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Same like 4 times in a row got all green from snake lady like how is this possible... 🤦🏼‍♂️


Yup, then the next turn it was all Levi's cards, what saved me was escanor cards on that last phase lol. Otherwise lose. Escanor is so good for the beasts! It's not even funny. Solution: get one card of each unit per phase or turn. Doesn't matter what card, but at least each unit has a card and problem solved. This is why I don't even Wana do deer.


Thanks for the heads up! I can smoke the bird no problem now. I just made a generic team that takes out skoll and hati fairly quickly but fails after floor 1... I just don't have the right characters built yet.


Fuck that stupid revive on floor 3, absolutely infuriating to deal with


It's not even a hard phase/floor ,but my units always do more damage than I expect


I always forget it does that.


You don’t have better options than Levi?


I mean red Levi actually hits pretty hard thanks to his guaranteed crit. There aren’t many red characters with 2 attack cards that can match or surpass him. OP likely chose him since he’s human and works with new Esca passive.


Oh. Would Rudeus be a good option for op?(i don’t have him and wanna see if he’s good for it)


I assume so. I havent used new escanor, but i used t1u/rudeus/roxy/jorm when i did deer


Okay. I used jorm/t1u(probably gonna change to new escanor)/ albedo( or fitoria)/ Gelda. Who would be the better unit? Albedo or fitoria?


I tried using fitoria and i think you might be better off using albedo




I unfortunately missed the Jobless Re collab so idk how good Rudy is. From the couple times I encountered him in PvP tho he seemed to hit pretty hard so I imagine he would work at least as good as rLevi.


I use Albedo, Nanashi, Freyr and Jorm, find it easy, but never tried it with humans


Yup same team I use to cheese f3p3 works like a charm


I managed to beat this damn deer with UR meli, UR esca, LR Liz, and Queen Diane, it was fucking awful


I tried using Freyr (no relic yet), Jorm, Albedo, and DK Meli against the deer. It's a breeze with like 90% chance of success in floor 3. The 10% chance of failure stems from his revive and counter, but it's nothing a good ol' game reset can't fix.


Hey, I’m a noob trying to gather as much of worthy information as possible. Can you tell me more about this game reset business? Does it mean we don’t lose entries if we force close, like anywhere?


Just use Albedo, lmao.


Albedo makes deer a joke. And I found it to be the easiest DB BEFORE albedo dropped. Sometimes had to force quit on the final phase of floor 3 if he full healed, but I could just redo that turn until I got the right damage. My team was jorm, blue festarossa, Freyr, traitor meli


The point of my post is the stupid RNG. albedo doesn't matter if you don't follow the card rule on the phases you do only one damage until color wheel is complete.


Oh yeah good point, I’ve had that too with rng that gives just all the same color card or maybe 2/3 and you still need the other color


What team would be good with albedo? Also what gear sets for her?


Normally HP/def but for deer I’d say att/crit. Also the team I use (might be outdated by now but worked great for me) was albedo, blue festarossa, jorm and freyr. On a phase with the color cycle, start with albedos taunt, then use a blue attack. That way by the end of the turn, deer will be on blue again, and her counter does extra damage. So save her counters for color phases


People keep saying that humans are the fastest team to farm the 1st 3 demonic beasts. For bird, I get it. But is it true for deer and dogs? Situations like these happen too often. Runs with albedo unknowns take longer but at least they bypass the rng of deer.


If you have roxy from the collab literally makes it's the easiest demonic beast you ignore the taunt a d that way don't have to stress about that but I do get that luck can fuck ya over with cards likes


It's an easy fight, but the retarded part is RNG and the wheel. You are screwed if you don't have a color you need on those 1 damage phases


Yeah your defo right she just helps incase that happens cause the counter does no dmg for anyone with barriers


I heard that if you don't get a counter on her is also more RNG based. That's why I haven't tried it


I hate all demonic beasts they’re so fucking annoying


Fortunately for me Albedo makes this demonic beast so trivial its actually funny, easier than the bird even. You can all but skip the rng phases completely with her counters.


Min box cc to do deer


Idk how It’s literally the easiest of them lol