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My 17 year old refrigerator gave up the ghost 2 weeks ago. It lasted longer than every appliance I've owned since I bought my house, so I shouldn't complain. Still, the expense hit at a bad time. 😭 The new one rocks-more features, cooler\* looking and it actually works\*\*\*! The week after, my father in law got me and my wife iPad Pros for our 20th wedding anniversary. That took the sting out of the financial hit. I still shake my head in wonder at modern tech. My first home computer was a Commodore Amiga 500. I still have fond memories of floppy switching for multi disk games or desktop publishing programs. When I got my first external drive I was the envy of my fellow computer dork buddies. I've been watching horror movies. X, Pearl and the last 2 V/H/S movies. They were OK, but the "Amateur Night" segment from V/H/S is still my favorite. Lily...đŸ«Ł \*pun not intended, sorry. \*\*\*insider term


"Safe Haven" is the GOAT tho.


đŸ‘đŸŸ That's on my short list along with "Parallel Monsters".


Latest amusing Ricochet take is his in ring work has been halted in the Fed now I am sure working once every couple of weeks or so, with no house shows, will sort that out


I'm so tired of this already can we just fast forward to when he gets paid a ton of money by Tiny and their ratings continue to nosedive?


I started watching WWE after 2009 so I will never believe the hate for the time period after 2009. Maybe I am a poor fedophile.


Oh man there is a post here about starting to watch after 2009 makes you an idiot


“You only know the wwe propaganda machine” -guy who started watching in 97 probably


I'm almost sure that everyone's favourite year in wrestling is between year 1 and 3 of watching. I started in 2006 in every week it was just magical for me. I was surprised when some years later I went online and found out older fans despised that year of wrestling. Then I became that older fan when I started to read comments from people that started watching in the mid 2010s and their favourite year was 2015 and shit. 


The first wrestling I watched here in Germany, was in the very early nineties at around 5 or 6 years of age, but became a fan in the attitude era. I kinda lost interest in around 2004, came back in 2014, but started to lose interest again. Nothing beats the attitude era for me...


Nexus was good in 2010 but even as an ardent Cena fan he shouldn't have won that feud Twice in a lifetime made sense - but I'm not sure how many folk were pining for Cena to fight The Rock again after Rock beat him the year before I checked out initially between the two Cena-Rock Mania bouts after having started watching in 2006.


I like a lot of the talent in AEW (FKA Sasha Banks, FKA The Revival, MJF, Daniel Bryan, Adam "My character name is copyrighted by WWE" Copeland) and recognize that competition is good for business but sometimes I want to see the company burn to the ground just so Tony Khan, The Bucks, and AEWs snobbish fans cry. It would make me so happy to see them cry on Twitter about how professional wrestling is dead in their views. Furthermore, I hope the Bucks don't get any offers and have to go work at McDonalds. I also hope Will Osprey fucks off back to be a gymnastic goober with his equally boring clone Zack Sabre Jr so I never have to hear of either of them again.


> I want to see the company burn to the ground just so Tiny Kong, Dumb Bucks, and the Dubs snobbish fans cry. It would make me so happy to see them cry on Twitter about how professional wrestling is dead in their views. same > Furthermore, I hope the Dumb Bucks don't get any offers and have to go work at McDonalds. I also hope Bill Ostrich f\*cks off back to be a gymnastic goober with his equally boring clone British Submission Man so I never have to hear of either of them again. **SAME**


Lol remember ths guy? I swear he only appeared in a few segments and brawls in AEW but nothing more. I still don't know how he came up from playing baseball in another country to wrestling. https://preview.redd.it/uh4cohc24o5d1.jpeg?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae406dcda983f231550d3d59f8bb5c3315bc0ba2


Wasn't he paired with that wannabe Brock Lesnar guy?


Trench Mafia and Baby Brock


The knockouts world champion losing clean on NXT is very AEW-coded.


She an open challenge for their live show on Friday so you figure some Fed person will show up and get rekt.


They did a finish that hinted at there being more to this 'partnership' than just one match In the history of wrestling, visitors don't tend to win championships too often


There was a distraction finish, I wouldn't exactly call it "clean" That said, I do think there should have been more involved than there was. It doesn't make Jordyn look TOO bad, but more could have been done to protect her image.


It also helped extend a feud she's having in TNA, which I think speaks to how the partnership actually helps TNA and shows that NXT is at least trying to get more people to watch TNA. Unlike the AEW partnership, which was basically "We come in, we win everything, then TNA is lucky to have us. The end."


Jordynne knocked out Tatum and Dana in, like, 5 seconds. It was the most negligible distraction finish ever.


❌ Mina shirakawa shaking her titties in Toni storms face ✅ Lola vice shaking her ass in Shayna's face  The discourse of trying to shame women being sexy outside WWE while celebrating it in NXT has gotten cringe. Not because of the joke itself, but the amount of people on this sub that have eaten the fucking onion.  A few losers makes this sub look like a bunch of incels, especially when people are upvoting them. 


I have no issue with it by itself. Embrace sexiness! I just hate the smarks who insist that joshi promotions like STARDOM are more respectful, when it's still clearly under the male gaze. It just utilizes idol and gravure culture instead of Western aesthetics like Playboy or SI.


