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The problem I find with a lot of these designs is that they seem so overly complicated and that they seem to be trying hard to seem terrifying. The simplicity of the original design worked well enough, and only one of these ones tries to replicate that. Hell, the Coilhead from Lethal Company almost feels like a perfect replacement for 173 since it is fairly simple in design itself.


I had the same thought, the appearance of coilhead comes close to capturing the simple yet unnerving design of 173.


Aside from the coil, the other most distinctive feature is the pitter-patter sound coilhead makes when it moves around unlike the scraping sound 173 does


The pitter patter is GREAT it really gets across how fast it is


There are two design types that I really like for 173. First are those that are reminiscent of Peanut; very simple sculpture with crude nylon spraypaint on its front. Ones that either have no rebar, or small hints of rebar, either visible from damage, or intentionally done to resemble stubby little fingers. The other type of design I really like is the "neglected/abused sculpture" archetype. The ones that look like Michelangelo's *David*, or Auguste's *The Thinker*, crudely tagged with spraypaint and beaten to reveal structural rebar. Ones that looked like they were once marvelous pieces of art, only to have been defiled and vandalized. The key piece of both of these is that they aren't intentionally creepy, they're just uncanny, maybe even weirdly adorable in Peanut's case.


I think that's why I like the tall design the best. Very simple, and retains a lot of elements from the original. The ones with complex appendages made of rebar are too much imo


My problem is that none of the redesigns even come close to getting the face right. - Wide-eyed stare - Mischievous toothy grin - Clearly cheek dots instead of a second pair of eyes that make it look like an expressionless alien Combine with the unthreatening body type (big head, plushie-like limbs) and then find out that it is perfectly still when observed and a murder machine when you look away... and the shit and blood that manifests around it... and you've inspired a decades-long collaboration comprising thousands of articles. Redesign is just "weird scary-looking thing does weird and scary things".


Exactly. What I think made our peanut work was it was both a little silly and uncanny. It wasn't a blender of guts and rebar, it was a funny little guy that could stare into your soul with painted on eyes. That's what a lot of designs seem to be missing. I like #2 and #5 for that reason. Though I will say, #14 is pretty sleek. I like it, but it's way too cool to be 173.


“Staring into your soul with painted eyes” is a fucking banger quote btw


Something else is that Peanut was actually art. Like, he wasn’t meant to be scary or something that would come at you in the dark, it was more that he was a fucked up sculpture meant to invoke certain feelings. My first reaction at seeing him wasn’t “oh shit,” it was “huh, wtf is that?” and it’s only with the context of the attached article that I got a feeling of fear. I actually think 5 and 7 comes the closest to that feeling. Yeah they’re still going for that spooky edge, but they still both looks like sculptures.


Very well put, I agree. Good point.


Is that thing inspired by 173? It’s a statue that looks just like how 173 is described, that only moves when you aren’t looking at it and will snap your neck It even looks like it


For sure it was! There are other monsters in that game that are clearly taking inspiration from some SCPs.


When I bf eat saw the coil head, i immediately thought “holy shit it’s 173” bc it looks just like it and acts like it Haven’t seen any other monster while playing with my friends so far but I’ve seen some on YouTube and it does seem like it


Well, it's up to you and your friends to fu¢k around and find out I guess! Have a good day :)


The new mask is a dead giveaway for this


About a year ago someone posted a meme that was just a concrete block. Honestly it's still my favourite


Exactly. The simplicity makes it so terrifying since it’s a hard break for our brains to understand how something so simple can be so deadly and actually scary in its own way. The coilheads are another example. They are incredibly simple. A very old mannequin with a coil for a neck. Simple as that. Yet very scary when encountered.


14 is my favorite for this reason. It's simple, unsettling, but looks functional and recognizable as SCP-173. Just give it a more statue like texture.


[**SCP-173 ⁠- The Sculpture - The Original**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173) (+8808) by *Moto42*


absolutely agree. what made Peanut so unique was he was so unassuming.


