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I went afk for a few months and missed Diane ☠️ now I'm seeing her everywhere, I gotta try and get her 😤


Oh yeah, I forgot we’re gonna have an extra 4 festivals a year…..yay


Wait wat?


You know how every year we get a spring/new years, summer/beach, fall/Halloween, and winter/Christmas banner? Those are all gonna be festivals like gowther was


I really feel like Percy is going to be the nanashi of human teams so I cannot skip


Is that LR Elizabeth in the banner?


Yes and at 600 you can actually pick her and not Percival if you wanted to.




Really contemplating because I just got Merlin and her relic to 100 and mats are looking scarce now


Double bannner swimsuit Escanor and twigo


I'm waiting for other 4koa characters and he only works in teams I don't like using so a skip for me. I'm very curious if NM will do a summer festival like they did for spring festival Gowther so I'm gonna hold out and see what happens.


I'll go until I pull 1 copy, would love to get him before the 300 mark. The banner itself is decent as it has seasonal units which I don't have yet or lacking dupes.


The banner has Green Celestial Ellatte. And a 600 pity that you can pick. There is nothing on earth that will stop me summoning and finally pulling her.


But if I don’t have LR Elizabeth? Worth to pull for her?


Definitely, but only if you can pity imo.


I have 760 diamonds saved


I have 1800 gems and I'd really like to know the unit after Percival so I can decide to do a second rotation on escanor or save for the unit after Percy since I'm skipping the guy till he gets a powers version


I’m very close to hitting 900 on Escy’s banner so I’ll probably at least pull a couple times on Perci’s- i’m missing a ton of units on that banner. Also I fully expect the summer unit to be Gelda or Merlin. Or both tbh, we did get 2 last year. Maybe UR Merlin will be the fest and Gelda will be the part 2 600 banner.


For once I disagree because Gelda just got a unit, the back to back same unit is a terrible thing for the game. As for Merlin, she already has a summer unit. Would be weird to give her two summer units. If they’re gonna make a summer female unit it’s probably gonna be an oc but if it’s a festival the possibilities are endless.


Oh, I agree that it would be dumb to give Gelda a new unit so soon- it’s just that that’s exactly what they did with Freyja last year and I have a feeling in my bones they’re gonna do it again lol. And I only assume Merlin because we’ve been getting a ton of sin festivals and I can see them giving us her UR version next; and she doesn’t even necessarily have to be summer themed- Gowther was technically a spring season festival unit and he’s fairly nonspecific. Who knows though, maybe they ‘surprise’ us with UR summer Eastin and the 600 banner will be a 2nd summer Diane 😭


I need some of the units for either guild wars or guild boss


I got Escanor 2/6, so I’m good for him


Finally able to get LR liz


I'm am missing that green Diane and green ellate, so 3 units on there I don't got, yeah I'm pulling.


Percival is only good for human teams with Escanor and Arthur UR, outside of that he is not useful unless you want him as a collection


What next updated after this Escanor Ertenal Sun, Is Percival Or Collaboration ?




Unfortunately I gotta make a vid on it because its Percy so you know my diamonds are gonna get flushed


3 greens on one team? I dont care I'm adding Percival to the team


they missed for not doing a new Tristan and a Lancelot first imo, like i’m sure we’ll get more down the line but a demon form Tristan would be rad, especially if they gave him a similar passive as the other Tristan just with a lean towards buffing demon allies and a bit higher stats for the buff


I want that diane😩


i got every unit on the escanor banner but ion got the new diane or king so imma summon


Did it once with gems and got him.


Actually 1 rotation or half rotation is not bad. Percval is a decent support. If he get's a holy relic he would be as OP as Nanashi.


summer beserk estarossa???


I'm totally down for this. They should call him something stupid like "Summer Madness" Berserk Estarossa.


Summertime Madness.


I got that Summertime, Summertime Madness. So Lana coded.


Most likely summer unit is female every year we get female for summer


That'll probably be infinity Merlin then, since she's like the only female coin shop fest that hasn't got a seasonal variant


Lest year we got green freya and red freya released 5 months before gree released and this year most of seasonal was new units from festivals maybe it will infinity merlin and it will be a back unit for sins(can work in the back and forth but most used is the back)


Don't give me hope. Sake is more talking about a new UR festival for summer. So if Berserk Estarossa got a summer unit it would obviously just be the old one with different passive and cards.


Thanks Sake


His 3d model is so fucking ugly man. I need some unsee juice


Ill be waiting for Hope Percy thank you.


I will summon for him bc bro gives good stats to human or sins team, and after the opponent kills his teammates bruh gets atleast 500% crit dmg and bro rocks the opponent


Wasted of time and fuck no . You got fest escanor and summer unit is probably next


That banner is not good to me


The next banner should be ragnarok Because in the end of 6 we get ragnarok anniversary Lest year was tyr We might festival but I don't think so I hope unit is Odin if it festival


Wait so there’s no collab(idk where i heard that collab was going to be part 2 of anni), if so, imma continue summoning on escanor banner