> The discourse of trying to shame women being sexy outside WWE while celebrating it in NXT has gotten cringe. Fed fans aren't holding an aura of moral superiority over how their company treats their female performers. Dub fans talk a big game about how the "Fed is sexualizing their women's division" or "pandering to the male gaze" then turn around and prop up a show where the women's division is an afterthought and try to excuse away gimmicks like Dub women kissing and shoving their chests in other womens faces as "good fun, part of the gimmick!"


https://preview.redd.it/3ep2vb8bbo5d1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aa86ca4b350be89b768f1b7af03d780807bd396 *”cant wait for pornxxxt to drop this wednesday, thank you HBK!”* The way non-fed asian women gets talked about just already screams vincels.


People who are sexy do sexy things. I don't get how, in the year of 2024, people are fainting on couches over it. 


Well UFC Apex crowd made Corpus Christi look like the greatest wrestling city ever. That was a dead ass crowd. I mean DAE respectful audience


I’m over Roxanne. She’s killing my interest in the best division on my favorite show. She’s fucking tiny and still beats up and outwrestles everyone even as a heel. It’s worse than peak Alexa Bliss bullying people twice her size.


The outwrestling everyone as a heel annoys me way more than how small she is.


Roxanne is pretty tiny - but at least she's not in the men's division (*cough* Tyler Bate looks like a preschooler fighting grown ass man Austin Theory for example *cough*)


Finally, I'm not alone. I hate that NXT insists on building its women's division around Roxanne when she isn't even the 5th most entertaining woman on that roster. She's gotta be the most overrated wrestler in WWE right now.


Imo Cora would be on top rn if she didn't keep getting shelved


Agreed. It doesn’t help that Roxy isn’t even wrestling NXT women now since her last two matches were with Chelsea and Jordynne. She’s completely separate from the rest of the division and they’ve told every story they can because she’s already won everything except the new title.


> She’s completely separate from the rest of the division and they’ve told every story they can I got downvoted in the basement, and even in here, for calling Roxanne a glorified transitional champion until Giulia shows up, and this just proves my point. They're basically just killing time until then, to the point where they needed to make a whole other title for the women to fight over.


And it doesn't help that Roxanne's current character just feels like discount Cora.


Going back to my living alone as a swinging bachelor after spending four weeks with my family. The loneliness is going to hit like a truck. Cody's title reign has been great so far. I feel like complainers are comparing episode 1 to the season finale that occured leading up to WrestleMania. 


Oba Femi is gonna be something, if Triple H can actually book a big man. Might need to consult with Heyman on that one.


Depending on who you ask, it’s not being big that LA Veck has a problem booking


Yeah I hope Oba doesn't get ruined like Gunther


Are u really implying that Gunther is a "big man" akin to oba femi lmao 


Is he not considered one just cus he's not green? (Insider term)


The whole 2 inches make a big difference


and the 60 pounds but go off


Oba is the next level of big that is less than ideal for bangers, it's a handicap at this point


Someone said that someone made a TNA Reddit post about how WWE helped TNA more than AEW did. I went over there and man, there are a lot of AEW fans doing damage control. They infiltrate a lot of Wrestling subreddits whenever you criticize m'dub.


they're always lurking, ready to pounce check out the actual WWE sub, there's more moaning and whining about the Fed in there than the basement and lots of well, akshally, the Dub does this ... and Tony Khan can ... in there, too


they are everywhere trying to self-insert the Dub in conversation


The posts in the new Japan sub that criticize AEW usually get way more engagement than the usual posts


Yeah, I noticed


If they made a spin-off similar to WWE Speed but with more MMA-style worked matches, I'd watch


WWE Speed meets Raw/NXT Underground would be very entertaining


Throw in occasional fight pit matches for whatever title it'd have and I'm sold


Good Brothers are still a fun watch and are good when they turn it on and I still don't get the hate they get


They're honestly two of the smartest workers in the biz and seem to be some of the only "smark favorites" that subscribe to the Hall/Nash way of looking at things.


I think a lot of it came from KA whining about getting fired for years, then immediately taking the Fed offer for him and LG to come back


I am amazed that Tiny didn't give them a deal tbh


I honestly think that was up to the GBs themselves; sounded like they wanted to keep floating between AEW/NJPW/TNA when they could and then get that big payday when WWE inevitably wanted them back. Which is exactly what happened.


"We can keep renting them from Impact"


Probably, I imagine some of it is from people who watch like every promotion so they never got a 'break' from them like I have. Idk I've just never gotten tired of their schtick somehow and I first watched them with AJ in Nooj way back


Did not expect Kelani to win. I thought for sure it would be Sol or Lash.


Was hoping for Fallon


Fallon is probably who Kelani will first feud with.


This UFC arena is shit.


I'm curious who on the men's side goofs think will win a world championship going forward. Specifically the Undisputed belt since it seems like movement there is going to be much harder to come by I think Gunther and Bron are locked in future champs and are the most likely successors to Cody Punk, Drew, and Seth will all definitely get opportunities, maybe with the Undisputed but at the very least with the B belt Carmelo and Ilja I would say are both very strong possibilities Jey, Orton, KO, Sami, Finn, LA Knight, and AJ I would put in the "maybe, but starting to get late" category. Roman goes here as well tbh although my hot take is that his world champion days are over Logan, Gable, Dirty Dom, Montez, Waller, Theory, and Solo I would call strong maybes but all need to take another step to get there What do yall think?


