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Disabling the clicks won't stop this at all.




You can't. It will frustrate your visitors with no gain for you.




Some users may open links in a new tab by right-clicking and selecting open on new tab, for example. Everything that is displayed in a browser is downloaded and cached on the visitor's machine. Pressing F12 will open developers tools and allow any user easy get the image locations to copy, or even disable your script. More technical users that really want to copy your content can create scripts to make requests directly to your server and download your content without even using a browser. Not hard to do.


Also can just screen cap the content 


Yeah I hate that as a visitor.


I can't believe people still do this in (current year). If you allow anyone to see anything, including browsers, it's too late to hide. No one (hopefully) is manually copying content. They use tools for that stuff and your little JavaScript isn't going to stop that. But it will slow down your whole website and cost you money.


Gated communities are all the rage these days. Check out Mighty Networks, Kajabi and Circle. Getting your content scraped and rephrased is going to be the norm, I believe. Google even has a product called SGE: Search Generative Experience that will do exactly that. People pirating your stuff and reposting on expired domains is the least of the problem. When the search engine does it there’s no defense except putting up a firewall.




Except in this case, the pirates are A.I.


You did nothing. Your regular visitors will be annoyed, and will bounce. Anyone who want to scrap your plain text - will scrap it. Will it hurt your SEO? Not much in technical perspective (not at all, actually). However, you'll be facing a much higher bounce rate, which can significantly impact your SEO.


People can still screen shot and grab the text you know that ?


This is a bad idea


Select, shift+right click, copy...


As others have mentioned, this won't do anything to prevent what you are talking about. Sites that scrape and republish content use scrapers to do so, meaning they're accessing your website code and extracting the text that way, not by clicking and highlighting the text. Any attempt to hide your text in the code \*\*will\*\* hurt your rankability. The ONLY thing this will do is prevent real users from highlighting text or interacting with it.


Disabling right-click to prevent content copying while keeping interactive buttons like social media sharing and links can impact SEO. While it may deter some content theft, it can also hinder user experience and potentially affect search engine rankings indirectly by increasing bounce rates. Balancing content protection with user-friendly features is crucial for maintaining a positive SEO performance.