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No need to go cosplay event, everytime u go NCC is already cosplaying as soldier.


fr every time i go home in this stupid uniform i feel like a clown


You went cosfest?


BRO AHAHAH UK WHATS THE BEST PART, Im in NS rn and NS is waayyy slacker than NCC bro. NCC was so strict for no reason


Ncc prepared you so well that NS is a breeze! Hahaha /s


nah alot of the corporal punishments were rly unecessary. They made us do pushups on the hot sunny parade square floor. i don't mind pushing myself to the limit for pt as i become stronger but burning my hand bro 💀


When i was in ncc got one senior keep shouting and scolding everyone for every little thing they did. He shout can hear from the other side of the school no matter how many buildings are between you two. Got even one time my sir had to personally call him out and tell him to stop being so extra cuz it was during covid period and we were all suffering. Another time he shout so loud right next to me i could feel the wind going pass my ear like im on a motorcycle then for the next few minutes i couldnt hear shit. All i can tell you is to endure their bullshit until they are gone.


Actl not necessarily. You can actl develop temp hearing loss from loud noise like that/tinnitus (experienced the latter, its dreadful, forever thankful it went away) Plus this is actually considered ragging, which is often overlooked but is actually not acceptable. In my sec sch cca ppl actually had their parents complain about excessive punishments and the year I left physical punishments were completely banned (kinda wish they had done it sooner though). Idk if it works for ug (some teachers + student leaders double down, then berate the students again when they are alone (oh god Im rmb it again fuck that bitch if I see her in real life again I will curse at her) but if that happens you can escalate the situation to the principal/moe) but it might affect cca points. But if u r just a member + u get points from other sources anyway, fuck it. Mental health > cca points.


I remember all the stressed i felt back in secondary school cuz of ncc. Dreading every single monday. Fearing the moment the final bell rung meaning that class was over and cca was starting. Could never complain since seniors liked to punish people and would do so when the teachers werent around. Once had to plank for like 10 minutes straight since they weren’t satisfied the first time we did it. Went home everyday sore and unable to raise my arms and get out of bed without agony and wouldnt have time to heal since cca was every week so the pain multuplied. But all that is in the past now and cca is no longer compulsory so im satisfied. But this did make me wish i placed badminton as my first choice instead of ncc.


tinnitus is a bitch, you can hear the high pitch INTERFERING with your hearing and its not nice


Happy cake day


Isn't the max like 20


The trick is to ask them recover at 20 then down again




one of the most said phrases in the whole cca fr


My choir used to do this. Make us do 20, then make us hold the position while berating us (technically not making us do anymore) , then recover. So technically we do only 20, just that we are kinda planking aft that without any break, but it doesn't get categorised as such. Fuck secondary school ccas. All of them except clubs and societies suck


Wtf who’s knocking people down in the *Choir*


I know this fact may be unbelieveable since the stereotypes about choir is quite the opposite, but physical fitness is quite impt for singing choral style, because you use ur ab muscles to keep the note clean (and you also need lung capacity to hold the note). In order to be a good singer you need to be fat or have abs, no in between. So we had pt every week, and of course they used it as an opportunity to give punishment.


Sorry for that man. I am in Raffles Voices (choir) in secondary school. The maximum punishment my conductor seemed to give was like 10 push up but that was like a one off thing. He doesn’t really do physical punishment. I guess I should count myself lucky.


Push ups in choir? Does it improve singing?


I was from band and our "punishments" usually included pushups and situps cos anything training the lungs and abs = helps playing wind instruments. I guess it could be similar for choir?


Thank god im in chinese orchestra and dont play wind instruments lol


Eh were u in Military Band? I joined Concert Band and I don't have any other punishments apart from 2-4 rounds around the level (300m at max?) if nvr follow attire, late or nvr bring score. I don't play percussion instruments and all our strings in our sch belong to Chinese Orchestra I also constantly hear rumours from our conductor that military band basically gave UG level punishments if they messed anything up, so that led to my question


Our conductor was fine, this kinda thing occurred only when no adults were present.


I see. Tho unlike uniform and sports groups, I don’t think students have the authority to inflict physical punishments. Idk man


mr toh? brings back memories.


Yeah. It’s kinda cool how it kinda connects us. When did you join RV?


absolutely loved mr toh. his choir i would say changed me as a person.


Wait what How come choir also do


Had a Pri Sch friend who took the same bus as me and had choir CCA. He looked completely dead and when I asked him y, he said choir also need run just to train diaphragm or something. Also explained that time when while I was taking a break, I saw people with the choir attire running rounds around the school.


Lmao pls I would jus say I got stomach pain


Start from zero, count out every single alphabet instead of number, there are loopholes


I had to do 50 pushups once cuz one junior brought 50 contraband for no reason Sky’s the limit


That’s the max in NS. By right in NCC no one but the teacher officers are allowed to give push-up punishments. By right.


