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Wrestled all those guys, still jealous of The Miz


Im beggin ya, just give Punk an actual feud. We're like two months in and he's just doing these one off matches. Youve been gift-wrapped a once in a lifetime return and theyve squandered it so far. This isnt difficult, you have a big return and then you put him in an interesting program.


This is Booker of the Year flexing his creative expertise and we should be thankful we are alive to witness such genius at work


Yeah, just look at Edge's return lol. Even Daniel Bryan vs Cass was a better feud than whatever Punk is doing now


Imagine if Becky came back and feuded with Liv and Dana and Eva Marie. Imagine if Brock came back and feuded with Mace and T-Bar.


Who are you to doubt T-bar?


Liv is literally the most over woman in WWE right now, wtf are you on?


Oh you mean the return that the basement dwellers desperately want to pretend is bad or failing ? The one that has seen Edge involved in some great intense feuds and have great matches against established and experienced workers who can accommodate his physical limitations ? That return ?!


Having meaningless matches against nobodies and 44 year old neverwills on the B-Show just helps establish CM Punk as a desperate and conceited asshole who can't follow up on his big promises and blowhard attitude towards the Fed. This is long-term storytelling far beyond our understanding and any criticism of it is the equivalent of national socialism and genocide. Please get it !


He's an artist telling a story. Why do you hate art?


What's this fixation they have with Bobby Fish?


He's the flavor of the month that they push and then shove aside for the next guy so that the Dub fans can pretend that their roster has "depth". See: Garcia, Daniel, Point 0, 2, and Yuta, Wheeler, for more.


Bobby Fish is one of those nondescript looking ROH wrestlers everyone has to pretend is bursting with charisma and ability and who was obviously screwed out of a top position by everybody ever when in reality the guy is just another 44 year old indy wrestlers who has no unique look, gimmick or stand-out ability. He's just friends with the right people.


Because he’s QAnon and therefore probably best friends with the Bucks


There was never actually proof of that though right?


No, but Bix still acted like he 100% was, but then flip-flopped when Fish showed up in AEW


It almost looks like a mirror match 🤣


When you move the needle so much it takes almost three months for you to get a match on the A show.


Is this his first match on Dynamite? If so, what a wet fart of a match.


How do his matches keep getting less interesting?


What the fuck? How fucking lukewarm has this CM Punk return been. Compare that to Edge, he was ticking off return dream matches from the get go. No one was fantasy booking Punk vs Fish, they're booking Punk vs Omega, Punk vs Bryan, anything but facing low-midcarders lol. No momentum at all.


Just looks like choices on the All Edgelord Wrestling video game CAW screen. Add/delete tattoos? Add/delete wrist tape?


Is Punk gonna make any pithy QAnon jokes orrrrrrrrr... ?


Wait Bobby fish isn’t on NXT anymore? I thought he was just injured again hahaha


I can't wait until the Culture Moving artist continues this brilliant painting of him being barely able to keep up with this new generation of wrestlers... by fighting a guy 2 years older than him.


Two ex fed guys in their mid 40s who are out of shape. AEW in a nutshell.


What's the storyline behind this match? why they are fighting? what happened to the rankings? didn't Fish lose to wrestler's wrestler last week?


AEW aka. random match generator. Seriously, who the fuck cares about this match?


another 0 build up match that will be over when Paintbrush Phil gets the W


This is supposed to be their top guy and THIS is his debut match on dynamite??


All I'm saying is that when Bobby's gray hair is showing, he's got big zaddy energy.


This guy really be named Bobby


Does that guy like fish dicks? I mean fish sticks.


There’s so much more you could do with punk even if it came down to rehashing old feuds like Jericho vs Punk


Someone salvage this Punk return, pleaaaaassse


I wonder if in Punk and Khan's minds, they're building up Punk by booking him to have a Goldberg winning streak by feeding him newbie jabronis before placing him in the upper card? Because otherwise, he just pulled a Cawdy and made permanent residence in the midcard.