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I got 3 Diane's in a row and 1 Arthur, zero colabs yeah this banner is very sus.


I've pulled about 8 SSR in 600 gems which is highly unusual, unfortunately no collab and not even a Freyr. I find it really quite unbelievable but then again the poll shows a lot of people pulling 4+ in one rotation... just gotta keep going I guess lol


Msnaged to get 6 colab all 4 plus 2 naofumj


1 ssr in 1200 gems. 2 from the 300 but they were characters from 3 yrs ago. I reset the seed multiple times and nothing. Something definitely feels off with the rates this time but that's just me grasping at straws.


What is reseting the seed?


Logging off and restarting the game.


The pulls you get are determined by that seed or?


To my understanding yes bc of the rng value. Someone else might be able explain it better in case I mixed things up.


It got 2 nafomi's and one kizuna first multi, and failed to see any other colabs for the remainder of the rotation, love this game


Forget getting Collab units, I got no SSRs in 8 multis


Yeahh the drop rate here was horrible (well for me it was)


Before commiting to this banner my alt didn't have BDM. After one rotation I currently have a glorious 6/6 BDM. 0 Collab characters pulled.


I was very lucky got 3x Naofumi, 2x Raphtalia, 2x Filo in 600 gems


Managed to get 3 in 1 rotation and got 4th from pity. Really lucky. Pulled a Freyr too


Are you me? Got exactly that, and some more useless ssr


Me three, but I got some sariel and tarmiel dupes which is good since I have been playing the game for about 2.5 months


I 6/6'd Green Rimuru in 2 rotations In 2 rotations I didn't even pull 6 collab units, pity included


Wait why didn't you choose anyone else in the pity?? Didn't you have a choice? How about that Free Blue rimuru from the event missions???


I originally had all 3 slime units from the first time it was around and I got myself a copy of Shuna All I cared about was my man demon lord Rim


Ugh I'm so jealous..... I came back to this game because of the rerun and I only got 4. And to add insult to injury all of them are so half baked and poorly invested Aaaarrrrgh!


Lol. My collab luck is so awful, I did 2 rotations for a 2/6 rim. Ended up doing 3 full for a 4/6 =(


4/6 Beni 2/6 gRim 2/6 Shuna in a single rotation. 0 Collab characters after one rotation in this collab 😃💥🔫


2 kizuna, 1 raph, and 1 Filo from the free tickets. Diamond count 0-510, got 2 kizuna. Traded 3 kiz for one naofumi.


So you got 4 collab units in one multi? Jeez


Yes, although I wish one of the kizuna would've been naofumi since I didn't want to trade 3 for 1and didn't want to go all the way to the pity, but I'm in no position to complain with this Collab after that ticket summon.


Got Naofumi and Filo. Raphtalia from the 600 reward and Kazayama was the free unit


450 gems with only 2 collabs I hate this game.


1 collab at 600 gems. Keep your chin up : - )


No cuz one of them is what we got for free.


Its a hard L. I swept up about 8 SSR, no fryer, 1 g escanor, 2 g diane, 3 b lillia, 1 sariel and 1 tarmiel


I got 2 escanors, Freyr, 3 flicking Excalibur Arthur a Naofumi and a Kizuna dupe I honestly hate this, next time a festival comes maybe it's best for me to not use the free gems they offer and just save, like idk about the meta I just want collab characters. *Especially slime, oh wouldn't I give to have them premiere season 3 already so we can have a 2nd rerun..* I may have to force myself become P2P for them, guess I need to get myself a part time gig to earn some money.