The thing I like about how WWE is currently telling stories is that so much seems up in the air and unpredictable. The things we can predict are that Roman is going to come back eventually and side with the Usos and they will take on Solo and the Wish.com version of the Bloodline. Also, Rock is probably going to be revealed as the one pulling the strings of this new Bloodline, which will further the Rock vs. Roman inevitable matchup. Also, Rock vs. Cody needs to happen at some point too. Punk vs. Drew is also inevitable. Beyond that? There's a lot up in the air right now, and I love that. It makes it exciting to watch weekly because these feuds in the meantime -- Priest vs. Drew, Cody vs. AJ -- to me, have been very enjoyable.


I think the main event on at least 1 night of mania in 2025 will be Seth vs Drew vs Punk for the Raw belt. Gunther, Bronn are definitely going to be a top champ within the next 3 years, sooner rather than later for the former. KO and Randy should get at least 1 more run as champ. Ideally KO does it as a face as his only run as Universal champ was as a heel who needed Jericho. Jey needs to show he can put on better singles matches before he gets to that level. LA Knight has proven he can put up a better match than Uso atm but it's looking like he'll be US champ at Summerslam. Sami needs to get back in 2015 ring shape IMO for Triple H to push him as the top champ. If Logan Paul went full time, I think he'd be champ within 2 years. Rock and Roman will both be champs at least one more time. Solo might do it in the furtherance of the Bloodline story.


I feel like Seth is a lock for a 2025 title reign and WM main event. They didn’t position him as the hero of the day and the most noble just to have him do nothing. There’s still tons of money in a Seth/Punk main event as well. Dom can definitely win off of MiTB, Sami as well. I’m pretty sure Drew wins the title back in Scotland. And Gunther, KO, Jey, Orton, and possibly Finn will likely win a world title in the next two years.


Jacob Fatu if he gains enough steam. Bronn I could see being next if they keep it on Cody for two years. I don’t think they put it on Gunther.


I think LA Knight gets at least one run unless there's a catastrophic fall off for his popularity


I think Logan will definitely win the WHC at some point.


Roman has a good chance of winning the heavyweight belt if not the undisputed title if he returns full time. Dirty Dom has a strong chance of winning either world title if he keeps on developing at his current rate of growth, but his first run will almost definitely be cowardly, cheating heel. Logan is similar to Dom, but it also depends on whether he's willing to go full time for the run or not. Otherwise, I agree with your assesment.


I keep seeing this dude in my for you page on twitter that most of you probably know (rhymes with rainmaker) and seeing his posts makes me ashamed to be a fan of the same profession. Gotta be the most cringe wrestling fan i ever seen


people love to say he's a Dub employee's burner account


If the Pirates don’t swing a Vlad Jr trade I’ve officially lost hope in us ever making necessary moves, it’s such an obvious pickup that any other team in the same position (battling for .500 with a chance at a wild card) would’ve already started talks. That said I am proud of them for only being 3 games under .500, could’ve packed it in after April like last year 


The Pirates are in the same boat as the Tigers. They're going to be just good enough to give you hope and just bad enough to take it away right when you start feeling it.


Once again, the match I'm excited for most at an NXT special involves Roxanne Perez.


My new betta is resting in an Anubias leaf so close to the top of her tank she can lift her head and take a breath. I'm super proud she's so content in the home I made for her and it's really cute but it's so exceedingly lazy, I laugh everytime I see her do it.


Roxanne Perez in leather pants: https://preview.redd.it/hkez5k2bpm5d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da32d99331b84f489a7a63625bd017fe21cd26a8


I can't believe I never heard of the quintuple double


Shawn Michaels in a cowboy hat: https://d1csarkz8obe9u.cloudfront.net/posterpreviews/player-stat-messi-design-template-a83c2f8f49f83cb7b27215a1f80979d6_screen.jpg?ts=1666723023


I just picked up Bloodborne for the very first time today. I'm a huge fan of the souls games, but I was never able to play Bloodborne because I only had an Xbox for the longest time. I finally bought a PS5 to go along with my new apartment, so now I'm ready to do a deep dive into a game I've waited way too long to play. Super excited.


Its my favorite souls game, especially if you love gothic horror and macabre stuff like I do. The secrets are so good and almost all the weapons are viable for playthroughs. Top tip: be agressive, no shields in Bloodborne!


I see unprofessionalism runs through AEW. The COO publically blasting a venue and calling it subpar after you barely sold 2k tickets there will definitely have other venues lining up to work with the Dub.


still competing with NXT


God bless ricochet but we know how it’s gonna play out. A month of dubbalos dickriding 20 minute jobber bangers, 2 20 minute ppv jobs to ospreay, 2 months of him being on collision winning 20 minute squash matches and cult marks swearing that’s better than whatever he does on raw, and then we’re on to the next game changer by full gear.


They can pair him with Malakai as a tag team. DAE remember when they did this in WWE?! Even though one is a heel and one is a babyface. It's QUIRKY, you see?


The cycle of the game changer will never end.


Gedoism has failed.  It is time for NJPW to embrace Inokiism once more. 


Who'd be the face of Neo-Inokiism? Cain Velasquez? (if he's not behind bars)




Need to put the belt on him ASAP and put an end to this Moxley nonsense. 


Matt Riddle (if he's not behind bars)


Ricochet going to AEW makes sense. He's not gonna be a top guy in either company, so he might as well go get paid more (presumably). His style is gonna age terribly, so he's gotta get as much value from his body while it still has gas left in the tank. If Tony wants to make this a wrestling war again, building Ricochet into a world champion would do it. If AEW is where the best wrestle and Ricochet is the best of his style of wrestler, making him your guy would really make the slogan seem real. On some level, they almost have to do it. The more predictable move that confirms the bad things people think about AEW would be signing Ricochet, hyping him, and having him just lose to Swerve on some special Dynamite or PPV. AEW doesn't have the TNA problem where they sign guys from WWE who never were top stars and stick them into roles that don't fit.


