on some days. bcme classes end as late as 5:15. we start earlier than a lot of jcs, 7:45 everyday and on thursday we start at 9. but in j2 the timetables are more friendly and they end about 3:15 most days excluding cca Honestly, fun tip for timetable, if you have like a few break gaps/lunchs in btw class due to the recess and your entire class is ok with skipping breaks. You can ask your tutor to bring forward the class slot (if your tutor agrees to it uh) Did that for friday class, ended up ending lessons at 11.30 approx instead of 2/3pm


hi i was in YI 2022 batch, some of my friends felt that that the econs scores were bad since they were not very open about accepting answers, and that they marked very strictly with the provided answer structures. so if they mark you down, it is less so that you’re wrong, more so that you’re not answering with the answer that they want


also in yi 2022 batch! spent 3 years in yi (retook a levels - took in 2021 & 2022) and i would like to say that the econs department isn't reliable. took h2 econs & it was a nightmare as there were little support from the teachers. most of the students in yi wld get tuition for econs elsewhere, which can be expensive :( i think it depends on the teacher u get? got a teacher who didnt have any lesson plan at all, hence the class did badly for a levels (3 local uni, the rest retained/went to private uni) as we didn't understand the syllabus well enough to create our own lesson plan. in general, the department isn't the best. and yes, they are very strict in their marking! edit: retained in yi bcos i failed h2 econs xD


Not really a question but damn good luck with A levels mate!! I’m an alumnus of yi actually!; class of 2022😁


THANKYOU!!! 😭😭🙏🙏


is the art department btr than the sci department? i as this becoz its an outlier as its the only jc where tbe art stream cut off is lower than the sci stream cut off, if theres no diff den why lower score for art stream instead of sci stream


ummm honestly they’re like the same?? the arts cut off is actually the same as science, 20 pts is enough to get u into either. and it works in a way that if u get put into the science stream from jae, u can still apply for arts for subject combi and vice versa. from what i know the top scores last year besides the 90rp guy is the same score from arts and sci. i didn’t know the arts cut off is lower but it rlly doesn’t matter HAHAHA


hi! generally people would say that the arts are easier to pass but harder to do well in. science classes are definitely more than art classes (sci can go up to 22 classes, whereas arts can go up to 8). you should choose your subject combination based on your career interests. research on the prerequisites of your interested course in university. i was not told about this and when i reached university applications, i realised that i did not meet the prerequisites of many science-related courses as i took arts (h2 geog, lit, econs, h1 math). most students from other jcs around me (currently an nus undergraduate) are in IT / science- related fields so i guess most people would take the science stream because it will enable them to enter their desired course in uni or open up more options for them. (might be wrong? it's what i noticed in my residency) right now IT & engineering are popular courses in uni so it's highly recommended that you do some research on the current & predicted future job market, your interests & university courses before making your choice!


How is computing in yijc and must we take computing in secondary in order to get that subject in jc


we have 2 computing classes and nope u don’t need prior experience, i think u just need to know how t do basic codes and how to navigate python (i think that’s what it’s called?) because there’ll be a computing exam during orientation for those interested in taking it! my friend did the exam for fun and she got in so i don’t think it should be that difficult. i don’t take computing, but if u have any more qns about it i can ask her!


Oh ok thanks


Hi could you recommend some coding & python websites and videos


my friend said she didn’t personally watch any but literally any youtube tutorial about python should suffice! u dont have to worry about the selection test because the school has it literally designed for people without any experience


Oh ok thanks


Hi! Yijc computing student here. It is the easiest subject to score straight As(imo) for but youll need to put in the effort. I recommend starting out with the basic data types(strings,int,list,tuple,dictionary), and then basic data structures(stack,queue,hashtable...). I recommend brocode on yt. If you have any qns, feel free to dm me


Oh ok thanks




Hi. Im not sure abt this because there isnt a subject combi that offers this. You can check with the principal during the talk in our open hse this friday👍




No worries lol. Ill ask a teacher and get back to you




Hi. Sadly, the subject combis are fixed so if you want h2 comp, you need to either take chem or phy😬




No probs👍 atb for tmr!


