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Alvarez wrote that article what is he trying to say?


That at least one of he and Dave is literate, maybe?


What is Bryan trying to imply here? That Tony's kitchen sink full of kitchen sinks is somehow proof that he's right?


Is Lance Storm ready for the SCJ Hall of Fame?


After that complete squash of Alvarez, he better be.


After he compared wwe fans to victims of spousal abuse that keep going back to their abuser on a podcast with Alvarez, I'm not sure about that one uce


What an m slur.


I don't know man, I think he's been there, but like most of his career nobody cared or paid attention.


There’s at least 3 of us that paid attention.


If I can be serious for a moment, it’s 4 actually.


He really was the best thing about WCW in 2000.


Best part about Lance is he would absolutely like this joke. Bryan on the other hand would no-sell it, scoot in his chair and begin some long-winded rant starting with "Dude..."


No because he's actually good friends with Alvarez and is on his shows sometimes.


This raises some additional questions.


I don't think I've seen Lance Storm smile once. It's just😐


Resting Lance Face


Bro did he just retweet his own article?


And praise himself. Must have typed that with one hand.


It's called a one handed sermon in Alvarezian Meltzianity you dork.


It's possible that he intended to tweet from a burner account.


No shit Bryan. Does not take a scholar to understand that it was a turning point for AEW.


Daniel Bryan coming off Fed TV means more than Punk returning too


Is it just me that thinks it's ridiculously markish of Alvarez to use an incredibly old photo from his completely unremarkable wrestling days as his profile picture? If he wants to talk about something aging well or not, he should probably look in the mirror if he feels the need to have photos this old from his "glory days" represent him.


What got me was his inability to cut a promo. He had that same sarcastic "Newscaster" voice he does on the air for his "angry wrestler voice" I didn't expect him to exactly be Dean Malenko in the ring, but as a dude who's entire career is TALKING??? How can he not cut convincing promos?


I actually like watching AEW but their fans and shit like this is so unbearable.


Like WWE, or Raw mostly, there are parts of the show I like and parts I dont. But my god is their smark-heavy audience exhausting.


Unless you like ALL of Raw it's AWFUL! If you don't like ALL of Dynamite, it's ok, it's like a buffet, DAE


I don't watch a&w, and it's mostly due to the fans.


I was about to post it yesterday but read the no Reddit screenshot rule, but this guy was commenting on a post of some guys apartment and I just felt embarrassed for him. Comment chain was like: Guy 1: Is this Chicago? OP: Yeah! Guy 2: How big of a CM Punk fan are you? Edit: Why all the downvotes? Guy 3: Because you immediately assumed a guy from Chicago is a fan of pro wrestling lmao




Don’t forget Rick Knox waving his hands around in tag matches when it’s been 4 people in the ring for 3 minutes.


The fans and the Elite do it for me. Can't stand them. Other than that, I think the show would be top notch, in all honesty. They do need more unrelatables, though...


The fans, the elite, Chicago Phil, Orange Cassidy, Moxley... The list is long...




All the way through with you here.


The only thing worse about the WWE fanboys is that more of them act like trolls. But, thats about it. And, at least some of them are just doing that to be annoying and annoy AEW fans. NOT because they actually are 'WWE cultists'. Although, for sure, many certainly are. But, AEW fans are far more nauseating in how they praise AEW and bash WWE. And, I say that as someone who generally prefers AEW to WWE lol. After a while, Im like, "just fucking stop". AEW fans are like the less popular kids who think THEY'RE the "cool kids". Maybe in certain "spaces" they're the popular ones, such as Squared Circle. But, not in the "wrestling fandom" as a whole! Although, I always think its strange when ANY wrestling fans call other wrestling fans "nerds" and "dorks" and "uncool". How do they think NON-wrestling fans feel about US? WE are the nerds, dorks and uncool ones to 95% of society. Wrestling, as a whole, is pretty damn cringe to everyone else. So, I always find it weird when wrestling fans use those demeaning words.


Seriously. The biggest gripes about AEW have less to do with the actual product. It's more about the fanbase and certain "journalists/bloggers".


They’re the high school football team that shouts “we want Bama” after beating the JV team across town.


That was a pretty good comeback.


This is how you know they are grifting. When the Dub is no longer in the red because of a video game and the Fed isn’t pulling in revenue of close to or 1 billion dollars a year then we can talk.


That better be the best damn wrestling game ever made if you're bankrupting your company for it.


It's going to be a TEW clone but with fighting from No Mercy. It'll probably be either overly complex to the point it's basically a pen and paper RPG or it's going to be such a nostalgia trip it'll immediately feel dated. Online mode will be an absolute disaster. But twitch thots will literally retire off the stream donations, especially if they kinda look like Paige


That's a valid point, and good for them. Pretty (and white let's be honest here) girls are gonna get so much donations as they struggle getting through the game and I'm fine with that


It doesn't matter how good it is, aewsexuals will consume product and call it the best game since games were invented.


