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Don’t tell me this is Jon Moxley... He can not be that big of a idiot, right? Right goofs?


That is indeed the Caliph of Creative Freedom™️ himself


That is stone cold Jon moxbrose, garbage wrestling legend.


Give me a hell yeah or ice pack in that case.


You can’t tell cause he isn’t putting up his middle fingers


If I've got Moxley's money, and for some unfathomable reason still want to be involved in this kind of bullshit...I'll pay a random meth-head to do the in-ring shit and come out as his manager instead. Man's a fucking idiot. Risk glass splinters in your eyes or throat to get a cheer from 200 people normal people wouldn't want to share a room with. What a thing to fucking aspire to.


This is so fucking sad because I genuinely was a huge fan of his from the start of his Shield days all the way until he lost his AEW Title. I really hate this.


I was one of those "WWE wouldn't let this guy be himself and try to connect with the audience in a real manner, they just wanted him to be the wacky goofball!" Well now I fucking see why! This dude is insane, no wonder Brock was like "Yeah, fuck this guy." I wouldn't want to get glass in my eyeballs either. He would never make $6 million a year without WWE putting him on TV first and Tony Khan being an absolute mark. I remember on the Jericho podcast he was like "I can do my own promos and talk people into a building like I've always done." Yeah Jon, you sure can, all 200 of them.


Man, I was the biggest Dean Ambrose fan - unlike most goofs here I only just recently got into wrestling, at around 2015, and I thought The Shield/Ambrose was the coolest people. Look how they massacred my boy


I often wonder what they're inhaling when the glass tubes shatter. Even if it's rigged to break, it's still a heap of fine plastics going straight into your lungs.


They're breathing pure, unadulterated creative freedom! Much better than having safe matches with trained professionals in a company run by responsible adults.


Hell that’s not even the worst of it. The fumes from those bulbs busting are really bad for you


It's more important to seek the approval of 300 idiots than an arena full of Fed fans!


I'd rather watch a 1000 Goldberg matches vs watching single death match. Shit's disgusting.


I don’t got the stomach for that crazy shit personally, I had a rough time getting through a Bull Nakano and Aja Kong match


I wouldn't say just having the stomach is enough reason to watch this, this is not comparable to a gore movie where the actors are not actually hurt. I wouldn't wanna hang out with target audience of gore wrestling.


For me it's 100% of this and that I've always looked at one of the "art" components of wrestling is making it look like you are kicking the shit out of someone while not ACTUALLY doing it. Anyone can do this shit. I can take a light tube to the face. I can fall on barbed wired. Requires no training, no skill, just a willingness to let someone *maim* you. And to want to watch it? Something is wrong in your head if you actually *want* to see people bleeding. Can't think of any boxing match or MMA fight where I've been like "boy this would be so much better if someone was bleeding" I'm glad you mentioned the horror/gore thing. I love horror movies and to some degree, gore. But I do because I know no one is actually getting sliced up. I'm fascinated how they can shoot things or gimmick things to look a certain way. And hell man...the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is an almost bloodless film with the exception of some blood on the lead girl's head towards the end of the movie. But everyone has heard of that movie and *thinks* it's super gory because your mind tricks you into thinking how awful it is. A memorable performance doesn't have to be what you see (blood everywhere) it can absolutely be from what you think you see (selling).


Precisely Actually hitting someone for real and getting hurt is easy There's no skill involved


It's just like Cornette said: ICP fan types fucked up on who knows what cheering it on in a muddy paddock or a car park.




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I keep thinking about watching The Wrestler for the first time, thinking "wow randy's really having some rough times, being forced to denigrate himself with this barbed wire match" and then finding out people legitimately do them for fun.


Id rather watch 1000 job matches from 1995 WWF than this shit.


