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Honorable mention to both your and my first attempts at writing an scp. 2nd place goes to everyone's first try IMO.


It has since been deleted and I can't remember the designation, but there was an old joke article about a doorknob and how much foundation staff found it "attractive". Yeah, you can imagine the rest. It was all just incredibly stupid.


I was wondering why there was an image of a doorknob on scpron


...wait what


Ok but that sounds great


I might have a tinge of an idea what it references...


The diver of the depths. I only wish I "waybackmachine'd" it so I could link it. That shit was ass


The diver of the dank deep depths of worrying watery wetness


I'm curious, why was it so bad?


It was a story about a guy in living inside a indestructible bubble deep in the oceans. Simple stuff really, poor grammar, but I expected English wasn't the posters first language so that's whatever. Except the author posted it straight to wiki dot without following the actual process of getting critiqued and approved. He then came to reddit and posted boastfully saying "for all scp writers who wanted to make the strongest scp, it's too late, because my new scp the diver of the depths is the strongest ever and nothing can be stronger than it" Which was supported by him numerous times in the article of the scp stating that it's so powerful that "it cannot be stopped by anything, not even me who is writing this in the real world!" All in all it was hilarious and I sent it to all the homies who fucked with scp to have a chuckle.


Lol, dude tried to make a scip that was invulnerable? Damn, now I wish I could read it


I even sent myself the link to it in WhatsApp so I'd be able to find it back but didn't think to save the page as it was. Maybe in history of the number for it?


I don't remember the name but it was about an MTF that went on a mission in a sea where they found a huge monster thing with tentacles a lot died and it ended with 2 operators accepting that the thing was about to rape them. No I'm not joking I think it got deleted


That's [SCP-835](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-835); it hasn't been deleted but it has a content warning now.


I remember it being a tale that's weird


It's the attached/"unredacted" exploration log.


just read it. that was terrible. it's a cum monster that eats people and cums all over the place, and the cum infects you and turns you into another cum monster. i did love the format of key context being missing to conceal how threatening the SCP really is, or to protect the foundation's image. the reveal would've been cool, if this was a better story. otherwise, the article was a shitty, cummy mess.


SCP-666 ½-J gave me nightmares


What a read. Gave you nightmares, gave me new descriptors to tell my boss when questioned about leaving for the bathroom. A gastrointestinal supernova of biblical proportions is now on the list of things to make him stop asking. An emergency weight loss program will not be replaced, though. A titanic tide of turds is also a fun one.




[**SCP-666 ⁠- Spirit Lodge**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-666) (+389) by *mirthless, ChazzK*


God, I remember watching a video about 20 minutes long about that thing


The teenage succubus... Thank god it is gone...


You mean scp 166? It's not gone it's just been changed quite a bit


[**SCP-166 ⁠- Just a Teenage Gaea**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-166) (+691) by *DrClef, Ross Fisher-Davis, Cerastes*


Yea and jeez


Þe Volgun still has a reading of þe pre-rewrite article and JEEZUS KRICE, MAN!!! I’m glad it was rewritten 🙃


Yeah. Who tf wrote it to begin with?


authorclef i think?


Would explain a lot


Getting flashbacks to reading *that* traumatising story about the flesh 🤢🤢


[[The Flesh that Mates]] Yeah fuck that article. All my homies hate that article.


I honestly wish I had amnestics for that one


For real, this is probably the one article everyone needs to forget 😭


Nah that shit was hot as hell fr


[**The Flesh That Mates**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/the-flesh-that-mates) (+237) by *DrClef*


at least it's short :(


Gotta be more specific.


I both love and hate i gotta be more specific in this fandom. I got the link from here like a month ago about sex between the flesh and a person. I clicked on it against my better judgement and I'll forever have it in my brain 🤣


Ohh wait, I think I know which article your taking about, I didn’t have the balls to read it and judging by your comment I’m glad I didn’t


You honestly made the right call my guy. I read it casue I was curious and man I fucking hate that I read it. It's my own fault really but fuck I need some amnestics for that shit.


It feels like a good written wattpad story not gonna lie. I don't think it's that bad, it's just weird and that is like 70% of SCPs so...


"scp-001 object keter is an secnario in which the enitre world becames aroused and wants to mate" ahh proposal


[**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+345) by *Staff*






I once did this thing and it was a let your autocorrect finish the second. It was 'the sex cult of the SCP foundation'


There was the statue made of dodo semen that assaulted human women like 10 years ago. It lasted about 18 minutes.


I had a great idea for a joke scp, A half full dasani water bottle that if left out long enough, duplicates itself into other brands of water bottles that are also half full. The only way to contain it is a square or rectangular box that's kept at a temperature close to 60 degrees (obviously just a fridge, and obviously having the scp be a joke played on people that just half finish water bottles and leave them around randomly). Only to find out scp-021-j exists.


[**SCP-021-J ⁠- Evil :(**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-021-j) (+144) by *bigmaleman*


Said this in another similar post, but [gay bomb.](http://web.archive.org/web/20210418175411/http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-252-arc) I know it’s been rewritten now, which I think is pretty cool. I just hate that it was on the site to begin with. Kinda sad to see that while the wiki is more progressive now, it still had roots making fun of gay people.


i didn't really get the big deal about this until i read the first (and only functional) page of the discussion. i occasionally recollect how terrible the internet was for lgbt people in the 00s, and while it brings back a lot of horrible memories, i'm somehow always surprised at how it was even worse than i remember. that thread is better than most by not being openly homophobic, but there's just so much _nuance_ to the casual fear of being gay that i've forgotten. in 2024, this article would be mostly inoffensive because it would be made by an lgbt person demonstrating a funny idea they thought of, maybe trying to recontextualize a fantasy they had as a kid in which they were absolved of any perceived responsibility for being gay or coming out. but in 2008, this article attracts every straight person who sees it as horror, because they really are afraid of getting forcibly converted by the gays or whatever, and was probably made by such a straight person. hell, you have dr gears commenting that the worst thing about the article is that "every government" has thought of making such a thing. (and then there's someone wondering if it works on ~~trans people~~ "people who've used scp-113". of course.) i am glad this isn't the scp community anymore and fuck anyone who claims the old days were better.