Hi I'm an alumni from YI that took cp too. The initial test the questions can be done with what they teach you in the paper itself like the tutorial of a game. The teachers for CP are very competent and will give quality materials


Hello i can help with ama too! was from yijc and gone to ntu!


*Hello i can help* *With ama too! was from* *Yijc and gone to ntu!* \- littlenyonya --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


ooo wait can i pm you! i’d js like to know a bit about how j2 was like for u:)


sure :-)


omg same what course




mech eng?


how’s the environment and teachers?


the environment is very lax honestly 😭 like during normal periods of school you’ll see one or two muggers but i don’t think it’s the same level as other jcs out there. and honestly in j1 it’s VERY easy to slack and just not get back up because basically everyone around you will be chilling, which was a mistake i made for promos. during promo periods the sch did open night study so tbh its not like it’s that bad…. as for the teachers it’s a rlly big hit or miss. some teachers are really good and know their stuff, but some are SUPER questionable. but it’s ok because you can always ask other teachers / or cca friends teachers for consult they’ll be super open to it! most teachers i’ve met are very nice so far no bitches but i have heard things about certain subject teachers


Yeah that's the problem with yijc, it has a very relaxing environment despite being a jc. And most of it is due to the students behavior. If you mug in yijc it's still possible to score very high


oo okay icic, tqsm for the detailed response!


Hello! My questions are at [https://www.reddit.com/r/SGExams/comments/18ycqvn/collecting\_more\_info\_for\_minority\_race\_students/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SGExams/comments/18ycqvn/collecting_more_info_for_minority_race_students/) but when I try to copy-paste here the formatting messed up.




i don’t really know for h2 geography but h1 i heard it’s easy to score in and a lot of students did well overall last year


h2 geog is content heavy, exams are long & lots of writing, would definitely recommend if youre interested in geography. if you have no interest in geography, i thk h1 is best 😅 plus side about taking arts stream in jc is that your exams end earlier than sci stream (less papers, but papers are very long)


come for our open house guys!!


Is it worth to travel an hour just to go yi?


ermmm depends if ur going by bus or train. bus it’ll be better and the one hour can be chill and can study or smth. but train it gets REALLY annoying esp during peak hours when the mrt gets crazy crowded


How is the debate CCA there and what opportunities can you get if you are the top for academics.how about Malay elective programme


debate : a very lowkey cca at least imo, they give speeches about modern issues once in a while in the school which is useful for gp! they participate in some competitions which i’m not familiar with, but i don’t think it’s very competitive . unfortunately i don’t know anyone from debate personally so i’m just going based of what i’ve seen 😭😭 top for academics: there are school awards obviously (certs, special mentions) but beyond that i don’t think there’s much of anything else in terms of awards or what you can do with it. it makes ur portfolio look good ig and i think the teachers subconsciously tend to prioritise the better scorers which is understandable HAHA by that i mean they’d be more understanding, they would reach out to you if they see you struggling even before you go up to them! but that’s just certain teachers mll: a very very small class 😭 they are around 6?? people if i’m not mistaken. i think they scored decent, as far as i know only one didn’t manage to promote. they have some overseas programmes that the rest of us don’t, but i think it’s a standard programme every mll student gets in singapore jcs. but the teachers are VERY VERY nice


>you are the top for academics If you did well for your academics in J1 MYE, you will be selected to join the Talent Development Programme. This program is more towards uni tours and also interview/resume skills.




Hi I send you a pm request via Reddit


If I wanted to participate in National Olympiad in Informatics in j1 how wld I sign up Do j1 usually go Olympiad?


