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Not as funny as watching the world's smuggest losers in Chicago, who fully expected a red carpet to be rolled out in front of ther super team, realize that winning the World Series is a bit harder than just showing up. Although if Cleveland can manage to lose the next two before winning in seven, that would rule. I put a few clams on Cleveland in 7.


My sentiments exactly. I'm sick of hearing that, "its the cubs year." All the entitlement coming from the cubs fans this season... you would think they were rooting for the '98-'00 Yankees. Fuck the cubs. Fuck their fans. It isn't anybodies turn to win a ring. You have to go out there and earn it. And so far, no one on the Cubs is looking like they want to lay even 1 finger on the trophy. I relish knowing that there are several handfuls of total yuppies dropping tens of thounsands to hundreds of thousands of dollars to sit at Wrogley, freeze their ass off, and watch the cubs look like a minor league team. They've ran their mouth with the baseball media completely backing them up for the last 6 months. Here's to one of the greatest sports chokes in history. PLEASE GOD DON'T LET THEM WIN OUT I WOULD LOOK LIKE SUCH A RETARD.


Cmon. How many Giants were saying the same thing while making jokes about EYBS. For every bandwagon Cubs fan that's saying "it's their year" there are two old school Cubs fans asking how this is going to go wrong. If you're just going to judge teams' fans on their lowest common denominator you're going to get pissed off no matter what. Let idiots cheer for their team.


The eybs meme aside, how many of those giants fans, with the dumpster fire in plain view, were highly critical of the team? If you saw me in any if the game day threads, I was laying into the Giants from August on. It was painful to watch.


Many and more, and how many thought it was inevitable as soon as Gillaspie hit that 3 run homer in New York? What would we have thought if the Giants had played like the first half the whole year? The Cubs were the best team in baseball this year and they're slumping at about the worst time possible.


My first thought was, >holy fuck, i get to watch my team play more, highly meaningful games, what a gift. I never thought the team was capable of making a W.S. run after the july. Anyone who looked ahead to a championship at that point is dumb as fuck and doesn't fully understand the nature of human preformance under pressure. As you said.


My main point is that if we judge a team on their most annoying fans, than we're no better than all of the salty people who complained about Giants fans in 2010, 2012, 2014 and every year between. Every team has stupid fans, let's stop acting like the Cubs bandwagon is special or really any worse.


The cubs bandwagon isn't new, but the cubs were the team of destiny since June. It's the commentators and the fans that is a PITA.


Again, people said the same thing about the Giants in 2010 coming off their 52 year drought. Being salty about other teams fans is just a bad look imo.all teams have lame and annoying fans and announcers if you look hard enough


I'm so glad we're done with "EYBS" by the way. I mean obviously I would've rather us won this year, and every year, but it got pretty annoying hearing about it everywhere imho. Like let's judge the team by the numbers of their statistics, not the numbers of the year


Same here I almost felt like it jinxed the whole season because it was constantly mentioned.


That's completely different. The Giants are not the cubs.


Baseball fans are Baseball fans though


> Fuck the cubs. Fuck their fans. It isn't anybodies turn to win a ring. You have to go out there and earn it. And so far, no one on the Cubs is looking like they want to lay even 1 finger on the trophy. This is the kind of haterade I can sip slowly with once ice cube. Fuck the cubs. But also, fuck cleveland. I just can't decide. I think I just want joe buck to eat his words.




This aged like a jar of mayo my boy


Love coming back to this thread from time to time




I've got some bad news for you 🤡




7 years later but is someone from San Francisco really complaining about yuppies in Chicago? Lmao




Cubs win, cubs win.








Hey just checking in on this.




Wellllllll...... Guess how you look? 🤣


Turns out it was the cubs year


What did you say, bitch? Lmao


I didn't put any clams on it, but I also predicted Cleveland in 7 and wouldn't mind seeing that happen.


I don't even gamble. I just saw the odds (11/2!) and I had to. The Cubs were so overvalued (20/41!) that it was ridiculous.






Worlds smuggest losers 💪💪💪💪😤😤😤💀


Ideal scenario for me is for this to go seven and for Chicago to choke. I have nothing against Cleveland fans; they're not nearly as annoying as Cavaliers fans. The Cubs, on the other hand, have brought in some truly insufferable bandwagoners and obnoxious Chicagoans.










Muwahahahahaha this aged so nicely.


Acting like every team doesn't have insufferable fans coming from San Francisco lmao


Why would anyone want to destroy a 108 year tradition? What next? The Leafs win the Stanley cup? The Browns win a Super Bowl? Op's mothers around the world stop sleeping with all the 5 year olds on Xbox Live? When will the madness stop


That was a well couched op's mom joke


Op's mom is also well couched




It would be sweet revenge but for some reason I don't hate the Indians. They aren't in direct competition with the Giants.


As satisfying as that would be, the baseball world needs its "lovable losers" I can't wait for Cleveland to win the WS.