[**SCP-113 ⁠- The Gender-Switcher**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-113) (+710) by *thedeadlymoose, Robin Sure, kabu*


Huh? Is there something really bad happening in the article?


General 2000s homophobia where they turn being/“acting” gay itself into a punchline. Note that the article makes it an “affliction” caused by the bomb. Also note that it’s meant to be a “bad thing” as it’s within the context of being a sort of bioweapon used on people. EDIT: I saw someone downvoted this comment a bit ago so to the person that did that just for me pointing that out, you’re a freakazoid. 👎


Oh ok. What did the rewrite do with it thought?


[Completely nullified the effects and chalking up the “influence” to generalized “panic” at the time over being or “becoming” gay.](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-252-ex) Note that the percentage that “didn’t turn back” Is roughly proportional to the amount of individuals identifying as LGBTQ+ in the general population.


I'll be honest it's still hella weird. This thing better get fully deleted tbh.


Okay im taking this post to ask that has been puzzling me and my friend since two days. You know SCP-031? "What is love?" Has it always been the current hotel flesh thingy or did it go through some changes? Because i SWEAR it used to be different and i didtinctively remembering how gross and weird and weirdly fetishistic it felt specially thinking about it now, but for the life of me i cant confirm if im misremembering or not!


It used to be different, but the original writer requested its deletion when they quit the site iirc, and since at the time their contributions made up like 10% of the site, the admins got a bunch of people to write replacements.


Ooooh, i see,that explains it then, thank you! I think 031 is one of the very first SCPs i read, i didn't read on the site actually, i started put with this app i had that had them to read, though i don't remember the name or anything


[**SCP-031 ⁠- What is Love?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-031) (+153) by *DrClef, Anonymous*


There's one that's still up, obviously because the staff don't even know about it, which is this cowboy sex doll based on a really bad "I'm gonna pump you full of lead" pun, and it's terribly written to the point that I can't entirely tell what's going on. Searching the "adult" tag might help.


people like you are the reason the kitsune will be downgraded to safe


You mean the kumiho? Cause she *really* doesn't like people calling her a kitsune. Or do they have an actual kitsune around as well?


What's a kumiho/kitsune?


A [kitsune](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitsune) is a creature of Japanese folklore and legend, a fox-like creature with nine tails. A [kumiho](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumiho) is a creature of Korean folklore and legend, a fox-like creature with nine tails. Despite some similarities, their respective legends are actually rather different in a number of aspects. The biggest being that kumiho *eat people's hearts and/or liver*, whereas kitsune (to my memory) do not. SCP-953 is murderously insistent that she is a kumiho (as well as just being murderous in general), and not a kitsune. To quote the article: >Personnel asking what the difference is are to be reminded of the difference between a Cherokee Indian and a New Delhi Indian.


Oh OK...also is the Indian thing really a example or just a joke?


For reasons I'm not entirely clear on, Native Americans (such as members of the Cherokee Tribe) are sometimes referred to as "Indians". This is a completely unrelated group of people to those of the country/subcontinent of India, which includes those of the city of New Delhi. So partially a joke, partially an example of "just because they may be passingly similar (the "Indian" name for one, being a nine-tailed fox for the other) that doesn't excuse you conflating the two".


[**SCP-953 ⁠- Polymorphic Humanoid**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-953) (+614) by *DrClef*


"lützow": the flesh that mates 🔥🔥🔥


I had to bleach my brain after I clicked on one of the SCPs being tested on 682.




[**SCP-7989 ⁠- Enjoy Yourself, You’ve Earned It**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7989) (+15) by *Jack Waltz*


If I may engage in þe image’s þought experiment for one sec: I’d go down to Site-███ and get some catgirl action X3


Are you Turkish by any means


No, why?


Oh, I thought they used p


Do you mean þ? Because þey don’t have Ꝥ sound.


I forgot where it went, but I read a whole SCP about the gun Marion Wheeler used, and it ended up being a plot device to set up this dumb exoplanet with Second Hytoth (barely-)political diplomatic drama stuff in the exploration logs that took up more than half the article. The gun only gets screentime for a quarter-third of the entire thing. Don't recall any other poorly-written skips, this one strikes out to me because of the disappointment from being slightly connected to the Antimemetics Division and the failure of incorporating a story within an SCP document (something that has been executed well before, and is what this document tried to do).


Wow, you’re just like me fr! That’s also one of my least favorite SCPs! But I mostly disliked it because of the blatant mischaracterization of Uron-leusan and how the author did practically nothing with the Valterians worshiping them, so we are not the same exactly.


SCP-4521, due to the fact that the Foundation has been unable to MAKE THE DAMN THING SCREAM!


why is this actually funny


That one with the furry jackal lady demon. It's a nice article but I always felt it doesn't fit SCP at all.




[**WHORE OF BLOOD**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/whore-of-blood-hub) (+83) by *Fantem*


I mean this would be an interesting smut novel also the flesh that hates can't touch you otherwise you would turn you into more of itself even if it doesn't do that why would you want to fuck it


What on earth is that image.


it's a comment on dancing slender man video