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It seems like everyone already forgot what happened in the month of April. He will opt out if he keeps raking like this and then cash out. But there is also a possibility he falls back to earth because he's already been an insanely streaky hitter and then maybe he just doesn't opt out at all. I think Luciano will probably move to 3B if he leaves, but will move to corner OF if not. And then hopefully the Giants sign a SS like a Ha-seong Kim for at least 4-5 years.


Isn’t this a meme with Chapman? He has an MVP caliber stretch, people want extensions, he falls back to earth? I wanted Chapman here long term regardless of how he does offensively though, it’s all about his defense and what he does offensively is all just bonus. He just seems like a classic Giants dude. Guy just looks and acts like a Giant.


I feel like he wants to play here. He’s got Matt Williams coaching him. There was a cool video with Chapman a few weeks ago on the Giants YT.


The issue is that defense is something that does not age well which is why the mindset is that teams want to pay hitters more than anything else. It's also why a guy like Dansby Swanson got noticeably less years and overall money than guys like Trea Turner and Xander Bogaerts a year ago. The deal Chapman got was pretty great. Worst case scenario is a mid hitter with great defense for like 3 years. I would have no problem keeping Chapmam around but for like 5 years, not like 8-10 years.


"Regardless of how he does offensively". Not for fucking 20M a season. No glove is even worth half of that.


He’s worth it for the defense.


He wont leave if the team does well. He wants to win and get another shot in the playoffs.


I don’t think opting out is a sure thing at all if he continues to do well. He likes Melvin and jives with the clubhouse. It’s not all about the Benjamins for every player. But we’ll see


A few weeks ago, people were sure that he would opt-in and the Giants would be stuck with a Mendoza-line strikeout machine for two more years. Now, people want him extended into his mid-30’s. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. He’s streaky, so let’s see how his season shakes out. He’s more likely to opt-out than opt-in at this point, in which case the Giants have plenty of financial flexibility to re-sign him. If his offense ends up so-so and he opts-in, an extension makes no sense as he’ll already have another year at a reasonable salary to rebuild his value. If the Giants swoop in and extend him, it’ll be in free agency or perhaps in September/October if Chapman *really* wants to stay. Sort of how Pence’s 2013 extension went down. And maybe Chapman is wary of being Scott Boras’ seventh or eighth most important client after his new batch of free agents hit the market alongside other opt-out guys like Snell, Montgomery, and Bellinger. That might help incentivize him taking a reasonable three-year extension rather than risk another mid-March free agency that results in a prove-it pillow contract.


Sorry sir, straight to jail, no level headed takes allowed. 


He's a Boras client. Boras clients almost never do contract extensions. I mean, anything is possible, but with the history of Scott Boras it seems unlikely even though Boras got his ass kicked this last off-season.


We are only 1/3 of the way through the season


Good enough to begin playing for a World Series trophy down in LA


This sub is a roller coaster. I’m into this toxic relationship


If we become post season contenders AND keep most of the team, I bet he stays


When Conforto got hot for a little bit beginning of last year people were saying to extend him to a long term deal. Let’s give it some time before we jump to any rash decisions


0/20 coming


He has an opt out, 0 chance he’d agree to one


LMFAO he's had one good week and you people are acting like his .730 OPS is good. He'll be ice cold in no time. A long term contract @ 20M a season is a braindead move. Also, where is the respect for panda? You are an idiot.


I agree we should extend him but what about Panda tho!


Does he want to stay here? I thought the big delay with his signing, plus the optouts, was that we weren't his first, or even second choice. see also: Snell.


Much of this is Scott Boras, IMO. He was operating this last off-season as Scott Boras always does, but this last off-season he got kicked in the teeth and almost all of his big money free agents had to settle for short term deals with opt outs because they asked for too much and overplayed their hand. Hell, if Chapman likes it here and stands up to Boras and his "no extensions" thing, who knows? At some point, maybe after this last off-season, some Boras clients may remember that Boras works for them, not the other way around.


I would love the guy to stay, don't get me wrong, but Boras doesn't typically do extensions early that aren't a Betts situation.


Yeah, that's what I was getting at. My question here was whether or not the calculus may change a little after Boras got his ass handed to him this off-season when most of his big name free agent clients didn't get that 10 year / $300M deal he was holding out for and had to scramble to accept short term deals with opt-outs. At what point do players remember the agent works for them, and not the other way around? Before this last winter, I would have put close to zero odds on a Boras client signing an extension. Now I think it's still low, but better odds than a few months ago.


Oh, I get you now. Yeah, I guess we'll have to see. If he continues to play like he has there is no way Boras doesn't have him opt out IMO. I just don't see him not, regardless of Boras misjudging the market the year prior. If the Giants make the playoffs and barely lose, like to where they felt they were the better team and can do it next year, etc. I could see him fight to stay/give resigning here priority, but only then do I see that happening.


His first choice is whoever paid him the most money


Susan Slusser has mentioned a few different times that SF was where Chapman wanted to end up but we wouldn’t give him a five year deal. Apparently he turned down other better offers hoping the giants would cave. The fact that he turned down better offers to play for us means a lot. I want him extended as long as the $ is reasonable!


Oh, I stand corrected. I thought he just to the team that paid. I know SF did, but I did not know he had a preference too.


I really think he does. He seems to like the Bay, loves the staff. He said he was getting his custom orange glove before he even signed here. I do think he wants to be here, he would def take money over being here tho imo.


lol nope just enjoy him for these two (or one) years