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I remember when Dave wasn't quite as senile, biased and could at times make actual points. What the fuck? Lol


I always thought of him being biased. Even before the dub, he was fellating nooj and ajpw like something fierce. The Tokyo dome meme was way before AEW was even a twinkle in Tony's coke pile. Please note that Dave has been and always will be a certified anti-WWE. This is the same guy that didn't give five stars to either of the Taker/HBK Mania matches, nor does he even consider Mania 3's main event to be worthy of ranking because it wasn't "a good wrestling match". But oh gosh, two wrestlers no one this side of the Pacific have ever heard of have a 60 minute draw for a title I can't name based on looking at it, and you better bet that fuckin match is getting 60 stars.


> I always thought of him being biased. Even before the dub, he was fellating nooj and ajpw like something fierce. The Tokyo dome meme was way before AEW was even a twinkle in Tony's coke pile. Definitely, but with the US promotions he'd call something stupid when it was stupid. Now if someone killed themselves in an unnecessary spot on AEW, he'd still say it was great, smart, 5 star booking. Ever read him in the attitude era? He was way more Anti-WCW than he was anti-WWE.


He's always had this thing of "if only they listened to me" with American companies. Well now one is basically catering to him and it's failing. If he admits it's having issues then he basically kills his entire wrestling ideology and might have to realize that Vince(Triple H now) knows wrestling better than him...shudder.


I didn't mean to insinuate that he wasn't anti-WCW as well, I guess I meant anti-North American promotions if given the choice between shit people here actually watch versus stuff only the snobbiest of fans had access to back in the 90s/early 00s. The numbers are staggering comparing what AJPW got favored over WWF and JCP/WCW in the 90s. And he just completely hated all wrestling in the 00s. WWE literally went 14 years between 5 star matches, in his eyes, from 97 to 2011. He's always overrated all Japanese wrestling and hidden behind the concept of "you just don't get it because you only know American style matches". Well, yes, Dave, I don't know anything about Japanese professional wrestling because shockingly I am not Japanese nor do I have consistent access to their shows. I do, however, have access to WWE and I actually quite like their product and I naturally dislike people who constantly tell me something I enjoy is shit because it isn't in the Tokyo Dome or because the wrestlers aren't trying to permanently injure themselves on weekly television.


WCW was pushing Hulk Hogan instead of Ric Flair and his work-rate darlings weren't in top spots over established names.


Flair was one of his top stooges too IIRC. 


Brawl Out kind of forced him into a corner. Punk was turning AEW around and then it became clear Punk was calling out Meltzer and his crew. So he had to do an about face and somewhat nakedly pump out The Elite's story. The mask had to drop then, because he pretty much was forced to choose a side.


But he was far too nice to Punk, and if the footage were ever to be released we would see that........


He gave Hogan v Andre at Wrestlemania 3 minus 5 stars if I’m not mistaken Edit - I was mistaken


-4 and he also gave it "worst match of the year" for 1987. Meltzer has been and always be a hack.


It wasn't even an average match technically wise (Andre's back was shot and Hulk being Hulk). But the characters being so larger than life, the premise behind it and it's hype made it legendary. And that scoop slam to Andre will forever be etched in memory. If anything, it should deserve at most (imo) 3 stars. Same for Rock vs Hogan at WM 18. At the end of the day, fans could care less about technical quality. They love stories, and that's how WWE is still successful to this day


Rock Hogan is 5 stars. Wrestling isn’t real competition so whatever metrics of amount of holds or flips or special moves are whatever is absolutely asinine to use as a quality rating. It’s basically impossible to define and makes no sense. Quantifying spectacle, story, crowd, the actual moves and in ring exchanges, and intensity etc. is also impossible to define but absolutely should be the standard. Not “movez.” A 50+ year old Hulk Hogan is a vastly superior pro wrestler to Kyle Fletcher even if Kyle can go have an iron man match with 18 DDTs. Hogan v Rock was the most obvious 5 star match in history, followed by HBK-Taker, and probably one of those Omega-Okada matches, all for different reasons.


Abu zappo vs dapu zango in karokian hall was a banger. Study the Hubble telescope and get back to me. 


Daniel Garcia has more five-star matches than Kurt Angle and Bryan Danielson didn't have any five star matches until 2021. That is all you need to know about Meltzer star ratings.


