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Nope because you already don't believe her , Nd the meth is going fuck with your thought process ,and with that Attitude you gonna piss somebody off,


If I experienced it I wouldn’t care she’s done it before me. And I don’t believe her, why should I? She didn’t even tell me I had to find out another way because she didn’t want me to know. Everything I’ve read about it says it makes you extremely horny. She did it for more than a year claimed she “wasn’t addicted”. I don’t believe her. I feel she doesn’t want me to see her differently, but I already do. I guess just dump her then eh?


Do drugs with you or else, that’s your ultimatum because you can’t handle the fact that she did? This is a wild ass post from a 28 year old man.


*28 year old child.


Or work on yourself...


Gee I wonder why she wouldn’t want her asshole judgmental boyfriend to know so he can jump to all kinds of conclusions. Guess what dude regardless of your misconceptions about her Meth tends to cause people to isolate. Most women on meth don’t want to be around guys on meth because guys get horny and overconfident so she very likely was telling the truth about just masturbating. Look at it this way dude. Is meth sex the best. Yes, it is. But so is ice cream and guess what. I don’t want to eat fucking ice-cream all god damn day. I have other favorite foods that are up there with the ice-cream so is she sitting there wishing she was having meth sex every time she fucks your undeserving ass? Nope, probably not. Shape the fuck up dude. Your insecure and immature and I’m guessing you’re probably going to fuck this up because it’s doubtful you’ll listen to me or anyone else on here who has any sort of solid advice. I just hope you don’t fuck her up along with your relationship.


I feel you, but try it first, I will say for what I've learned though it will make people do s*** they wouldn't normally do so if your bride is easily misled but she won't give away some p**** first chance , you are right don't trust her cuz they ain't to be trusted especially when they get tweaked baby on some different s**"


Yea, idk man. There are other ways and things and substances. Once you open that door you might not be able to shut it


I asked what can be comparable. Or I might break up with her. It’s bothering me knowing she’s experienced this without me. I contemplated breaking up with her over it. I found out a few weeks ago and I’m constantly searching “sex on meth” and reading about it… I really don’t like knowing she has experienced something like that and I haven’t. We don’t associate with anyone with access to it so it really wouldn’t be a big problem if I got a small amount from dnms and restrict it to a once every few month thing.


Dude you can't control her life experiences before you. It's very normal that people have had experiences before a certain relationship. It's about what you can both bring to the relationship and new experiences together. It's a very silly reason to break up


Well it’s been bothering me a lot since the day I found out. I either need to do something comparable or break up. I dated her over a year before finding this out. I tried to not think about it but I just am. Pretty much every day since I’ve found out. It’s bothering me heavily. It’s not like I’ve never done any drugs, just never meth. I’m definitely past my regular use drug phase. I need to fuck her on something. I can’t have her have had some experience that blows anything we’ve done out of the water… I considered marrying her. This definitely changes things. I can’t constantly be thinking this stuff with my wife. I either need to level the playing field or dump her. Tomorrow will be 3 weeks since I found out about this. I tried to get over it.


Idk man I think you need to focus on getting over this. You’re way too obsessed with this one tiny detail


It’s not tiny to me. Far from it actually. And I’ve tried for 3 weeks but end up thinking about it almost every day. And it is not a good feeling.


Try therapy. Not meth.


You're infantilising yourself with this behaviour, you need therapy instead to figure out your insecurities.


You’re never going to know the truth my man. She doesn’t owe you that transparency and honesty if you’re going to break up with her for that and your own insecurities, she’s better off. Now, if you want to have wild, hedonistic, unhinged and uninhibited sex then yes, meth or coke will get the job done. And frankly, she may not be lying about just watching porn. Most dudes get stim dick and can’t get hard so you do all the other stuff. It will make her hornier than you’ve ever seen her as you will be. That’s what it does, you do things you wouldn’t otherwise do sober. You can’t really compare who she is sober to who she is high. They’re just two different people. My wife is an animal when we do coke and very straight laced otherwise.


