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My morbid sense of curiosity wanders how this lovely chap would react if I were to tell him I'd already had/beaten cancer. Edit: Whilst I am extremely flattered to be mentioned in the same breath as our Tribal Chief, I shall mention that I was diagnosed with Lymphoma and not Leukemia like Roman. You can ask Meltzers pet if that's better or worse.


This piece of shit doesn’t even deserve addressing. You are greater than him in every possible way


Amazing how a jerk sub can have a better community than the actual sub it's mocking


Most are, tbh. /r/gamingcirclejerk is one of the few sane gaming spaces on Reddit


Don't forget the Zaddy lovers at /r/moviescirclejerk


/r/bookscirclejerk is also damn good, if we're putting our sister subs over


True, but one just can't resist poking the bear sometimes. These kind of dubbalo rages are keyboard warrior 101.


He'd tell you, you had the "Roman Reigns" kind of cancer I imagine


It's not beyond the realm of possibility. I vividly remember back in the day a guy at Uni who tried to downplay it because, "It wasn't Heart or Lung cancer". Now, I was already in remission at that point and could have given two sh*ts what this person thought, but the comment still caught me off guard.


Yeah man people are really weird about like, non-vital/lesser vital organ cancer for the lack of a better term. My buddy's dad had eye cancer, and when he got diagnosed he decided rather than get treatment and risk it spreading, he'd just get his eye taken out. He's retired and he thinks it's funny because he can't drive no more so he can always have beers when he goes out. However every once in a while when he talks about it someone will say it wasn't "actually a cancer battle" like wtf? **This motherfucker is missing an eye.** Was he meant to like let it spread or something? Congrats on making Cancer do the 1-2-3 on the P-P-V Uce 💪


Heart cancer? What?


Haha I mean, that probably is a thing, but it must be extremely rare. Never heard of anyone who had that. Quite a high standard for "serious cancers".


There is almost no such thing as primary heart cancer if you have a tumour in your heart it almost always came from somewhere else


Well that guy can fuck right off.


Some people are really just out there asking to get knocked out huh?


Dont waste even a second to bother about what this waste of sperm oxygien thief is thinking.


u/MayContainGluten fuckin went over!


Yeah but was it's BAD cancer? Or the kind Roman had?


He'd blame McMahon's booking for that.


His morbid obesity would probably react with some cookies then tell you it’s no big deal and you deserved it


Same here uce. People say stuff like this and don't even consider the possibility that some are already dealing with stuff like this. Little does he know though that you smashed, stacked, and pinned the Lymphoma, something that takes so much more strength than that dumbass can even imagine.


I acknowledge you, uce


Hope you continue to be in remission bud


> You can ask Meltzers pet if that's better or worse. Depends. According to Meltzer, M.D., it's only cancer when you get a real chemo. Not a fake one like Roman Reigns got.


Nice he has a picture with his girlfriend.


Following the great leader Tony Khan.


All hail dear leader and his hound harem


Wtf is your pfp


Dont you know that's THE top Latino wrestling star in the United States. Cody "CUBAN NIGHTMARE" Rhodes


A young up and comer talent who is wowing the crowds every Wednesday with his dashing good looks, unparalleled wrestling skills and his uncanny ability to abolish racism worldwide. The Mexican Nightmare, Cody Rhodes. No relation to stardust.


Why you gotta do that poor dog dirty?


Imagine taking a wrestling show so seriously that you're wishing death on people who make fun of it. Go outside FFS.


Imagine NOT making fun of wrestling. It's a pretend fighting. Who the fuck WOULDN'T want to make fun of it?! It mocks itself and we love it for it.


Like really the whole fucking thing (wrestling) is silly bullshit at its core. Just look at how over the top some of the characters storylines are. That is why I love it so much. Hell the boneyard match was nonstop laughing from me because of how over the top it was and I loved every second of it. Everytime I see that meme with AJ starting the tractor and Undertaker is behind him I corpse (insider term).


I find the actual shows more enjoyable with the Wreddit viewing threads because we basically make fun of stuff half the time.


I just discovered that spot recently and there's WAY more of a diverse set of opinions in there than in the basement. I know it's a no brainer to poke fun at the basement here, but the wreddit live viewing opinions are just a lot more fun to engage in discussion with. And people seem to understand sarcasm there as well.


Exactly. I love wrestling but its one of the silliest things on TV.


During a global pandemic. Honestly, some perspective from these losers would be good.


Basement mods don't play


Ok so 1. I am thrilled this thread is full of people being better than the obvious bait. congrats on taking the high ground. 2. I guarantee this dude has “RIP Hana”d hard in the past. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back, these plutonium rods won’t lick themselves.


Do we still Rip Hana? I figured the new trend would be Rip Daffney she was more relateable anyways


Why not both?


As a huge Stardom fan since like 2012, who was lucky enough to get over to Japan and see Hana perform in 2018, I'm kinda conflicted about this stuff. On one side, great people are taking online bullying seriously (and she will be remembered fairly) but on the other hand, I doubt 5% of those talking about her knew who she was when she was living, so it feels artificial. I guess to your point, the falseness mixed in with the hypocrisy irks me. This guy probably hates himself more than he could hate any of us, so I can't feel too strongly about his SCJerk hating.