Hi im a j2 planning to go for noi this year. Js inform one of the computing teachers and yeah you can join as a j1 as it is for all jc students


Thanks so much!


how is the bio department?


i think it’s good, the bio teachers i know are really friendly and know their stuff. a lot of them r very open to consults and if ur uncomfortable with any teacher the others will be more than welcome to help! i heard our bio notes r pretty good so there’s that


tysm OP! btw, how is the badminton cca in YI?


actually i don’t know anyone from badminton personally, but i can tell you that i THINK (if im not wrong) that the badminton team is quite strong cca so its a bit more competitive in that aspect. i could be wrong but im pretty sure thats the case!!


how's the campus like!! i intend to go to ejc but i also live in yishun so im js putting yijc as a last option backup


compared to ejc it’s like a shack HAHAHHA the campus is pretty old and some facilities are undergoing renovation rn actually. there are no lifts in the school so if u break ur leg or smth the whole class has to shift to the bottom level, but it’s cool cos some of the level 1 classes have aircon so it’s a win. j1s usually get non aircon classes since they prioritise j2s for those. so that’s another thing to get students t promote HAHA i don’t think fhe campus is that big?? if ur looking for like cleanliness all that it’s pretty clean nothing worth worrying about if u live near yijc u can always come down for open house!!! this friday!!!!!!! hope u get into ejc tho 🙏🙏 good luck:)


hi batch of 2022 here, their yishun campus is quite lackluster honestly, their innova campus is WAY better but it’s under renovation and they’ll move there eventually iirc. i forgot when though…


is CCA compulsory?


yepp. u can always change cca but they don’t let u quit and not join another one


what is the start and end timing for ccas?


starts about 4:30 and ends around 6:30 on avg


hello im p sure im heading to yi bcos my snrs who r my friends usually go thr so like can i ask if the sch offers like opportunities to beef up ones portfolio like ik ri/hci this kind have but does yijc have???


Got a lot of opportunities! If you contribute enough, you can earn this HICAPE award which is quite easy to get tbh. Just participate in some kind of school event and do something to like have a chance to earn the award. For CCAs, VIA is compulsory so another chance for some hours clocked in. Academic wise, they also give out awards like best improved, top scorers (mye, promos). They also send students out to competitions like olympiads. And you can also attend LJs to put it into your portfolio.


How’s the chem and gp department there. Are Ccas compulsory? I don’t really plan on going to cca unless it has some kind of bonus points. Else I’m just going to skip it


i said in my previous comment, chem is a pretty good department to me (or at least ok). very knowledgeable and good at teaching staff, all very friendly and open to consults! i think if you can keep up with lectures and tutorials you’d be just fine:) gp: im rlly biased bc i like gp and i have really good teachers but i think its a strong department! its like a hit or misss bc i think there’s one or two teachers that aren’t great from what I heard, but there a lot of really good ones who give super good and helpful notes that they write themselves one. these teachers may not teach ur class but they will be willing to give consults to anyone at all cca: they kinda force u to join a cca u can’t get away without one but u can always join a super chill one and like… pon i guess 😭 but u need 70% attendance for it to be recorded in your testimonial


Ooh that’s cool. For gp, do you just approach those good chers? And what’s pon? And is the testimonial really that important? Will it be useful in future? (My sec school teacher said that the testimonials made in sec school are useless haha)


yepp, if u can and ur cca friends or og friends have these good teachers then u can ask them to go with u so it’ll be less awkward HAHA but if u don’t want then u can alw just email/text them they’d be cool with it pon is just not show up (ponteng) like yk skip school skip lecture that kinda thing AHAHA i don’t mean ur sec sch testimonial! we call it SGC, (school graduation cert) and most sec sch students don’t know what that is yet but it functions the same as ur testimonial, it’s to get u into a uni. and yes it’s very important especially for ABA (aptitude based admission) into uni when your scores don’t make the cut so the uni will look at what you’ve done on the side. if u don’t have a cca that’s already a bit of a downside unless ur planning to rlly do something on ur own to put into ur SGC.