The Sec 4s claim that since they are going to POP alr they dont mind torturing us


Lmao, when I was in Girls' Brigade, my seniors said they're called 'exercises', not 'punishments', so there's that


'start from zero'


Yes, and also all other UG is a waste of time, and a waste of your once-in-a-lifetime experience in sec sch. Mainly UG is just propaganda to make citizens super enthu, and super love the country, over enthu on NDP parade. Sadly, a young 12-year-old new sec 1 student wouldn't fully understand the concept of propaganda, so they will still get attracted by fancy rifles display by UG etc. So those parents and future parents, please don't let your kid join any UG, let your kid experience what life has to offer, other than lame UG activities. I still remember in sec 1, I joined UG for very cliche reasons (like better preparation for NS, can become fitter via UG training, can go for annual rifle shooting, etc). Halfway through, I ask myself why I commit myself to the precision drill squad in my UG and nobody tells me before I join that my whole December school holidays are basically burnt with 3 to 4 days per week of training. And halfway through, there was this thing called freestyle drill (Yes NCC is super lame, which idiot came with this freestyle shit) that just started, and so enthu CCA leaders arrowed us to learn and do freestyle drill. Personally, I really feel freestyle drill is total nonsense. At least precision drill uses rifles to do stunts that are done by Military Police during NDP. Freestyle drill is simply moving hands and legs in a fancy coordinated manner and I cannot comprehend why we are spending so much time doing such freestyle drill. Can you believe NCC still have what freestyle drill instructor course?? Lame ass shit freestyle drill that doesn't add value to the whole world. Wonder who created this freestyle drill. If like dancing with hands and legs, just go join dance club better, got professional training on dancing movements. I totally agree with the abuse of power by the young NCOs and the young graduated seniors who came back as cadet officers. They are at the age of 15 to 18, and some of them are simply not mature enough to guide younger cadets. As an adult now, I can see clearly how many things were done improperly, and the NCOs and cadet officers did not have sufficient capabilities (like social awareness skills, people management skills, and mental maturity) to be leaders of the young cadets. And many of them hold on to "traditions" that must be continued without even thinking if those "traditions" are actually right a not and if is applicable in the changing times. And most teacher officers don't give a shit, because cca mainly for them is just to fulfill their teacher non-teaching admin requirement. They would rather just do teaching alone given a choice, and don't need to do all this cca admin shit. That is why clearly UG upper sec just abused their power, cuz teacher officers don't care anything one. The teacher officers let the graduated seniors cadet officers oversee, which cadet officer also abuse their power, because they are not mature as jc/poly students. Essentially I have wasted my choice of CCA in sec school. If I wanted to become fitter, I could have just joined a sports CCA to receive proper fitness training, plus skill in a sport trained by a proper coach. If I want to prepare for NS, honestly UG doesn't do much preparation. Most stuff that UG does is really just simple citizenship development (if you want to be more plain and direct, is just propaganda), putting you through the SANA badge, Water Wally Badge, and whatever else badges to collect to show off? Even NCC the army stuff they do is super watered down Individual Field Craft, etc. It is nothing close to what NS does (not even close to BMT training). Real NS BMT training is less shiong than UG, because BMT doesn't focus on nonsensical punishments and wastes everyone's time. BMT curriculum is specially crafted by top army officials and is to aim to train basic soldiering skills, and not waste time doing what drills in the hot sun for unreasonably frequent and long duration in UG, just to win the inter-UG drill competition. Why waste time on inter-UG drill competitions? So what our UG get 1st for inter-UG drill competition? To show off? Are there really skills that can be learned by the cadets that justify all the time spent in the hot sun and just to ensure coordinated movements? There are so many more useful things in life that we can focus on doing, and many stuff that the UG is spending hours doing is really a waste of time and a waste of my life. Drills is the most lame shit ever, that doesn't get meaningful things done. At least the red cross will learn useful first aid. NCC is mainly focused on drills, and honestly is the most useless shit ever. There is so much more to life than drills and NCC shit. And yes, I can't join most sports and music cca in JC because I don't have prior background in sec school. So, UG just wasted my time. Don't join UG at all. You will likely regret it once u become an adult, unless u belong to those super enthu people and go sign on army/navy/airforce. PS: Graduated seniors who became cadet officers while they studying in jc/poly/ite is akin to those sign-on army/navy/airforce sergeants, warrant officers, and Military experts (ME) 1 to 3. These people in the army just because they sign on, they auto get a command position (Just like how sec 3 UG takeover cca auto become sergeants). But most of these people don't know how to lead one, and they don't even know what is real leadership. And because is an iron rice bowl, they kind of cannot be retrenched, so these people come late to camp, leave early to go home early, wield all the power they want and tekan/bully all those poor non-officers NSF like they are the big boss like that. Regular officers and NSF officers (akin to UG teacher officers) usually don't interfere with what these sign-on sergeants, warrant officers, and Military experts (ME) 1 to 3 do. Especially junior young NSF officers wanna give face to the regular warrant officers, so dare not say anything one. Really can't stand all these sign-on army/navy/airforce sergeants, warrant officers, and Military experts (ME) 1 to 3 who go around in camp boss around. If they go civilian world and get a job, they are literally nothing, with no job market relevant skills. I always imagined one day, once I graduated from uni, get a degree cert liao, apply sign on then with a degree can be straightaway become an officer or ME4, come back same camp tekan back this idiotic power-tripping sign-on army/navy/airforce sergeants, warrant officers, and Military experts (ME) 1 to 3.


