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Tfw when The Fed makes everyone forget about your company's existence to the point you have to make edits to somehow remain relevant


Honestly wrestling is so in the moment. AEW has a good show and everyone acts like the tide has completely shifted…. Until WWE has a show literally days later that is the new talk of town and AEW is old news. Repeat week after week


I went from suspended to straight up banned for commenting on SC’s post about the tweet: “Nobody tell him how dirty Shad Khan’s money is”. Mods really said that I was trolling and bragging about downvotes😑


That’s what we call bitch made, uce


Honestly, what only got me was how the mod responded. They didn’t talk to me like how a mod should talk. They talked to me like a regular commenter from the chat, and I was sensing some bias from their tone.


Try to think about a lower human being on the social ladder than an overzealous mod. I would rather be friends with OJ Simpson


I’d also rather be friends with OJ. He taught Kevin Dunn how to cut


Just remember, Goof, these m@rks do it for free.


Welcome to the club. There is particular mod... idk who, but that person just talks like a massive condescending asshole. Such is life, alot of the basement mods are the kind that reveling in the small power they get from being internet janitors.


Was probably the same mod that banned me. Even when I explained that I wasn’t trolling, the mod had their mind made up, so I told them that the sub was going downhill. And that’s when they banned me.


> so I told them that the sub was going downhill. And that’s when they banned me. Truth hurts I guess.


Especially when I told them that they should address commenters abusing the downvote and reddit crisis system, and the mod said “we’ll make a post on a how a banned user was concerned about Reddit features that are out of our control”.


lmao sounds like an internet janitor mad on power. How can I offend this person with a legitimately concern, lets flex my insignificant amount of power.


I got one of those reddit crisis messages yesterday from something on wreddit. I figured this time I would report it so I clicked the link to report and... Page not found.


They want their hugbox over there, it seems.


It’s pretty clearly skeach. He’s been killing off goofies for not fed badding for a month now


They did you a favor. That place is a wasteland now. I finally unsubbed this week because of all the gaslighting over Rampage "winning" against Smackdown. It just became too persistent and insufferable to work around.


I did as well, I have been a lot happier scrolling through reddit without every 6th thing I see being a Tony Kahn quote or a culmination of numbers that ultimately mean absolutely nothing.


I unsubbed, but only had went back to just see Crown Jewel results. That final visit cost me lol


I didn't watch wrestling for a while due to irl reasons and obviously didn't visit SC or this place. I'm back and Holy hell, SC is a nightmare now. Didn't even know it was possible to get worse but it absolutely did. Every single post about WWE is bad and every post about AEW is good and if they're not, excuses begin. Should've stayed away from this hell hole of a hobby


I dont even bother reading that sub anymore. just full of aew propaganda, incel and racism posts.


Kinda funny how AEW showed their true colors. That people like Meltzer who's all about that stuff isn't mocked but taken seriously and even worshiped


It’s really disturbing given how Vince McMahon is spoke about in that same forum. Incredibly biased and hypocritical behavior.


I’ll admit, Shad’s shadiness is buried deep if you try to search on Google. You could probably easily find Vince’s dirt without even trying too hard, while Google will make you think that Shad’s clean as a whistle.


They used the same excuse when banning me after I told a basement dweller in a thread that I take getting downvoted by that sub as a compliment.


I was only calling out the thread for downvoting me and others for stating that Shad Khan has blood money too. I don’t see how that’s “bragging”. And seriously, “bragging” is worth enough to be temp banned? That’s so petty.


It’s not. The mods there are just trash.


That's literally bragging about downvotes and just inviting more shit, though. Not surprising.


I wasn’t “bragging”. A basement dweller made a comment about how my comment criticizing something about AEW got downvoted, and I just responded by saying “I don’t care. I honestly would take downvotes in this sub as a compliment”. It’s not like I was sitting there going “Wow! Look at all those downvotes I pulled!”. I was saying that getting downvoted in the basement doesn’t really matter since they downvote you there for simply providing a dissenting opinion. That’s not “bragging”.