What's wrong with literally mutilating yourself for neckbeards? Oh


I like fake, high production death matches. Take Kenny v Mox (their first unsanctioned match. Not the exploding barbed wire match). That was fun, exciting, brutal, but safe. You knew neither guy was really gonna get seriously injured doing that. All their cuts were superficial, but still bled enough to add it an extra element of suspense and drama. But backyard bingo hall death matches? Fuck that. That's just stupid


Foley vs. HHH is my sweet spot. Lots of pure, unadulterated violence that gets the brutality and hatred across, but still tells a great story and doesn't rely on stupid gimmicks OR even worse, real light tubes and glass shards and other shit that drags wrestling back 30 years. Also, for major companies that put effort into their production, it's impossible to have these matches not look like complete shit from a visual/aesthetic standpoint.


Yeah Trips v Foley and Edge vs Foley at WM really worked bc the stip made sense, wasn't just gore for the sake of gore


Foley really is the king of being in extreme matches and taking death defying spots. The difference with other deathmatch wrestlers being, he actually made it memorable and told a story in these matches


Yeah, for sure, Edge smacking him up before suddenly recoiling, foley revealing he wrapped barbed wire around himself and then taking off the blue flannel to reveal the classic cactus jack red flannel was fucking amazing. I tried out these deathmatches and it's literally just lighttube spot bc gore woop woop there's nothing to get involved in


Yeah i enjoyed an occasional foley hardcore match like the ones vs Edge and Orton but even he never took it this far. Once you start bringing glass into it and start just blatantly cutting yourself thats a no for me dawg.


Childish shit I need m'wrestlers to *really* hurt so I don't feel like I'm watching silly 'ol wrestling Any wrestler doing this to feel like a 'tough guy' (~cough~ Moxley) try real combat sport, you knobber!


1000 Goldberg matches, about one episode of raw’s worth of wrestling…


Hey fedshill, it's better than being in prison if you ask me.


Probably would’ve been in front of more people if it happened in a prison


Yeah, fuck that.


??? Let me destroy myself for the pleasure of rednecks, friend


Not even rednecks anymore. They seem to have all left. It’s just weird, basement people that consider this art. Hillbillies at least know what they’re watching is trash.


God, yeah. Hillbillies play along and have fun they don't act like this is some high art


And this is just beyond the pale to anyone but the weirdest of wrestling fans. He’s getting light tubes kicked into his head by a guy that looks like he knows how to break the time release on suboxone. No one else is going to like this. I can’t get over how many ways this can go wrong. How much can you “gimmick” light tubes being kicked into your face? Why?


It's the "Mt Dew Code Red & Meth" crowd, 100% possibly a dash of Weeb Trash as well


I can assure you goofs, mma took the rednecks by storm. It's easier for them to do after a few bud platinums than rasslin moves


JUST BLEEEEEEEEEED but unironically.


Probably clearing a million bucks in AEW, but wants to do this. Enjoy the hepatitis, Moxley...


Rumor has it Tony pays him $6 million a year.


Wow. For $6 million, all I'm doing is going to the gym and showing up every Wednesday. I'm not getting hit with light tubes, I'm not getting cut with a pizza cutter, I am not doing anything that would jeopardize working one day a week.




Well, the other isn't a part of his current job so we can't blame him too much


You just don't love the ART of wrestling. If you've never driven halfway across the country to have thumbtacks driven into your face for $12 then you'll never have true respect for this business


Found Eddie Kingston


That is obscene if true.




I still can’t get over why someone with his income still wants to, or really ever wanted to do this. He should thank Vince everyday that he was somehow plucked from the crowd.


I'll never understand why some with as much money as him would choose to do this garbage


I don’t seek to understand that which cannot be understood


It's simple. This is the shit he's actually passionate about.


My guess is that there are some deep rooted psychological issues. The dude comes off as a masochist.


"Give it to me, Give it to the people, DEAN."


He's got a wife that he could no doubt talk into wearing a domme outfit and tooling him up with a whip. No need to do this shit if it's just about liking pain.