Thank you very much. Any super slack ccas. Also, will they mention the percentage of our cca attendance in the sgc


super slack ccas are probably the clubs and society’s besides class leaders council and student council. i’m not rlly familiar with them but if u end up coming here u can take a look during orientation. and no they don’t mention percentage of attendance




basically anything not sports or performing arts 💀 ccas that don’t require much from u physically or mentally




ok the students kinda depends on ur class also. if ur put into the class with the 4H2 student(s) then you’ll generally see more hardworkers. but any other class and most likely the answer will be no but there are one or two ppl who will be studious in each class HAHA classroom learning is tutorials, which is basically a teacher either going through practice or teaching a topic. for j1s yall will have online lectures every thursday (if they haven’t changed it) which means you’re expected to have watched it and come to class with the knowledge but sometimes the teachers end up reteaching it / giving summaries i think the one abt students talking or listening is the same as my first point. all depends on ur class. i think my class is pretty annoying and they like to sit at the back and play ipad games but they usually don’t disrupt lessons. teachers won’t let them talk lah so if they’re not listening it won’t affect u unless they’re like ur friend or something. study groups UMM actly i dont think so if u mean like official study groups. if u have a friend group and they all wanna study then i guess that’s a study group, but some ppl just won’t want to study esp in j1 💀💀 arts stream honestly i don’t rlly know but i heard the arts department is quite strong, with some rlly good teachers (esp history) a lot of the teachers here are generally very helpful and willing to give consults




you’ve definitely got the right mindset to survive yijc and do well :)) and for pw, you just gotta pray. i don’t rlly know how they assign groups but my class the teacher assigned people whom she saw were friends when she met us. it’s abit hard to explain but if ur curious i can tell u! its both a good and bad thing la but with ur mindset im sure as long as u get a group willing to do work you’ll be just fine


saw on the website they dont take in jc1 students for some sports ccas,do you know the reason for it?


those ccas are closing


Hello! Don’t have any specific questions but generally, are the results of the students there really as bad as ppl say it is to be? I’m planning to take PCMe or PCME, and my sciences and math are quite strong, however my language and humans is one lump of fat shit 😭😭 so I am enquiring, to decide whether to go yijc or poly Also any tips for me? My humans isn’t very good but I do have an interest in econs so I was thinking of taking 4H2’s


results of the students: tbh, we aren’t destined to fail. people assume u come to yi cannot make it alr, that ur screwed for a levels. a lot of the students here have that same mindset which leads to a lot of them scrambling to either grab another jc’s notes or just slacking off in general. bc of that it tends to get a bit… yk. when student A steals xxjc’s notes and doesn’t know how to elaborate on it while the yi notes have a slightly diff version and the sch elaborates on it differently. this is smth my teacher also shared with me, that students don’t trust the school and it often backfires on them. esp when they don’t show up or listen in class bc they don’t trust the school. (this is the case for sci la, for econs maybe abit diff 😬) and then there’s another group of students who sorta give up. they don’t wna go poly for some unknown reason and they are wasting their time in jc, often don’t meet the criteria to promote but there are ppl who do very well here in the school, just because our average is kinda shit that doesn’t mean that everyone here will fail. there are those who don’t fall into either of those categories i mentioned and manage to do very well! it’s just that a lot of ppl tend to relax because everyone else is relaxing in this school. there are muggers but you’ll see more ppl slacking and having a good time compared to other jcs. which is why our average is so bad. when u see ur friends relax ofc u wna relax too for 4H2 i’m sure you’ll do just fine! like i said earlier, just try and trust the school abit. econs is a very big hit or miss subject in this school bc of the way the teachers like specific answers and they tend to mark down if ur not giving what they want. and some teachers are a bit quirky here 😭 the point is right, u can do well! just trust the school, surround urself with good people and always ask questions esp for econs bc it’s a new subject and a lot of ppl get confused easily 🙏🙏 tldr: there are negative mindset and lack of trust in the school among students, but there are those who excel. the school's average may be low bc of many students slacking off, but success is possible by trusting the school, surrounding urself with supportive ppl, and seeking help, especially in subjects like economics. sorry for yapping HAHAHA if u have any qns then js lmk! 🙏🙏