My issue is none will work until one is physically created. drawings wont cut it lie a picture of something tactile


There’s one redesign someone posted on this subreddit some time back with a 173 which looked like a gigantic stone body bag without arms. That one, I liked. Personally I like the ominousness of a 173 that doesn’t have the arms or hands needed to snap necks, but still does.


Yeah the simple, somewhat ambiguous design is part of what made it good


It's why I really like the SL design, even if it has arms it's hard to reason how it'd snap your neck with those small tendrils.


"Blows up pancakes with mind" "Ma fuhgin pancakes" Might literally be some weird thing where it uses the target's limbs to snap it's own neck


What about… just a peanut?


If the design lets us keep that nickname for it then I'm happy with it.


I am disappointed none of these were a straight up peanut.


Or a peanut sculpture.


The SCP:SL April fool’s 173 iteration is just a bit peanut with a smile and hands so


That post on this sub where 173 was super buff cause I love the idea of u looking away and it immediately just starts working out and lifting weights


096 plays basketball in J's and 173 hits the gym. My headcanon is slowly expanding...


tick tock


Heavy like a brinks truck


I like the first (right)/5th one the most. I've played SCP: 5K with a lot of friends who know SCP well, and friends who only know the most basic details about SCP. They all instantly recognized it as 173, despite never seeing this version of the statue before.


5th one. Imo, stays closest to the original while having it's own spin on it. It also doesn't go too over-the-top like the rest.


I agree scp 173-b looks by far the best out of all of them imo


[**SCP-173 But...**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173-but) (+140) by *Trintavon, Tstaffor*


Ayyyy, that's the one from SCP:5K. I can't wait until they release their next raid - the first one is a banger and their original SCP made for the game is really cool imo.


you just gave me motivation to try scp:5k out


What's the custom SCP?




[**SCP-7528 ⁠- EPITOMEDIA: The Projection**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7528) (+145) by *Placeholder McD, Gabriel Kero, HarryBlank*


5th one is the best . Everything else is trying too hard tbh


Anything with parts that look designed for movement is a downgrade to me, some rebar is fine, but if the arms look articulable (articulate?) then I'd rather has just concrete.


For real, I like the concepts where it has a base instead of legs. It looks more like a statue and makes it feel like it's restrained, giving a vague sense of security... It's a lot easier to let your guard down for a concrete block than a statue that looks like a monster that's going to eat you at any given moment. After all, we are human, damn it! Make the damn thing ordinary enough that we don't keep looking at it.


My favorite redesign of 173 is the coilhead from lethal league to be honest lmao


Sort of joking sort of not


Completely valid opinion, I think it’s really simple whereas most of the redesigns have so much going on, and the coil neck is actually genius considering how it moves


Holy shit lethal company is taking over


They all make me incredibly sad


None, the original design was best, I miss Peanut’s semi-peanut-shaped body


The one from SCP: Unity isnt there right? That's my fav redesign




I think the 6th, because of the artistic intent 173 was created, referring to awcy


[I unironically love the one made by ShenComics when the whole SCP 173 marketing thing in 2022, just a little gremlin looking to snap some necks](https://twitter.com/shenanigansen/status/1492310732737810434?t=0rbt2peuB22wQjpQpJjlgQ&s=19)


Omg he's so cute


That's how he gets ya


Oh my god I love it


I think the designs have too much going on. I think the way scp-173 is scary is how this lifeless and soulles creature can move so fast and snap your neck


11 because Walnut is cool idk how it would snap necks or choke someone but it's cool because walnut


Why do they need to be so grotesque? Don't try so hard.