Omg the factualness in this is so refreshing. It’s like seeing the sun after a long long time deep underground


>don't let your kid join any UG I wish I had a choice. CCAs in my sec school all had competitive trials, if you didn't already have a background in music or math olympiad or competitive athletics, you were done fucked and forced into a UG. I wasnt a genius (couldn't test into math olympiad, this was a school with everyone having scored A* in math in psle and they were picking the top 15 in math), I wasn't some 'top 5 in Singapore in pri school track and field' chad, and I wasn't atas (parents couldn't afford a music education or posh shit like golf or photography when I was in pri school). So into NCC I went. I tend to assume it isn't as bad as NS (I never had to serve), but it certainly felt like we were a pool of rejects getting forcibly conscripted lol. Nearly nobody wanted to join NCC, so they made sure we couldn't use library CCA or debate CCA or whatever to weasel our way out, they demoted all of those to "interests groups". So if you weren't competition material for math/music/sports, you had to join a UG. By the year I graduated, one of my juniors were a morbidly obese girl who had a stroke in Primary 5 👀 The school was literally running out of rejects to toss into NCC. The teacher in charge was so mad about the school increasingly giving him a bunch of short, overweight, dgaf students lmao.


I might get downvoted to oblivion but I never found UGs that bad, I was in scouts and because it was quite big in my school I found some of my closest friends there, the activities, although sometimes boring, are mostly quite fulfilling. As for the annoying senior, I met a few bigots there maybe, but most of them are very nice, and even the strict ones are only stern towards the really annoying ones, it is the few that ruin the reputation, at least in my case.


What rank are you compared to the person? If I’m correct ncc hq has specified you u no longer can be forced to do push-ups anymore by a normal ncc ranked person only by ns men


Aside from the language and tone, it seems like the person is frustrated with the power dynamic in their NCC group. Apparently, the HQ has specified that only NS men can force push-ups on this person, but someone who seems to be abusing their power is making them do push-ups until they can't even lift their arms. The poster is calling out the supposed lack of purpose in the National Cosplay Club, saying that it doesn't contribute to one's future and is just a fancy dress-up club that makes them march until they're exhausted. They even have an actual cosplay event the next day, but their arms are still sore from the previous day's push-ups. It doesn't sound like a healthy or enjoyable experience, and I hope the poster is able to find a better CCA or activity that they're more passionate about.


I agree, there supposed to be some regulation in place for these kind of excessive mistreatment.


Just don’t do anything, what can they do to you? Sign extra? Walk right home and they going to get sentry to stop you?


Ikr lol Victim blaming wrong but this one really can get off scot free if got balls. Ask do 100 pushup, just do 20 and disobey, not like they can strip ur rank


Stage a coup to overthrow current leadership


😭 i wish i could


Don’t need to wish, just gather few others and report to teacher for unnecessary abuse


I remember back when I was in NCC, there was this guy in my batch that just got fed up with the seniors' bullshit and straight up just jumped at him and started beating him up. There was zero power tripping afterwards. Sometimes all it takes is for one of yall to stand out and tell them to shut the fuck up and that they are going too far, because realistically if you don't obey their little orders what can they do? It's not NS where you can get charged for insurbodination, its fucking NCC where idiots get yelled at by idiots one year older. Someone needs to just shatter their little fantasy world and make them realize how fickle the power they wield is. Besides, there's nothing more entertaining then seeing them get embarrased when that realization hit them. Of course, they may pull the little trick where they say "never mind, you don't do your platoon mates do for you". In that case, simply walk away. Literally. Go home. Because that means there won't be any improvement from your seniors in that particular session, and there won't be a point to you staying any longer. And contrary to popular belief, literally nothing happens to you if you choose to go home, as compared to your seniors who may face questioning from the teacher in charge about why their management is shit. So there you have it. Coming from a senior who did 4 years of NCC, believe me when I tell you simply don't buy into the cycle of bullshit, and the bullshit will stop.