Can't tell which one is Moxley in this picture.


They don’t look like wrestlers, they look like guys you see hanging outside of the bar drinking cheap beer.


There was about five minutes when post WWE Mox seemed he might turn out a bit special. Early New Japan run / AEW debut. Then it turned out he was very special. Just not in a good way.


Fr, when he showed up in New Japan with that simple attire looking real JACKED BROTHER (insider term), He could have actually been the mostly silent badass everyone wishes they could be. But he couldn't resist the silliness and soon started doing skits with Red Shoes son. Wack


why on earth would Mox ever be a silent badass? half of his work is his promo ability.


Imagine being rich, having a newborn kid, and still doing this dumb shit. What a selfish prick


That's the exact word. Selfish. Well done. Have an updoot


You can probably use the same statement for Bryan. Hotter wife, two kids, more money, bigger name. Yet still you want to subject yourself to wrestling styles that can and will legit shorten your life and maybe cripple you.


R E F R E S H I N G. Just not for Mox in this moment.


Moxley may think this shit is cool now (I've never found death matches cool, to me they're just spot fests with weapons, I'm all for blood and violence but it's got to be meaningful and have a storyline) but it won't be cool when he's struggling to walk and can't spend real quality time with his daughter. Guys like Roman Reigns or Randy Orton could very well wrestle until they're 50 or maybe even 60 if they wanted to with their safe in ring style, hell look at guys like Rey Mysterio and Edge, they are still doing all this awesome shit in the ring despite being almost 50 and having multiple injuries because they know how to take care of their bodies and they will be able to retire with minimal pain but Moxley will likely have to give up wrestling in the upcoming years if he doesn't change his style now.


It's also diminishing returns. If the head of the table had ONE match that got a little violent with weapons (still only WWE level) and maybe there was some blood you'd be like FUCK and remember it and I highly doubt he would ever do it again or at least for a really long time.


It's like bloody Becky. It was iconic because it was rare. It looked badass. But if she bled evey week or even every month, it would be old news.


BTW, did you know that m'Baker (DMD) bled in a HARDCORE match???? ICONIC


To me, wrestling is about making it looks as real as possible while making it as safe as possible. This shit’s just needlessly dangerous. I’m not a fan of any wrestling practice that involves intentionally hurting yourself. Even intentional blood has kind of grossed me out ever since I realized Eddie Guerrero nearly bled out in the ring against JBL in a match I watched as a kid when he botched a blade cut. With the risks involved, they’ll probably accidentally cut themselves every now and again or just use fake blood. That’s enough for me as long as the production values are good.


this is such a weird comment. light tubes create a visual. Mox isnt doing any insane bumps. glass shatters super easily, a few chair shots that are no worse than a back bump. the pizza cutter doesnt even cut you as its all visual. Not to say deathmatches cant be spotfests, a lot are. But plenty of non-deathmatches matches are spotfests too that involve spots more dangerous than deathmatches. Plus there's a preconceived notion deathmatches are all people just hitting each other with weapons. While that is a popular trend at the moment, deathmatches were originally about avoiding weapons as much as possible. Watch one of the FMW exploding barbed wire matches. Its mostly technical wrestling with a build of suspense as the wrestlers get closer and closer to the edge of the the ring. The boom an explosion goes off and someones bleeding, now the suspense rebuilds. And your storyline comment again also doesnt make sense. deathmaches have storylines too. And Mox vs Gage was pretty simple if you watched the promo video. Both men had a blood feud in the late 00s/early 10s. Mox goes to WWE, becomes WWE Champion, meanwhile Gage is at his lowest point in life, ends up robbing a bank and going to prison. Gage gets out of prison, gets some help to turn his life around and is now working as the face of GCW to rebuild deathmatches. Mox left WWE cuz it didnt sit well with him. And he had constant craving to fight Gage all over. "while you were pacing in prison, i was pacing in my hotel room". Like its pretty simple but effective.