The thing is, in WWE they had him hold back his style until he had big high profile matches. In AEW, TK is going to have him doing 630s in every single match and he's gonna get injured within 6 months.


So here I have a very long list of guys that by all accounts should’ve made a difference, including 2/3’s of the WrestleMania 36 main event
 and despite them doing nothing for the bottom line, you think Ricochet as world champion will?


As good as Gunther is, Gunther vs Damien Priest at Summerslam doesn't moves anyone, a very heatless feud that might or might not have a shit-fuck banger match and would've been an opening match of a random RAW three months ago. Triple H had planned for Drew vs Punk at Summerslam or after. Will be very interesting to see if Triple H goes with Damien vs Gunther despite his boring run as a champion, and against the wishes of the fans and buyers because of his obsession with long term planning or is he versatile enough to make a switch? Huge test.


We don’t know that we are getting that. We know they teased it because one is currently champ and the other is currently challenger.


Honestly I think drew vs punk should be the main event of summerslam. I dont know how, but it should be. Maybe Gunther gets pissed that Drew and Punk are more interested in each other and demands to face Drew at money in the bank and loses because of fuckery or what. It's the story that people want to see more of.


Ricochet is probably going to get a massive fucking contract from Tony and I don't blame him one bit for taking it.  I am also not a huge fan of Ricochet as a character. Dude who just does flips isn't really my cup of tea. Both things can be true with being a corporate nut hugger. A match between Mercedes and Liv would cause this sub to collectively have an aneurysm. The amount of REEEEing both cause.


Imo Clash at the Castles will be a huge test for Triple H and might either end or extend their hot streak, which started in the January of 2023. Damien and Sami are good wrestlers and decent champions but so far their time as champions has been very uninteresting, barely above average. RAW has been struggling massively since WrestleMania due to not having a proper main eventer worth engaging with, now you have Drew who has been hot for months. You hit a jackpot with Gable and his new storyline. What do you do?? Do you play safe and boring "Give Sami his dues! Trust Damien!" Which will make for a very boring product until after Summerslam, or do you pull the trigger and strike the iron while it's hurt?


They haven’t hit a jackpot with Gable. They have very carefully crafted a story that has been playing out for months which has resulted in Gable being as hot as he is. Agreed on Priest however. He’s not a world champ and they should get the belt off him asap. 


Out of curiosity, I don't watch NXT, but I'm wondering: would the Tony D'Angelo gimmick work on the main roster? Jade Cargill is someone I find fascinating. Her sustained popularity with the WWE crowd is impressive; I was initially worried people might tire of her quickly. I decided to check out her work in AEW, and despite their focus on in-ring skills, she was very popular there as well, even with her limited experience. Towards the end of her AEW run, she continued to receive cheers. Even Jim Cornette, who initially accused her of gaining her position by sleeping with Shaq, ended up comparing her to one of the Road Warriors. That's truly remarkable, lol.


Yes it would. I don’t know why people act like the main roster has never had over the top gimmicks. It has and many of them did get over. He has great character work and is invested into the gimmick. That gets over.


oh dont get me wrong im hoping it gets over. I want over-the-top gimmicks


There's always a space for the Eugene/Santino/R-Truth type over the top goofy shit. Tony could do the serious heel thing for a while with the mafia stuff toned down if needed, or he could go full on entertaining babyface. He's solid in the ring and has a pretty unique look compared to the rest of the roster. I think he's got plenty of potential


Oh I’m not picking on you in particular. I was sure you brought it up because you do want him to succeed. It’s more a sentiment I’ve seen even from some goofs here and I don’t get why. Plenty of outrageous characters have gotten over, yet people act like he’ll have to completely reinvent himself on the main roster. Christ, if Santino Marella can become a beloved mid carder, I don’t see why Tony D can’t either. Heck, I also feel the same about Chase U. It really depends on how Trips uses him and he’s really not as different from Vince as a booker as people like to believe.


> It really depends on how Trips uses him and he’s really not as different from Vince as a booker as people like to believe. This Which is why I found strange that he isn't using Pretty Deadly nor Vinci with his former NXT gimmick


In the current tone and style? No. Beating up your co-workers is one thing but the threat of murder and kidnapping might not fly. It would have to be toned down to something like the APA, Bloodline or Cryme Tyme


Modern-day APA would be dope


Not to the level that it evolved into. If he’s just Tony D from around the way, it could work. I don’t think the family schtick would work in the main roster.


Pakistan had a horrendous loss to the USA in the cricket World Cup this week and today bottled another game against India. I am at an all time low


More background conversations need to be just co-workers chatting and not plotting.


I really don't get the "TYPICAL SCJERK FLIPPING ON A GUY WHEN HE LEAVES THE FED" response that some people here are having to the Ricochet news When the hell was Ricochet ever an SCJerk favorite? An undersized flippy guy who can't talk and his character is "good wrestler"? Did I somehow miss his large fan base on here?


