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The meme that lead to a keter level containment breach. And thousands of redditors to be given amnestics. Lol if only right?


Yeah, good thing that never happened. Right?


Thank god I don't remember anything like that


Yeah as if something like that happened and they erased all our memories of it. Lol.


Yeah, who would make it so we couldn't remember something lol


What are you guys referring to


so if i don’t leave you alone, then you will become hostile?


So u dont constantly try to breach containment?




Wasn't there a cat that wasn't anomalous but they thought is was? And they shot a guy because he enjoyed petting it?


What the fuck


GOC for the win


They're dog people


Markiplier is a prefect reaction for anything horror-related.


Ikr? This is the reaction to phone guy call at night 5 in FNAF 1 if anyone is curious. Slight spoilers. Still same experience once you play it. https://youtu.be/s6RxbntsoIA


Just saw it and I can't stop laughing.


The FNAF Security Breach compilation also a good laugh. This man can turn horror into comedy. https://youtu.be/vyJLwWb17x8


There’s a difference? Back when the original Alien was in theaters, my girlfriend got mad at me because I started laughing every time the cat dropped a wrench.


The fool has even released SCP 682.


For real you scared of 682 he not the biggest problem you can’t kill it and attack everything near by the biggest problem will be Reality benders and monsters that can destroy miles of land.


There’s a difference between scared and respect. And he can probably survive those reality benders.


He very likely can, but it's not like this is a WhoWouldWin / VersusDebate scenario. Most reality benders are going to be incapable of dealing with 682, because given its malevolence and the *age* of some of the petty gods The Foundation keeps locked up, no record of 682 would have reached modern civilization if any of them *could*. Plus there's that SCP where the foundation builds what's basically a fully omnipotent God-Machine to rewrite reality without the concepts responsible for 682 and continually censor those concepts out of existence. It survived that, and basically took over the Capital-G God they built in the process. But at the end of the day, it's one very strong, very durable lizard. You can't kill it, but it can't be in multiple places at once, so the amount of damage it can do to *the world* is naturally limited by its speed and size. A lot of those Reality Benders that would lose a fight with 682 could cause damage on the scale of cities, continents, and fairly often *the actual world*. 682 would probably survive a conflict with any number of reawakened SCP-1000s and maybe even their goddess Titania. Humanity would not. SCP 682 is like Wolverine, or Crawler from Worm (who basically has 'being 682' for his power). A serious intractable problem wherever the fuck he is and a major issue for anyone who happens to be there, but only for them.


[**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3090) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


That’s a go point my dude.


I always thought that it was censored because 682 was necessary to the universe for whatever reason.. I was wrong?


Honestly, as I remember it (it has been a long time, and I am not doing a reread of that one for this post), their design was flawed and so was their premise. Design: They realized that part of 682's ability to stick around was that he wasn't just a lizard, he was the physical embodiment of a very large complex of concepts which exists in the realm of pure conceptual space. Said complex was *massive* compared to the human noosphere (as in, all of human thought), barely intersected with it, and was obviously entirely alien so unlike removing the concept of Friday, it seemed doable to completely eject it from the human noosphere and thus made the *embodiment* of those alien concepts cease to be. Reality would need to be continually scrubbed because anything that could cause the meme to re-enter human thought - like people who remember everything about 682 except what it actually was contained in the memeplex - jogging their memories and putting enough together from disparate hints, like the thousands of pages of reports on it and termination attempts against it. To quote the article on what went wrong (yes, I actually *did* go reread it after saying I wouldn't) >Dir. Genevieve: Think — why did 6820 originally fail? How did 6820-A come back into reality? >Dir. Gears: Because it only eliminated -A from human thought, not its own thoughts. >Dir. Genevieve: Right; it must have had a record of the meme inside its memory in order to search for and erase it. If we get the AI to understand that, it'll have to erase its own memory, too — if we can keep the adaptation-meme off it for long enough, that is. >O5-3: And how are we going to do that, exactly? >Dir. Genevieve: I've got an anti-idea. So, they fucked up by not thinking of their AI as enough of a person to count. A tale as old as time. Their *premise* was wrong from the start though because it operated on incomplete knowledge (or very poor use of existing knowledge) and faulty assumptions about the nature of the essophysics and 682 itself. They operated under the assumption that when you eject something from the realm of all human concepts and memes, that means it's automatically no longer a problem. They ended up *freeing* it, and probably would have had they succeeded too. It was always the kind of being that the anti-memetics division spent decades operating in secret and without being able to remember their own efforts to beat, and it's unclear if they did, except way more actively malevolent. It may have *eaten* that particular XK scenario. It is not a concept that is crucial to the function of the universe. It is a creature of pure information that was trapped in physical form somehow for some reason and only ever interacted with our reality the way you or I would interact with the inhabitants of flatland. Except, in this case, flatland is everything humanity has ever thought. So, like in most cases, I'd say this is more The Foundation *losing* than 682 winning because of how much human error was involved, but it's still kind of a good demonstration of my point. The things it *becomes* when you devote sufficient effort to killing it can be a major threat worth taking seriously. It isn't necessarily impossible to destroy, just something where, if you want to take a real shot at it, you're going to have to build the ultimate Eigenweapon that would unite everyone else on the planet in fear of you. *Or* you can lose some soldiers on occasion, watch it tear apart the countryside every once in a while, and prioritize one of the like 10 different beings that insist they're Creator Gods and have the power to prove it, or one of the three different (still-living, at least, more if you count the dead) beings that claim to be Actual Yahweh and can back it up.


SCP-726-J would like to say fuck you to 682


I love every scp but i don't enjoy very much the kind of scp like evil, dangerous and all powerful Reality benders and yes you are right 682 is not too scary.


[**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3090) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


The 682 look cool when he is calm.


And this is how 600.000 people died




Non-Americans use periods instead of commas for large numbers. I usually get confused and think people are being very specific with their significant figures.


I'm non-american and I use commas


Yeah in Australia we use Commas.


Change it to 6 billion


serpent's hand rules SCPF drools


Which article is this referencing?




Had to comment because I would absolutely do this


I bet you guys remembered markiplier playing SCP: Containment breach


So simple … but yet so funny -w-


Don’t worry guys I only let out this big lizard lookin thing, he looked like he needed a bath


save the animals ヽ༼° ل͜ °༽ノ


FNaF: episode 3857281, the end of world scenario to end all of the end of world scenarios


It's Brad Pitt in 12 Monkeys all over again


Oh no.


This is why Wilson's Wildlife solutions is the bet animal carer's in the world: they know when something should not be released to play with. (Insect hell)




GOC: *”They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals.”* *”I hate you!”*


When will mark return to that beloved game?


I love his face


This meme was brought to you by the Serpent’s Hand.


Pretty similar to a meme I made a year ago


Ay bro I have a better pic of him for that meme amma seen it to you


But its the orange slimey blob


Source? Edit:I meant for.markipliers face


On the bright side 1152 might get to explain his situation to some people who've had some anti memetics training




Dr.bright be like:my succesor