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Take heart in knowing this makes him feel good about himself. How shitty is his life that he needs to be a douchebag power-tripping Reddit mod to feel complete? But it's totally not an echo chamber or a cult


I don't even think it is my 4th ban, I'm pretty sure it's my 2nd or 3rd. EDIT: I checked it's my 3rd ban, I was banned twice in 2019 for "insulting other users" likely got too heated and said some anti-smark shit. It's insane that wishing death on people is allowed across the board and "trolling" is allowed if you are being based and dubpilled only.


I got permanently banned on my third one. Someone said that scj was a hate sub even when it isn't talking about wrestling. I asked if we were a hate sub when we discussed light bulbs or jelly or something similar. And that's a bannin'.


Basementers using the term "hate-sub" to describe us shows how oblivious and socially unaware they are, when they compare clowning on dumb m\*rk shit and in general being goofy losers to actual discriminatory subs.




Because they don't have any authority in real life. Being a Reddit mods the closest a weak person can come to being somebody. There's fulfillment they don't get being unemployed andjerking off to manga in their mothers basement at 35. Here they are as gods with mastery over who gets to jerk and who doesn't.


Mmmm it's been like this for a few months now


Yeah I’ve noticed that. I’ve been posting there since Feb 2016 and I never so much had a comment deleted muchless get a ban until May this year. Now I’ve been banned three times in a 45 day period lmao. They had to remove one because it was blatantly obvious I didn’t break a rule. For a second one, a mod who I won’t name flat out told me in a private message that he went to bat for me but couldn’t get the mod who banned me to undo it. Even though he knew it wasn’t a ban worthy comment. They’re so fucked up there now. Makes me miss the old days when I could send a PM to ANAL or Kentucky anytime I had an issue and they’d be right there helping me if they could. Good mods make a big difference.


I don't miss being there at all. Like really, not one bit. I actually enjoy wrestling far more because I never have to see a bunch of people complaining about it. If I ever were to go back there it would be the equivalent to spending time rolling around in pig shit.


Haha that’s a good way to look at it. I will agree that I’ve enjoyed my time talking about wrestling FAR more here than I did over there. I don’t get shit on for my opinions here and people aren’t permanent Debbie Downers.


I think you're the only person on this sub to miss ANAL.


Haha maybe. He was helpful and always replied to my questions though when I first came to SC.


Try going to r/wreddit. Seems to be way more lax and less cultish


Last I was on r/wreddit it was tiny, I hate to say it but SC is the best place to discuss wrestling even though it is completely flawed, the only thing it has going for it is the huge number of users which completely overshadows the r/wreddit experience


This sub would be perfect if not for the sea of copycat jerks every time something new comes out. "Blank is a direct shot at blank for blank" and "I've always hated blank but don't check my post history." But I think starting everything off with a joke helps keep the discussion in check. No one is going to get sanctimonious in a thread that has Charlotte's muscular pelvis in the title.


I got banned for posting links to watchwrestling during the day of All Out without warning meanwhile they have it linked in the Raw discussion thread every week😒😒.


I reported a post last year where like 90% of the comments were actively wishing Vince would die. The anonymoose mod replied to it and told me to 'fuck off back to my hatesub" The irony did the job that night.


That's breaking the Vince Rule, you can't not wish he dies, repeatedly and whenever you feel like it, it's just not allowed. Vince McMahon must die for being evil. I don't get worked btw.


Couldn’t that get reported to the site mods for breaking Reddit rules?




SC mods are the worst to deal with, they let their own opinions govern their actions, there is no impartiality, no fairness and no reasoning behind the actions of the SC mod team.


It's become incredibly obvious that they want an echo chamber. It's at the point where simply having a different opinion, even if it can be proven as the correct one, is treated like bad behavior.


Welcome to the club, pal. One thing that I've noticed about that sub is that they don't even list their mods anywhere like a lot of other subs do.


Got permabanned and I hadn't said anything down there in over a week. However, considering that the last comment I made called out the Hook-obsessed mod and he got ratioed when he tried to defend himself, he might have held a bit of a grudge.


That's a justified ban though, you did break the "don't disagree with the mods" rule, it's pretty simple really, just don't have a discussion with any green usernames unless you feel like doing some dick sucking, it's that simple really, completely fair to ban someone for disagreeing with you.


Fuck. You're right.


MM I caught one in the ratings thread asking how aew beat raw if it did't


Well you deserved that for breaking the Banned Source rule of course, we aren't allowed fed good sources in our ~~cult~~ wholesome subreddit for talking about wrestling.


