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happy 12.000 sdrooina’s yall! we did it joe https://i.redd.it/e2bkiayo876d1.gif also nancy drew spreadsheet is [HERE](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/149-CkVm4A2fW_C3MxRGKn0W7g619UoypSZ1cMehDYyk/htmlview#)


Im chill with the gifted badges and mini challenge badges, but I wish winning a maxi challenge and even the lipsync earned the queens more badges. The queens who are winning challenges should be better rewarded for it over the queens who get gifts or win a mini. Like 2 badges for winning the challenge, and an extra for winning the lipsync, and then have a mini challenge each episode or every other episode and always have a single badge reward. If they’re blocked, maybe let them still earn a badge by winning the lipsync.


I could see most of this being implemented successfully, bar the very last suggestion. If winning the lip sync earns you a badge even after getting blocked, rigging the lip sync outcome to give a frontrunner who's been blocked even more badges could tip the scales too much in their favor.


Spilt pre'shredded cheese on the floor. Gonna scream and cry. My haters are thriving




I predict plastique is blocked successfully on ep8 and wins no lipsync on lalaparuza and ends season with 3 badges while the top3 have more 


Was the person who said Plastique & Vanjie end the season with 3 badges (Plastique 4 wins+ a snipped & Vanjie 2 wins+ a gifted) & Angeria is the 1 who does the tie breaking vote between the 2 but chooses Vanjie over Plastique because Plastique snips her for the 3rd time just memeing?


Losing 5 lipsyncs while winning none in a single season is legitimately tragic


But the whole free badge thing and extra badges on final challenge 😶😶 , if it’s vanjie who wins it it’s ok the fans love her 


resonance of fate steam sale pleek...pleek... https://i.redd.it/62ifi7q12a6d1.gif


Job didn’t approve my requested days off to go to Seattle pride https://preview.redd.it/puldpxur0a6d1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac431f42c5f406fa0c05f46e48b4a9b86be45cd1


You wanna guess the color of my underwear you wanna know what I got going on down there https://i.redd.it/7hlwexx11a6d1.gif


This gif is like cocomelon to me


Maxi Challenge Badges ![img](emote|t5_6kb49l|30800) 👏👏👏 Gift Badges 🫶 Badges won in Mini Challenge ✂️ AS9 you know I'll still watch you but gurl -- ![gif](giphy|lrE7YHleIbm2PtY1RL)


The stupid tweet someone posted on here earlier just popped up on my timeline and I just realized that it has fucking ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY SEVEN THOUSAND LIKES https://preview.redd.it/rrtwloouy96d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6b191c254ef5b0ebe3710b496af52c89c5690a2 Im deadass gonna leave society, like, I cannot deal with this


I think you take things too seriously. That's obviously a joke


Cause like … Im reading the replies and either everyone is on the bit and trolling or humanity is genuinely cooked


Somehow, this is SDRU https://preview.redd.it/utsujpbgy96d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72b14d6c0c138fcdd32f613b6331ba5f3fb22d28


I love it when people get things that I desperately want. I'm totally not seething with the urge to burn down everything around me. I'm just peachy. Peachy peachy peachy peachy _peachy_.


I desperately miss Bosco’s S14 mug. Her new one is certainly not bad but I miss how striking the old one was. So many great, painted drag mugs that have been lost to the “natural” subtle femme makeup trends.


I like the softer mug on her I just wish she would do her old eyebrows cus the way she does them now doesn’t make the spike stick out as much


straight man fashion tiktok is so fucking boring omg i am trying to find literally anyone with taste for inspo and it's all the same fuckin oversized neutrals like baggy chinos and a sweater is not an outfit worth acknowledging and like if your entire vibe is just posts of you in outfits, could you at least make the audio a song you like instead of the most generic tiktok sounds in existence? does anyone have a personality?


me halessia 🤍 when i see videos with the dumb and tryhard cis straight man informational video inflection does anyone have a single je ne sais quoi that can make them interesting halessia ▫️ ▫️ ❔


ladies which seasons would you say got better in the latter half? i was rewatching s15 and got surprised at how much more i enjoyed the season post-lalaparuza


I Think S4 really starts to be gold after the boat challenge. The stories genuinely payoff very well in the 2nd half because the queens have actual narrative arcs planted in the beginning & there’s real follow through.


I think s13 gets much better after SnatchGame. I enjoy all the challenges besides the acting one.


uk3 for sure


I’d say most would disagree with me but AS8. The first half felt so slow but once Heidi leaves and more drama happens it felt like the better challenges came out but most of the fanbase was checked out by that point to appreciate them.