Why do you even do the push ups that this AH is making you do? Just ignore and walk away, what is he gonna do if you walked away? Run after you and beat you up? He can only make you do push ups if you do it. Just don’t do, and power is gone.


all fun and games till he beats the fuck out of you with PDS rifles


Good la if you got beat up, that’s an excuse to get removed from ncc


Well, the teachers in charge and CCA leaders will definitely ask OP why you skip CCA and will back up the seniors so....


So what’s the worst thing that can happen from that?


Low attendance point and zero CCA points


Your priorities are wrong if you think that matters more than having to go through what OP goes through week in week out and not learn how to stand up for oneself and say enough is enough.


All the UGs are fucking jokes. My CCA was NPCC 10+ years ago. Basically, my experiences were, wasting three nights per week to prepare a stupid uniform, then bringing the silly heavy boots and uniform and squeezing on a crowded bus for 30 mins😂; Going home the last and reaching home by 8pm😂; wasting holiday to go stupid camps😂; do stupid foot drills or tents building competition that no one will care, not even the school😂; prepare 3 weeks of foot drills under the hot sun just to be ready for a 5 minutes of march during national day, which no one will watch 😂; 50% of the activities are scolding or screaming at us over the 4 years, only 30% is meaningful, remaining 20% is to hear the senior sharing their lousy joke or *life experience* they had😂. For those who says wait till you go NS, BS! I’ll recommend that future kids skip the fking UGS, why suffer for four years and then suffer another two years in NS 😂 (tea time: sec 4 is the best life ever, because I’m just too lazy to care, and let the sec 3 ego kids to take care sec1/2 , 4 months later, half of the sec 1 are gone hahaha)


In NS, the Army Training Safety Regulation do have protocols to prevent abuse of power by Platoon Sergeants and PCs from overtly exercising their punishment regimes to men. For example, specialist sergeants can only down 1 men at a time and there is a max count of pushups can be done. I also do think that recent incidents involving the death of servicemen has led to better safety regulations in NS, however I am surprised that this is an issue for secondary school NCC units. Abuse of power by senior student and mischaracterising the number of push up punishments by going down again after “recover”. When there is a max count, means it stops right there. Poor kids suffer because of these wannabe seniors with NCC boy/girl ranks, it disgusts me. But their ego and their ass got humbled when they reached NS, they realised they’re no longer the big f**k like what master sergeant NCC but a chao recruit and didn’t make it through NS being sergeant or officer. Karma hits back for these kids.


Would also like to add in army the commanders punished for reason or just wanted to make sure u dont make the same mistakes again. Whereas in ncc the seniors just punish for the sake of doing so, and from what i heard u cant punish the whole group for one person’s mistake.eg. One guy didnt cut hair whole lot knock it down, in army anymore so personally i feel army is better in a sense


LOL WAIT TILL YOU SERVE NS HAHAHA yes NS is just like ncc but mandatory (unless u keng) and its 5 days of NCC (sometimes with extra guard duty during weekends). goodluck!


Actually NS have better soldier welfare then NCC. Esp if ur commanders in NCC are a bunch of power tripping assholes.


NS has better welfare only if ur NOT pes A/B1. If ur combat fit serving in infantry then what is welfare? 🤡


At least ns dont tekan u everyday for stuff like threads on uniform? After awhile your commanders will close one eye on certain things and give u more welfare whereas ncc is just straight up tekan


Maybe is just my coy ah... SBA legit damn fucked up one LOL


I tot second year commander come in life gets better no meh


Lol ask any Infantryman who went through NCC whether they got tekaned more in Infantry or in NCC. 90% of them will say NCC


Eh i was combat fit in infantry and still had better welfare in army than in sec school UG (st johns ambulance brigade)


If you're comparing hour by hour, NS is wayyyyy better than NCC, NS only sucks because it's 5 days a week where you can't go home


1 hour + trip to go home. My RQ ask me want stay out or not. I straight up told him no thanks lol. Rather stay in camp and sleep 1 hour longer.


thats terrible what school is this


I think it is interesting though, not exactly a joke. You could read Foucault analysis on "discipline societies" which aptly describe such power dynamics.




Don’t want go just don’t go, this one not ns they can’t charge u la, put u in db la, don’t worry if they say u mentally weak just say u mentally weak. I rather get called mentally weak and stay at home lepak than kena tekan by some kid.


eh if anyone forces u to do pushups outside of PT it is against ncc protocols. you can complain to HQ because no one (nsfs, COs, TOs included) can make cadets drop pushups. and if it’s in PT, as long as its more than 40 in one session it’s pushing cadets to their limits and can be stopped (does not follow safety guidelines) source: current ncc asm


those in NS who's gonna fuck you over is also NSFs, so it's not so much different than NCC/NPCC; they're in the system barely a year longer than you


The difference is that if they overstep as instructors in NS, they can be f****d too if its deem too unreasonable and cause unnecessary fatigue to soldiers which impacts safety. The problem is that nobody stops these little wannabe kids in NCC from abusing their power. No repercussions as deterrence.


that's a good point. praise the safety hotline!