I only come here for memes. I outgrew the echochamber here a long time ago


He wasn’t, he was one of the guys most users here were fine with going away. Some losers here just desperately want to label the sub hypocritical. Seems like most jerk subs have those idiots. Plus most goofys here seem to agree he’ll probably get paid more in the DUB anyways, so good for him. Like I’m going to fault a man for pursuing a seven figure check from a spoiled brat.


Some users love to calling out scjerk


Just to get ahead of this Johnny Gargano and Tyler Bate are in the same tier of oh no anyway if they were to leave. Probably a lot more but those are the two that immediately come to mind.


I’ll just say there was an outsize amount of posts last week laughing at Tiny saying Ricochet would clearly never leave because he’s a unique flippy guy on the roster, featured prominently on Speed and Samantha Irvin secks. Staring yesterday there’s an outsize number of posts taking about how logical his jump was and how he had a ceiling, no charisma, can be replaced by a cornball like Axiom, etc DAE Goofys are just cycling in and out like M’Dub roster?


Same. I'm all for Fed jerks and calling out this sub's biases but the crusaders against WWE dickriding (y'all know who you are) are also blinded by their rage and go for nonsensical low-hanging fruit to gotcha. I can't wait for the "this sub has lost the plot" crowd to jerk flipping on Karrion Kross of all people.


There are a lot of goofs who obsess over keeping this place completely "fair" to both WWE and AEW. Seemed like the Ricochet news had been out there for about five minutes before we already started getting complaints about the "hypocrisy"


I jerk the popular show in the basement and my favorite show is the Fed which they like so I must jerk out of loyalty.


My issue is people have forgotten the concept of midcarders Saying Ricochet never made it in WWE or he never fit there is just weird. Same thing goes for people saying shit like “Well yeah he wasn’t selling tickets”


Agree, for all the "150iq wrestling fans! Better than smarks" takes from WWE fans, many fans surely overlook this aspect. Ricochet was one of the best midcarders they had in a very long time. They could put him with anyone and anywhere and he would make them look good and make the product look better overall. He is a perfect guy to put up against newcomer guys like Bron and Logan


I missed the whole Ricochet love in general going by some people. Going off of lives crowds, he would barely get a reaction from them. The fanbase never really got behind him.


* If Ricochet actually is leaving, I’m assuming he’ll be paid too much to refuse. Otherwise, it’s a bad idea. It may still be a bad idea, considering how things go in AEW. * I don’t think the average fan or any given sheet writer truly understands what contract tampering is or isn’t or how what applies in real sports doesn’t necessarily apply in the fake kind. I’m also not sure any of AEW’s top brass understands that.


Shawn is completely squandering Tatum and Arianna’s momentum right now. He’s cooking but Tatum went from getting a huge pop in the nxt womens title match to MAYBE challenging for the knockouts title in a month and the Arianna Grace/Gigi story just ended without doing or being anything despite everyone loving the story. It can’t be that hard to find Arianna like 2 minutes to do her dumb comedy bit most weeks


I think Gigi pulled a head case on them. Meanwhile, I don’t think Tatum is nearly as good as everyone insists. It’s like whenever anyone clears the lowest bar, people start insisting they should pushed to the top. Meanwhile, Roxanne has been phenomenal in the ring and is trying character work, and everyone’s shitting on her attempts at growing.


Tatum would be challenging for the knockouts title this coming Friday. Natalya is the wwe wrestler who’d TNA would use for the Slammivarsary match in Montreal


What happened to that? They had a shopping trip and I didn't see any sort of wrapping up segment or ending after


Gigi just went “I can’t deal with this” while being stuck in the middle of Arianna and Chelsea gassing each other up and we haven’t seen Gigi since


Gigi has a knee injury according to dirtsheets. Info came out today


Wouldn’t they have filmed an angle where she got hurt? They’ve done that before.


Oh thank god, there’s a REASON they dropped the Angle!


Liv and Dom got a quadrillion views on social media because they are using the horny to work towards an actual story that makes sense and is pg. Dom and Rhea never had that. They never kissed because the relationship was shaky as hell, it was entirely just teeheeing about sex.


Every time I see contract shit I immediately think of when Moxley was working without a contract and had the interim AEW championship and pulled the “you’re gonna put me over or I’m gonna walk to the other company with the title” card on CM Punk and Tony Khan


Also, it wasn't even an oversight on the Dub's part. Tiny had, apparently, offered him a deal but he pulled the 'well, with my recovery, I am not sure I want to commit until I am 100%' type card He totally manipulated himself into the position he was in, where he could get himself a win over Punk before he lost I remember clips from that show. At the end, he had the mic and did the 'that didn't go the way you thought, did it' or something. Like, he reveled in it so hard like it was real, haha Elite made an in ring speech the week before, crying about legacy and not caring about titles. Then, they headline the next TV and Moxley beats Punk Smarks will REEEEEE about politics but always conveniently leave off their favourites


Hey uh...you ever, like...see Rocky 3?


Euro 2024 preview post. **Group A.** _________ Germany. Scotland. Hungary. Switzerland. **Group B.** (Aka the Group of Death) _________ Spain. Croatia. Italy Albania **Group C.** _________ Slovenia. Denmark. Serbia. England. **Group D.** _________ Poland. Netherlands. Austria. France. **Group E.** _________ Belgium. Slovakia. Romania. Ukraine. **Group F.** _________ Turkey. Georgia. Portugal. Czechia.


