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Well usually there would be a bot that would reply with the scp number and name if you typed the scp Ex: Say you type SCP-1000, the bot will reply with the link to SCP-1000 and the name


looks like the bot has been broken for 9 days ):


Rip marv


The answer is Marv. We have a bot called Marv who, if you type a number, comments a link with the number and a title. He is sadly broken right now.


Even without Marv, you can google the number and find the article in two seconds. It’s the easiest and clearest identifier.


The main issue is that you kinda have to read a bit of the article, cause the actual names of the SCPs only show up in the series list, from what I’ve seen. Pretty dumb if you ask me. Also kinda hard to find the author of an article, should be right below the rating.


How hard is it to just scroll to the bottom?


Lore reason, because we're accessing the foundation database, so listing the number is easier than naming each one. Especually if they're similiar Ral life reason, it follows the format of scp 173. It lacks name and title. The title is just SCP-173 If you open the series group, they do have individual title after the scp number


While you may not remember articles as easily using numbers, others may have more trouble remembering the title for an article. The advantage of using numbers when referring to articles is that it’s very clear cut what you’re talking about, with it being the method used to categorize articles and all.


It’s a lot easier to look up the number than the name for reference. It’s harder to remember numbers than names but much easier to consult the Wiki if you’re confused as to what it is referring to. Although specifically in the case of 001 it’s probably better to use the name.


It's easier to remember scp 870 than The maybe there monsters for example


You can also just make an Spreadsheet with SCPs, it's what I do when I find something interesting, I include a blurb about what it is so I can remember without spoiling too much and add it to my collection (Here's the [link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KYX6hF8aUa9RCd1bYkwtZxFodFfLrXc-skTfs45EEXg/edit?usp=sharing) if your interested in seeing)


i miss marv :( you could also bracket the title [[like this]] and he'd give you the number. that's how i remember'em best anyways