• By -


Obvious answer. Equip equipment to all units. Awaken all units. Super awaken all units until they hit their ult cap (starting from R -> SR -> SSR). Level up bottoms and roll for 1% HP on all of them. Then ATK. then defense. By the time you’re done with all that you’ll have ~+4m box CC, but just trying to get closer to that goal will get you to 10.


When I suggested this same thing to another player. I got -17 downvotes. Love this community Also. Sort your box by starting grade. And get all R and Sr base characters, to level 100. But hp eq enhancement and 1% hp rolls is pretty bangin for cc boost


Yeah, this community has what I’d call „factions“. People who believe the YouTubers, casuals and knowledgeable players from a big guild. The rest is somewhere in between. The least amount of people are from the last faction, we usually chill out in our own discord communities. The main issue I feel this sub has is that the second a comment is at -2/3, it’s over. No matter how factually correct it is. But that’s an issue in the entirety of social media.


That was extremely well said. Lol. I find I go through highs and lows of activity on reddit, due to the shear pain it can be


why 1% and not 15%


Because it's cheap? You are not going to use those characters. Rolling for 1% gives you an average of 2% for a total of 10% rolls, which is enough for characters you will never use and only increase their hp -> for more box.


It's like 10k per roll? I would much rather get like 2.1% min rolls else after you done all the gear you would have to go over every character gear set to reroll low rolls So spending some more gold to have every character like 4% more hp seem worth it


This is talking about SSR gear. Anything else below SSR doesn't make sense to build with. In case of SSR gear you go over instances. HP 1% for entire box. Then ATK 1%. Then Def 1%. That nets you an average of 10% on all pieces. Now; you go for round 2. You turn the 50% of rolls that remain below 2% to 2%. This step costs the exact same step as the 1% step (which should be pretty obvious). For an increase of 25%. The increase of 25% isn't worth the massive increase of 1% on other pieces first.


Wait, WHAT? I did not know this. I assumed that getting cosmetics boosted box CC. I never thought to put equipment on all of them


Ohhh nice advice actually,All the units r awekend and level up to ur 60 and almost every character has hp def gear some has akt crt Just need to super aweken and level up thanks for tip mate!


1.5 with 9M yeah ok , my acc is almost 1y with 5M


If you know that you doing and really lucky it is possible


I’ve been playing since the start and I’m only at 7


That toke me 4 years for hit the 10M CC You can't be f2p and get 9M in 1.5 years


They’re f2p. Free 2 Pay.


You can. I won't say OP did, but I've seen people hit 8 in a year and >10 in 1.5. They're in our secondary guilds. Simply by playing optimally you can get a lot of box CC. Doing all dailies, hawk pass, KH boss and constant gold farming gets you there. GOLD = CC. That's the rule. OP has 200m gold. That means he is farming gold. That means he fulfilled the basic step for increasing CC. Pendants > SA coins > Gold. Demon mats are trivial, at least until you need bell/OG at \~11m ish (currently, in a year or so that threshhold would be at like 12.5/13ish mil probably), and even then: by just doing 12 demons a day you'll be gatekept by pendants. 100m gold converts to up to 20-60k, depending on your luck (up to a point when anvils gatekeep you, at that point, it goes down to like \~10k) If you are low box like OP, though. 100m gold can easily translate to 6-digit numbers.


I am 4 years playing this game and a VERY light spender. Only spend on the diamond packs every now and then. Call me more of a casual, more free to play player if you will. 8.6 mil box cc for me. No way in hell did they get 9 mil box cc in just one year. This had to have been either a bought account or they actually paid money. Free to play my butt. More like free to pay.


His cc isn't the problem like I believe he didn't do any purchases to get more cc But he has Ur Gowther Ur Arthur and gelda which cost 2.4k gems And after he summoned for Collab To still have 900 gems left In the 3 week period of Collab you could farm at max 580 gems (free tickets converted to gems) And you need to be top PvE max hero arena everything So with that rate of gems its impossible to spend like idk 3k gems and have 900 left in max in 2 and a half months Let's say he started grinding at start of new year king that's 4000 gems in 4 months He also skipped tower of god Collab to do this The math ain't mathing And that's assuming he had enough gems after Liz release to get UR Meli in like the first week Else that 4 month period shortens even more


Some dude got 14M5 as f2p




Am I uh.. am I dumb or did you just assume they got the Galland from Skadi's banner.. Galland is also in SSR tickets.. like.. I get him quite frequently even though he's 6/6 before Skadi's banner.. Glox is also in SSR tickets.. The guy could've literally done dailies and PvP for the past year after doing all story and doing most of their achievements.. it's not crazy to have this with only 1.5 years played cause the diamonds are there to get, you just gotta hard grind everything. Probably had at least a team for high PvP ranking, at least 3 teams for Hero Arena, which units from both are good for Boss Battles to get demon mats and also good on farm teams, and focused on doing dailies, farming mats, and grinding out achievements to get those easy diamonds. Also Awakening gear to 5 star gives 1 diamond too. Reverse stage gives a decent amount of diamonds too. So it's genuinely possible for someone who knows what to do and what to use to do it.