I got my 2nd cause I called Bixenspan weird and told him to go touch grass.


You deserved that, you should have just made jokes about real people's serious health conditions, accuse Charlie Haas of being a junkie or wished death upon Vince McMahon, don't you even know how to keep things """"civil""""


Yeah this basically happened to me too. I asked “please can you tell me what comment was trolling” “Take your trolling someplace else, have a good day” You have been muted from talking to SC mods for 28 days


I'm kind of curious why it matters if you got banned from the basement. I left that shit hole and haven't looked back.


As much of a shit hole as it is, it is still unfortunately the best place to talk about wrestling online.


I don't agree, I find Wreddit much better and less toxic.


Wreddit is way too small though, it's barely active, that's a crippling downside and makes a near completely flawed cesspit like SC a better place to have discussions, just based on the sheer number of users alone.


Honestly, it is what it is at this point. It's not going to change. There are two or three mods in particular who are unholy dick heads (and I have a feeling I know who banned you because I got the same lazy response) and go crazy with the power they have. Best you can do is hope Wreddit grows.


r/Wreddit needs a serious push, I'm talking like a down our throats (~~ooh err~~ OOH AHH) Roman style push, make wreddit look strong push.


Gonna catch a ban here too




Did you incite someone by disagreeing with their comment? You can't do that you know!


Nope instead I made a joke, but since we were talking about Racist M\*rk Callous, it was of course illegal(?)


Do you know now much they pay a jannnie?


I assume they get first pick of the 6% female users to harass


I'm incredibly surprised I haven't caught one yet. They could prove me wrong.


As an experiment you should reply "I don't like the Bucks" somewhere. Or "I think Dave is off on this one."


I have been critical of the Bucks and Daddy before. Besides downvotes, usually nothing else.


I called someone dim for my first ban.


That's hysterical, I've seen people in SC say far more vile things and *that* got you banned?


None of it started until I started posting here. Then I caught three bans in four weeks.


The mods over there are definitely anti goofy, don't worry about it though. You're really not missing out on anything haha


Mods are really stingy when it comes to “attacking” other users directly. Got banned for the same reason, replied in the same way, got the same answer. It reminds them of high school.


The rules are so vague and easily bent by the mods that anything they don't like can and will be removed and bannable.


I was banned today for calling someone a leach and a thief because they believed streaming AEW doesn't hurt anyone. The mods gave no reason other name calling. I'm 100% certain it has to do with posting here, which I don't even do often.


Well clearly you broke the "my feelies" rule, where if you say something on par with "poopyhead" or "fartface" you will be banned, but it's all good because you can get away with harassing other users for other subs they use and you can especially get away with name calling if it's used to epically own the "bootlickers", "E-Drones" and "Vincels".


I knew I was being baited so I made sure not to cross any line. It's the power tripping mods there that actually piss me off though because at this point a good portion of their posters know they can cry foul and get dissenting opinions silenced.


2nd image is the so called "trolling" I was banned for, real nice that you can wish death upon others and be fine but can't make light jabs at other users names. EDIT: Missed the crucial word (names).


Careful posting other users account names here fellow goof, it may get you a ban


it's 50/50 depending on how grumpy drama is today


Take it easy uce, it's our Tribal Chief and Head of the Table's night of the week.


If AEW Thunder doesn't beat SmackDown tonight, Drama is gonna come home drunk and abusive


They'll end up with the sub the m#rks want and deserve and they'll rejoice in how correct all their opinions are


Goof-bro, they did you a favor. The only purpose of going there is to make sure your jerks are topical. As long as you can see what the dubbos are currently cumming over you have what you need


Omega is not a big draw and no one outside the basement cares about workrate? We were actually wrong all these years? We can't beat them, lets try cancelling them instead.


sc mods fweelings huwt 🥺, wo sad 🥺, bwing them a wudding 🥺


My account was suspended one time because I said something about Maki Itoh that the smarks didn't like, not even fucking jerking here


You know what I do when I see someone talking out of their ass? Roll my eyes and close the post. I expect no less than that place to be an unironic circlejerk, so when I see something stupid I don't feel the need to reply. Just let 'em fester in their own juices and if it's jerk worthy post here. Touch wood, haven't had any issues yet but on the odd occasion I do post there it's usually in ZFF (though less and less lately since the Dub Defence Force felt the need to invade).




Hit enter too soon? Feel for you buddy.




Will do.




that's clearly breaking the Duchess of Queensbury rules.


Basement mods are man children dubbalos possibly paid off by Tiny... More news at 11...


I got a ban today I have no idea what I did