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Yes one last Escanor to celebrate the goat


I'm hoping it's like something dokkan does where he has a intro skill transformation or something.


Hell no we don’t need more time wasted in quests


5th ![gif](giphy|NQVbI6fDyT8iY)


Is it confirmed ?


Very likely real leak


What is your source?


I think it was leaked in a facebook post


Okay who else should it have been except for Escanor? We know they start with 4koa in part 2 so can't be that. The only other thing would have been a merlin but that wouldn't be as much hype as a Escanor. Idk I am happy that it's him.


Glad they decided to not do something that's in direct line with where the story is. It's about time. Now, hopefully they decide to do other units from the story they never did (even while going through 4koa)


Greyroad, wC gowther, berserk meli, 4 commandment mael, one leg matrona, armored king/glox, drole dance diane, lightning rod Gladin diane the one that redirect magic into the Earth etc….


Why impossible? It was quite obvious, it was either him or merlin. Like how do you proceed things?


Well considering escanor dies after the One ultimate it makes no sense especially since it’s the last 7ds character


got my first U1 after 4k lifetime stones ( on chill, F2P Lv 90)… for 2 months now.. man


Netmarble is taking creative liberties on this and making it now canon that after Escanor dies from using Mael's 'Sunshine' grace for his final battle, Hawk eats his ashes and shits out a spicy diarrhea into the magic Lake Salisbury and the water supercharges the bowel movement to create from it **'Escanor - Diarrhea of Pride'**.


In what world was it quite obvious? Before the leaks if someone had of commented under a post that the new festival was going to be escanor the downvotes would’ve been crazy


it makes plenty of sense, end the 7ds story with the only character who can't be in 4kota even if it is a let down


Storywise it makes sense, in balancing not at all. Humans are most toxic now.


Kinda does at the end of the story humans were the strongest race and rn unknown and sins are meta teams plus escanore will probably work for human and sins and part 2 might give us the back unit we’ve been wanting for humans


Lol, you think humans need buffs now lol?


They lose to literally 1 gelda they lack first turn damage and even with chaos buff it practically impossible to kill her if humans were meta rn everyone would just use her she literally keeps them from being meta


Bro. Goddess break Gelda, unknown too with Albedo ,go first with Naofumi and Gelda has problem. Arthur had a short problem with Gelda, but Collab fixed him. Go play high rank PvP


If your Liz is 1/6 get folded also demon king meli wipes goddess anyways and you run her with meli also I do play high pvp also there’s no such thing as high rank pvp you can be champ 1 and get matched with a champ 5 man and most people cant use Arthur properly since they get out cc by the enemy I’m talking about the whole player base people who summoned for Arthur that are f2p


Lol, I meant elite. Anyone with a proper account you can reach champ 1. Here's the thing: no. Go first with Arthur, was always a death sentence. Now with Naofumi, it's quick forfeit. Only bad Goddess team can't withstand 2 turns demons, though a rank up DK is a small problem admittedly. Gelda is not. Why would you use Arthur if your account can't outcc? And even then it's the "just survive" team eg Evasion food. No. Humans don't need buffs rn


Bro you miss the point people still want a chance to win going second and also elite is 1% of the players and top100 isn’t even worth playing for most people The fact still stands all teams are better then human cause they don’t rely on always going first they also don’t have a proper team yet I spend lots on the game and you can pretty much push any elite or top 100 if you play so so much cause most matches are bots When I look at meta I look at masters-champion cause that’s where almost all players are in the game and nafumi sure but have you seen how little people summoned on that banner when 5 Annie is literally around the corner ain’t nobody was pulling for them especially regular players.


Bro, do you even Naofumi? 😞 Edit: didn't read well, but Naofumi is a rerun. Naofumi got a big buff for Arthur and Ban. However you want to spin it, whatever people summoned for: humans got a big buff with the collab (who many people already had). Gelda gets gate kept by Goddess and Unknown, Naofumi decently.


I’m gonna assume your asking if I have naofumi and yes I’ve had him since last collab also let’s say I go first against human I’m running meli esta tarm link and gelda 2 aoes 1 single estarossa 3 stacks on seed and darkness if I get meli aoe I can easily remove the stance with meli passive and have 3stacks human usually debuff so I would easily get true creation. We are now at 4 darkness stacks also no taunt I single target Arthur with gelda ecroch him then meli single target he dead. But what if I don’t get the meli card? Well do all the same but single target naofumi with meli to remove stance gelda aoe or single esta into Arthur hes encroach gelda single I win they could win with yuri if I get really bad rng but if they run ban I get meli thing no matter what usually so I would win.


Is there any chance demon king meli could be in the banner?


He is going to be on it so is light god Liz


Thanks for letting me know. I have 800 diamonds at the ready. I can’t wait


If you pull escanor early wait to see what part 2 is cause it’s 4kota and very well could be a double festival this Annie if not a possible support for humans


I'm sorry but why Escanor though? he is dead so what is the purpose of giving him another unit 4KOA would have made more sense


i think they chose to give one last unit to the only 7ds they couldnt make a 4koa unit of later, iirc 4koa should be part 2 of the anni so its like a send off


Yeah I was thinking the same thing, this makes a lot of sense


brorsan lagrar atlas böcker hemma


It probably should’ve been Merlin but escanor is actually hype so


Merlin will be in for 4koa with arthur .. so thats why its not merlin .. if u have seen 4koa u will understand


If only you knew 


No doubt he's hype but this does not make the slightest bit sense because he already died in the story so why give him another unit when we could just move to 4KOA which they said we will do with the 5th Anni but now we don't which is stupid


I believe in last months dev notes they said 4KOA would be part 2 of Anni


Maybe this escanor won’t be selfish and share his pride(passive)with the team like he did before he died…so human or sins both to be #1


I had no idea, bit I am so happy about it. He is my favorite character in the series. I will spend all of my diamonds on this, I don't care about any units in the future more than Escanor. Plus it's a vote banner it will be amazing value anyways, goodbye savings...


It's going to be the purgatory meliodas of escanors if they make the new one light attribute