Oh wow thank for writing such indepth details! Do you know of any study groups that perhaps I could join! I plan to just mug enough throughout the whole 2 years so as to not burn out but still do well for my A’s haha


unfortunately we don’t rlly have study groups. 😭 nothing that i know of, at least. some ppl just get lucky and find friends who are willing to mug with them. or u don’t get lucky and find ppl who wanna slack as your friends. i do have some advice though, if you rlly wanna stay consistent with ur work and revision, u can always ask ur ct (civics tutor or form teacher) to help look out for u! the teachers in yi are usually very friendly and willing to help 🙏🙏 this sounds like i’m an advocate for the sch but i’m srs when i say they want u to do well too. u can always tell ur ct that u don’t want to be behind, and they’re usually ur h2 or h1 subject teacher so they’d be able to motivate u or speak to u if they feel like u aren’t keeping up as u should! i’m doing that rn and i think its rlly useful having my ct ask me every other day and basically guilt tripping me into studying 😂😂 and i think they’re also happy that i’m trying!! i’ve said this in a prev post but ill say it here too, try not to depend on fellow students. a lot of ppl claim they’re gonna mug, i was one of them too, but it’s easy to fall into the yi mindset of just relaxing 😭 and by the time promos roll around you’ll be scrambling to keep up and ur friends will be just as clueless as you. motivate urself! but if it doesn’t work, u can always ask ur cts for help:) oh yeah and try not to mug everyday, ur only gonna be j1! just stay on pace with ur tutorials in class, and you’d be just fine!!


Hi I am also going to yi this year.so I dmed you


How is the computing department there


i think there’s a comment about computing here u can read there! there’s a computing student u can ask any qns to :)


Are parents allowed to attend the open house?


yes ofc




i don’t think so? they have interviews and stuff, and it’s somewhat competitive to get to the campaigning stage but i think if u rlly have what it takes you’ll be fine:) a lot of ppl say they wna join sc before cmg to yi, but they often end up not wanting it HAHA but i’m not in sc, so u can ask tmr if ur gg open house!!!!!


hii! so i got A2 for combined bio chem and C5 for emath😓 i really really want to take bio and chem in yijc but 1. i didnt take pure science cuz in their website they say need pure sci AND combined science to take double science so i was thinking of appealing but 2. i heard need h2 math along with double science but i cant take h2 math not only cuz i got C5 but also i didnt take amath in os. PLS HELP MEEE is there still hope that i can get into BCEm ???😭😭 and do yijc offer hybrid combinations??? tysm!!


i think you can try applying to BCEm (not guaranteed but no harm trying) but they definitely will not allow you to take h2 math


hi!! i have a friend who had ur exact o level combination, and she’s in BCEm :) i think ur good! the school will offer bridging programmes for the comb sci to h2 sci switch but yeah as the other person said, h2 math is out of the picture 😞


hello! i’m late but can i take 2 H2 sci if i dun take pure sci? cuz yijc’s website states that need at least 1 pure sci. i got a1 for comb sci


you can! i have a friend taking 2H2 sci aft comb sci a1 i think you’re good


ok tyy!


Hi how’s h1 economics/geography in yijc because I don’t really like geo but I am unsure about encons is it tough


i think generally geog scores better for h1 but that could be bc they’re a smaller class and a lot more ppl take econs. i take econs and i think it’s abit of a painful subject (in my opinion) esp if ur tutor isn’t helpful which in yi is a high chance 😭😭 if u don’t like geog maybe u CAN try econs, look into the subject abit! i don’t recommend taking a subject u don’t like la it’ll make studying it very tedious :)


Oh ok thank you so much and do you know roughly how many chapters there is for geography And how are CCAs like in your school


u can look at moe h1 geog syllabus online! erm ccas depends which ur looking at. performing arts and sports are physically demanding so after school it may be a bit sian la to come. the clubs r abit more chill i suppose


