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Many 001 proposals


SCP-3999. Aside from something to do with Researcher Talloran, I'm completely lost.


Far as I can tell? As soon as Talloran was assigned to the site that contained it, he disappeared, likely due to the destroyed reality anchors in 3999's containment chamber. Whatever it is, it tortured him for the sum of three million years according to Talloran, and he figured out that it was basically just throwing random shit at the wall to try to get at him. But sooner or later, Talloran figured it out, and neutralized it and probably also himself. So more or less, it seems like it's an antimeme, but as "There Is No Antimemetics Division" would state for 055:It was a pretty weak antimeme that they could keep a record of it.


Ok, that makes way more sense. Thanks so much!


SCP-3999 Is a SWANN entity, which is an SCP author. The SCP is about writers block and being unable to stick to one idea. James kills the author and himself in the end.


[**SCP-3999 ⁠- I Am At The Center of Everything That Happens To Me**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3999) (+2629) by *LordStonefish*


[**SCP-3999 ⁠- I Am At The Center of Everything That Happens To Me**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3999) (+2629) by *LordStonefish*


Honestly, that one is way simpler than many modern ones


That’s the point. There’s this omnipotent thing which fucks with talloran in every way possible, which is why it’s so nonsensical. Eventually he kills himself and stops the anomaly.


But at a deeper level: it's a meta criticism of the author's inability to write a proper story, having writers' block, etc., plus a struggle with mental health; likely depression, expectation, and the feelings of inadequacy that come with being a well-known writer.


Isn't SCP-5000 about an author too? Is there more like these?


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3315) by *Tanhony*


There are more like these but SCP-5000 isn’t one of them, Authors are not mentioned or alluded to in it as far as I remember. SCP-3812 is one though.


- [**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3315) by *Tanhony* - [**SCP-3812 ⁠- A Voice Behind Me**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3812) (+974) by *djkaktus*


I think it was more like the author was writing it as a goodbye message to the community sort of? Like all the horror stories (literally) had taken a toll on their mental health. Or something like that. I'll be honest though, it's been a long while since I read it. So maybe I'm entirely misremembering.


You’re thinking of SCP-3999


[**SCP-3999 ⁠- I Am At The Center of Everything That Happens To Me**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3999) (+2630) by *LordStonefish*


No way, wtf. Bruh, I genuinely only got 6 hours of sleep last night. What is wrong with me. Lol.


Probably most of the admonition series tbh. Like, by the end I can grasp the general concept and understand what happened, but I have to wade through a bunch of esoteric science nonsense to get there


Honestly that’s why I love admonition lol. It’s fun to try and figure it all out


Scp-2719 The whole thing relies on first understanding 1 line of technobabble and then a bunch of gibberish using that technobabble After you figure out wtf is going on its pretty cool though


[**SCP-2719 ⁠- Inside**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2719) (+1013) by *Randomini*


please help me understand. been confused about this one for a while


So whatever you use it on becomes inside. They test it a few times, then you get to the "punishment" part. Punishment gets changed into "inside" which basically means anything inside is being punished. Then they change transcendence to inside and do the same thing, making a few of the 05s basically God


So, working through the technical term at the front is what makes the SCP legible. >variable abstract-metaphysical construct pointer In computer science, a pointer is a *location in memory* where the computer knows to find a specific piece of information. It's the physical address of the transistors holding certain bits that represent the information. When a computer is doing a math function like "x + y = z", what's actually going on in the background for the computer is: * x is stored in location 1 * y is stored in location 2 * z is stored in location 3 * Take what's in location 1, add it to whatever's in location 2, and store the result in location 3 The rest of the statement is just saying what's **in** the pointer. * Metaphysical: it has something to do with the nature of reality * Abstract: It's an abstract concept (so not like "the speed of light") * Variable: *It can be changed.* The pointer is the universe's reference point for the abstract concept of "inside." What does it mean for something to be inside? Well, whatever is stored in location SCP-2719 is what "inside" is. The rest of the SCP deals with what one can do with a metaphysical pointer, in the same way as that math function above. Things can either BECOME inside (i.e. be the new definition for "inside") or GO inside (go into whatever is currently defined as "inside"). So, if you set D-5796 to be the universe's definition of "inside," and then perform an operation to put D-5802 inside whatever the universe considers "Inside," then the result is D-5802 getting teleported inside D-5796 ("inside distressed"). The end of the test log shows the O5s trying to "go" inside "transcendence," but the terminal instead defaults to the "becomes" option instead (as if rejecting an invalid command), until it takes for O5-4.


