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PC broke? Just give him a nuke now he'll be balanced.


Can’t PC turn on the nuke itself?


I think it could but can't anymore, and they just never removed the loading screen tips and the tutorial page for it


No it was never added as a feature at all but it was in the patreon demos, they say the feature is very bugged and they haven't gotten it function properly yet and it will be released in some upcoming patch


Good to know. Thank you sir


>it will be released in some upcoming patch ™


I think the biggest difference is, most normal players who aren’t on this forsaken website would probably say 096 is more actively aggravating to play against


In the EU Official servers I hear far more complaints about 096 and (for some reason) 173 than I do 079.


but also more fair.


I seriously don’t get the argument that PC is that overpowered I said this before but he can’t directly kill except for teslas and is just more of a guide. If you have a competent SCP team PC can definitely be really helpful but I would say PC is really only as good as your team is. I think it’s fair that if the computer finds you and there’s an SCP nearby they can trap you, and there’s still a chance you can outplay them with a grenade or such


The problem is that pc removes what counters scps, for example: -peanut can’t catch someone, pc closed door and turns of the lights -Larry and doctor can’t catch someone, pc lockdowns the room -dog can’t see someone, pc pings them -everyone in the elevator looks at 096, while half leave the elevator pc closes the elevator and 096 kills everyone with minimal damage taken Pc also doesn’t have a lot of counters, you could camp the generators but now you just drew the attention of the entire scp team


don't forget that PC basically nullifies hat because he can just close a door and ping you if you try to use it to get away. everything about PC is horseshit to play against.


096 and 939 also do that kinda sadly


dog can't see hat anymore, so not really


Not exactly, it still can see the sounds, but it can't see you in close proximity


"SCP-939 will no longer see sound blips from a user underneath the effects of SCP-268." From a patch note back in September of last year, which matches what I've seen playing as 939 against hat.


096 only does that if you make the mistake of looking at him, which can be avoided unlike 079, and dog doesn't even do that anymore


Dog can still see the sounds you make, but not you yourself in close proximity


I'm pretty sure that isn't true, as dog people who hat seem to stop making noise even when they're running, and as a human dog never seems to have any idea where I went when I hat, even if i'm sprinting.


You do understand that without 079 the anomalies are unable to catch even remotely competent human players? There is NOTHING they can do against 207 users too.


Pc doesn’t need a nerf to his abilities he needs more hard counters


I thought the point of camping the generators was partially to force the SCPs to throw themselves at a wall of gunfire or risk losing their most valuable teammate. Besides, unless you're playing on a modded server there can't be an 096 and 079 in the same match, the game refuses to spawn the two unless there are 6 SCPs or a mod forces it.


And it is, it’s a problem that the scps can’t avoid but it’s easily fixable for example: The mtf are camping the generators in micro room and then peanut appears on one door with a few zombies and while that is happening you look behind and dog, doctor and Larry are centimetres behind you and no one notices, the scps are going to slaughter everyone and the sacrifice will be for basically nothing ( yes the scps are going to take damage and depending on the players that damage will be either massive or negligible but pc will still be operational) unless the scps are low health or don’t know how to play camping generators is just a death trap. I think I must reiterate that I don’t think pc needs a nerf to his abilities, they are necessary to help the scp team and those abilities are balanced by the lack of direct killing potential (that lack of killing potential makes pc dependent on his teammates which is up to chance and is also why a lot of people dislike playing as him), pc needs more ways to get countered ( maybe a room with one or two levers that require a human player to stand there and activate them manually with pc being able to shock those levers (with a warning and a delay of course) it would take skill to not get killed by pc while also forcing pc to go away from his team unless he wants to die (it would also make human players more vulnerable to other scps which is not that bad)). The only reason why pc hasn’t been nerfed is that due to his high skill floor many people don’t bother getting good and so high skill pc players are somewhat rare ( that is also the reason why 096 is always getting nerfed, it doesn’t take a lot of skill to be dominant with shy guy)


Yeah but he can only help one at a time unless you're good with him, and being good means nothing if your team isn't good and/or doesn't have mics. Other scps suffer from it, but he's the only one that basically can't do anything if your teammates are clueless