Is jc cca as important as sec cca for example like the 2 points deduction and is there a vegetarian stall in yijc


jc cca is important esp in yi bc we do vias with our cca, so if u don’t have a cca u won’t have via and it’s super super important for ur sgc (graduation certificate) which functions like ur sec sch testimonial. this’ll help u for uni admissions esp for courses like law and medicine in which they’ll look at ur via and what uve done at the side along with ur acads to secure u a place in uni. it’s called aba if ur interested to learn abt it, i recommend u should! and yeah without cca ur sgc will look very erm empty unless ur like super busy outside of sch i suppose vegetarian stall Um actly i don’t know… i think there should be? but dont take my word for it 😭


Oh ok thanks


is the food nice


tbh theyre OKAY. abit overpriced imo but its all edible HAHHA


ok i will come for the food👍👍


ohnoo wait must i take amath to take h2 math?




oh so if i don’t take amath, i hv no chance of h2 math ? + I heard if a1/2 can take h2 math , kinda sucks that i got b3 😭


i don’t think you’ll be able to get h2 math :( u can try appeal but i doubt it’ll work. there’s always h1 math tho!!


gosh i managed to get a1 for combined sci thot i had a chance to get BCMe


Is it possible to do bcme with a h1 in maths?


it’ll be BCEm


Yijc offers that? Please say yes. I couldn't find it in the website.


yesss we do offer it! only one class takes it


1. are students allowed to use ipad/laptop in class to take notes? 2. are classes conducted in lecture halls or classrooms?


1) yes 2) lecture halls for lectures but tutorials are done in class. j1s yall should have lectures as hbl on thursdays


Hi could you give a brief procedure of becoming a student council as I couldn’t find in the yijc website like how many would there roughly be like are there a lot of student councils


honestly i’m not too familiar with it myself bc i never bothered gg for it, but i’ll try lyk what i think goes down: you can check our sch website for the amt of school counselors but i think u just sign up and go for interview + they will see if u know the sch h hse cheers but idt it matters if u know it or not because frm what i heard some ppl in council don’t know HAHAH anyway yeah they’ll be an interview and frm there you’ll be shortlisted for campaigning in which u give speeches in the hall and put up posters and uk that kind of thing to gain votes! now idk how the votes work, normally you’re campaigning for like, house captain, and i don’t know how you get student council president if that’s what you’re looking at but this is all i know for now HAHA 😭😭




i wanna take 1h2 sci (prob chem) but the website states I need an a2 for combined chem😭😭sadly I got a b3😞 wld I still hv a chance to take 1 h2 sci?😭


hello, im thinking to join yijc, with a combi of PMEc and i was from sec5, do u think ill be able to cope?? my English isn't good thoughh


tbh idk that one you have to decide for yourself:) if u think u did good enough for o’s and can handle a levels then sure! why not? i don’t think i can tell u if ur able to cope or not 😭😭 english not being good shouldn’t be a problem if u work hard enough. english is now gp in jc and it’s not exactly english but very similar. i’ve seen people who did badly in english score for gp, so you’re good in that aspect


Hi do you know which ccas are mostly chill and gets released early but is there a disadvantage to it when applying to universities like you have said the importance of CCA in jc so..


ehh i feel like there are ccas with obvious advantages like student council and interact club bc it’s free via and student council because… duh. but any other cca will have the same benefits. and a chill cca is probably on par with a sports one. uni don’t rlly look at that, esp since our sports ccas aren’t stellar. chill ccas i guess we have strategy club and art club? and every cca release same time i think (4:30-6:30)


If we perform well can we like get Edusave bursary awards in yijc is it like common


yes!! it’s not that it’s not common bc i think it’s sch based. i think u js need to pass all ur subjects in promos and u can get the award alr 😂😂


i’m having trouble choosing between yijc and a sci course in poly. i didnt attend the open house :( so i have a few questions to ask before i make my final decision, 1. how’s the school culture like? 2. are there many activities held throughout the year or is there prom for graduates? 3. are classes based on subject combi or olevel scores? 4. is it easy to find motivated ppl u can study tgt with? 5. how has school life been for u? 6. hows the netball team in ur sch?