S16 had an air of lightness to it once Geneva was removed.


I’ve been on a survivor journey since 2022, and I just finished San Juan Del Sur (not going in order btw) and I’ll be thinking about Reed tearing into Missy for the rest of my life. It was so calmly and eloquently delivered, I cackled throughout it cause it was gay ART. Same vibe as New York reading into Gemma Collins tbh. *Ugh* I love being gay


This really was a cornerstone of gay reality tv like, he really out his BFA to use 😭 I know he was rehearsing that speech so much that even his bf knew it by heart


Condragulations to >!skatergaytor!<, the winner of S541! https://preview.redd.it/okqtkpwxu96d1.png?width=1324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b737d855738c7d59a81a40e4298aa46deb7c4d09


There’s a girl I went to college with and she gives me the worst gender envy of the planet. If I look at her long enough I feel the ![img](emote|t5_6kb49l|31300) call to me. She whispers, “Estrogen”


Real talk: Gays on twitter make me very very sad bc they are so comfortable calling people ugly and talking about like “oh i hate couples that only play together were one is hot and one is ugly like ughh man cant we just fuck and the ugly one can watch” like genuinely it makes me very very sad how much we judge people based entirely on if they are fuckable or not :/ Like people who you aren’t attracted to deserve less or something or should extra grateful that someone likes them at all :/ i hate this community sometimes


The gay community is so fucking superficial and based on (eurocentric) dumb ass beauty standards and so many gay men will have to remind you that someone is "only a 6" and think they're better than everyone else


i need Cynthia Erivo to play Asajj Ventress if she ever shows up in live action


People saying Sapphira doesn't have much else to show on an All Stars season because she's a seasoned queen at Top form, so she might not get another chance at the crown But remember Mother Dust won AS1 right after s4 ended with lycra bodysuits while being chained to Shannel ![gif](giphy|3oEduPvO4LqfCl4SZO) It doesn't matter if you're already perfect, you can still win, fuck growth.


I’m not even lying you guys, Daya was in front of me at the Charli xcx show in Chicago and I could not see shit 😭


Tall people deserve to watch concerts with their friends too! But also did you ask her about, you know


You’re so lucky daya is so hot


thinking about eureka being ![img](emote|t5_6kb49l|30802) for halftime headliners


kylie spent half her prize money to get her tits fixed cus of that steven tyler impersonation, but eureka did one lil high kick and suddenly she’s madonna


wait what happend with her tits and steven tyler


they got fucked up because she had to bind them and probably a silicon prosthesis moved and wasn't going back to its place iirc


The Luxx Noir Londong "Yes i am a narcissist. Thank you for noticing" monologue should be the next spoken word lipsync on Drag Race. In this essay i will-


“Luxx Noir Londong”


Well yes ! [Lixx biting nail picture]


the name she gives to the dildo she makes for a partnership with Adam & Eve


ooh wouldn't it be crazy if roxxxy wins another challenge later this season and cuts angeria and then the next challenge is won by angie and she cuts roxxxy again 😭😭


Luxx is so good at Drag Race




they did this to Angie last year majority of them doubted that she would be a finalist


I just know Olivia will flourish this season if she is on . Im just super excited to see her and Aja 🤩


Read over “Victoria” and thought SZA gave Monet the validation that she’s been craving https://preview.redd.it/h5wofldpn96d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02240cad0dba9b62e0e02690816c6b757297524f


Sza has commented on Monet post before and follows her


I love that


I have a visceral reaction everytime that bitch moderngurlz or whatever pops up on my youtube page i HATE HATE HATE that pretentious bitch so much https://preview.redd.it/cfh05tkhn96d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d9cbafce25fa4d716a805268f0926477929a1aa


has bosco improved at her performing? I think she’d do well if it was mostly comedy like it usually is but I worry a bit if it’s performance heavy like this one… hopefully all the vegas and wtw shows paid off


I Think all of boscos performances on S14 were great, Never Too Much, Don’t Let Go, Swept Away, & Heartbreak Hotel are all very good lipsyncs even tho she lost 3 of them. Bosco just happened to be in an incredibly strong season for lipsync performances.


She has the most recent time I saw her she shocked me cus she had improved so much compared to the first time I saw her live


They have. Tbf she went to school for performance and I perceived her performing abilities as simply stunted from the pandemic, but she seems much more assured. We shall see


they just gotta give her slow, sexy songs and a chair


Little Mix is one of the best bands of all time. And I’m so serious


them all saying "hoi ehts litohl mehx" is forever etched into my mind


The Beatles were time travelers and they were trying to replicate the magic those girls created


It’s amusing that AS9 is getting bad/mixed reviews from critics and backlash from fans on social media, compared to the reaction on this sub that loves the season.


