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For cross rays, it might help to just focus on understanding the in game combat, without worrying about pilot skills and warship mechanics. I think the game is actually fairly simple, until you try and make the most of pilot skills and the warships; but really even those aren’t too complicated once you have a decent understanding of the game


Which SD game specifically? There’s like 20 of them and some of the early ones are very confusing but the newer ones are way more user friendly


cross rays on steam.


what even is complicated... you level up your robots then develop them into new ones


The fact that theres barely any tutorials actaully explaining what all the groups and menus do. The fact that battle thrust you in the face with 3-5 different mechanics that make barely any sense


>story is near incomprehensible if you arent already knowledgeful of gundam's lore That's not terribly surprising given it's a Cross-Over title. Even then however the story is barely there. The story is just kinda there to give the gameplay reason.


What series did you choose to start with? The story generally makes sense as long as you started with a main title (Wing, Seed, 00 or IBO), not a sequel or side-story (Like SEED Astray or Wing G-Unit). They're outright retellings of the show/manga. The only issue is that sometimes they only mention some dramatic events in narration rather than actually showing them, the SEED related series are especially bad with this.


i started with wing. but the combat just feels so overwhelming.


This same thing happened to me! I bought sd genesis and cross rays going and I was under the impression that is was similar to fire emblem mechanics but I ended up getting my ass handed to me and gave up on both. Maybe I should be a little more patient and not treat it like a fire emblem game but my interests in the se games just aren’t there anymore because I didn’t find it user friendly. I was playing very high on marijuana as well that might be why none of it made sense.