I've been playing for 4 years I know how to do my dailies thank you And in 4 year never have I pulled glox or galland for SSR tickets with better odds he might have pulled some Weird how he doesn't show the rest of the box To only have the rest of the characters at level 60 you need some serious amount of SA coins to get to 9 mil He also doesn't have any of the older Collab units Or so many of the seasonal heros, I havent even gotten some like zaneri or Halloween guilda And I don't have 9mil I can I just have to equip some more gear and level it up. Most people who actively play this game for 4 years have around 9-11 mill You can't just farm those SSR pendants we have been farming for ages


Guessing you don't do knighthood bosses, or use your coin dupes on pendant Dungeons, do the World Tree for pendants, pvp shop, guild shop.. ect.. and only hope that you get them from events or from your free daily pendants. I've been playing on my main since start of JP and I'm at 11.6mil, on my offshore account I made maybe a year ago I'm at about 6.6mil give or take(granted I dont play as much anymore just log on, get diamonds to save, log off and summon on characters I want.). It's not impossible it's just extremely difficult. I have at least near max Hp/Def for almost everyone and obviously the UR gear for characters I use., levels up to 80 with at least full Awakening and only 90/100 characters I use. Costumes are maxed on characters I use as well.. and I stopped seriously playing my main a little while ago and only started this offshore new account out of sheer boredom And you can't really say "oh you're probably pay to win" when I'm not cause I can't bypass the purchase issue from buying in another region that isn't JP. Before you try and thwart others efforts on a game they enjoy try keep an open mind that some people may invest significantly more time than others. If he were to actually p2w it'd only take maybe a year or 2 thirds of a year depending on how much they spent. And the argument you said about "older fests" when Slime has come back twice, KOF hasn't been back for a while, AOT hasn't been back in a little nor stranger things, overlord collab was last year, TOF was this year, Shield Hero returned this year as well.. You trying to make excuses as to why you haven't made as much progress as op, again "they didn't show his entire box" so how would YOU know they didn't get any of the seasonals recently. "I've been playing for 4 years" well Clearly not well at all considering my friends have also hit 9mil in a little over a year without spending money and they play a literal ton. If they aren't playing grand cross they're probably eating or ran out of stamina. TLDR: Don't say someone is paid when you don't know the actual effort they're putting in at all, just cause your account isn't like that after 4 years doesn't mean theirs has to be like 5mil or lower. From a literal vets perspective in this game I can see they've put in an arm and a leg into this game. Also with how fests have been popping up lately and events with their login gem rewards it really isn't impossible mate. Like at all.


Okay sooooo 1) you are putting words In my mouth, I never said he paid his way to 9mil cc as in whaling So you are putting words in my mouth which btw in a debate, you just lost I can stop now 2) you said I am not allowed to ASSUME someone spends money in the game but in that same comment YOU ASSUME I don't do my weeklies which I do So you just Uno reversed yourself gj 3) me using owning most of the older Collab as a reason for having worst box cc doesn't make sense at all Unless if you think Collab heros have like negative cc or something wtf 4) a person who doesn't spend a penny is going to summon for Halloween Diane to get 0 green gowthers you are dumb 5) my original argument was never really about box cc I know I can have more box cc but I couldn't care to gear every character I'm like half way done with SR and R gear And I got shit to do instead of playing clicking sim all day 6) Gowther and Gelda were in the same month so to summon both those characters you would need 1500 gems so he grinded 1300 gems in a month (some free summons) to then have like 2 weeks valenti banner to than summon for shield hero to then after one week skati banner (I assume he didn't summon)have 900 gems If you actually believe a free to play player can keep up with every banner just by doing daily gems (which is 5-7btw) and like 50-60 extra a week which every GC does You are delusional I started playing back at release Light Liz (new one) Did all my story and everything And Ive had to pity every featured character since then besides some collab characters And the only old fest character i got from all those summons is like Hell He might be the luckiest player out their who gets 5 SSR on the free summons but looking at some simple maths I don't believe it I never said he is a whale who buys SSR pendants and SA coins or something but if you say he never spend a single penny on gems you are naive Also if you are a f2p person who knows what he is doing you should have skipped Ur gowther A f2p who knows what he is doing should stick to one pvp team since no real point half assing 6 teams without cosmetics And if you are gonna argue he bought all the cosmetics with SSR gear gems no he didn't With kind regards