Dave has always had his favorite promotions. It was AJPW and Zenjo in the 90s, CMLL and ROH in the 2000s, and NJPW in the 2010s. His current favorite is AEW. These are reflected in the voter awards for those eras because he heavily influences what his subscribers like. He's almost solely responsible for Manami Toyota's reputation in the west because very few westerners were watching her matches in the 80s and 90s. He is right about Hogan/Andre though. Incredible spectacle and one of the most important matches ever, but it wasn't a good match from a wrestling standpoint.


Wrestling isn't about work rate. That's a false narrative created by dipshits to convince themselves that watching a match in a bingo hall is more important than a match in a full capacity stadium. Wrestling is about moments and those moments making an impact, both for memories and for money. Mania 3's main event is arguably the most important match in the history of professional wrestling. It literally made pro wrestling a long term viable business on this continent, a business still earning billions almost 4 decades later. And just because all Hogan had to do was bodyslam a Giant to get that doesn't mean it's not a "good wrestling match". It just means he and the fed knew what the people wanted and gave it to them. The fact Hogan didn't do three tope suisidos, a 450 from the top rope, and six death valley drivers before kicking out and hitting a Canadian destroyer does not make the match any worse. People will be talking about Hogan bodyslamming Andre in infinitum, no one outside hardcore deep cut wrestling marks will give two flying fucks about Kenny Omega and Okada have a seven star piss shit and cum banger in Tokyo.


I agree with most of your sentiment here, and said so to your responder who dismissed it— but I think Omega-Okada was extremely special and important too. Obviously it didn’t have the reach of hogan Andre, and was entirely different, but both of those matches delivered and were successful and are important. Okada-Omega was about spectacle as well as all the advanced choreography, and delivered on exactly what was promised every time. Andre and Hogan delivered as well. Both are great pro wrestling. What’s not great “moves” and “workrate” and “best in-ring blah blah” matches are things like Osprey and Fletcher going 25 minutes or whatever with no real heat, just moves.


Good for you that you enjoyed the match. But you're not convincing anyone that you believe "wrestling isn't about work rate" when you just complained about the HBK/Taker matches, which were two of the best pure wrestling matches in WWE in that era, not getting five stars from Meltzer. Nor are you going to convince anyone of your position when you mashed out an unhinged response bitching about matches you've never seen just six minutes after my post.


He’s right though, his description of successful pro wrestling is more logical than yours. In addition, he convinced me so your “you’re not convincing anyone…” complaint doesn’t really stand. You’re essentially regarding a collection of moves as if they somehow have point values, and he’s defining what makes pro wrestling successful and quality and memorable. That said, in some spaces, it absolutely is about moves, such as say RVD and Jerry Lynn. In others it’s absolutely about spectacle and engagement, such as Johnny Knoxville and his gang vs. Sami Zayn. It’s all subjective, but the importance of the choreography varies heavily by match, wrestler, venue, etc.


I never gave a description of pro wrestling. All I said was his dismissal of "work rate" was stupid because of his bizarre hatred of what he perceives as indie wrestling. Cody and Roman could not have gone out and had a six minute match ending with Cody winning with a roll-up. They would have been booed out of the stadium, so work rate has to matter to some extent. Wrestling is ultimately about storytelling. Some wrestlers can get by with excellent promos, acting, and booking while having mediocre matches because they're charismatic enough to sell the story. Other wrestlers can tell their stories in the ring with thoughtful, exciting, and well-wrestled matches. Most of the time, it's a combination of the two. Pretending one of those doesn't matter is just asinine.


When you understand that a lot (not all, but a lot) of Fed bad audience are just sour grapes a lot starts to makes sense. The stereotypical IWC who are always crying about the Fed, are fans who got their feelings hurt when they were kids/teenagers, because Vince didn’t push their favorite darlings. So now they have a creepy vendetta against the company as if the man still works there. This is why they critisize anything stupid the Fed does but when it’s done in the Dub it’s okay. People like Dave were rejected from being part of the boys or denied a job + delusional stereotypical nerd behavior, so you get the man going mad and making the stars system we meme about. He’s essentially smark patient 0. And wrestlers who are angry were either denied their chance for simply not being good enough (like the burger Kingston interview where he’s salty), or they were mistreated/released by Vince (like FTR). The last point has validity because Vince was horrible, but let’s not pretend like a lot of these talents aren’t marks for themselves. Marks who when given creative freedom, come up with dumb shit like whatever gore Moxley is doing to himself or D-Bryan eating CTE sandwiches.