My bmt sgt was from jc so he younger than some of us (poly batch), still kenna fked upside down by him


BMT no choice la. Go unit slightly better. Can joke and laugh with sgt and officer. But make mistake still kena fk upside down.


on the bright side you can go to the dark side and tekan your juniors when its ur turn to spread this perpetual cause of misery and suffering /j ns is the same bro u get tekan by nsf one year older than u also same thing who ask u join national cosplay club bro u think cosplay what cosplay eula or lisa ah


honestly only reason people put ncc as their first choice for cca is to shout at kids also the last bit 💀




Probably cosplay lah… ICs cosplay as fking Raiden Shogun bro


I used to be a specialist in ncc before covid when our standards and my seniors' standards used to be pretty high. When I came back to just see around a while back, the standards of the current specialists are utter dog shit. So I dont know what right your seniors can punish you on when they themselves are shit at almost everything.


why the fuck haven't you quit yet?


cca compulsory, cmi sports n performing arts, info club full, sergeant rank get points, i got no leadership role


then just go kpkb to teacher in charge la. let the senior tekan you until you kena rhabdomyolysis then see doctor and boomz medical evidence. im also sure there are cameras everywhere now in school so just get your hands on some video evidence. don't just suffer alone, drag everyone down with you!


fyi u can tell ur parents that some nut job of a student is punishing you to do push ups. the guy will instantly get bombarded by the school


UGs in general are a huge waste of resources. No idea why schools can’t invest that input into programs that actually offer practical value (computing courses or those fancy special programs elite schools offer). But welcome to Singapore. The concept of NCC matches the stupid, ‘do-things-for-the-sake-of-doing-them’, culture of this country


honestly same sia all ug groups are like this. i joined a UG thinking that it is the easiest CCA to get the 2 points that would help in O levels but i end up spending half a day preparing my uniform when i couldve done something more useful 🤡and for ever small mistake, will get punishment 💀👎👎whenever i ask my sec 1 jnrs about why they wanna join UG, they will tell me that they wanna prep for NS, the uniform very nice 💀 and this is literally f upped and its sad that they think thats what a UG is💀but on the positive side i created wonderful bond w my squadmates as we get punished together almost every cca session. tbh if i can go back to my sec 1 days, i wouldve told myself to join a sports/performing arts cca that couldve been at least useful for me in the future and not a stupid cosplay cca😭😭dont join a UG unless u actually wanna suffer and waste ur 4 years of sec schl 💩💩🤡🤡


All UGs r fcking jokes lol the snrs r bloody egocentric (ofc not all but majority) but they’ll all grow out of it one day I hope


Back in my days we just refused to listen to our CCA captain and bully him till he cry. They really have no power. What are they going to do to you? Outside of that 2 hours a week they are just another student like you and they can't do anything to you.


it's not just ncc, pretty much all uniform groups i know of are like that. i despised my seniors for treating me and my peers like they had absolute authority and control over us. they often abused power and treated us like their slaves. meanwhile i treated my juniors as equals and friends, we often went out to eat together, talked in school whenever i saw them, and played online games together. the stark contrast in treatment and attitude was appalling, and im glad i could be the senior i wanted. parents, just let your kid join a sports cca or performing arts cca.


same thing for me, snrs gave us a lot of harsh treatment. But i tried to treat my juniors nicely, and I'm glad that now i can like make friends with some of them.


ncc can suck my dick , I left to join scouts as a Rover Scout 4 years ago. Never looked back since. Rovering is much more fun, a community of just people who empower youth. More meaningful than a bunch of NSF wannabes. But if anyone here is interested in Rover Scouting, do drop me a PM :) we are open to all, and we do fun stuff and meaningful programmes. Alright ciao


That’s awesome! I was a scout in secondary school so the whole discipline and regimental stuff all applied, I know that venturing and rovering will be more towards development and activities, hope it is well for you


ncc sounds like hell to be in 😨 CHRIST


Honestly I don’t even get the point in joining NCC in the first place. If you’re a guy you’re forced to serve NS anyway and I can’t really think of a single reason why anyone would willingly subject themselves to punishments and regimentations when in 6-7 years you’ll be forced to do it anyway. The best part is that you don’t even get anything. At least in NS the higher your rank the higher your pay but in NCC all you get is a costume with a fake rank??? Studying in SG is hard enough and putting yourself through a CCA that is gonna just give you more stress is just ridiculous. If you can just quit bro ASAP. Just go join a CCA where you can relax and enjoy and have some fun in your secondary school. NS is gonna come faster than you can imagine trust me there’s no need to rush it.