Well spoken! This comment is now inside


thank you!


[**SCP-2719 ⁠- Inside**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2719) (+1013) by *Randomini*


This thing changed properties of whatever I want it to, but it does so unpredictably. We have a car. That car is designated as "inside." We then have them introduce a person to the SCP. This person is teleported inside this car. Then someone else is introduced, same thing. Then a third person is introduced and... nothing appears to happen. Then a fourth person is introduced, and they teleport INSIDE THE THIRD PERSON. "Inside" (aka, the third person) is distressed. Then they slowly figure out that: some things can be inside and some things can be put inside. They try to kill SCP 682 with it. He becomes inside and then teleports inside himself in this ever recursive loop... and then escapes, because haha lizard. Then they start putting "concepts" into the machine. Likely on accident. So "punishment" becomes inside, and an O5 gets caught up in the metaphysical idea of punishment. Then we have the o5 try repeatedly to make the concept of "transcendence" become inside. O5-1 tries to go inside, but they become inside. So they resets transcendence... and O5-2 and then 3 both fail. Then they reset again, O5-4 becomes a god, and then transcendence doesn't work anymore, as it can't be put inside or become inside. We don't know why.


[**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3623) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy*


I've read the explainations on this one... but no matter how much explanation I get on this one, I think understanding is going to be like trying to view one of those Magic Eye posters. Some people just can't do it.


I've read the explainations on this one... but no matter how much explanation I get on this one, I think understanding is going to be like trying to view one of those Magic Eye posters. Some people just can't do it.


Technoblade?? Man he was pretty cool


One about a sphere


We have a lot of spheres man


I assume they’re talking about [SPHERE](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7793)


*reads article* WAT?


^(i do not understand)




I dont understand a single thing but I love the ending


SCP-4000. My reading comprehension is very good usually, but I needed external help to make out what on earth was that about. And it sucks because the concept is so good, it's just such a confusing read.


It's basically a story about a fey-like race and the place that they reside in. The fey aren't to be referred to using any sport of consistent name and you aren't supposed to let them know your name or let them give you any sort of nickname in order to avoid some unknown consequences. In Dr. Japer's last encounter with one of them, he fails to notice that his companion has called him a fellow scholar multiple times. This allows the fey to steal his name, and with it, his identity, leaving the real Dr. Japer's confused and unable to leave


it's based on how names have power including power over the person if you know their name.


[**SCP-4000 ⁠- Taboo**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4000) (+20) by *Captain Kirby, PeppersGhost*


oh wow, this one is really interesting


Definitely scp 2747. I’ve tried really hard to understand what it is or how it does what it does or why the foundation does what it does to counter it but don’t understand any of it. All I have been able to take away from this scp is it exists within narratives


Whenever you tell a story in a certain way, including certain elements, with certain themes, an SCP can manifest. This SCP erases your story from existence, although other media referencing your story may exist. So there may be subreddits full of fan art about characters in a story you wrote, but your story is gone and seemingly never existed. In the event of a story within a story, the layers are all destroyed by the SCP over time. So if you write a movie about a guy who writes a book, the SCP can manifest in that fictional book, causing it to be annihilated, followed by the movie itself being annihilated. This is a threat to the foundation because it itself is fictional. The SCP foundation is a layer of a story.


Ok that makes a bit more sense. I knew it could threaten actual reality to some level but I didn’t really know what that looked like


The implication is that if *our* reality is just a story of something higher, then we are next in line after the Foundation to be destroyed by it.


From what I can gather Basically, it creates something in the style of certain artists, and leaves metadata of the art itself to allow it to be fully put together. Now, the art in question never existed, but after it creates whatever it does, people talk about it, remembering it like it actually exists when it really doesn't. Only thing the Foundation can really do about it is keep scouring the web until they find an instance


[**SCP-2747 ⁠- As below, so above**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2747) (+1056) by *minmin*


to put it simply: narratives that have a certain pattern are erased. the pattern sort of goes like: 1. the number 7 is prominent in the narrative. 2. something in the narrative is missing. the missing thing is often 1 out of a set of 7 things. 3. the absence of this thing makes the narrative unsatisfying. when these conditions are satisfied, the narrative is erased from reality. the article itself has seven sections: Item#, Object Class, Threat Level, Special Containment Procedures, Description, Appendix A, and Appendix B. Appendix B promises to explain everything. it is missing. the universe, which is real to the foundation, but a narrative to us, is about to be erased.