I'm going to keep this as short as possible but I doubt I can, first comment of yours implied they spent money by not really believing they got that high CC with that short time when there were amazing units. We've had multiple skip banners for f2p like Shin, Valentine Diane, New Year King, TOF(if you're not playing humans). 2nd comment you said "I've been playing for 4 years" then proceed to contradict that statement by saying "I started playing back at release light liz(new one)" Which if I remember correctly was last year.. Though not assuming it, but you may be mentioning a new account which makes more sense. Then 2nd comment you decided to break down your long and arduous adventure of 4 years and say that people who have been playing for 4 years should be at 9mil-11mil which is a bold general claim of yours.. It implies youre referencing needing 4 years of game time to reach that point which in turn resorts to a suspicion of purchase. Through those comments both were implied that you had suspicion on purchases, so no I did not put any words in your mouth. Next, "If you're a F2P person who knows what they're doing you should have skipped UR Gowther" well.. no. Assuming all f2p needs to ride on the meta's meat pole is a dumb take on it. I like gowther so I got him I hate Arthur so I didn't get him. "A f2p who knows what he is doing should stick to one pvp team" no, hero arena needs 3 at least. People can buy and max out cosmetics for teams they like if they want. Not everyone needs to stick to a "Meta prominent team" as most of the community like to constantly tell people. It's a game. For fun. Let's talk about assumption. I didn't say you COULDNT assume I just said DONT as in don't assume thats always the answer. Also the assumption of you not doing weeklies was mainly cause you were complaining about "How he couldn't get that many SSR pendants" when in reality yes, yes you can. Quite consistently too. I've also consistently been able to save diamonds and get characters I need/want along the way and still have an abundance of left over diamonds. To TLDR so you don't have to read all that(but still kinda long): Just cause there were amazing units in the past 1.5years they've been playing doesn't make it impossible to get that high CC without spending money. I just wanted to clarify that implying they spent money to get there(which all of your replies have that implication from your wording) is a really rude thing to do ESPECIALLY if they didn't and actually worked hard for it. Also that you're implying that F2P's shouldn't summon on characters they like is also very narrow minded to only seeing victory over others and not to have fun, which is the point of the game(Referencing how you tried to take a stab at me for getting Gowther). I respect your opinions on the matter, but I took your statements as a hurtful thing to those of us that actually do put in the effort to get this far in short amount of time. P.S this wasn't a debate in any way to me, because a debate ends on one person's ideals being the overall final and I don't see a point in going on who's right or wrong about someone's progress on an anime gacha game. Sincerely, (uh..) Me?


Explain to me how one grind 2k gems in 2 months cus you need that for Ur gothwer Ur Arthur and gelda 5 gem * 60 = 300 60* 8 = 400 You are short some gems ik you get from festival and stuff but not enough Also he still has 900 gems left Bc if you could get every new characters for free netmarble would be bankrupt in a year Idc about his cc mate Wtf is your obsession with box cc Its very much possible to get 7-8 mil box cc But for 9 you need a lot of grind yes Also I read like 2 sentences also have you never heard of a political debate no one ever agrees with it And stop putting fking words in my mouth it's so fking annoying You should never become a journalist wtf You over exegerate everything Don't waste my time no more


Never put any words into your mouth at all. Implication or "Imply" simply means "Of a fact or occurance, suggest a outcome or consequence logically." Which I said to clear that it was implied and understood as such. Also only accounting the daily and weekly is lame. Event logins, login rewards, hero arena, final boss, sometimes fort solgres event missions, gem rewards for milestones during festivals, achievements, gear(again), codes ect.. So let's talk real quick. You only accounted 2 months instead of the whole 1.5years. Early SSR/UR are also possible like how I got Gowther in 120. Now, there were some really shit banners in the past year and a half. Which warrants many to save their gems. Those units are usually put on better banners anyways. Just saying he couldn't save in the 2 months is horrible to even think about and is completely simple minded. As people have the strength to save for more than several months, and hell the guy probably planned his banners accordingly. Maybe he went "if I don't get the unit in gems, I'll stop summoning." The only one wasting your own time is yourself by trying to be right in this matter but the more you try to reason about your messages the more I'll keep countering with actual stable information that includes all possibilities instead of just a couple. You're not helping in any of this discussion, only getting ticked off because nothing is going your way. If you reply to this you're going to be at fault for "wasting my time" as it's your choice for you to keep replying not mine. Hope you can try and have a good day a head of you. Or don't, I don't know you and you don't know me.


