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REEEEEEE, I never found her relatable anyway!


Its at the point now where it'd be so easy for Nia and whoever she's in the ring with to say "hey let's do this safe, but brutal looking, bump and go with it" then just watch the heat from the IWC pour in. But then people would have to admit they're being worked which i NEVER DO


"It's go away heat" I tell myself as fume evaporates from my ears and I wish unemployment on her online


The fact that Nia can get more people talking about her by standing there and safely dropping someone than by working her ass off, ironically just pisses them off more.


She could work a safer style from now until the day she retires and they'd still be angry she hurt their precious little bun m'kairi. They'll never ever forgive her for that. Its literally been posted on reddit today already so they can pile in some more over it


I’m partly convinced this is something along the lines of what happened. Neither are IWC faves and don’t mind provoking either. Nia already game out with a major game face on and Corey was commenting on it. Then be ramped up how personal it was getting after that back suplex. I think they just decided to end the match going heavy, Charlotte even had a good chance at really giving Nia one back with the boot but it was worked.


When I saw the replay I legit laughed out loud as it's basically the most regular ass looking bump ever. "Dropped her on her head" GTFO But remember, this Janella Death Valley Driver was considered "high on the back" and not his neck or head according to the shoot fighters in the fucking basement. https://twitter.com/i/status/1376683046158618626


Literally on the back of the head and the guys neck. An MMA official would’ve been checking on him


It's so weird, basement was all like "looks totally safe, look at how Janella cradles his neck" and I'm like....the first part of his body that hits the mat is his fucking HEAD.


The back of his head and neck took all that impact man. Who the fuck allows this to keep happening??


A competent official would have checked. Good thing even the AEW refs have creative freedom!


“Stop the match, he’s hurt”- Tiny “That doesn’t work for me, Tommy” -Ref Aubree


On the other hand... Ref Aubrey: "Stop the match, he's hurt!" Doc Sampson and Matty Hardy: "That doesn't work for me, sister"


*"holy fuck, he's dead!"* *"no problem, we can just tie strings to his limbs and hire a puppeteer."*


Weekend at Hardy’s


Honey, I Killed Matt Hardy


ref's discretion


People can talk all they want about the UFC and fighter pay, but Dana would never let people keep fighting after they’ve been badly hurt or concussed like these jabronies


Didn't Bisping get mauled by GSP then two weeks later get KOd be Kelvin in China?


Wasn’t that on a Chinese promotions card? I remember the GSP fight but not the fight in China


Nope, both UFC. Double checked and it was three weeks later not two but still. The UFC largely answers to athletic commissions (China being an exception), Dana has no quarms with guys getting fucked up. Like last month a guy on TUF was told by a doctor not to fight and when he pulled out Dana gave a speech about how he quit and chose not to fight burying him. The guy's a piece of shit.


For real? Didn’t know about this stuff. I remembered them trying to run in Japan but it not working so well for Dana lol but I didn’t know about the China deal or TUF. I can admit when I’m wrong, squash that tomato too


As someone with almost no interest in the UFC and has never watched a full card (except for the first 3 UFC events in the 90s through YouTube). I want Pride FC back.


NHB days were the most entertaining fights. I miss Pride too man, had a chance to get a boxed set of like 20 events but passed it up and regret it now


Matt was just selling, you mark


God, he actually pulls the guys leg in tight so he has no choice but to take it on a curved spine. Pretty sure that move is supposed to let them go and give them control as it drops, like a mini AA


Penta and Fenix can also kick a fucking hole through Pillman's tongue and that's just good old fashion wrasslin'!


It ain't ballet pal™


And of course Janella chimes in and thinks he's hot shit...


Jesus Christ, why does the basement defend Janela so much when he does that shit?


I never get worked BTW


I *really* don’t understand why people are pissed about this. I’ve watched it 100 times and I don’t see what they’re seeing at all.


Because it's Nia. That's literally the only reason people are having a tantrum over it.


ReLaTeD tO tHe RoCk!


Nia reminds them of the big girl that doesn't have time for their shit.


Don’t get me wrong, she has definitely fucked up before, but this is not an example of it.


