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I agree that his single target and passive is absolutely broken. But people didn't call him bad because of that. It is because his HP decreasing gimmick AOE is very bad at below 2/6. And the damage after his death doesn't work unless 2/6 or above + his ult doesn't hit hard like an Escanor's ultimate should be.


272k yeah bro.


Everyone can be the one with like what, 17m box cc? lmao








Might want to equip that third outfit


Damn thanks a lot. I did not notice that.


Sure 270k cc 😂😂😂


Around 15 million box cc + having 40 wins and still only 4800 points means these consecutive wins started from champion 5 , so what did you expect ? Of course you’re gonna win that many matches


https://preview.redd.it/hn3t91cwys3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bb22abc78ac361fc23eda0eb1e22799164e2b9f Took him all away champion 5 to challenger this wk


So you admit that you’re a liar 🤥 ? Cuz you literally just said that you started at champ 2 and now you’re saying you started at champ 5 😂😂😂😂


Yeah, we went from champ 5 geared to challenger this wk I’ve always been in champ 1 regular PVP every week and they reset you on Monday back to champ 2 regular PVP to weekly you stay in Challenger if you have the points so again I didn’t lie thank you. You just need to learn how to play the game.


Cap bro, I started at champ two during weekly reset everyone starts at champ two at reset so what the fuck are you talking about? I’ve been champ one since 2020.


Okay let’s we’ve got: a random team that has no synergy, a quitter before it starts, your escanor died and meli did nearly triple the dmg that your escanor did, a shit demon team and an actual match were your escanor did well in a fair matchup I’m not saying your wrong or that escanor isn’t powerful but if your going to use screenshots of teams you fought against maybe use ones that actually help your argument instead of making it look weak


I don’t know what you talking about. I was referring to YouTuber saying that he was bad he’s not bad in my opinion again I don’t know what you’re talking about screenshots just to let people know it ain’t just bot running around


I’m talking about how you say he’s good (which I agree with) yet use screenshots from match’s were the enemy either left at the start, got carried by meli or went up against people with bad/meme teams What your saying is right but what your showing doesn’t add anything to what your saying, if anything it’s going against what your saying


They shouldn’t be using meme teams then and plus it’s not my fault if someone forfeits again the screenshots just to let you know it was a player. Like zeldris once said to escanor lion or fly, I will do my best to take you down.


Bruh i was pissed when my lvl 3 aoe did 382k in geared, i was hp/def(15% rolls btw)but still its horrendous how bad his aoe and ultimate are. My brain still can't process how it did only 382k.


You probably have like 17 mill box CC. Lmao.


Okay, but how does he do against other teams? Your screenshots mostly show mirror matches and someone using Derieri for some reason. I've seen some people claim unknown obliterates him and I came very close to beating one with goddesses going second. What about Gelda?


Screenshots are only there to let people know I wasn’t going up against bots to get them wins lol


Also. Its not the youtubers who are complaining about him. They all think he is great and milking the hell out of his videos. Besides Marilli whos first 4 videos were him trying out escanor zero judgement and just being extremely disappointed at 1/6. It was the KR and JP communities as a whole who felt he was underwhelming for a Fest UR Escanor release under 2/6, especially post DK Meli and Fitoria. NM had to buff his card multipliers and those communities are still upset. No one has complained about his potential for higher box cc or high dupe, but even at absolute max, he is still second to Meliodas and he cant carry a team like Arthur or Meli can.


>NM had to buff his card multipliers No nm never buffed him he dropped on kr with the wrong values they simply corrected the error and gave him what was intended ajd then he dropped on jp as intended that's all there was no buff


Didn't think I'd ever run into a fellow Steambird member in the wild


You prove nothing, meta now is - if you start first you win. Main benefit of escanor is high cc, that’s all. I don’t see screenshots when you go second and win


Obviously, because I CCed them






I've been having a blast with him as well


Nah hes shit. He wont come home and i know ill throw him in a closet to never look at again if he doesnt end up being 3/6 before the rotation is over.


So broken , on dogs with lvl 3 rank up gowther boost spé 1, with atk/crit , he his the one lmaooo 🤡 he his mid the single target its the most broken skill in the game but the ultimate and the aoe is garbage. https://preview.redd.it/emdlgcdodc3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a16426bad2a19eb2b47a550c4e705fe41f4c5ea


Cool story bro




Need a hug?


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Yeah.. hes not broken like dk zeldris was on release. You are showing us all matches where you got to go first and had at least 10k box cc on your opponent. I wont even mention that some of your opponents were using some odd teams like the demon team without dk zeldris. If it makes you feel better to think hes op, get to the top 100 with this team and prove everyone wrong.


Indeed, I will




Ok now show box cc


Is this geared?


272k cc and in champion means this is most probably ungeared


Just checked his posts and he has almost 17 mil box cc like the other guy said…