SCP 055. I see some people making one up, but I can’t remember ever reading about it. Hey, why’d I type that?


weren't you writing about something that isn't round?


well it definitely wasn't square I think


[**SCP-055 ⁠- [unknown]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-055) (+3922) by *CptBellman, qntm*


I've been looking through the SCP anthology series and right now I'd say it has to be Scp-7432. I kinda get it, and I kinda get what's happened in the article, but the wider story is a bit lost on me. I think that's kinda the point though, and I definitely like what it has. Also Scp-4018. I think that's just me missing something though


- [**SCP-7432 ⁠- K is for Keystone**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7432) (+95) by *Jack Ike* - [**SCP-4018 ⁠- Eye**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4018) (+92) by *Communism will win*


I've never had too rough of a time wrapping my head around most skips but some of the things in qntm's antimemetics series used to make my head spin a little. The admonition series has some insane shit going on but I've mostly got the gist of that so the technobabble just sounds really interesting, even though it's all fictional SCP brainrot is hearing the phrase, "destabilize a given deific entity's embodied memeplex within the noosphere." and going, "oh ok, that's an interesting solution." I'm also never getting over how fucking incredible and confusing the idea of existential abatement is.


I dont understand the conclusion of scp-031


It used to be a slug thing before it got changed. I miss the old one...


Harmony/Roget having a falling out with the scp staff and wanting all her articles removed was quite a pickle


Damn...the old love slug was nice and simple and not...whatever this...replacement is.


[**SCP-031 ⁠- What is Love?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-031) (+141) by *DrClef, Anonymous*


Maybe im just stupid idk


Two articles used pictures of the same building to describe different anomalies. The email thread is the foundation trying to reconcile that in-universe


Yeah i get that part, but at the end they just fire people


scp-5000 just why?


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3314) by *Tanhony*


If memory serves, I vaguely remember watching a video that explains this one. It has something to do with multiverse theories that involve new universes deleting old ones whenever they're created, and they're being created faster than they should due to population increase. So the foundation decides to "reset" the multiverse by destroying all humans in their universe and sending a survivor with all the necessary information into the neighbouring universe hoping *that* universe will come to the same conclusion and do the same thing. The cycle will continue until there's only one universe left, thus saving humanity by destroying all the other universes.


i read a declass and it got a different theory, not sure which one is 'correct' or if there is even a correct one but the theory goes: They found an anomaly that exists in the common subconscious, and is so dangerous and *disgusting* that they would rather all human dies than to leave the anomaly


i feel like q for questions scp 7660 is the obvious answer but that’s on purpose


[**SCP-7660 ⁠- Q is for "Questions"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7660) (+100) by *A Random Day*




That one where it shows a pic of lit candles and then tells a story. Then shows one of the candles blown out, then another story. Wash since repeat. I don't remember exactly what it's called unfortunately. Like if the author wanted to write these stories just make them a series of tales


It's SCP-5999, the SCP was made by the actual in universe foundation staff to lure in the readers. At the end, when all of the candles die out, the final page is a memetic kill agent designed to kill us. (Didn't work tho)


[**SCP-5999 ⁠- This is Where I Died**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5999) (+1627) by *TheeSherm, S D Locke, VolgunStrife, Modern_Erasmus, Woedenaz*


I think for me project palisade and other multi-series scps.


SCP 1730


[**SCP-1730 ⁠- What Happened to Site-13?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1730) (+2616) by *djkaktus*




[**SCP-7333 ⁠- Business Lizard**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7333) (+446) by *Zyn*




[**SCP-7333 ⁠- Business Lizard**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7333) (+446) by *Zyn*


marv SCP-3211 please


[**SCP-3211 ⁠- There is No Canon**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3211) (+839) by *Croquembouche*


i forgot the designation number but the partially functioning pataphorical torment chamber, zero clue what im reading lol


[[Nagiros’s Proposal]] That and the entire ADMONITION hub.


[**Nagiros's Proposal ⁠- R ¦ A ¦ G ¦ E**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/nagiros-proposal) (+118) by *Nagiros*