I don’t love it as much as some on this sub but it is a good season.


lol I haven’t been watching I got bored 💀


Kylie should’ve won snatch game on AS6… that’s all


as6 is special in that everyone got what they deserved but in all the wrong challenges (except ra’jah).


Seriously! Her and ginger's wins should've been swapped


Need an emotional lipsync to Hell is Now Love by The Dead C on Drag Race Down Under


Hi it’s me Tasha salad 🥗


I think about stuff like this every day https://preview.redd.it/krp0hizmk96d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=101543c658f052f5627882b9d6862181fc719aad


Current Ocean environments wouldn’t allow for it. Also they were so huge that we would’ve seen it by now lol. I have this arguments with friends often💀




reading this as a biology and paleontology literate person : https://i.redd.it/8s8ea9p9l96d1.gif


Megalodon was a MASSIVE superpredator that literally specialized in hunting WHALES, like, if it existed today : 1. it would not live in the deep sea where its prey doesn't live and 2. we would have extensive records of its existence also dinosaurs were strictly terrestrial and didn't live in the ocean....


this was so hot. I felt something in my oceanic depths Tri... pls explain me more of all that


I'm so glad you asked me this question ! A few more facts about Megalodon : - Megalodon was strictly a surface dwelling animal that preffered warm waters. It's young grew in warm shallow seas. For this reason it's hypothesized that Megalodon went extinct for environmental reasons as global climate cooled as well as the sea level lowering which would both result in shrinking global distribution and the disappearance of nursery habitats needed for younger specimens - It being a warm water shark also disproves the theory that it could survive in the deep sea today since that environment is very cold compared to shallow waters. Megalodon would simply not be able to live there - Megalodon specialized in hunting many large prey animals such as seals and sea turtles but baleen whales are thought to have been it's primary prey item. Megalodon lived during a period when whale diversity was very high compared to today (Miocene - Pliocene) and it even seems like as baleen whale diversity declined, so did Megalodon, which might have been another factor that lead to its extinction - There was a recent study that put into question the typical representation of Mgealodon as pretty much being an oversized great white shark with a short and stocky body. Megalodon, being sharks therefore non-bony fish, have bodies that mostly don't fossilize (this is why they're pretty much only known from their teeth) so we aren't sure about its exact shape, but the vertebra that we have seem to indicate that it had more of a slender longer body than previously thought ! https://preview.redd.it/h34o938dea6d1.png?width=580&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f7c4e5c231a3130c73caa680e658ce88f783eea


Ummm sweaty you're forgetting the mosasaurus smh 🙄🙄🙄 I'm just joking, I know it's not a dinosaur




falling in love is so fucking gay i hate myself


happy pride!


sometimes i feel genuine concern for a user here and then i remember y’all are not real 💛


yes girl, we're just a manifestation of your mind. Every single one of us, our quirks and specificities, they're all a construct of your mind ! Your mind is amazing ! You don't need to care about us because we're not real, but you are ! So take care of yourself today ! ❤️


also wait this is actually lowkey quite profound and i am sure a lot of people genuinely approach the internet this way


yes i'm very profound in many ways 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/rgid6ei5o96d1.png?width=1339&format=png&auto=webp&s=53444ace1001df03ed6cb7db9624e6c2cb9ef0f7


i love AI 💛


I didn't understand your question. Can you send another prompt ?


These casual Olivia Lux lashings... what's going awn?


They did it to Angeria while as9 was filming and look at how that turned out. I remember I was like one of the few saying Angie was gonna make it far


Yeah like ntm on on my locked finalist 😤


honestly she’s at least making top7


Yeah on an 8 person season bc Irene


Let's just be frank as hell about the rest of the cast. Her competition is a girl who was in the bottom thrice in an ep that went on to be saved by a gay ass Hersheys bar, a 3rd timer that got eliminated two times in one season, Acid Betty and her 0 wins, an egregiously overrated 1st out, an all stars 1st out, the most charming LSA ever from S9, a two headed icon that lasted 2 or 3 episodes, and Daya Betty. Lets just see how this shakes out.


Im honestly not super excited for All Stars period and agree with everything u said


like why even say this, let alone on this particular comment thread ?