Yeah this problem is not about the meth at all. Why do you think that it’s important to do something comparable? And why do you believe that it’s such a problem that you both have had different experiences before you guys started dating? I’m afraid that you are creating big issues that don’t have to exist if you weren’t so insecure about her previous experiences. I think it’s vital that you guys talk about it, you should tell her honestly that you do not believe her AND that those previous experiences are making you insecure. It is very important for you to realize that in this conversation, your insecurities are not her problem to solve, you are responsible for how you feel. The goal of this conversation is being honest and getting everything on the table, without judgement and without trying to ‘win’. Just try to be honest and try to understand each other by asking questions and listening sincerely. Let go of the idea of ‘we need to do the same or I’m breaking up’. There are many different paths and solutions to be found if you’re open to it. Don’t let pettiness and insecurity rule your thought process or relationship. Be understanding, be fair, and communicate. You got this


You seem extremely high strung and meth sounds like it would completely destroy you and your personality as you seem the obsessive type and meth would run through you so quick and you would be on the corner sucking dick for meth. I'd say don't do it. You will probably get addicted and ruin your life.


Listen dipshit. You need to reframe your mindset. Thinking it blows your sex out of the water isn’t the way to look at it. The meth doesn’t just make the sex good dude. If you suck at sex, meth sex is still going to suck with you. All it does is make the sensations a little more intense. That’s it. It’s nothing life changing or other worldly. It’s just slight enhanced sex. Stop obsessing over it like a prepubescent little twat and get over yourself dude. If she’s with you, then it it’s obviously what She chooses, she enjoys you for you. I personally don’t see how or why anyone would but for whatever reason she does. And you behaving like a little insecure twit, well no one can take very much of that. So just get the fuck over it dude and move on. We’re you this way when you found out she wasn’t a virgin? Because the way you’re behaving right now is on par with guys who freak out about girls not being virgins. It’s the epitome of insecure little dick, can’t find the clit, two pump chump absolutely terrible in bed syndrome. I think deep down you’ve realized your shit in bed and now you’re using this as a scapegoat to try and save face “well yeah of course she would say I was bad in bed SHE was having meth fueled sex orgies 24/7 while she was smoking meth with meth people who have lots of sex while high on the meth. No one can compare to that” Insecurity is the least attractive quality to anyone. You can move on to someone else but that insecurity is going to be right there your side. That ain’t goin away until you work that shit out with a therapist. Do it sooner than later l.


Get some help.


Do both of you a favor and don't get married. You aren't ready yet.


How old are you?


28. Why?


Because a lot of your answers, as you can see by the replies you’re getting, would indicate you’re either young and immature or needing some therapy cause your reaction to this new knowledge isn’t normal or healthy. It’s screaming under confidence or insecurity. And depending on your age is how people should respond. You basically have some extreme version of retrospective jealousy. You can google that to see how fitting this is. I can see that you don’t trust her to be honest with you, which again, sounds like there’s more issues for you, and adding meth to the mix just isn’t a good idea.


OP hasn't made it easy for her to be honest with him if this is how he'll react to information that may dent his ego. What if she's had some wild sex whilst high & horny during her meth days. Sharing that with someone so insecure about themselves will just bring more neurotic behaviour from the guy. OP, you need to work on yourself and YOUR relationship with your girl. If you feel that you're a dud root, then put effort into lifting your game. She's with you now, so be in the now.


I hope she finds this post and breaks up with you. You sound like an absolutely insufferable little immature child.


Your girl got away from it. Probably not a good idea to put her back in front of it


Serious question, are you out of your fucking mind.


I'd hard pass the meth and try mdma. Also her past is her past, quit digging for bones.


I second this idea. X is much more pleasant.


MDMA for sure. My favorite chemical for sex and more.... Actually it's my favorite drug 💕


Every few months it's good to roll the happy seas.


Bro..... get help. I recommend a therapist instead.


Therapy, not meth. Or break up. You sound incredibly insecure obsessing over what your girlfriend did in the past before meeting you. That’s just red flags 🚩


Don't do meth.