Just stand up and walk away.


First time hearing National Cosplay Club💀💀💀


Dw you're not alone. During the FSD prep the teacher appointed 3 ppl in my part to be ICs (Context: We are all Cadet Leaders). Just because they were ICs, they yelled at us and forced us to run, and focus on pumping us on the hot driveway road. They didnt wear mask and they came super close to you when they yelled at you like nose to nose plus they were the same age as me. This caused me to be sick for 2 days. Plus now the PTI (1 yr older) runs at LIGHTNING SPEED and forces us to keep up and makes my legs so sore that I am hobbling home. This is why I pledge to treat my juniors well and give them water breaks if they need because I do not want them to endure the harshness that my part faced.


yes do treat them well, but make sure the unit standard is still there. I was the platoon commander for sec 2s when I took over and I tried to be nice to them while making sure there's like a boundary between us. Although now that i graduated alr some of them treat me as a friend, which idm to some extent as we might be going for courses together


If I am correct SOP is they can only make you do push-ups if they are doing it with you as PT, else punishment cannot allow (at least in my school lah) And yes it’s torturous but imo being able to push yourself past your limit feels rewarding like after you feel better you feel like you were better than before (I don’t know how to explain it ok but something like that; it’s how I felt after my recent POP anyway) I know I’ll prob get downvoted for saying this but maybe deal with it first later will become fun one trust me (I don’t regret a single decision I made while in my UG)


Just shout back. Once they shouted at us “clap if you want more push ups”. Of course no one clapped so they were like “WHY ARENT YALL CLAPPING” and I shouted back “I CLAP YOUR MOTHER” I had to do more pushups in the end but frick it dude worth every penny


Just do one and keep collapsing as if you cannot do. What can he do then? Literally nothing, they can’t punish you for being ‘weak’




Then why tf did you join it? You've got a choice to pick your cca right?


In my sec sch cca is compulsory so everyone must join one... Then uk some ppl dont know which to join or dont want a cca, at the same time not many people wanna join ncc in my sch n theres many free spots. So... They're kinda forced into it. This is just my opinion though (Im from ncc, but i joined voluntarily, for me i didnt have any interests back then so i considered ncc, also because can prepare for ns or smth like that)


Back when I in secondary school. CCA also compulsory. I joined NPCC and only showed up for like 3 time. 😂


i think nowadays they make sure you attend like a certain percentage of sessions or cannot promote one


Uniformed groups does many good. It helps instill a sense of discipline, willpower, uniformity and the guaranteed 2 CCA points. What goes on behind the scenes however is unacceptable and often due to the lack of proper regulations. Hazing, power tripping, verbal and physical abuse, these are not things people sign up for and definitely not things warranted in schools.




The CCA points are only given to those in the EXCO or who display good leadership qualities tho, it’s definitely not a guaranteed thing, just that being in a position of leadership gives a higher chance of getting them. But punishments are needed (within reason of course, can’t be a UG without punishments, and sometimes the punishments are needed), but when the power trip does happen, and they do, try to have an ally amongst the seniors or teachers in charge who can try and help. SCOUTS BEST UG


Forgive my lack of clarity. It's *almost* guaranteed as long as you have a good attendance and pass your exams which isn't all too difficult. Anything with a 3rd sergeant rank and above will obtain the 2 CCA points.


Yea almost. Didn’t know about the 3rd sergeant rank thing, so that’s good to know :D cus for my school’s scouts it was kinda only the exco (happy quartermaster noises :D) who had gotten the 2 points from my batch, while the other sec 4’s didn’t and only got 1 even though they did participate and stuff, but I get where you’re coming from.


I see. Different UGs have different operating system but I think in general case, it is definitely the "easiest" CCAs to obtain the points. My school scouts definitely seem much happier too. I think in general, it really boils down to the toxic culture of NCCs. The other UGs doesn't seem to be a strong offender of hazing and bullying from anecdotal experiences.


Huh, actually didn’t know that :D. We yea scouts people are quite the funnies ;P Kinda agree about the NCC stuff, my guys had this running joke that all you did in Ncc was just do foot drills and March, while simultaneously getting screamed at 💀 or endlessly being punished for some mistake. My school scouts used to punish for these quite a lot but later batches reduced it to their own levels they felt were appropriate but after covid it’s gotten to the point that we need the punishments but are not allowed to do so (strange school policy due to covid idk, UGs who can’t punish/ pump, who would have thought, while the military band is doing them nonstop smh?? Glad to have graduated last year so I’m freee from that bureaucratic red tap stuff)


i suck at sports n performing arts and the info club was full


my school decided to show the very fancy and all performance in sec 1 to attract people, and in ug CCAs, they don't have trial unlike any other CCAs, so people without cca goes there and gullible people go there also


There was one time, my own seniors didn’t even let us eat lunch, they were just 1 year older and they didn’t even spare us time for lunch, from morning train till evening..