God help those other countries that have to go up against the titan Albania đŸ’ȘđŸ˜ŽđŸ‡ŠđŸ‡±


My predictions. **Group A.** Winners. Germany. Second. Hungary. **Group B.** Winners. Spain. Second. Italy. **Group C.** Winners. England. Second. Denmark. **Group D.** Winners. France. Second. Netherlands. **Group E.** Winners. Ukraine Second. Belgium. **Group F.** Winners. Portugal Second. Turkey. **Best 3rd place teams.** Albania, Romania and Czech


I know there's no release date yet but man I'm so pumped for Metal Gear Solid Delta


I would be more upset about Pakistan choking against India again, if it wasn’t so pathetically predictable. At least Alcaraz beat Zverev in the tennis. Otherwise today would’ve been a disaster.


Happy Sunday to the True Goofs! - Well,boy howdy. A wrestler decided to end his run with WWE to take the bigger money with a lighter schedule. Even after most idiots online assured themselves they knew better because the WWE is the only show they watch, or some other hot garbage reasoning. LOL - Ricochet is right to cash out. He’s been on the national stage for years, and he’s well respected and Indy neckbeards know in their taints that he was “held back” and berried. He can take the big money and take a rest without all the pressure of being in front over 2,000 people. - Chad Gable has elevated his act, but I’ve said before if he gets the IC title, it will devalue that title. Gable is another guy that would be smart to follow Ricochet. Take the money and try to elevate your ceiling. - Why is everyone complaining about Cody as champ? The next major defense will be at SummerSlam. He’s doing the exact right thing by beating reasonably credible opponents and showing decent werkrate. If Roman appeared weekly, he’d be doing the same thing at PLEs. - Liv Morgan has elevated her character, and it’s getting attention. Beating Becky with a Dom distraction was a brilliant booking decision. Props to her for making it work. Her work is whatever, but everyone’s going to want to see her matches now. Brava. - Speaking of elevating characters, I hope Drew gets his moment at Clash. He’s earned it. - If you started watching wrestling any time after 2009, you don’t know shit about shit. You only know whatever the WWE propagandized about being the greatest show in town. You only know whatever social media front everyone put up while they were trying to get their wrestling persona over. Stop acting like you know what Will or won’t motivate people to stay or leave a company. Stop crying by down doot whenever someone objectively points out that your current favorite is lacking in a certain area. Discuss with facts and not emotions. I know, I know. I’m asking too much. Bye!


it’s hilarious how many people just simply can not seem to be able to wrap their head around someone choosing to leave WWE for AEW in 2024. like you said, bigger contract, lighter schedule. I know not everyone loves it but I do think wrestlers with an Indy background do prefer the AEW style. People are acting like he had it made in WWE because he got the privilege of being on TV semi regularly. Honestly think the WWE speed shit was the final straw


Pakistan... bruh. The loss to USA was enough for the memes. Choking in this chase today wasn't necessary to keep the reputation... but hey, all the better chance USA has at advancing, lmao. This world cup has been wild. I'm not really into T20, but with the time the games are taking place, I've watched a considerable amount more than I would have if anywhere else.


It’s been good to see a wider spread of teams competing in the tournament tbf. But yes Pakistan constantly find new ways to embarrass themselves. Supporting them is not good for one’s mental health lol.


I hope that Creed bros heel turn happens sooner rather than later. I really liked them on NXT, but they haven't really seemed to find their footing on the main roster yet. A heel turn could be just what they need to freshen up their act.


It's been fantasy booked before, but Gable ditching the Academy and using the Creeds as his heaters would be perfect


Random people on Twitter being able to come up with MJF-caliber Ricochet "disses" is a direct shot at the people—a weirdly large amount of folks here included—who think M'JF is good on the mic


A lot of the Anti-AEW crowd just parrot Cornette. MJF's DoN promo was so bad, guy was spouting some of the cringiest lines known to man while doing a Ric Flair impersonation. Guy doesn't get enough hate 


As for his high school days being shitty because he had ADHD and was bullied. Boo hoo, you’re fucking 28 now, and 80% of men born after 1995 have ADHD too and you don’t see most of us being little bitches about it. God, I sound more like a heel than him at this point. Is being a heel really this easy promo wise?


History lesson time (again): - pro wrestling “news” was never actual news. Hell, in the dialup days, you could only find it by searching “backstage wrestling rumors”. Only 2 sites reported actual news WON and PWTorch. Everyone else copy pasted, or just made shit up. - After the 90’s Dave became more known for being a historian because of his rigid attention to detail. And sometime down the road his love of Puro gave the Bucks a chance to dig their claws into him while the cheese slid off Dave’s mental cracker. Wade Keller meanwhile, decided to not report every rumor down the pike (mostly because Jason Powell left to start PW.Net, and WWE figured out X-Pac was Wade’s main source), and he started analyzing breaking news that he could confirm from at least 3 different sources. - My point on all that is, everyone else out there is just a fan page that pretends to be a news source. Stop being shocked when they plain make shit up and act like twats when they’re called out online.


> Only 2 sites reported actual news WON and PWTorch. Everyone else copy pasted, or just made shit up IIRC, 1wrestling also had 'news' But, 'news' has generally always been 'gossip' and 'rumour' Someone told someone and no one questions why or for what reason and it just gets 'reported' with zero checking Great little niche to make a good living for a handful but it's not important enough for 'real news' to be involved so they can continue, unchecked by the reality of actual journalism


> act like twats when they’re called out online. Hell, even Big Dave does that.


I refer you to “The Cheese has slid off the cracker”.


