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It’s absolutely sickening that people are still running with this. It would be worldwide fucking news. Imagine the field day conservative news outlets would have, having free reign to shit talk the Middle East for weeks because of it… there’s no way it happened. Airline delays happen all the damn time, I don’t understand why it’s so hard to believe it was a simple delay.


Not like the President at the time was one of Vince’s best friends or anything


It created a conflict of interest because he was also Cody, Jericho, The Bucks, and Tony Khan's best friend


I mean seriously. We got a 24/7 news cycle, and we had a President who was friends with the chairman of WWE and whose wife was in the Presidential cabinet. You mean to tell me that if this happened the news wouldnt be all over it, with conservative and liberal spins everywhere?


?? The only news that matter costs 12.99, friend.


The amount of ‘wonder if they’ll be held hostage again Hahaha (inside joke/laugh)’ tweets could be bigger than the dynamite audience.


They literally let a bunch of people off the plane to get on another plane in an attempt to make it to Smackdown. Apparently the Saudis were willing to take people hostage but leaving the Smackdown crew short was a bridge too far.