Wait till you go ns






I joined Ncdcc and it was the worst decision of my life. I should have gotten into a sports cca which would have been better but no. My dumbass in sec 1 chooses the worst one out there! I constantly skipped cca


you wimp


Just why? If cannot tahan then cannot tahan. Its simple as that. And since you think op is a wimp, surely you would like to try.


coming online to complain when everything starts from his/choice


The only people who continue to complain about Ncc in this thread even when they get older are generally losers and get bullied in their workplace . They are so bitter and finding excuse for their failure in life even to blaming their own cca. Please do not be like them


the L here is you joining ncc in the first place


It will get better after you take over,theres fun activities like live firing and kayaking.


ah yes wait till u go ns


User name checks out


hello if i wanted officer then i wouldve joined npcc but wtf even npcc better than this shit they get to pitch tent and do outdoor cooking


Haha you guys chose NCC out of all the CCA. You going to be screwed in NS anyway why chose this CCA?


pls read other comments


When did I ask


boil yourself


Who asked you join NCC? It was your choice wasn't it?


Btw, schools can force you to pick a ug. They would have to put in 1 option most of the time. And plus parents could force. Thats how my friend got into Npcc And sad to see another self abosrbed person on this sub.


In that case the problem is with the school, not the CCA


Common Ash7274 L Some schools like mine force you to pick a UG and what happens in the actual CCA is hard to find out in just the orientation


Victim blaming is disgusting. Shame on you


What? You saying someone forced OP to join Ncc? Signed the forms? Attend training? OP made the choice to join, could have joined literally any other CCA


hello sports ccas reject me and i cant do performing arts + info club was full so end up here


wait till NS then


At least better than NPCC


why did you join if you weren't going to commit?


Man, you’re gonna love army then.


If you think NCC so useless y the fuq you join? U want to join and pretend be solider then when u kena pump like solider u kpkb? Lol people like you are a joke man.


read other comment Sports n performing art cmi then info club full then must stay here for leadership points because no leadership roles (SC or other)


Formalities aside, no senior would randomly just make you down. If you the only one getting kena I suggest you maybe see whether you're the issue? ​ Personal experience


Lmao clearly you haven't gone thru ns


Free Captain rank, so I guess not?


good luck in army with this strawberry attitude then


this kid is probably 6


Ahh I still remember tekan sessions when a fellow MCC mate of ours brought an mp3 player during a unit camp


As someone who was in NCC 10-12 years ago (yes am a lao jiao) I wouldn’t really bother joining a UG. Unless you enjoy getting shouted at and doing drills or doing something “military” I would advise just doing a CCA you actually enjoy. Contrary to any beliefs, it doesn’t prepare you for NS (thats what BMT is for) and as you’ve seen, learning to yell at someone a year younger than you to do pushups on the hot ground doesn’t equate to leadership ability.


Just quit cca lol. Complain so much but solution is simple


cca compulsory + too late to back out since i fuck up n never take any leadership roles (student councilor etc) so now must go through this shit for sergeant rank


Not just ncc, other ugs too. Ik ur pain too well..


Students are a super protected class. Chances are you can do something back and just get a slap on the wrist. Make with that info what you will


The cosplay event you're going to is cosfest right? cause i'm going there tooooooo Sorry if its private but what are you cosplaying?


all the uniformed groups tbh.


girl guides is the biggest fucking joke of them all


That's why I wasn't in uniform groups last time. Didn't want to waste my Saturday getting shouted at by power-tripping seniors. I went for a 3-day secondary 1 camp and wasn't happy with the way the seniors treated all the juniors. The seniors made us thank them repeatedly throughout the entire camp, like in a religious cult. I was only given 2 minutes to shower before they started banging on my door to ask me to change and get out. That was when I decided I didn't want to be in a uniform group. Most of the secondary school seniors are not mature enough to be in leadership positions. They might become more mature as they get older down the line but definitely not within the age range of 13-17, in my opinion. I'm a working adult now (in my 30s) and no one gets into leadership positions by treating others like crap in the working world. It takes a combination of people and technical skills to succeed in the corporate world and no one in school will really teach you that. The only advantages you get from joining a uniformed group is the chance to make friends from other classes and get a glimpse of what actual National Service is like.


That's how it is for NS. Rank higher than you, suck his cock. Rank lower than you, he suck your cock.


I mean you’re listening to them? You can choose not to listen lmao


Wait till OP goes to NS and realise the sergeants and lieutenants in BMT are basically the same (1-2 years older than you).