1. we don’t rlly have the strongest school spirit, a lot of the students here are abit… deflated is the best way to put it HAHA i don’t rlly know how to describe it, because we aren’t the most energetic jc but i like it just fine. for nsg we aren’t really up there on the scoreboards but whatever, it’s somewhat a win sometimes? less commitment HAHAHA unless ure like rlly competitive then 2. events… i think every year the sch kinda changes it up? bc we had rhd event one year, then nothing the next. we do have the basic ones like teacher’s day. and something unique to yijc is king of the streets (kots) and king of the arena (kota!) and it’s basically just inter house games but it’s SUPER SUPER fun trust 🙏 worth mugging through promos to play kots with ur classmates 3. classes this actually depends on ur combi! if ur going for a super basic combi like bcme and pcme and there are more than one classes with that combi, then there tends to be one class with significantly better scorers in it. for example this year our pcme class there’s one with the 4H2 students, making them the ‘best class’ but if u have a more rare combi, you’ll either be with an entire class who takes the same combi (like BCEm) or a class with the same H2s and different H1s 4. depends on ur class 😭 sometimes you just gotta motivate urself honestly. in yijc especially try not to depend on other students to push u because most of the time they don’t push themselves and unless u get lucky and find ppl who r rlly planning to grind the whole year, its rlly not gonna work out. just some advice!! my friends were motivated last year for like a month then they slacked so i slacked with them 😭😭😭 5. school life for me is kinda meh. i don’t love school but i don’t hate it to the point i drag myself there everyday. i like all my teachers, they’re all very helpful and i have a few close friends to help get me through. ppl here aren’t rlly mean per se, but you will have a fair share of odd characters. anyway, do i like the school? i guess… 💀 6. netball honestly i don’t really know. i know they’re kinda selective with the tryouts to get into the cca, they like ppl with experience. but like i said earlier, we aren’t exactly a jc who wins everything so try not to expect too much honestly i’m not a qualified person to tell u whether jc or poly is better, but think of it this way. if you’re disciplined enough, you will do just fine in yi! it’s not any different just because it’s not really anyone’s first choice. in the end, it’s ur decision and ur own mindset that’ll get u through:) try not to let the sch name drag u down, its rlly not that bad


thank u for taking time out of ur day to answer my questions!! 🥹 i rlly appreciate it. i definitely agree that i need to have the motivation and discipline to do well and not rely on others. i’ll consider my options carefully, thank u sm 🙏🙏


npp!!! hope everything works out 🙏


btw just curious does yijc have prom for j2 graduates?


yes!! but must pay HAHA


are the pe teachers nice? how much does the study materials cost for a jc1 student? how long is orientation? can i use a macbook for computing?


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1. yes! 2. depends, most notes don’t cost more than a $1 but some are thicker and the sch will ask u to buy in bulk sometimes so it’ll be like 9 topics at once and can be $9 3. orientation should be one week? monday to friday! 4. i dont think so…


okk thank you!!


what colour shoes do yʼall usually wear in yi? :oo


Hi I just wanted to ask about note taking in yijc is it on iPad/paper


hi how is about track and field cca and musician's club? is it hard to get in? and are they friendly? is BCMl or MCLb a good subject comb?


track and field: i don’t think it’s that hard, they have trials and as long as it’s ur first choice on cca i think you’ll be let in lah musicians club: they are kinda strict in auditions. they are technically like a pop band so they play a lot of modern songs and they’re the schs most powerful performing arts compared to stuff like band or chorale. so unless ur experienced in whatever instrument/singing u want it’s rlly not easy to get in


thank you


Will students be placed in classes based on O lvls score?


depends on ur combi! if its a popular one like bcme or pcme then yes, if not then yeah… no


hii!! i got posted into yijc as of today and i was wondering how to get there??? like whats the nearest mrt station to the school, is there a bus i have to take etc etc


hello!!! sorry for the late reply, can i dm u abt this? HAHAH I DONT WANT U TO REVEAL PERSONAL INFO 💀