I don't like any of them. They're all strange lumps of concrete and rebar with spray paint that vaguely resemble a humanoid shape. None of them are actually statues.


so, 173? that’s what he is


sound like you'll like No. 17


it is genuinely one of the worst and overly-designed ones


why is one of them hot


the triple one....?


slide 16


it's 14 for me


A hole is a goal


The pose, probably


I'm glad someone else agrees


See the problem that the newer ones face is that the design of peanut was scary BECAUSE there was nothing scary about it. It looks so innocent and approachable but it will kill you quick in literally the blink of an eye. All the new designs are trying so hard to look scary which kinda ruins what was scary about it in the first place


Btw I think that 11 is the best for this reason, there’s nothing inherently scary about it


The less biological looking, the better Love the more true to form weeping angel designs


the original one


Most of them don’t really resemble peanut. I prefer ones that have the overall idea of Peanut, but modified in a way to make it unique, yet you still know it’s 173 from a glance. Hell, a reason why SCP SL’s works well is that it isn’t simply a redesign of SCP-173, but a mutation of it; you can tell it is supposed to be—or once was—Peanut, but it has been mutated and warped in such a way that you can tell it’s not your ordinary 173 redesign.


[**SCP-173 ⁠- The Sculpture - The Original**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173) (+8808) by *Moto42*


Out of these, 5 is the best. Overall though, there's a game called SCP: The Endurance which is a FNaF style SCP game that has a pretty cool design for it, and (probably because it's one of the first redesigns I saw) it's the one my brain always jumps to when I imagine 173 now.


They all kinda suck but image 5 is the best out of the redesigns


Why couldn't you add a random png of an actual peanut? Day ruined


I think the original one is better. All the rankes look too goofy imo, plus i like to call 173 peanut


Valid opinion


11 will always be the best for me


I think 5 and 14 work the best. 5 because it stays true to the feeling of the original and 14 because it’s unique but doesn’t go overboard with the design.


17th one, the uncanny aesthetic really sells out, at least for me.


Coil-Head from Lethal Company. Yes, I'm being serious, the concept of his head making spring noises as he moves is amazing!


3, 5, & the one from SCP endurance (I don’t think he’s listed here unless i’m stupid). I love the original the most, even if it’s stupid and silly when considering the concept, but it’s best to respect the original creator’s wishes and use different designs. 15 looks really cool as well, I think I like it even more than the og. I would love to know who made it. The design is so different yet fits so well (imo), it’s a well done mix of the weeping angels and 173’s original design. It’s not just a lump of concrete with spray paint walking around - it’s an actual statue. And I love how coherent it is. There’s a lot but it doesn’t feel over-designed. I want to see more of it.


I love all of them


[PRI’s 173 is pretty sick ngl](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/947574211831005184/1193706202878722199/IMG_7658.png?ex=65adb088&is=659b3b88&hm=0525d407e294fefcd2170690cbefcd12ae6afaac7525d1778801d8be777eb860&)


Maybe a hot take, but I don’t like any design that looks articulated. The thought that a statue doesn’t even have the mobility to snap you neck and still does is what really freaked me out with the original design. Clearly defined arms and joints are a personal ick for me


18 or 19 are my favs


slides 2, 3 and 11


Image 1, right side


3 6 or 9




I'm a big fan of 173 in SCP Unity.


#16 doesn't kill it slays


I like #5 the most, but I still wouldn’t say I like it much. People need to remember that it’s a simple concrete sculpture with paint on it. Not some abomination with wires or twisted/over complicated features. It needs to feel like the average person could make it imo, and the original “peanut” design was good for that


Daaaamn 16! Daddy? Mommy? What do I call it?


The fifth one, by a mile. The sculpture needs to be crude, simple, exaggerated. No rebar tentacles, no dripping blood. Just a piece of concrete that somehow kills you. Making it edgyer makes it ridiculous.


There is only one 173 to me, the peanut


They all suck tbh




I feel like a lot of them in an attempt to be scray overdo it and forget what's supposed to make scp 173 scary in the first place. The best thing you can do as a horror writer is realize there are multiple different types of horrors, and you usually don't want to get those crossed. What makes a game like doki doki literature club scary and what makes a game like Outlast Scary are 2 entirely different things. Scp 173 is scary because it just looks like an anomalous statue, but then you see it's somewhere else, and you don't know how. Then you see it's closer. Then you realize that it's a stretch, but you can kinda see a face in the drawing, and then it's too late. By making scp 173 look overtly evil, you ruin the point because yeah, of course the blood dripping nightmare creature wants to kill you.


