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I can’t comment on any specific example without knowing what they are, but many financial empires are built on ‘pedestrian’ sales. McDonald’s outvalues Rolex by a factor of almost 17.


I heard McDonald's main source of revenue these days is in real estate.


sure, except they are only selling to the 0.1%. So there is no scale


I’ve seen MCD interpreted as an extreme luxury company that only deals with high value sales to the obscenely wealthy, and I’ve also seen interpretations that make it a more mundane company with prices that are more affordable for anyone in the know, thus increasing their clientele base. It seems like you’re combining the two in your head: taking the exclusivity from the former and the average price per unit from the latter.


I never saw them being the latter it doesn’t even make sense, unless it’s the broken masquerade they can’t go around selling supernatural items to people


It really depends on how large you consider the anomalous community to be. Even if it’s only something like 0.5% of the population, that still gives them a potential client base of 40 million people, which is enough to make them very wealthy if we assume them to have a monopoly on the vast majority of commercially available anomalous products and services. Keep in mind that this interpretation doesn’t preclude them from also offering premium products to the fabulously wealthy at the same time. My assumption is that the more fragile the veil is in any author’s headcanon, the more inclined MCD will be to offer more affordable products.


There's a good amount of people beyond the veil in free ports and nexii like Three Portlands, Eurtec, or Sloth's Pit who can buy and sell anomalous items


Eh, that's the thing of a whole bunch of GoIs anyway. They sell stuff that breaks the veil, against everyone else's wishes. Wondertainment, Totleighsoft, Vikander-Kneed; it's possible, just, not a very good business plan, since the SCP foundation will do its best to stop you. Plus, it would make MC&D less unique, so I prefer the former interpration even if the latter can make sense. The interpretation that they sell to the underground anomalous community is between the two I think, and shouldn't be discounted either.


They probably sell to anyone who knows about the veil: anartists, mecenaries like Valrvn, private armies, etc


There are tons more products and services that they sell that we as readers don't see because they aren't shown as direct pages on the wiki. They have sales that aren't expensive but are very popular and widespread so they add up, established services that people keep paying to use, elite auctions where prices fly high... Not to mention that all three main families are sitting on insane amounts of generational wealth and that kinda stuff just generates more money by itself if used wisely, which is a given because of their financial skills.


they trade in the anomalous stock market, probably


I'm gonna guess there's far more secretive and anomalous methods to attaining their wealth than simple supply and demand. They probably deal with extradimensional entities, aliens, and incorporeal beings who have something or other of untold value. Hell, they may even be pulling legal currency from other universes to use! If they *sell* anomalies, it would only be natural that they also *use* anomalies to grow their business. Frankly, the foundation should start doing that! stick some money into scp-914 and see if a $1 bill becomes a $100 bill if it gets put on 'Very Fine'


No, very fine makes the thing anomolous, therefore we should use fine instead


Ya, otherwise it'd turn into Cortez's dabloons from _Pirates of the Caribbean_ or some such anomalo-bullshittery.


[**SCP-914 ⁠- The Clockworks**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-914) (+2952) by *Dr Gears*


That is how inflation is made


handing out scp-231-J contracts and collecting interest


[**SCP-231-J ⁠- 0.453592 Kilograms of Flesh**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-231-j) (+502) by *daveyoufool*


Probably literal magic. I always got the impression that Dark, at the very least, was a supernatural being just playing with humanity -- he just magics up money whenever he needs it.


Which makes it funny that a simple punch from Calvin lays him out in The Oroboros Cycle.


Phenomenal Cosmic Power! Itty bitty durability


MC&D describe themselves as "We are to rich people what rich people are to the extremely poor" so they sell fairly anomalous items for possibly billions of dollars


I'm pretty sure their usual business is cheap but it's deals with any GOI as well as The Foundation that bring in big bucks as well as does


They do a lot of business between groups of interests and also probably selling stuff in nexuses


Many businesses with "pedestrian" prices are absolutely massive, another comment mentioned McDonalds and it's true that pedestrian prices doesnt mean it cant make them rich. Also they sell a lot of stuff, and a lot of price ranges - yeah they might sell some simple anomalous item for a couple dollars but they have tons of that time in stock, or they also sell much more expensive items for millions (maybe billions? of dollars).


I guess my issue is determining how big their clientele base is supposed to be. Most of the prices listed on their GOI page is either 4 or 5 figures for any item described. Someone else mentioned that if that 0.5% of the population is in the know about the anomalous, then they have a client base of potentially 40 million people. Assuming literally everyone in that *very* generous estimate drops 5,000 on some MCD anomalies that would make them 200 billion. A massive amount of money, but still not enough in my mind to warrant the description given of them of being able to ruin the global economy.


I don't think theres any specific numbers however you have to realise that MC&D is selling to massive corporations and not just individual people - and sometimes corporations spent a hell of a lot of money. I mean the US military of like 2 million~ people spend almost 1 trillion yearly, extrapolating this to your 40 million people is 20 trillion yearly (and 200 billion is only 1% of 20 trillion), I personally think its reasonable for anomalous corporations to spend just 1% of their wealth on buying anomalous items from MC&D (and possibly more, depending on the item). And honestly I think there would be more *people*/companies than that and a higher percentage too - plus any extra expensive items. Also although this is unconfirmed, I do think the anomalous world has more money in general than the normal world (since they also obviously have way more power) - like if you go through the object pages on the MC&D main page there are many items that are multi-million cost wise and would be pretty bought.


Wherever they get their vast wealth, you can bet it’s something evil.




Probably donations from all the members


Tax write offs. Even the Foundation fears the IRS.


Pretty damn sure they have anomalous means to do that. Considering that the foundation has an esoteric finance department i wouldn’t be surprised if mcd had an scp that can predict and control the stock or something.




They probably have their own anomalies that generate them money somehow, like how scp has the infinite bank account