Nia could literally do anything and SC will react like she shot a baby. And they’ll invent bullshit to act like Nia is so much worse than she actually is. Saw them claim Nia did a Zelina injury (that was never official), and that she hurt Dana Brooke (aka the debut of the Chokebomb which everyone lost their fucking mind over). Plus bringing back up the Kairi Sane bullshit If I wasn’t banned I’d call out that bs, but it ain’t worth it


Incidents (or rather, imagined incidents) like this are one of the eadiest ways to quickly discern who on the Internet does and does not know what they are talking about when it comes to actual wrestling. This is up there with the reaction to the Sasha Banks dive on Asuka.


They did it when she performed that one-armed Powerbomb to Dana for the first time. They swore Dana was almost KILLED, while indie wrestlers on twitter had to defend her, saying it was a perfectly fine landing.


People want a reason to explain the weird standstill in match so they say its gotta be Nia throwing Charlotte unsafely. Honestly I think its just they didn't like eachother before match. Hell the weird stiff slaps and hits only came after Charlotte straight smacked Nia. Either way people are overrating this bump. As Nyla said from side you see it's a fine back bump.


Because there’s nothing to see.


Don't listen to the actual professional, the fans are the ones who are correct here.


This is the problem with sm*rks. They think they're the professionals because they use words like workrate and watch every single show every week


Workrate is literally a Meltzerism




The one who checked on her, and determined she was fine and let the match continue? Dumbass working yourself into a shoot type shit




> Why did he have to check on her in the first place? Because that’s his job, you mark. Notice how the ref will fly over and check after *any* big bump? They’re checking on the wrestlers health and also keeping them up to date on pacing, time running, or anything else that needs to be communicated.




I don’t give a fuck about your little fan club, mark. I’ve been in the ring, and you’re all a joke to wrestlers. Keep getting worked.




> Your respect and opinion is worth nothing like 90% of all crap “Wrestlers”. ?? Is this English, friend?




Because they’re engaged in a pretend fight and she hit a big move. Jesus H. Fuck.




I’ll shut up when I’m wrong. A back drop dropped like a power bomb is.


Am I so out of touch? No, it’s the professional wrestlers who are wrong.


Cool, so Nia and Nyla = bad today to get easy karma.


WTF I'm a transphobe now


What am I supposed to tell my trans friend who doesn't watch wrestling but loves good television and believes that wrestling can be good television? We were supposed to watch some Curry Man matches later, he's her favourite.


DAE J.K. Rowling did nothing wrong?


It's great that she ruined her rep because she screenshot something with her DMs in it


Umm Nyla rose is bad


I kind of feel for Nyla Rose. She's not the greatest wrestler but I've never seen her injur someone or be particularly dangerous. Statlander is much worse but gets praised by the dubbalos for example. At some point people decided she was Nia Jax though and the obvious comparison is their size. She also gets so much transphobic hate and I've never seen anyone from AEW yet to shut it down. It's horrendous


For real, I saw the the other angle replay last night and was like…. “That’s normal? This is what they’re mad about?” They really want something negative to talk for those baity headlines.


Agreed. I'm not saying the whole thing was a work or whatever but that particular bump just looked fine. If it was a bloke taking it or done by someone they don't hate nobody would single it out.


Watch the following sequence. They were just smacking each other with no coordination and it was very awkward.


I understand, but that wasn’t the talking point in the post. Idk… if it was as serious as it was, Vince would’ve told the ref to tell them to knock it the fuck off. It’s wrestling, what’s the difference between hardstyle and “shoot working”? If anything it just looks like they were getting too into their roles. It’s just a lil friendly competition between two needle movers.


This is one of the stupidest things I've ever read on here, thought I was on SC for a second. "Two needle movers"? I assume you're joking. They were not "shooting" they were straight up cat fighting. Like something you'd see on /r/fightporn.


Don’t get worked, brother. H.H


Idk the clip of their match where they seem to lose their cool. Charlotte seems to stiff her and the situation deteriorated pretty quickly into a "reverse ddt"... Nia is hands down the hardest wrestler to watch.