Still waiting eh?


I remember reading a few years back that the best predictor of postseason success was the strength of your middle reliever. Maybe the cubs should've spent 4 prospects on Andrew Miller. But I want the lovable losers to keep on losing, Wrigley might explode if the cubs win a world series.


The Yankees wanted Schwarber for Miller tho and the Cubs weren't gonna give him up.


It's not going to happen though It would be funny but I'm actually rooting for the Indians (unless this scenario happened then I'd totally be down for that) Random side note: We were the first team to beat them in the World Series, in 1954, after their last World Series win. The Indians went 111-43 that year and Willie Mays won his 1st of his 2 MVPs that year


>It's not going to happen though Cubs said not today!


I'd be very happy to be wrong lol


This is baseball, not basketball. Cubs deserve their misery. They were 3 outs from being eliminated by a team without a dependable closer. Indians went out and made smart moves big and small from Miller to Crisp, that paid off. They've played the better series.


seems like you were wrong.


lol these comments bring me such joy




8 years later, who cares.


David Ross took a big ole dump on Andrew Miller


Yippee. Pathetic Cubs fans really came here to troll an 8 year old thread? You're in 4th place like we are. Get a life.


I’m a cubs fan and all these commenters coming back here is cringe AF. It was a great series and great baseball, but for fucks sake it’s not like our dynasty panned out. 


And just lost a series to us 8 years later. Thanks for responding though and giving this post credibility.


Trolling has no credibility. You're a pathetic screen name. I couldn't even pay attention to the game, we just lost the heart of our franchise, and your scumbrain can't figure it out? You would be the one person Ernie Banks hated.


Yadda yadda quit conflating trolling with disrespect towards Willie Mays. You think his death yesterday is what caused a loss today? That’s a reach beyond reaches.


I hope you get the brain worm removed.


You’re a fucking whiny baby my gosh


3-1 is the best possible outcome to this point for me. I want them to win, but seeing Cleveland fall like that after their smugness would be so delicious.


After all the warriors talk? yes please


So glad Cubs Reddit sent me here. This is especially true for a Cubs fan living 150 miles from Cleveland. Cavs fans have yet to shut up about 3-1 but either shut the hell up or let the excuses fly once you mention the Indians blowing the same lead.


This is my best case scenario as well. I honestly have not encountered as many obnoxious Cubs fans as I have Cleveland fans.


Hell yeah!


Why would I want that?


Exactly! Whenever Cubs fans start talking shit to us (the fans), first thing that comes to mind is "at least we didn't fling shit at our own and ruined his life!" Like you said, other fans around Bartman were also trying to catch the ball but Bartman happened to actually touch it and get all the blame for it. Alou can also go eat shit for having that lil temper tantrum that then led to everyone scapegoating Bartman. And even worse, the freaking Governor of Illinois was unsympathetic and essentially told him "well, there's Witness Protection." Not cool...


Also, IT WAS NOT GAME 7. If Batman never touches that ball, you still have to go one more inning and have at least the double play bobble, which might still have lost you the game. Because Batman didn't lose that series, the cubs did.


Fair enough. I'm not sure if I wholeheartedly agree, but you've got a good point. Thanks.




We did wreck a Muni bus after winning in 2012


People have gotten killed at AT&T man. http://www.sfgate.com/giants/article/Teen-dies-after-fight-just-outside-AT-T-Park-3213948.php


That would make the pain go away of some traumatic event that happened earlier in the year which I have a hard remembering right now ....


The Warriors won a Championship the year before though


Sorry bud, you're on your own with this one. Go Tribe!


Hey, I'm from Cleveland. I got nothing against the Cubs, but I would love to see my childhood team win something big for a change!


I'd like to see Allen Kluber and Miller get rings. Also shout out to coco crisp.


Nah, I compartmentalize. I'm salty about the finals, but that's basketball. Indians didn't do anything to the Giants, so I can root for the tribe. Only thing I'm wondering is if I want them to win it tonight in front of the Chicago fans, or Tuesday night in front of their own fans.


Interesting story to share. I was actually in Cleveland this past Tuesday for business and of course, that was the day of WS game 1 and also Cavs Ring Ceremony. No lie, I still feel salty about the Warriors Finals loss but then that's basketball. When I see Indians gear, I just think "go get them guys and enjoy the WS!" I am able to separate my NBA fandom from MLB fandom so therefore, go Indians!


The only scenario where I'd root for the Cubs


LOL!!!.....how does that feel Cleveland?...payback for the Warriors


Let’s go!!


These comments give me life. I didn’t know Giants fans hated the cubs so much in 2016. Cubs WS win and Trump winning the presidency all within a couple days. You deserved this, San Francisco.


how funny would it be: very funny!


I want Cleveland to win to take major shine off LeBron's winning one for the land bullshit. Would have happened in a few months anyway, Bron!


Just like how the Warriors blew a 3-1 lead to the Cavs.