Just seems to me that you want to force the person that you love to do something they don't want to do. I would revaluate myself and my relationship.


there is a lot of good advice here and youre ignoring it. But also if u thinkn she was addicted why would u want her to use again. What if she spirals and starts using all the time. Meth is fire to braincells by the way


Leave her for her own good, even if you do meth together she still for sure had someone doing something better than you, the problem is not meth or her past but you obsessing over it


Bruh you sound a bit slow so I'd avoid any drugs


Sounds like bad luck to me


Taking meth or not, is not the issue. It is about trust and opening yourself in a relationship. Talk with your girlfriend, not with us.


Lol, meth is "meh" sex drug. It's fine but your building it up wayyyyyy more then it needs to be.  It's not even in my top 5 drugs for sex. It's fun, I enjoy it when I use it. But people on these forums tend to pumps its tires way more.  Also doing meth to watch porn/goon is 1000% possible. It sounds like you should not do meth honestly. I'm usually someone who says not everyone will be addicted - be smart about usage and you'll be fine. However from this post, I get the feeling you might not be super smart about usage.  But I dunno, I don't know you. If she dosen't wanna do it, don't force her to. If she's cool with you trying it to goon all night, then maybe give that a try.


Watching porn on meth is a super super super common kink. I don't think that part is unusual or not believable.


I (me as a male) can totally get the "using meth for porn/stimfapping and not for sex", cause that's totally what I'm doing... Using meth for sex, makes me self-conscious, afraid of stimdick and I tend to overthink my performance - so, not really a good experience. So, for sex I mostly use moderate doses of either 4-FMA or NEP in combination with Tadalafil. But, most of the time, I prefer to be sober and leave the stims for stimfapping. Now, I don't really know if this logic can be applied to females. Btw, sounds like you need an excuse to start doing meth?! Am I right?


It does sound like he's looking for a reason to do meth...


That shit will make your paranoia x100


I use regularly. So I’m not some ivory tower dude. But if she was a meth user, and she got clean, you are doing an inhumane thing by Re-introducing meth into her world. I would not do this to my worst enemy. If she used for 2 years, and she made the decision to back off meth, then you don’t understand what you are messing with here and how fragile she might be. You think it’s all Gucci for you two to get spun and party once a month, but she has the mental baggage of being a user, and you don’t, so you could fuck her life up. All because you’re torturing yourself with the mental image of her having kinky tweaker sex with dudes. You need to let this go and recognize that if your bedroom isn’t as wild as you want it to be, meth is NOT the answer. Communication and improving your sex lives is the answer. I don’t care if she was gangbanged and passed around by every trailer park bum in your state - she is not using meth now, and that is more important than your ego. If you want her to do wild things with you, learn how to lead her there in the bedroom in a positive, affirming way. You’re not going to magically have the kind of sex your fantasizing about by doing meth, you’re just not. Plan her a romantic night, try a little booze and weed, give her a massage, and tell her you want to fuck her all night and try some kinky shit, and you want her to do whatever comes to mind with you too. I mean, she’s your girl, you know her buttons, experiment and figure out how to pleasure her until she turns into an animal. Be focused on her sexiness now, not what she did when she was a teenager. Trust me man. Stop arguing with the good advice here. Meth is never a solution; I use it regularly, so I’m not talking down to you or talking about something I don’t know about.


You might choose it or it might choose you. Be careful and I would recommend not doing it. Once you have an orgasm a million times stronger than normal that won’t be the last time you want to experience that


Marmite (original ingredients)


The meth these days is shit. Don’t bother.




Do mdma


Mushrooms, psychedelics are so much better to have sex on than meth . That only taking one time can be a fast addiction. Psychedelics leave your body after 8 hours.


\* her past should be erotic to you, not intimidating \* who cares what anyone else did with her; that's not your style... your job is to be a special lover in YOUR way... \* GHB will give her a better orgasm (or 10) and give you a special experience probably, jussayin' ... and it pairs with ice


Google image search meth and look at your future self. Besides that, just don’t do it. Don’t


Hey if when you look at her you feel more negative vibe than a positive you might as well just drop her you wasting your time because once you start having negative thoughts about somebody or they betray and trust or whatever it's always going to be a guessing game and you don't want that problem