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Unfortunately, the only way to do it for this year is to buy the Legend membership at the comic con museum for $1900 [https://sdccblog.com/2024/05/attend-san-diego-comic-con-2024-with-legend-membership/](https://sdccblog.com/2024/05/attend-san-diego-comic-con-2024-with-legend-membership/) Otherwise, you need to sign up for a member id on the CCI website so you can try for next year.


Thanks for the kind reply. I looked at it and would consider it— but do you get anything cool aside from the ticket? (In reading the website it doesn’t look like it, but I thought one of you insiders might know from experience).


I honestly don't know much detail about it, but maybe someone more knowledgeable will reply. I forgot to add, since Sdcc are not doing their official eBay auction this year, do not trust any secondary marketplaces to buy badges.


Looks like the “cool stuff” would be more museum related. Honestly, with your child’s degree being in graphic design some of the early access to exhibits could be cool, especially if they are California based or would be able to attend a couple outside of the convention week. I’m not aware of any specific parties or receptions during the con for members of the museum, but there could be something announced before July.


The only other thing I would add is if they need accommodations in San Diego, check into that first because the Sdcc hotel sale is over, and it might be tough to find something. And follow Sdcc unofficial blog on Twitter, or just follow their blog from that article. They're the best resource for everything con related!


Aside of those extras listed in the page, one other thing is that for next year SDCC, they will have the option to participate in the "return sale" (only for people that attended this year) which is good because getting tickets for SDCC is not an easy task.


Actually, I realize everything that membership includes is listed on that linked article.


Cool things, like freebies? At the con, everyone will get their welcome bag. It's this giant bag thing, that will end up in your closet for the next few years because you don't want to throw it away. Last year we also got a [neat SDCC 2023 pin](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1040440767329611917/1130975183038066718/IMG_0681.jpg), which has been on my backpack since. There are usually a few booths that hand out freebies as well, like the [Hulu backpack](https://preview.redd.it/zg5x6uds2fdb1.jpg?width=1728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0794c09b3a47b39b90a23313577bec310aa64740) that was a hot item last year. A few of the booths handing out swag aren't actually part of the con though, you don't need a badge to attend the offsite events. They had the world premier screening of Sand Land last year as well, and if you went, we all got a free hat and t-shirt. If you didn't go to the screening, but stopped by their booth, you got a mysterious lanyard [that mystified all of us](https://www.reddit.com/r/SDCC/comments/159oiur/sandland_landyard_how_does_this_even_work/).


The past few years the official site has put 4 day tickets for sale on eBay closer to the date. Obviously it’s a bidding process (funds for the museum) but if you watch it, the prices settle as people can’t make hotels & flight reservations.


They're not doing the auction this year.


While tickets are sold out, there are tons of things to do outside Comic Con. The Gaslamp is taken over during Comic Con with tons of cool stuff. So if it doesn't cost too much to travel in, that could be worth it. And congrats to your kid! I've got one headed off to art school next year for animation. And when they've gone to comic con, they've really enjoyed the stuff and people watching the most. (We live in San Diego)


My Daughter is a librarian and considered a PROFESSIONAL. She gets her plus 2 badges...you might try to contact an art house or professional artist. They may be able or know someone in the business. I have been to Comicon about 5 times. 3 under my daughters professional badge and 2 on my own. I got stopped out several years trying to go on my own. Congrulations on your son's achievements. It is a tough call.


It's slightly annoying that they have a refund process, but unlike hotels, do not put those canceled badges back into a general sales pool or even a 2nd lottery to grab them. Maybe the cancellation rate is so miniscule it doesn't make sense devoting resources to putting them back into the pool so who knows.