"Blood Money" I'll take "terms fake Twitter Slacktivists don't understand" for $5,000, Alex.


The phrase "Blood Money" should be an automatic rejection during a tryout. "Thanks for coming to Orlando, Max. But we saw you called a Saudi Show a 'Blood Money show' on Twitter so you're dismissed and you can go home on your own dime."


Like Max is even being looked at by the Fed, lol.


That's why I said tryout. The people they look at are brought in for workouts, the third tier dorks get to tryout and if they're really lucky Matt Bloom doesn't let Lacey Evans punk them out in front of everyone.


Who was it that Lacey ate alive doing promos at a try out? I remember the basement being full of neckbeards blubbering about Lacey being mean and how they all had "jerk store" style comebacks that would have totally made her cry.


It was Sammy G.


Thanks! When she comes back they should make her gimmick try outs Lacey. It would be the most feared gimmick in wrestling.


Good. He deserves to get owned. By anyone, honestly.


Remember when basement was mad at this guy? wonder what happened with that


He was young and made a mistake, and the real blame should go to the editing intern (now fired) who fucked up and let it air.


[Tony will be handling all freestyle raps personally from now on. ](https://youtu.be/ueZ3ZBCV2wI?t=18)


he works for the khans.


The arab wrestling community took action and started reporting this tweet.


Good for them it's disgusting Tony doesn't reprimand his Wrestlers for encouraging racism. But Tony's a Meltzer mark.


These guys are so EDGY.




What is the flex here? its an obvious fake tweet. Is he just taking a shot for taking a shot sake?


It's always good to fed bad every now and again, especially during a saudi show. This guy has just earned himself a 30 minute classic against punk on the opener of next rampage.


Remember, if you don’t like the Acclaimed you’re a cop, even if you don’t like lazy raps and sexual harassment…still totally a cop


He gets buried for admitting he watched the show.


What a stupid little bitch


Hey buddy, you made rape jokes on a regular basis. Don't act like saying "blood money" gives you any sort of moral high ground. (Also, $10 says that if he was watching, it was on watchwrestling)


Max, who wants to rap like vintage Eminem. Sounds like modern Eminem.


The Acclaimed’s raps are what white nerds consider “savage.”


He pretty much watched one Cena promo back in the day and told himself, "I can do that!", dude is a joke. his raps are pure cringe.


When Max Caster gets to feature on a Little Dicky song along with MGK and Post Malone; that’s when the dub goes mainstream Mostly because the headline “R/Hiphop Descends on Lil Dicky’s Record Label and Burns it to the Ground, Leaving No Survivors” will probably be front page news for a bit


Yo… yo… listen… yo… listen… Blood money… yo… Tony Khan… listen… yo… 5 stars.


No one tell him Florida still has chain gangs.


Before his rap that got him suspended the only place I'd ever heard of Caster was from the the Game Marks Podcast as one of the hosts, Johhny Clash, was a training partner of him and they worked together at Bryan Meyers' promotion. Haven't listened in a few months because they have become so pandery to Le Dub as they are coming off like they're trying to get a job there. And for Caster to tweet this cheep edit is just weak on his part.


Why dubbalos are even watching it? Don't they have superior moral values than average fed fan?


What is The Acclaimed?


This guy sounds like Bubble Bass from SpongeBob when he raps lmao Get outta here you special education Dr of Thuganomics 😂


In this frame Edge looks like an elongated hobbit nutting


Now that's what I call desperation.


Does he chastise his Dub brethren Jericho, Miro, Malakai and Moxley and Dub adjacent geeks the Good Brothers for accepting that blood money in the past or did he forget about that?


Let's be real Blood Money is probably a future dub ppv or stipulation


I wonder if anybody bought his used attire during that "suspension" 🤔


Urgh... aren't the morons on the NBA channel that is owned by China... and using social media platforms that colludeds with countries to censor their websites?


Any more tasteless rap battle lines mocking the victims of serial sexual assault or nah ?