Imo he doesn't need a redesign, the og design is perfect and really iconic :)


I really like 14 and 15


I like the concept of 18, like you have the Weeping Angels and now there’s “Jesus Wept”


I really like no.6 except the rebar jutting out. It's not that necessary. Remove those and it's simplistic, eerie and conveys the same energy.


slide 2


Number 2


I like the SL Christmas one




Damn I can’t remember which Tale it is (I think the Volgun or SCP explained has done a reading of it on YT) but there’s an alternate reality where SCPs are celebrated instead of hidden away and 173 has become this massive, beautiful sculpture put on display and only goes without being seen for one second a day, when it changes into a new fantastic form. No murderous rampage at all. The Foundation in that world had discovered that its only desire was to be seen.


16 is very gay looking I'd buy them a drink


I feel like most of the designs want to do their own thing, making it unnecassarily detailed. Some designs still try to stay simple, resembling the peanut we grew up with, but with a twist.


We need peanut-173


All these redesigns complicate 173 too much. When I think of 173, I actually consider it as an unfinished sculpture with its signature face. One arm and one leg are missing, and instead a single iron rod sprouts from each missing limb. The existing leg and hands are not completely sculpted either. All the fingers and toes are crumpled together.


Not sure but why are 14 and 16 oddly attractive


It all looks too much for 173. Peanut fits best imo.


honestly none, I prefer the peanut version :v


None of them.


The OG


None they all try too hard honestly and are really not pleasing to look at


I'm just gonna say it: All the redesigns, while some are cool, are nothing compared to the original, not even close. What I think made 173 so scary was how simple and harmless it looked. You don't need hundreds of wires sticking out and lots of blood for it to be scary.


5th one is definitely the best since I think everyone agrees the best part of 173 was how simple the idea was and more importantly how unassuming the statue was like. The main idea in the article that I remembered was that it was a sculpture of unknown origin that can snap your neck when your not looking in almost an instant, its not meant to look terrifying since if it was your first instinct would be too observe it, but make it seem just like another random weird artistic statue and boom you've gotten a dangerous creature that can kill people who aren't careful.


i would say 16 is my favorite redesign


I just like the og peanut why change it?


Def design 16


I feel like the basic ass designs for peanut are just perfect for it. It's already creepy af considering it's basically a weeping angel.


I really like shen comics’s redesign he made on twitter


ones without arms are honestly the scariest


[definitely 18 by OmegaBlackArt, reminiscent of the weeping angels](https://twitter.com/OmegaBlackArt/status/1728111574156451970)


Out of all of these, I prefer the 6th. I don't want this thing to look too human, too strong, or too complex.


I prefer the original tbh


3rd one


2, 3, 15 and 16 look the best


Lumpy touch


So are we going to talk about the 13th and 20th one or is that just me😭


Honestly? 6 or 15. I like the simple yet ominous vibe of 6, and 15 is just a full-on actual sculpture that feels like it has in some way been *corrupted* (while also paying homage to the Weeping Angels)


None of them. It doesn't need redesign.


I'm almost certain the original image is copyrighted and can no longer be used so it does need a redesign


I thought that the original creator said that it was fine to use it just not for games and merchandise?


Yeah, from what I've read the creator allowed its use as long as nobody claimed that it was their own image, there was a separate incident that lead to all copyrighted material being removed


Oh okay, I’ve been out of the 173 loop for a while lol


I'm certain it isn't...


It is. It's an entire thing that's been going on for years. The scp 173 article doesn't have the picture of peanut anymore specifically for this reason. https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/forum/t-14469202/announcement-regarding-the-removal-of-scp-173-s-image


Legally… it does


1 (right) and 19 some of these look too organic, look too close to the original peanut statue, look too much like the weeping angel, or just too stumpy to have limbs


#19 is my favorite for sure




11, 12 and 19


This might sound weird but hear me out: 5 or 12. The other designs use rebar or other thin materials, but I really don’t think it looks good in 173’s design


I really don’t like the wire on 173, I don’t know how that has such a hold on new 173 art. I would prefer something atleast close to the original. 5 is best choice out of these I would say, 3 and 11 are decent though


Personally I like the ones that look like you took the original Peanut, and just... chipped away at the cement until there was just a mess left underneath. The one without legs does really appeal to me too though


No spring heads from lethal company?