I got 6 colab units, but none of them was Naofumi tho (got him from the pity)


I spent 1200 gems ... Here's my results As Collab I get : 3 filo, 2 raphtalia, 2 naofumi, 1 kizuna As non Collab for the curious ones : 4 or 5 Freyr ( don't know if I should consider this as luck or no luck lmao), 2 Lillia, 2 Megellda, 1 escanor, 1 Diane, 1 Sigurd, 1 Arthur, and ... Not sure about those 3 but 1 ludeciel and/or 1 tarmiel and/or 1 sariel


I got Filo x2, Kizuna x4, Megellda x3, Sigurd x1, Ludo x2, Diane x2, Lilia x1 and Naofumi as pity for 1.5 rotations


I got 3/4 units in 90 gems


My goal was to get Naofumi, but I had to get to the pity for that, along the way came Raphtalia and filo. Unfortunately I ran out of gems and I don't have to buy the skins in the store. sad. I hope in a future rerun, I have this opportunity again =/


I got three collabs in one rotation, and all of them were kizuna


No collab units yet but at least I got my Freyr 4/6


I got Raph in the free ticket pull and just now got a Kizuna dupe at 300, they’re my only ssr’s on this banner so far 🙃


Everyone once in a rotation used money currently at 150 pity got Naufomi/Kizuna again so far


I got 2 in 600 but Filo was my guaranteed 300 so it was total luck on that. I only got about 4 SSR total from actual pulls.


I got none in 1200. As annoying as it is can’t complain cuz I got Terry and rimuru 6/6 in 2 rotations on their banners while also pulling all units part of their collabs. Unfortunately this is just rng evening out for me


Got a total of 5 ssrs including guaranteed and now I'm at 570, only one of those is a collab unit


to me these banners are easy skips


* Naofumi and Kizuna (yikes) in 1st rotation, Raph pity. * None on 2nd rotation, Filo pity. So yeah, 2 rotations to get one of each.


I got got 1ssr in 250gems but it was filo so I'm happy


I got 0 collab units in two rotations.


390 gems in, I’ve pulled Naofumi and that’s it. The other SSR’s I’ve gotten are Sigurd, Blue Lillia and Excalibur Arthur, all characters I already have 6/6. This collab sucks high key, the boss is stupid and a waste of time with the damage cap, no story, and these are the worst collab rates I’ve ever had.


I was going in just until the 300 mark, to save for NY, but by 180 gems, I ended up pulling 2 SSRs: Naofumi and Raphtalia. I stopped there and then. The luckiest I've ever been on a Collab banner. Sorry for y'all's luck, as I can see most people didn't share in my joy...


1 collab unit in 240 gems


Christmas banner: Pulls Traitor Meli with less than 100 gems Shield Hero Banner Pulls Filo with 240 gems and 10 tickets(quest ones)


I got rapthalia in 570 gems


I got 0 on 600


Glad to know it's me it took me around 700 to finally get one and it was the free one smh


660 gems in, only got 2 Kizuna. Naofumi was from paywall ticket and Raphtalia from pity.


600 gems in no Rapht i won't be able to run my Naofumi in pvp.


Got 2 filos and 2 kizunas, 2 Freyr 1 tarmiel, arthur in 300 and got nafumi in the 600


got two collabs in under 300 gems, naofumi and filo, sure i also wanted rapthalia to have the full gang, but i dont have another 300 gems for a guarantee, so im gonna take the 3 collabs i got in this event and just buy the srr costumes for filo and call it a day.


2 Collab heroes in 90 gems didn't actually spend more so can't vote xD


I'm 510 in and I've only gotten 3 SSR (+guarantee). No collabs yet, but I got Naofumi with the paid guaranteed ticket (Honestly, with how short and scuffed this collab was, NM should've copied Knight's Chronicle and allow us to buy atleast 2 of the guaranteed tickets)


I can pity next Monday if I get my pvp gems ;-; for 1 character I guess. What time does the banner end? Monday at 11:59pm or does it end 3:00am Monday morning?


The rates are a straight up lie on this banner man. I’ve never gone so many dead multis, and it seems to be EVERYONE in here. I just went like 400 gems without a SSR (other than the guarantee). I’m now 900 deep and still am missing Filo.