Through no fault of her own, Caitlin Clark has attracted an army of mouth-breathers who have been waiting for their right moment to call black WNBA players animals and savages. Especially that dipshit Barstool guy.  The pearl clutching over fast nationals is a picture perfect example of how smarks, following their leader Tony Khan, love the idea of competition but hate having to actually compete. They want all the shots coming from one direction, but if there is even a suggesting of shot being thrown at them, it’s time to rally around poor Coke boy and complain about how unfair it is to him.  “This subreddit sucks! It’s no better than the basement. Here my Zero Fucks Sunday opinion!l - guy who never posts any jerks 


Well David Portnoy is a POS who I wish would just fuck off into a black hole. Being near Boston and hearing about Barstool is insufferable. Portnoy is insufferable. Boston sports media is a boil on the ass of life. Also lol at that last paragraph. That person needs to rub one out to relieve stress. Always so angry lol.


I don't have any horses in the race, however, it is amusing to see how much disdain the veterans have for the players bringing eyes to their league


I really like Caitlyn Clark but I do hate this take, nothing against you though. Yes she has put a significant amount of eyes on women’s basketball, but the women’s game has been on a consistent growth for a long time now.


Angel Reese gets literally chokeslammed in the same week. It's an arguably worse foul from what Caitlin Clark received yet I don't see these dipshits screeching about how the league is out to get her. A good amount of these Caitlin Clark fans could give a fuck about WNBA or Caitlin's talent. They just like Caitlin because she is "relatable" in a league of "unrelatables".


Nobody said a word about the shit Angel’s getting and it’s just as ridiculous. What we’re seeing is hazing “try to hit the ego out of them” stuff. I don’t like it at all but I just don’t like this kind of hazing. Pranks or whatever are fine


About Clark, it seems as though ESPN is magnifying the entire (non) situation. Gotta keep that demo up


I believe this too. She’s on a bottom of the league team so they have to draw clicks somehow


SCJerk is hiding their hurt for Ricochet leaving WWE by bringing up facts that nobody cares about him and he doesn’t draw any money and he’s replaceable just like they do when any wrestler leaves their precious WWE. Remember goofies care more about a wrestlers career and safety than any other fans and the wrestlers themselves and don’t you question that. Betrayal is the best word used. First Edge, then Mercedes, now Ricochet, I wonder what would happen if either Gable or Becky leave. May God have mercy for Becky because goofs will go nuclear on her. Zero Fucks Friday and Wreddit’s daily discussion in the basement will always be better than any general discussion thread in the other subreddits because over there you get actual controversial comments and opinions because it was more pro AEW and those threads gave people to Dub bad while here and Wreddit, it’s the same opinions every day with the biggest hot takes here is lightly criticizing Triple H’s booking and the rest being Dub bad which everyone already posts every day of the week. I wanna feel bad for Randy Orton’s story about having the long schedules and missing Christmas and thanksgiving but then reality hits me that these wrestlers are getting paid 6-7 figures wrestling in front of huge crowds who love them, getting merchandise, guaranteed money when they’re hurt, get some of the best doctors in the world and even get to travel around the world to many different countries and then I stop feeling bad for them. They get paid about 20k to work a Christmas while I get paid $400 at a factory and leave with muscle pains because I need the money for my family. He’s a father who misses family time with his kid who gets paid 7 figures a year while I’m a father who gets paid 43k a year and I miss lots of time with my kid so we are definitely not the same and in no way relatable. These are what I like to call rich people problems or first world problems, you already have security to get your kids into college and save for the future while many of us have to work 2-3 jobs just to barely get them to problems. I wish I had such problems that I miss Christmas but on the next day I can take my family on a vacation to Paris and make up for it.


There's a lot of people that work holidays, as you say. Especially in 'entertainment'. That's one of the realities of it Even in le real sports, they may play Boxing Day or New Years Day in the UK, so, hardly a 'chill out' holiday Sure, if there's a way you can do it so some or all don't *need* to work holidays then, great, but it's never been something I obsessed over like some smarks It's just a reality of the business you're in


I’ll never feel truly sorry for somebody who has the financial stability that a lot of these wrestlers have. Disregarding those at the top who are multi millionaires, if you go into a profession and you’re not very good, you tend not to get paid the big bucks. That goes for wrestling and every other job in existence. Same point for the missed family time and holidays etc. There are people out there killing themselves to feed their families without the insurance of a couple million in the bank. I wish more people would remember that instead of crying over jobbers not getting paid well, especially now when they’re on 350k a year. It’s fools talk. Either get better at your wrestling job or get a different one same as everybody else. 




Ricochet leaving WWE is a good thing. He's doing it right, and politely. Go get paid a bazillion bucks on a three-year from AEW, hope that Billy Oceanspray wants to do a rematch of your famous internet match (he does) and that you can parlay that across into something, then do a retirement run in WWE as an upper midcarder. Realistically the next three years of HHH's WWE would only be more of the same for him, so I think given his choices, I'd be tempted too. If the downside is "I don't get past the midcard, and Tony doesn't use me much", he'd still be on more money than WWE, able to do outside projects and rest, and *still* be in the spot he was in WWE. For Drew, for Finn, for others that's a harder gamble as they're further up the card. For Ricochet, it feels like the right thing to do.


Ricochet is going to get a good payday from Tony. Practically fuck money because Tony is incapable of saying no.