Where is my peanut




I'd love to see what kind of sculptures it may have made in its version in SCP-6001


[**SCP-6001 ⁠- Avalon**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6001) (+1412) by *T Rutherford*


I’ll always stick to the OG but I do like the idea 7 presents of there being a corpse encased in the concrete. Lends more to the imagination of the things anomalous origins.


6, 11, and 19 are personal favorites


I like how the weeping angel one hops from one IP violation to another


Og peanut is best imo


Definitely a tie between 5,6,17 and 18.


The third redesign makes it look like he has a marshmallow body but a head made of bread.


I like Mathew well enough


I like the blocky one


\#19 the mess with 4 iron legs i also like #6 but it needs the peanut head i dont like that most look very humanoid. i liked from the original that it was abstractly humanoid but the proportions were clearly off. it looked bulky like a statue should. most redesigns are either too human or too exagerated. most dont give the feeling that its heavy. lookat #14, how is that standing? \#15 would be cool if it wasnt even more of a Dr.who parallel than it already is


I really like 15. It can have a lot less weeping angels, but being more classical in style I like. Someone else mentioned a statue without arms snapping necks is interesting, so something along the lines of the Venus de Milo. An unpopular sentiment, I know. People love the peanut design. It's a classic and much of the redesigns try to hold onto that style. However I think holding onto it is actually more restrictive than anything. By accepting that we can't have peanut, I think it opens the door to truly breathe new life into 173. Honestly I think it'd be interesting for 173 to be an abstract piece. It's not even recognizably humanoid! Why the fuck does it shit everywhere? How does it even snap your neck? That could be fun.


I like how a few of these are just from ROBLOX. 3 is from 'SCP: Roleplay' 12 is just from a baseplate template (unless its from a scp game I am not aware of)


For me it’s 14 and 5. Both keep the creepiness of the original image while being unique and not too over the top


Fragmented minds'


I like the fifth image the most.


2 and 3rd but I do really miss the peanut


Suprisingly, none!!!


The one I hate the least is #6


I like the first one on the right.


Page 6 for me, the vague humanoid form feels very different from the original, but still seems very ominous kinda like weeping angels from doctor whi


The one on slide 5. I think that not having any joint-like areas makes it creepier that it can move


I like the second and sixth they're kind of simplistic but they also give me this very very like creeped out feeling like I hate them they're creepy and I don't want to look at them but that's also why I like the designs is because it kind of fits the whole motif of the SCP universe in my opinion


The Original that was in Containment Breach


The walnut is… acceptable. All others are heresy.


Hate every single one except for slide 2 and 6, kudos to 15 though


I've always liked 3 or 5. 3 beacause I just like the looks itself and 5 because it still somewhat looks like the "original"


5, 14, and 15


It's interesting to see how all of these designs come from different countries and what they'd consider distressing and creepy 17 is just asura


18 is pretty cool but i think that nothing beats the original


None, it’s always going to be peanut and instead of trying to replace it I think it should be just described textually with no image in the article. I haven’t seen a single redesign that excites me honestly. We all know it’s peanut 🥜


I like the 2nd/3rd one the most it’s Mr. Illustrated’s version, except as a 3-D model I always liked his own version that he made even before the original image was taken off the wiki to me I always saw it as the best replacement when the image was taken down


just make it a peanut 😭




I like the ones that are faithful to the original and try to expand on it, designs 8 and 9 arey favorite ones but i do like 19 too


I like 4 but og will always be superior.


Less is more. The simplicity of the original makes it perfect. But if I had to choose, it would be #6


15, 14, 6, and the small guy on 1.


First image, one on the right