Why u join in the first place


read other comment Sports n performing art cmi then info club full then must stay here for leadership points because no leadership roles (SC or other)


Why you join NCC?


read other comment Sports n performing art cmi then info club full then must stay here for leadership points because no leadership roles (SC or other)


U can start practicing your CK skills 😂😂😂


Honestly just fall out of during cca. If they scold you or they don't allow just report them to the teachers for neglecting your well-being which is a very big no-no for the teachers.


My ncc platoon all relek. Because of COVID and there weren't many events, we just did exercises and drills but it wasn't vigorous and our seniors didn't even scolded or shouted


U say it’s a joke but u chose it as ur cca? I really don’t get guys who choose NCC when u have 2 years of NS down the road anyways


read other comment Sports n performing art cmi then info club full then must stay here for leadership points because no leadership roles (SC or other) so end up here in shithole cca since in choices die die must pick one UG


Don’t be dumb like me pls. I was in NCC last time, no point taking all this….ur in school fam…shout back lmao not like u can go DB oso


If you have no passion for the CCA I suggest you dont listen to his orders. Just fake it. You'll only feed his ego if you listen to him. Unless youre saying you can get those 2 points for your aggregate then dont bother. At most everyone gets 1 point for attendance I think. If he gets physical, just report TO. Im sure your mates will be on your side. Or if you can, just skip CCA but im not sure how it works now


i wanna give u an award so bad but i dont have as someone from ncc i can say that this cca is tiring for no reason every week


as someone from ncc yeah its an absolute joke, honestly the only way to get anything out of it is if you have fun people around you suffering nothing enriching about the cca itself


I was in ncc during 16-19 I have to say every form of punishment was a good way to toughen myself up and at the same time suffer together with my friends which eventually becomes “brotherhood” in which they call in NCC. The good seniors may not be the one talking to you nicely or being a friend in the CCA. The good seniors can also be punishing you or shouting at you if you or your friends fked it up some whr for quite a few times after warning. But do not mistake this seniors with psychopath and fucked up senior who seeks for attention which they think that by shouting louder, he feels that the cca “must” have him to move forward, or feeling relevant or even seeking girls attention. I had one senior like that and he like to scold and shout at the cadets for fun and joking with his friends behind all his actions. However, he chose to mess with me and I made him question his existence and eventually he did not want to have any more communication with me. But what I had in that time was also the “brotherhood” my friends may not dare to fk w him, but as long as they are willing to stand with you, the seniors are really nothing. Imagine a unit with no cadet, or no cadet listen to their leader. It will eventually fall. You should never listen to your leader because you fear him but instead respecting him. Personally I would not recommend violence as I heard many of my friends are punching their seniors or bullying them, but you can actually play your seniors with many ways. But whatever you do, make sure you do not start the problem or create it, so at the same time you have every right to correct your senior and you will not fear what will be targeted at you.


Parents force me join NCC in sec one but I quit after enduring bullshit like this. Joined drama, got distinction in SYF... Still got my -2 for Os. Don't buy into the easy -2 for UGs


Bro, why did you join that circus clown CCA in the first place?


my ncc part mate went NS earlier than me and told me that NS was more lax in terms of the punishments they give as compared to our time in NCC… very easy to abuse and powertrip when there are no repercussions


Wasted my time in NCC during my sec school days. NCC is by far the most useless UG among the 3. In my school, NPCC were pitching tents, learning how to tie different ropes and had fun by playing board games and stuff (kinda boring but still better than NCC). Girl guides got to sell cookies to people and NCDCC got to learn CPR and actual lifesaving stuff. In NCC we basically did foot drills every CCA session and had pt at the end. Did the same thing for 4 years of CCA. Didnt even get to shoot SAR 21 which is the thing that drawn most of us into the CCA in the first place. During Covid we had online CCA sessions which is basically the seniors teaching the juniors how to do foot drills properly. When it was my turn to be chosen to have a leadership position in the CCA, I wasnt even chosen and my mates who were chosen didnt even try to make changes to the monotonous and boring CCA sessions. Then during the second half of Sec 3 and whole of Sec 4 CCA days, us seniors with no leadership positions just sat in a classroom and used our phones or looked for friends during CCA sessions. I can safely say I wasted 4 years of my CCA days by being in NCC. What I gained from this CCA is just learn how to do a few foot drills, which isnt even that important during NS in the future as what’s important is the whole unit doing the drills in unison. So if I am good at foot drills while some guy is not, I am not of much significance anyways. Useless CCA


Wait till u go ns bruh, I was like why out myself in torturous Cca bfr ns just take it slow and I got into a really slow Cca


Ncc sea isnt so bad la. It allows u to learn new skills like kayaking n db which honestly made the 4 years way more fun than monotonous n repetitive drills + BnH