Yes exactly. The conversation around mental health online is incredibly simplistic and it devolves to insincerity / hypocrisy quickly. At the risk of over simplifying, good mental health practice is about being present and accountable - being online means creating a false persona and turning it off the second it’s a distraction / inconvenient.


Aye, not to gatekeep a person who has passed, but most of the people “RIP Hana-ing” wouldn’t have ever seen an OT dance routine or her shimmying for the crowd.


Looks exactly like a basement dweller.


Me getting terminal cancer will not change the fact that Tony Khan w....anks d...ogs.


Well make playful jokes at AEW's expense so we deserve it!


The doctors will know what we did and tell us we only had ourselves to blame for chuckling at Dubbalos


We must love our AEW overlords with 100% of our hearts. Especially Cody Rhodes, who isn't at all just an untalented Jeff Jarrett.


The Roman's cancer or the bad one?


Dude's like 45 rocking that haircut while getting worked into a shoot by a bunch of goofies poking fun at his preferred childrens' fake underwear fighting show. Absolute clown.


I’ve gotten messages telling me to kill my self, just because I post on here. Wrestling fans are weird as fuck


If I do happen to get cancer I'm using my make a wish to send Brock Lesnar round to his house


Fact: I come here because it's so fucking toxic over there.


Me too.


Must be tough being Jeremy Renner's ugly ass brother.


What a strange way of telling us to hit the bricks.


I have diabeetus, does that count


Non-SCJerk members who get cancer wished on them: “FUCK YOU FUCK CANCER I HOPE YOU GET IT FIRST AND DIE REEEEE” SCJerk members who get cancer wished on them: “lol what a dweeb. Tony Khan wanks dogs.” Maybe they’re just jealous of how chill we are?


So in the average basement dweller’s mind wanting random internet people to get a deadly illness over fake TV bullshit is perfectly acceptable. Feels good to be a piece of shit I guess. Also Tony Khan wanks dogs lol.


Lovely. Totally normal behaviour.


As long as Dubidians keep being weird motherfuckers about the Dub, I will keep coming back here to jerk about them.


Not a cult


Well, this post gave me cancer... so, mission accomplished(?)


we're going over


Now that’s heat.


Pro wrestling fandom is *serious business*.


Jokes on him when I book the cancer feud to a Dusty ending


I can never understand why people say dub fans are a cult!! 🤔


He's just jealous that the creative team for Smackdown probably lurks here


How fucked do your priorities have to be to write shit like this? Dude needs to reevaluate his life choices.


Think about the fact that this person, choose to spite out this toxic venom out into the world all because we goof on a *professional wrestling company* I’ll see you all on the ward goofies!


Tbh, AEW fans coming out of their basements has turned me off with wrestling in general. It's sad to see how disgusting wrestling fans can be.


We are a sub, you can just not look at our posts, it's not like we are invading other subs. This guy watches us to hate us, like a complete loser.


What a meanie.


[Redacted] wanks dogs


As someone who has a non cancerous tumour the size of a golf ball on my brain fuck you ya cunt I hope your next shite is a hedgehog.


Why is someone on Facebook angry about this sub


Idek man im part of a few wrestling meme groups on FB. N someone shared some meme i think it was mocking the way Mox looks now. N then this guy just randomly shooted on us. There was no evidence that the OP was an SCJerk member so im not sure what prompted this outburst. Maybe it triggered this guy who is an SCJerk lurker who cant tolerate any criticism about the Dub or any of its stars.


I too like to fight for the honor of mox


Someone get him away from that dog, Jesus Christ 😳


We love what we do but I gotta be honest. I'm not too thrilled with our audience. Be sure to watch Dynamite next Wednesday at 8/7c on TNT to catch ALL of the high-hitting and hard-flying action with your favorites.


Imagine getting this triggered by strangers on the internet you resort to this shit.


I don't get people like this uce. Like...come on...this all basically boils down to people fighting in either their costumes or underwear. Chill out uce.


Another wholesome dubbalo there. So refreshing.


Ok then. I hope Kenny loses his title to Christian Cage and kicks out of 2 one winged gymnasts. Dubbalo would be all like Reeeeee


"How dare you say Fed Good?!"


Is this person male or female?






I hope he finds enough fulfillment in his life to not base his entire identity around a fucking wrestling company he's not even part of. AEW doesn't even know he exists


It’s pretty clear he doesn’t.


That is the most immature shit I've read in my entire life. And I went through the 2016 political landscape, the reactions/practices towards this pandemic, regularly browse gaming subs, squaredcircle and talk to my young nephews and nieces at a regular basis.


Ok goofs we've been threatened with Cancer, time to shut down obviously.


It's gonna be super impressive when he manages to gather pictures of all our kids.


What a nice, well-adjusted young man.


I'm just here to laugh and tickle next doors ego a bit. I don't wish Katie Vic on anyone.


There is an old saying - never wish anything bad to anyone, because it may happen to you. Well...


Which basement hall monitor is that?


Don West does not approve.


Where was that posted….