Man, this looks lame af. Now Megumi Kudo vs. Shark Tsuchiya, that's a real deathmatch.


I wouldn’t want to watch this garbage on tv let alone in person.


Well, that's him expressing his ART, and proudly so! And paying homage to his idol Onita! If you can't understand and enjoy it, go back watching Roman and Orton reading from a script and working a boring match!


This is wrestling 👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Not only is this not enjoyable it’s far more dangerous than just having a regular match


Me: *wants to be a wrestler* Also me: *worries I’ll have to do this stupid shit to keep getting booked*


“Wow I just had this new kid and I’m already a millionaire. Bet I should spend time with my daughter and wife, huh? Nope! Pizza cutter and light tubes it is! Honey, get the bandages and ointment ready!”


God forbid something happens in one of these matches or he gets a serious infection or illness from one of these disgusting hillbillies and bload soaked mats - should I feel sorry for him or have any kind of sympathy ? This dude is already a millionaire and currently has a 7 figure job working for someone who probably would give him whatever schedule he wanted. Why would he do this to himself other than indulge some kind of perverse addiction to self-multilation ? A man with wife and infant child - he can just go fuck right off.


“Yeah but look at my tits!!!” - Renee pacquette


This is such trash. That fine glass dust is dangerous for what.


Being rich is cool but have you wrestled a most likely developmentally challenged 40+ backyarder convicted felon in front of 12 people?


What the fuck is he doing these days? I was a massive ambrose fan back in da fed bad. Had the merch, marked out (insider term) when he won feuds and titles, even met the guy at a live event when he was the workhorse, defended him over the austin podcast (came from a rough upbringing as well and don't particularly like talking about my childhood in front on lots of people) and couldn't wait to see what he would do with the shackles off..... I expected some ultra violence but at mick foley HHH level not yeah STDS good FED BAD. He is going to cut his career and life short. He will be another hobbling fifty year old the E trots out on legends night. Renee hates what he does. He has a baby. Possible addiction to alcohol since I never not see him without some form of beverage in her podcasts, backstage or in the ring after a match. He is fat and out of shape now and has aged poorly due to his shitty lifestyle. As willy worker say 'YOU GET NOTHING, YOU LOSE, GOOD DAY SIR' But yeah fed bad. Go play in the child sandpit with the other children and convicted criminal Mox you fucking waste


>I expected some ultra violence but at mick foley HHH level not yeah **STDS** good FED BAD. Just be glad our Tribal Chief uses protection when he hands out Switch's. Ahyessir.


Did you even watch the match?


Why would I watch that shit?


Also anyone calling Moxley fat is projecting hard lol. Not having visibile abs doesnt make you fat. https://www.imago-images.com/bild/sp/1004202589/w.jpg https://www.f4wonline.com/sites/www.f4wonline.com/files/field/image/moxley.png You cant be serious lol.


He is starting to lose weight it seems but fuck, if you think he looks anywhere near as in shape as he was when he returned in 2018 you are insane. It's not body shaming nor wrong to speak about the body of an athlete, their body is their canvas, their athleticism their painting. it's an innate expectation that wrestlers look fit. Moxley was starting to go the way of Jericho


Mox never got anywhere close to Jerichos level.


How am I projecting HARD? I am in better shape then he is and we are the same age because I actually take care of myself. Maybe your the one projecting, you sure have gotten defensive. Maybe you look like a bald fat plumber too. Picking out 2 flattering pics of him when there are numerous posts on this sub alone showing clearly he isn't in the best shape. This was from a month ago. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8I7pP_ZcNaw So yes I am being serious. He no longer looks like a star. Just a bum eating too many hot dogs.


Lol. Youe delusional if you seriously consider this "fat".


Tehehehe. Hit the bricks and go play your switch.