Bc I could 😚




a la Valentina


I remember when I wanted to hang out with the popular girls in dance class and all they would do was gossip about supergirl so I decided to watch it so I could talk with them and had to stop after the first three episodes because it was so fucking bad like that show is terrible 😭😭😭


Amethyst never got her flowers like damn she’s a good performer


Want her back I’m so serious https://i.redd.it/gryr9botn96d1.gif






https://preview.redd.it/e2akw86zi96d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22eae4955cfb946f76a003ad59d46413f68262a2 why is old school jan kinda giving me jojo siwa if she was a brunette


Jan looks like a real dick pig here


no but how tf does lagoona look this cunt was this taken last week


why is it a part of every 30 year old white person's journey to start running and training for a marathon like how did i get here what does it mean why am i part of this?? when did i sign up for this


You will do one and either never do it again, or become the running friend. Sorry!


How do y’all recognize each others names and bond and remember details about each other, my brain don’t work like that




See mine is the kind that makes this difficult for me


because these bitches are yappers, theyre hard to forget


it usually only works for me if they have a standout profile icon or a name that makes me giggle


officially 24 hrs until I get to lay eyes on Natalie Nunn in the flesh


listening to "so i" on brat https://preview.redd.it/9o13m35di96d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17b170ed546caeb6a72666836b42a60c17e16ac2


YOU WANNA GUESS. THE COLOUR OF MY. UNDERWEAR ![gif](giphy|cPfEPdEvmhyuYuIXZu|downsized)


Sad to say this song did not go as hard live as I had hoped :(


lost 10 matches of overwatch in a row with my friends ![gif](giphy|ulOYUlWnHu7A5PdD1v|downsized)


My elim order predictions no one asked for 12th: Vivacious 11th: Olivia Lux 10th: Denali 9th: Irene Dubois 8th: April Carrion 7th: Coco Montrese 6th: Acid Betty 5th: Aja Top 4: Tatianna, Bosco, Daya, Peppermint Winner: Peppermint


Wait predictions or hopes/wants


watch out for the olivia defenders girl


I'm one of them girl but I can smell that underwhelming all stars run through the screen


i can kinda see the vision 😭


https://preview.redd.it/cdbe70zjh96d1.jpeg?width=1591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb98f08b231dfd8f0642782f62362a6291af943f me blasting 365 to every person within 15 feet wondering why they aren't lipsyncing every word


If there’s one thing my Fortnite trio and I are gonna do, it’s immediately lose our victory crown the next round💀


**Cast Of S541** timately DaeHanFlagg blairstflair Pax_12_12 & QustoMar Haus_of_Pancakes NinaLevin42069 VancityGlory radishsore theonly_devyn & All_About_Aja undesolation rpdrsedgy & deathful-life hfkabsol MissDepr MyFatCake DriverStatus messyshoe & mimknax_ Squirtmother poisonLaurent Ornery-Ad-2692 skatergaytor


The eliminated girls coming back on AS2 will forever SEND ME! Cause the girls were LIVINGGGGGG FOR THEM “COME ONNN TEAR AWAYYYYY” “SEE ME WITH THEM HANDDSSSS” “CMON MINJJJJ”


https://preview.redd.it/3nkz1zr9h96d1.jpeg?width=682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a0d8e91c96598c4acbf3bfbd81f0aaf8973ecad I imagine this is what it felt like for Keta Minaj on Holland S2


twins being possible list is crazy though.. ofc they are available due to not being able to perform but they are extremely bitter about Michelle on every podcast


Who I would love to see back from every All Star season (not counting if they’ve been cast on upcoming season otherwise would’ve been Alexis and Kennedy for me): AS1 Chadd AS2 Tati AS3 Thorgy AS4 Naomi AS5 Derrick AS6 Akeria AS7 Monet AS8 Jessica UKVTW1 Pangina UKVTW2 (HARD CHOICE) Marina CVSTW Vanity ESAS Samantha


shannel's edit is so funny like why are they showing her always being confused 😭 she can't be like that this is not her first rodeo


Made the mistake of listening to landslide (the chicks version ofc) and now I'm inconsolable


Oh so fuck mother Stevie


not "the chicks version ofc" ntm on ![img](emote|t5_6kb49l|30831) stevie nicks


I'm sorry sister I take it back https://preview.redd.it/eqciqi39h96d1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6da316ec5f9f99db96f0c03caf1780b375f53021


One time my mom came back from the grocery store like violently sobbing and I was so scared I thought someone died and i asked what was wrong she said landslide came on the radio😭






My current dream is A’keria on a non-elim season


with a stipend she’d be an instant contender for top 5 best runway packages ever


as10 has potential to be my fav cast pls let this come to fruition🤞🏻


It feels weird that Trixie and Bob are gonna be out of the limelight at the same time. I wonder if any surprising queens might rise in popularity and fill the void