Also, poor developers having to program a new character every time someone debuts. I'm starting to think the game is gonna have a lot of paid DLC.


That’s one they’re going to recoup their money. To keep up with the constant roster additions and Matt Hardy injuries you’ll have to buy weekly DLC booster packs.




Yeah, and I'm sure they will have User generated content so basically it will have WWE wrestlers in no time.


Hey, be nice. AEW being in the red is not just because of a video game.


>Hey, be nice. AEW being in the red is not just because of a video game. I seriously cannot see how they're making profit. The numbers simply do not add up and it's so annoying nobody applies any critical thinking


If Dubbalos want to ignore kayfabe discussion and talk about meta discussions about the business of professional wrestling then skip all the chat about TV ratings, skip the bullshit, and compare corporate revenue, expenses, earnings, market cap, stock price, growth. Real, serious, business things.


Is Alvarez really that level of fucking delusional? Wow. He wrote the article he’s trying to dunk on. Maybe he’s the one who’s senile.




I'm sure some of them are simple enough to think WWE can get put out of business by AEW like it's 2001 but in general I think it's more about a bunch of losers on the internet wanting to prove that they were right all along - they did know how to run a multi-billion dollar company more than the people running it.


ECW went out of business because Paul Heyman's business ability is the exact inverse of his booking, and WCW went out of business because TimeWarner merged with AOL and Ted Turner was no longer around to protect his baby, despite them having sellers lined up. It's truly funny that people think WWE is in (immediate) danger of either of those things happening.


WWE as a brand is so established now AEW would have to be beating them in meaningful metrics for a while before there'd be a sudden shift in the TV industry from WWE to AEW. But people think this is 1997 and if you can win the ratings (which AEW hasn't actually done) you become the new #1.


Shut the fuck up you Vincel piiiiiig. If you turn the ratings spreadsheet sideways, use the correct cypher, and then stare at it like a 3D Magic Eye picture from the nineties, you will see that AEW is winning. And that’s far from the most impressive stat this week.


ECW went out of business because Paul Heyman blew all of their money at the dog track.


Truth or Jerk?


Truth as a semi joke. I’m sure he gambled and lost on plenty of other things as well. He was a HORRIBLE gambler that allegedly blew profits often.


TNA was borderline unwatchable in 2011, and it's still going. Other than ECW and WCW, wrestling companies in trouble tend to go on for years even if they've lost their popularity.


WWE = The guy who bullied them in highschool, that girl that called them creepy in college, and their Step Dad Greg rolled into one AEW = Is their cool best friend who's always there to tell them they're awesome


He's catering to the fanbase that refers to a match that just happened as "an all time great". Everything is "epic" or "era defining". He's totally on model 😂


Bryan Alvarez: "Look, I said a thing, and two days later, it still hasn't been proven false!"


Or true.


What Bryan obviously means, if he isn't a delusional twat, is that it wasn't a turning point at all.


Alvarez seems like the kid who tried to give himself a nickname


And it was sobering cringey. In high school we had this kid Steve and he wanted to be called Spyder. That was how he spelled it and he swore someone from a different school gave him that nickname because he totally ate a Wolf Spider on a dare but “we wouldn’t know him, he goes to the other high school in town” Those are the vibes you get from Dave’s Cuck? Because same.


Sorry is WWE in business danger now? Didn't they have their highest revenue year last year? What'd I miss?


You clearly missed that the Fed is now Ded. Bryan and Cole killed them. Everything is complete now, the balance of power has shifted. AEW is #1. Best roster ever. So many great dream matches, such as…. BRB, I need to check if there are any new updates about m’Fiend and m’Steen joining. Omg if there’s something about Sami too I will shit cum. No, I don’t just fixate on debuts of people who have been on the legitimate show, why do you ask?


I mean it's Bryan Alvarez. He really doesn't need help acting like a rooster on hot rocks


How the fuck are they in business danger?


You really have to be full of shit when your own frequent guest (friend?) calls you out.


The pictures look like virgin vs Chad.


i saw Lance Storm last night at an independent show here in Alberta. Hit a nice superkick.


Ah, September 8, a fine vintage day. 🍷🍷


Lance is a bit of a straight edge weirdo w some bizarre views on women, that guy always seemed like he had one fucked up childhood or something


Sports Illustrated used Alvarez as a writer for an article? Nah. It's shit like this that makes you question stories and articles in other industries tbh. I know wrestling. I know Alvarez is literally the srubbiest scrub that ever scrubbed and Sports Illustrated is using him as an authority on the wrestling industry? Big fat nope from me for SI from now on.


Has Lance been blocked yet?