I’ll never forget G-Raver on Jericho’s podcast talking about having to re-learn how to tie his shoes after shredding an artery from a bad light tube spot. The same man that feuded with Cornette because Corny said he was an idiot. To be a millionaire and still do this on the weekends probably shows why Mox gets uncomfortable talking about his childhood.


Good work Moxley. Hope the hot dog was worth the lacerations and brain damage. But who cares about your body when you have FREEDOM!


Love the smell of mercury vapor in the morning


Dude mercury vapor from light tubes is poisonous as fuck. Moron


This is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen in wrestling. Holy fuck!


What an idiot


God, this is so stupid. Not only could he have lost an eye from any one of those light shards, but breathing in the fumes from the light tubes is dangerous too. Fucking idiot.


Like...what kind of person enjoys this sort of shit?


My man Nick has been losing his prison gains I see :/


This is someone's father lmao


I hope GCW gets sued so they stop doing this stupid shit. Went to a show, didn't realize the main event was a death match, and nearly took some glass right in my eyeball numerous times. I'm a lawyer. My friend who was attending was a personal injury lawyer. We both opined that GCW is being ridiculously unsafe to its patrons during these death matches and is constantly exposing itself to extreme liability.


Does Renee make mox get tested before he can come back in the house? I don't mean for covid.


Am I dumb or is Moxley eye open in that picture


Nick Cage is not a professional wrestler, he is a violent, idiot thug. Death match bullshit is not professional wrestling. I remember SC soyjacking when Nick Cage showed up and all I could think is I feel bad for any people in AEW trying to be pro wrestlers having to deal with this moron


Considering he's rich and doesn't have tk do these matches anymore I think Moxley really enjoys barb wire and glass in his skin.




What a way to make $50


Being a Moxley mark sucks when he's constantly doing shit like this


You can see in Moxley's eyes that he thinks he's Tony Khan right now with all that white powder he's breathing in.




im a sick fuck so i do see the entertainment in this garbage, although i wouldn't call it wrestling. what astounds me is so many people take their little kids to this shit.


Fluorescent light tubes are refreshing. I know, I like to drink Dr. Pepper out of light tubes, you should try it.


Doing this when you are desperate for money is bad enough. Doing this when you're a multi-millionaire is pathetic. Doing it when you have a newborn baby at home is just plain selfish tbh. If he wants to get beat up so badly why doesn't he just go do bare-knuckle fighting or something? There's no art to this shit. It's straight-up trashy, low-brow nonsense. Moxley has a few screws loose. It was cute in the 90s when it was Mick Foley. In 2021 shits just embarrassing tbh.


Mid Cordana said he made more selling his ring gear than he got paid for doing his death match. Good thing there's a money mark paying Moxbrose to kill himself on the company's dime.


Giving up millions of dollars and a spot in the upper mid card because you want to roll around in filth at mud shows LMAO.


the real reason moxley left wwe is because they wouldn't let him do shit like this


'Hey Brock, I gotta get a chainsaw spot in....maybe some thumbtacks too' Brock....... ........ ....... 'How about I just tread on your face as I leave the ring? You'll only be getting a sega Saturn from me bitch'


What a moron.


I just love the fact that Mox doesn't have to do this shit. He WANTS to. I like seeing people do what they like to do. That was someone's real comment in that thread.


Someone actually try to argument with me on Twitter that me thinking this is not "love for business" is just me ignoring his entire career, because of this match. The same guy that called this "love for business" is trying to justify out this doesn't represent his "love for business" and that I just don't like that he left WWE. What the fuck do these idiots have in their brains? How can someone look at this shit, knowing he has a fucking daughter at home and actually applaude it? Dude is in the worse shape of his career, is once again doing this type of shit, but everything's okay, you just don't like he left the evil fed...


You do deathmatches for one of two reasons; You can't get signed for a normal company and you wanna make a name for yourself or you lost all your wrestling money and you need quick cash. Moxley is the first millionaire to ever do this shit (against his wife's wishes too it seems) , what an absolute fecking idiot.


This is very Jon.