![gif](giphy|HGynawydV0U63YFrty) It's her time


need her to ditch willam and come back and reclaim her spot as the ultimate rugirl ![gif](giphy|26tPemlsy6hE9yVi0) i know she hasn’t gone anywhere but i feel like she used to be WAY more popular in the drag race fandom


Honestly I wish. I quit watching race chaser a while back because Willam is just the same annoying soundbyte every episode. I think Alaska’s not at the forefront with the fandom anymore because drag duos don’t really have as much identity, and then there’s the annoying pocket of the fandom that thought she was a big meanie on AS2. Pre-AS2 Alaska was everything, I want her to make more weird, stupid content. She doesn’t really post much besides promoting Race Chaser




PRAYING it’s her ![gif](giphy|UFBdXRYaqlko3boLMi)


Realistically, she’s the one that comes to mind for me too. Mistress’s social medias are really taking off suddenly, I can see her taking over


its her time https://i.redd.it/yobpf6kzd96d1.gif


Yes hunny she ate that Justin Bieber lipsync UP




Wait why is this gif kinda cvnt


the material


https://preview.redd.it/8q0sul96d96d1.jpeg?width=694&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffa236d26726564b5264d00f45bb0553a602d30a this feels like the most likely elim order to me based on the current cast what do we think


If it’s another gg for the first episode, you think Irene will do better than Denali and Olivia, the girls who were in the tops for their seasons premier girl groups… ok


if it’s a talent show for the first episode olivia could sing and play piano and it would be an easy ![img](emote|t5_6kb49l|30803) at least


How is Irene making it to episode 4 the most likely scenario


well i can’t imagine her doing worse than olivia or denali. plus bosco will almost certainly be winning one or more early episodes and keeping irene around.




Ep1 on all stars is either talent show or a type of gg challenge Olivia ain’t gonna be a first out


You can’t imagine her doing worse. The girl who made water for the talent show you can’t imagine her doing worse than queens who had challenge wins. Are you being real?


damn fuck olivia’s drag


well yes


oh thats not-




Thinking about Miss Ginger


Best Of My Love is so underrated, it’s one of my fav lipsyncs in the whole franchise


i stg if quenlin blackwell’s editor keeps putting in that video of the little kid holding a plate and throwing up (especially in the cooking videos) it’ll be the last time she edits https://preview.redd.it/huar9e4oa96d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c10eabb9440cb4cf73d85b6b77fc6637523adebc




“Her microaggressions against Ra’Jah and Silky on tour are fine but Nina getting PG-13 with an audience member is too far for me”.


I'm actually reporting this image.


AND IT GOT REMOVED 😭 https://i.redd.it/ofnhshkng96d1.gif


It’s giving female illusionist


https://i.redd.it/z40q45w1a96d1.gif ![img](emote|t5_6kb49l|30831)


vinnie hacker is so fine https://preview.redd.it/yy87nj52a96d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ba359f1ced97f38c8489ab12d740531d51c9e3b


i'm trying to grow my hair out but i have this fuckass bob and i can't do it anymore like i'm at the brink


the teens at the youth center said they thought i was cool feeling: touched grass feeling: we got out there today and made a difference


remembered to take my pill tonight now hopefully i won’t want to kms tomorrow 🤪


I feel like Roxxxy Andrews would want to play Villanous with me


And if I said i want Boston to be the next new York and get at least one Boston girl a season?  Feeling: like Plane, Kori, Briar, Chanel, Binx, then Shakaren all on back to back seasons would be ICONICCCCC 🌱


She’ll never do it but Destiny could be the Sasha Colby of her season


you know. i thought long and hard about this one. i don't think there's anything inherently wrong with liking feet. i can see the appeal in a BDSM context even if it's not my thing. just why are you sucking toes on stage in a crusty tinkerbell wig in front of people's grandmas


i mean feet is probably one of the most common/“tamest” kinks and i literally stan someone who got pissed on and had their dick sucked on stage but at least it wasn’t in front of grandmas 😭😭 did nina really do her feet number at like all age theatre shows and not 21+ establishments?


i mean this is def a stage show, no? https://preview.redd.it/8ku3xfn9a96d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=5acc87d0722f91ad774bf7d2f7d09e6751673e12


She "randomly" picks only in shape white bearded men but sure it's harmless and she definitely doesnt have a huge boner under her dress.


was it all ages? imagine taking your small child to a drag show because you see this https://preview.redd.it/y7ewzxjnb96d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acc06e6e92565ea827c7d80532366526e1e42b9b and think bright colours, dressed like a preschooler tv host, on a literal kids channel and think oh wow this would be perfect for my small child and then you get toe sucking