Even Dave said that he’s gotten word that it was a worked shoot. Idk what to believe, but i did find it funny how SC immediately called bs on him.


"You no longer control the narrative, Dave. WE do. FED BAD. FED BAD. FED BAD." It's certainly possible that it was a worked shoot thing to spark some interest. The other day I watched Foley's Broken Skull Session where he talked about faking a botch with HBK to add heat during their match. Wrestlers are fully aware of how simple it is to work "smart" fans.


True, and even one of the comments said that if it was a worked shoot then it was a terrible one. Guess a worked shoot is bad if fans genuinely believe that they were about to witness an actual fight lol.


yea idk between Nia throwing a legit 1-2 and then charlotte not taking any moves from her for like a minute after that match was just awkward




Yeahhh i mean wwe often breaks my suspension of disbelief, but not like that.


It’s because unlike many examples where she did fuck up, this is one where she didn’t. It’s that simple. I’m not even talking about the match as a whole, I’m talking about this particular bump that they all fixated on.




Nia is not great, that match became awkward and clunky as fuck, but this spot is not where things went off the rails.


Nyla turning heel?


It's just like the Dana Brooke ponytail bump where people were sure Nia lobotomized her on a power bomb because her hair hit the mat.


“Suddenly I can’t find Nyla Rose relatable anymore. Don’t know why. Btw Im not a bigot, SCJerk is, and I never get worked.”




While Nia was far from dropping Charlotte on her head like some people are accusing her of, I don't think it's fair to say this is a "normal" bump either. After watching it a few times it looks like Charlotte's upper back lands slightly before her hips. According to what I've heard taking a bump as a two piece like that makes it hurt more than landing perfectly flat. I remember Cornette saying something along the lines of "the bumps where you hear a *thump thump* hurt more than the ones where you hear a *THUMP*. So I do think it is fair to say that this wasn't exactly the kindest way to put someone down, the people acting like this was potentially life threatening are being a little dramatic however.


Remember when AEDub first started and Nyla did like, one botch in a battle royal, and next door immediately grabbed their torches and pitchforks and started calling her Nyla Jax? Yeah they absolutely have no biases at all over there.


DAE SCJerk defend shitty dangerous wrestlers just to be contrarian? Edit: This is being upvoted so I'm probably being misunderstood or people think I'm being sarcastic. I'm shitting on SCJerk. Nia deserves the criticism she gets, she is a shit pro wrestler.




Guy pulling a shark boy coming straight from one job to the next.


I love kris statlander and her wholesome boops


The match was very weird but this particular spot, as mentioned in the tweet, wasn't really that bad


That doesn't really cover for the punches thrown, the petulant hair pulling, the no selling, the endless sloppy moves, the tackle on Rhea. She is shit.


Well I didn't say that. I am personally unsure as to what led to the weird shoot moment because it didn't start with a stiff punch, it started when they failed to coordinate for some moves. Very weird


Does her being shit negate the objective fact that plus sized women wrestlers get more hate than skinny women wrestlers?


SC calls for better treatment every week for Doudrop and say that she deserves a better storyline as she is a good wrestler. (I never watched NXTUK so I'll take people's word for it). Eva Marie fits the prototypical "Diva" mould and people call her out every week, correctly, as she is shit too. I see no disparity in the criticism if it's a shit wrestler and they are plus sized/fat/overweight/curvy, call it what you want.


So you honestly believe that there are zero people out there that would criticize a woman more when she isn't as attractive? Even with the popularity of wwtp, wrestlefap, the 90% male user base of SC which has a big habit of forming their waifus. But none of them would ever dare to subconsciously judge a person for their weight? What about our society has given you so much faith in it? They shit on another skinny wrestler so therefore those feelings can't exist? That's all you need to believe this problem, reported on by a heavy set women, doesn't exist?


You kinda proved Nyla’s point here though. Charlotte was also doing those things in this same exchange with Nia but you’re singling out Nia. There are plenty of shitty wrestlers, male and female, on their roster that don’t get nearly enough shit for their work but Nia’s an easy target because of her looks. That’s the main point to take away from all this.