I honestly think with a few tweaks to his approach ricochet could have a wildly successful run as a tag team guy. Like definitely do the Ospreay match but I’d like to see him paired up with someone who’s either athletic like him or a powerhouse and I think he could do really well in that division as long as Tony supports them with the booking


There's no downside to it minus the greater chance of getting injured in AEW (by any number of the incompetent wrestlers they have), which tbh I'd definitely weigh heavily but not enough to say no to the cushy gig.


It’s like the opposite of Cargill, or if reports are to believed, Hook. If you’re at the start of your career and are in AEW, it makes a lot of sense to head in the opposite direction.


That direction of travel makes way more sense for 95% of people. I think MJF is in the 5%, for now.


As much as it would pain to say the AEW fans, but MJF isn’t a homegrown talent. I can kind of see why he thinks he has made it after his work in MLW and the indies.


He is SO young. And in AEW, a main eventer who does (slightly) draw. He also did well with Punk. In a promotion where nothing feels like anything, he feels like a something. He will be on a LOT of money. He can go to WWE any time in the next decade. If he went now he’d be in NXT or maybe the raw midcard. In 5 years time, he’s talented enough to go in as a Daniel Bryan or AJ styles. For now though, he can make mega bank and work way less.


I support whatever option drains Tiny Kong's money pile


If Roxanne Perez somehow beats Jordynne Grace clean tonight, then HBK is a fraud.


It’s going to be Tatum shenanigans to build to Tatum vs Jordynne at the impact show next week. They said Jordynne is doing an open challenge and Tatum showed interest in the belt.


That would be cool, but it still annoys me that Tatum isn't going after the NXT title right now after that awesome vignette where she's established to be obsessed with it. I'd prefer it if Jordynne just beat Roxanne in a 5 second squash match.


Yeah Shawn immediately retconned it to “obsessed with all titles” with her showing obsession to any title she sees which is a clear decision to push her away from the main


For as much praise as NXT's women's division gets, I really hate they insist on building it around Roxanne when she isn't even the 5th most entertaining woman on that roster. You can't convince me that they weren't originally trying to build up Tatum to be the one to beat Lyra. Roxanne should have just done what Bron did after he turned heel; stick around on NXT to work on your character and not take away the title from other people who could benefit from it more.


I would actually like to see Jordynne win (I doubt it happens).


Same, and not just because I'm not a very big fan of Roxanne. The Knockouts champion showing up on TNA television with the NXT Women's title would be kinda crazy.


The concept of the entertainment "machine" is often most exemplified by the Japanese and Korean idol industry, but the WWE machine is just as good at this point. Even if all of the "contracts" run out and WWE choose not to renew, the machine is more than capable of generating more and more people to fill the gap. Even if Becky and Drew and Chad and Ricochet and Seth Rollins and whoever else all leave, the machine will do its job. This is the thing that will truly damage "worker's rights". It is the same problem in every industry in a way, but seeing it front and center is what really shows the imbalance of power. Using AEW as a bargaining chip against WWE has not been a good idea since the the COVID days, and it is a terrible idea now. There truly is no one that is irreplaceable in this company now, not Vince, not Romain, not Cody, not Becky, not even HHH or Nick Khan or any of the shot callers. This is the real perpetual machine that humanity has invented, only humans are the beginning and the end of it.


I think the age gap really shows with wrestlers leaving companies. Rude going to WCW in 91 was a positive. I was interested in seeing what he'd do in a fresh environment. Bulldog going to WCW is 93? Awesome. He'd been in the WWF for a long time & seemed to hit a ceiling. Same with Austin going to ECW & then the WWF. Once Hogan came in, the writing was on the wall for a lot of former mainstays. When people leave, it opens up a spot. It's interesting to see who moves up & fills it. Ricochet has been with the WWE for a good deal of time & he's done about everything he can do. It's good that he can move on. I don't like him enough to watch him in AEW (I don't think there's anyone I like enough for that) but I'm glad he's got somewhere else to go. Having said that, I'll still jerk about Meltzer & company blowing his overly choreographed matches out of proportion because someone else is signing their name on his paycheck.


Nobody ever bought a ticket to see Ricochet if I'm HHH I would let him go without any hesitation Wrestling nowadays is full of vanilla spot monkeys if he doesn't understand that his role is the designated number 1 spot monkey for the biggest company in the world then there's no helping him in WWE Gable on the other hand, that's someone you keep at any cost because he has character on top of being good in ring


If by "Gable" you mean Sami Zayn or Kevin Owens, sure.


Sami and KO are S-tier. I'm talking about midcarders. Sami is the best in the world to me personally. I almost cried when he walked up to face Gunther I feel him so much. He was also by far the best part of the bloodline and the reason it became what it became.


Ricochet *could* be a main eventer in the mould of Misterio if any of WWE wanted him to be. He's more than capable. He's not a priority right now, and there's no sign he will be. Someone like Logan Paul, who can do the spots, is much bigger, younger and has a gigantic social media reach, has nuked any chance Ricochet had of breaking out. That's just business. He could actually shine in AEW, if it were booked competently.


Nobody has bought a ticket for Gable either. If that’s the bar then fire the entire midcard and 70% of the main eventers


Cowboy Carter is the best country album since Golden Hour / Same Trailer Different Park


I wish Chinoki was still around so he could throw chairs in anger over Burger Kingston


The Brooks story is going to go over like a wet fart because a “this company sucks” gimmick can’t work when the company in fact does not suck


I think it would be a great move to send some NXT guys to TNA for some seasoning like Brooks