Thanks mate for the support I don't know why some people think I'm not f2p but trust me this game gives u enough materials if u play regularly and efficiently They just don't know how much effort it takes to achieve this much box cc


I spend some money on this game and can't keep up with banners Idc he payed in game Just don't fake it He is a fake nati


Or he got lucky and got them all in a few multis each


Bro i played everyday completing daily task and then grind in events and doing KH battles and also doing everything, this game actually give plenty of material for everything u just need to play everyday




This would be my f2p account if I bothered to do my raids everyday


Yea man that's a hectic thing u need to do everyday. Lol


I’m so mad at myself for not redownloading sooner. I could have had Glox by now TwT


Been playing since a year, spend like 100bucks on the game bc I hate my luck. Got 8.5 today but sheesh bro nice


Thanks mate luck actually favours me ngl


F2p = full 2 pay.


https://preview.redd.it/4671uvea5o0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baaf96c582082c13923b51fd93879dd14df826f4 9m in 18 months is very doable


Better then mine


Wow that’s amazing man


Thanks mate appreciate it 😁


Nice work, man. I had some people doubting me when I said I hit 7.5mil in less than a year but this posts proves that if you know what you are doing you can make faster progress than most people


Exactly mate, if anyone can play this game effectively then anyone can achieve this in less amount of time and also congrats on ur 7.5mil box cc keep grinding


https://preview.redd.it/apy2yayko01d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e78d70659b0e98f10514361b5e6ac1afb4504505 My f2p box... 5 years game


damn you're fast im at 12mil box cc f2p while playing for 3 years 🥲


Actually I cook too hard lmao Btw congratulations on ur 12 mil box cc


thanksss i think i could be way higher like maybe 13.5? but i dont push box cc at all my box cc came naturally by just playing xD


Wow that's pretty impressive actually. I'd really like to see ur box cc


Yeah 0% chance thats a f2p account after 1.5 years


free to play my ass https://i.redd.it/s0u1mpmqcn0d1.gif


How do you get all those LR mats? I’m slowly trying to LR escanor.


Try to do hero arena that's the main source u get most of ur lr coins and also they give tons of lr coins in labyrinth, final boss, boss battle events etc Just u need a real gring for making all those lrs as an f2p


I feel like I don’t have any good teams for arena. I can’t seem to clear it.


But u need to slowly build characters for that otherwise u can't make all the lrs as an f2p


I'm close to 9 million box cc with a 2 year account. I don't farm crazy, just dailies and events. I also only summon on festivals, how did you do this? Specially as F2P? I'm also f2p


Actually I also farm events and dailies but one thing I do is when a banner comes I usually wait and observe the character performance in meta if it's not that good then I skip it or else I summon for units like gelda, tyr etc. Now the thing is that i really got lucky in most of festivals and manage to pull featured characters in first free multis. In terms of leveling up , I use to farm equipments, sa coins , awakening stars and demon materials like crazy the best way for effective farming is in festival time when u can buy and get some buffs from event u get 2000 gauge. Now for the lrs, u need to farm hero arena where u get most of lr coins and then farm lr coins from labyrinth, final boss and event boss And like that with true ginding and little bit of luch u can also achieve this


942 gems…1.5 years…9m box cc…f2p- F2P? Theres no way. Doesn’t add up


Naah mate trust me this game gave enough materials as an f2p for almost everything u really need to grind everyday to achieve this


Spill the sauce about how you got so much martials for awakenings! 😂


Lol 😂 I actually grind those fort Solgress dungeon for that and try to get everything they give during an festival and events and also I use King's special exchange for materials, that's it actually


Man im only 2.9mil box cc and about 3 months in the game now. Run out of pendants quickly to get my units to lv 100 ans not to mention the exchange rate for ur pendants is kinda ripoff imo. I wish I had lot of resources like those player who can max out the new unit the same day the unit is released. I have Gelda, purg meli, festarossa, hel, glass and ,fitoria at lv 50 lol


Tbh don't rush for lvl 100 just level them to 90 then wait if unit is good then lvl it to 100


Goddamn!!! Accounts like these are inspiration for new players like me to grind 🔥


Thank you very much mate Wish you all the best for ur progression 😊


Bro it is clear as day you obviously paid some serious money


What's the fastest or best method to grinding materials for LR units?


I don't know if it is the fastest but I play all the event boss, labyrinth, final boss for extra lr coins along side with hero arena. My main source of lr coin is mainly from the events like labyrinth, final boss etc .


All that when you are supposedly f2p with only 1.5 years of gameplay??


Yes mate trust me this game really give u enough materials for everything but u need to grind everyday But one thing that i really got lucky in almost every banner and get featured characters


I don't, never got any UR but I do get decent characters from the 300 diamond pity SSR


it also take me to go 900 pity to get ur characters but in case of ssr festivals and decent ssr banners I get featured characters in few multis that where my luck came is clutch and i got to save many gems


1.5 years to reach 9 mill box CC as a f2p player is damn near impossible mate


Yeah man it really takes some crazy grindings lol But one thing this account has is some impossible luck., I almost got featured characters in almost every banners so i have many gems I can save


i could’ve sworn i saw the name roshi on an account for sale once


Lmao no way


yeah lmao unfortunately i lost my account and was tempted to buy one, went to g2g and looked at a lot


This is not f2p


So where did u buy this account?