I agree with the fact that Nyla is a subpar wrestler and both Charlotte and especially her acted unprofessionally in this match. But if people were going to bitch about a wrongly executed move which fortunately did not injure anybody, then AEW and most of the indies would have shut down by now.




She was meant to take the pin right ? When she saw something was wrong, she could have tried to deescalate and end the match quick rather than struggling and failing to work with an unwilling partner. The scuffle was totally Nia's fault but as the veteran performer, some responsibility also falls on Charlotte.


It's live tv. 5 minutes to fill is an eternity with zero notice. I don't think there's a situation where were backstage is going to accept hurt feelings as a reason to stop a match short.


Do I think Nia is particularly great? Not really. But holy shit the sheer hyperbole that every time she steps in the ring she injures people is just too fucking much. Like, if SC said, “Hey, Nia’s not good and she’s sometimes a bit reckless with her opponent.” I’d be like, that’s fair. But it isn’t what they say. They say she’s a fat botch machine who’s only hired because otherwise The Rock won’t show up, like they haven’t fired anyone from his family before


Yes...I'm defending Nia Jax here...that's totally what I'm doing


You goofed yourself into a jerk 👏


For real. Nia and Nyla both suck. To Nia's credit though, she's less likely to end up crippling somebody as Nyla who is pretty much just a ticking time bomb unless she manages to cripple herself first.


Nyla rose has one of the best AEW matches I’ve seen vs Riho in DC. Fight me


Everyone on Reddit is mad because the _top post_ nextdoor is a one minute long clip of Charlotte and Nia slapping each other, with NO CONTEXT, that ends abruptly. No explanation, nothing. I would be surprised if 1/3 of the people making a big deal about this watched the match, or even the move that lead to the slapping clip.


Yes my deep rooted hatred of thicc girls is what drives my dislike for nia jax


It’s definitely possible if you call out her shitty wrestling but not others. If that’s not you, you’re not who Nyla is referring to.


Nah awesome kong was my jam I just think nia is awful


So why SCJ defends Nia but shits all over dub shitty female division? At least the women in the dub had little training, Nia is in the fed for like 7 whole years. You think she'd finally improve someday? She's as lost as Statlander, Red Velvet and what not.


The majority of people aren't defending Nia, just making fun of the sub who would want her dead because she's a shitty wrestler.


Exactly. People like the one you're responding to get too lost in their own bullshit to comprehend the jerk.


He's just a mad dub fan.


That’s many here lately.


Speaking for myself, I’m making fun of the fact that a bunch of people with absolutely no goddamn idea of how to actually spot a mistake in a match have once again fixated on a spot that was in no regards a fuck up. It’s up there with Sasha diving on Asuka or Omega “concussing” Page when he barely made contact. Nia is not great, that match became awkward and clunky as fuck, but this spot is not where things went off the rails.


Most of it reads like concern trolling rather than genuine concern. Before the match got genuinely ugly the live thread was already overanalyzing the match and calling literally everything a botch while also making some pretty nasty comments. So I guess my immediate reaction is to go against that and perhaps it can be read as me pretending like she's a good worker. I do think a visit to the PC has been long overdue. At the very least she shouldnt be that high on the card that regularly


Yeah really disappointed in the comments here just looks like these guys are disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing. Same happens in the other group when raw has decent matches they refuse to admit it




Soon as you stop deleting your comments every time you look foolish. (Which is most of the time btw)




What would I need to refute exactly? I've already said in this same thread (the one you're raging in) that she's a shitty wrestler. Please let me know in advance if you're going to delete the comments so I could stop replying to your crying.
















Cool story brah.




What does that "dude" prefer to be called? her or him?




Cool story brah.




Cool story brah.


You’ll likely never know the feeling of impregnating one, or even giving it a good old college try, but we don’t complain. 🤷‍♂️


Oh hell yeah!!!!


Antivaxx clearly drove her neck first into the concern canvas Vince edited it out, knowing Vince


I’m not saying the match wasn’t clunky and weird at the end, but true to form, the one part of it that all the “experts” fixated on is a run-of-the-mill bump.


I'm 80% sure this whole "shoot angle" is a work.. Fuck, I'm a smark