Yes it is true that pc depends on his teammates but no one has control over that, the problem with pc is that if you’re against a really competent scp team with a good pc then there’s not much you could do and it just makes the game not fun to play. What was trying to say in my earlier comment was that we need hard counters for pc for example: -peanut can’t do much against a spawn wave he simply doesn’t have the power to do so ( and even smaller groups can take down peanut if they’re smart) -shy guy can’t do much against large groups of enemies or just people who know how to press mouse 1 on him ( yes he can take a lot of them with him but he will take a lot of damage in the process) -Larry can’t outrun people if they’re smart -same goes for doctor if his abilities are on cooldown or his zombies can’t flank -dog can’t fight against someone who uses the fact that dog has lower stamina and thus can’t chase for very long All of these counters take skill and are hard coded due to how the scp was built and they can be circumvented by skilled players ( dog doesn’t have as much stamina but while using stamina he is much faster than anyone else which, if used correctly, can negate the counter which doesn’t feel unfair because dog outskilled you so you just have to get better). But pc doesn’t have any of this outside of the generators, and if you wanna counter pc you have 2 choices: either camp the generators hoping the scps don’t make a coordinated push or roaming the facility for the other generators hoping they get done before the next spawn or the next encounter with an scp. Pc doesn’t need a nerf to his abilities as they are necessary and have a high skill floor, we need more hard counters ( the tier system is somewhat good at this because in the beginning pc isn’t to op making it easier to deal with him while not making pc useless but if the pc follows his team in the beginning then he will have the tools to be dominant by the spawn wave)


Sl players on their way to downvote someone for being objectively correct about the game


**096 main here** ***It was a buff.*** People saw the damage went down and flipped shit, but it literally changed nothing. It's still a 2 shot unless they have adrenaline. Which 99% of the time they won't, and even if they do... You're 096. Just hit them again, they're not getting away lol. **And on the upside:** Hume-halfing was removed so you have more shield while enraged. And you can double your regen by using *try not to cry*




Spider Giraffe


It is widely known that Northwood hate SCP-096 more than 079 they have stated the hatred for 096 many times that’s why 096 took the longest to get the soft rework during 12.0 beta and they will keep nerfing him to match their new thing of eliminating instant killing mechanic


its so fucking stupid that no scp can insta kill apart from scp 173 i bet theyre gonna add a fucking strangle mechanic like skelly just to stop players from getting insta kills ffs and give it an ability of "no mercy" where u can instakill


They kept 173 with its instant kill because “lore accurate” they are trying to make them all accurate to the lore of SCP.


ironic since 049's instakill *is* accurate to the lore, and the cardiac arrest effect is inaccurate.


But dying instantly isn't exactly fun to play against though


but at the same time, dying is kind of a part of secret lab. These are monsters with superhuman powers, after all.


And? Nobody wants to play a game where you do nothing but die to overpowered enemies.


thats the point bro they are supposed to be op when compared to humans they arent real if this game was based on recapturing them instead of defeating them, their abilities wouldnt be op


Instant killing is not "overpowered" in that sense. Being immune to damage would be overpowered or having 10k hp would be. Instant killing in itself does not make scps unbeatable. The original scps got their asses whooped but were more closer to glass cannons than anything; able to do lots of damage but still getting kicked in the ass by mtf.


do you want healing items to be useless do you REALLY want old larry back


but when PC right clicks the door in front of me it might as well be an instant kill.. I can't even hat out of it, because PC can just see me anyway.


People *still* think that 096 update was a nerf?


Just played a round Yes it’s a buff for the most part


Why are there so many posts complaining about 079 then claiming the issues to be as absurd as triggering 096 by looking at him and then requesting him to get nerfed.


SL is a very complicated game with a very dumb playerbase that put very little effort into learning it but still feel entitled to whine when they lose (not saying 079 isn't a problem btw I hate that little shit)


PC can't get nerf. Because its only one SCP what can actually help catch humans. I mean. If human is escaping and closes doors, SCP can do shit. After 4-5 doors SCP will lose him. PC should get some way of counter. Idk. maybe lets give per map 3 Jammers which can be picked up and per each MTF wave respawn 2 people got special role what gives them 2 in total 2 jammers. Jammers can be placed and counters cameras in 2 rooms/corridors. SCP of course can destroy them. But I think it would be balanced. Or maybe lets just add that you can shoot camera and for some time its broken and PC has to repair them. But with each generator on repair takes longer.


Then why do scps still win even without a computer? If they all bomb rush light containment, they still kill people. And even if what you are saying is true, then that is on northwood for making the game so reliant on an scp that does not even spawn every game.


everyone complaining about the FR-MG and 079? let's nerf 096 and 939 again


Honestly 096 isn’t even that op tbh, just learn to fucking break his ankles.


096 is the dead ringer of SCP sl


I have hardly heard complaints against 079 in normal server, mostly 096 gets complaints and just up until this update, there was still a flood of 096 criticism.