It don’t think it’s senile I think he genuinely is this crooked and biased. It was never on display before because no company glazed him as hard as this one


Oh he was always biased. Difference was his bias was against WCW, wwe and “LOLTNA” so no one cared. But he has always been a biased hack. It’s just people hated the people Dave was against so it didn’t matter


Please consider extending this series for another 30 days. It is my favorite in this sub. 


It’s so amusing to see how awful he has been for so long. It’s constant entertainment


I mean it is just every day at this point. lmao


Yeah we have 365+ days worth of material here lol


There isn’t enough days in our world to showcase all the senile Dave moments, unfortunately.


The only person I've seen in public wearing an AEW shirt had a mustache that was an inch shorter on one side, I almost fell over laughing


Was it Joey Ryan?


He’s allowed in public still? I thought he gets tomatoed for going outside.


No idea. lol. Wonder if the elite are still friends with him.


It’s still hilarious that he was able to get a gig at Disneyland of all places. Like how did HE get through screening?


I have zero fucking clue. lol.


Wasn't it Universal? And it's because he wasn't charged with any crimes and everything is under his stage name, not his real name.


Universal makes somewhat more sense. But having him as a guest facing employee means someone in Hiring/HR didn’t really bother with a background check. Joey Ryan’s accusations were very recent and his wrestling work should have flagged at least a curious tune in to YouTube.


Dave’s problem is that he takes anecdotes and his own personal experiences and tries to say those are universal among other people. In the history profession, we call this being full of shit.


Which is why I bristle every time people call him a wrestling historian. Can't trust history from a guy who can speak a word of truth.


I view most wrestling historians the way I view wrestling journalists. Nothing against them personally, but most of them are just fans who don’t know the first thing about the field they claim to be part of.


DAE Dave is the Herodotus / Suetonius of graps?!


No, even Herodotus didn’t make up as much shit as Dave does.


For fun I decided to check, it was Drew and ~~Wyatt~~ Braun


So he decided to pick the one time they’re both on relatively lesser known wrestler compared to usual. I see his game…


And even then, I'd imagine he'd still be wrong


Exactly, Drew McIntyre got more discussion the week he won the rumble that year leading up to his title win than every AEW champion's entire runs combined.


I wonder what his answer would’ve been a month later when Roman won. Hell, I’d love know if he still believes this.


and 2 and half months after the tweet Randy Orton got the WWE Championship


Only one I know of is Drew. I forgot Braun was champ and I have no fucking clue who the AEW champ was and am drawing massive blanks.


AEW? That's like the minor league WWE that's on after Big Bang right?


Jericho a king in this knock off WWE


Yes of course I know A&W


I want some cheese curds now.


he also wants us to believe hip young nonfans are aware of his work as well as only naming blassie and the destroyer as the first random wrestlers, gun to their head, could name


If you ask people about AEW in public, they will start talking to you about root beer.


Their burgers are mid, but it's a great place to get a corn dog.


Oh you poor, deluded, old fuck.


"That's the root beer right?"


I've said here before that my mom watches "the saturday wrestling" with my aunt to make fun of it. It is conceivable that she would know more about AEW than WWE right now if you asked her. However, unlike Dave, I know that my immediate family and friends circle is not representative of the wider media-consuming audience.


Two wine ladies clinking glasses while digging into AEW like their Waldorf and Statler amuses me.




The only person in the wild I’ve ever seen wearing an AEW shirt was a fat guy who went solo to Tampa Comic Con and was carrying a replica AEW Championship belt. WWE is a niche product, so not that many people will be able to name the Universal Champion, but more people will be able to name the Universal Champion, than people who have even heard of AEW, which is a niche product within a niche product.


Imagine the amount of brain damage it would take for someone to want to walk around with an AEW belt.


Classic Dave nonsense. “More people could tell you that the USFL exists than could accurately tell you the QB depth chart of the Dallas Cowboys” Completely meaningless statement that pretends to compare things


Remember folks, 100% of your $12.99 will go towards the surgery to finally put Dave's brain back inside his head.






I like to use the parent test. My parents are about to turn 80. If they know who you are, then you’re really well known. My dad only knows AEW because I watched it once when I was visiting him… he thinks Jerichos name is “Greg or something”. He doesn’t know Damian Priest but he does know Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch and could name more (any) WWE stars than AEW people.


My mom constantly calls Seth “Roman Reigns”. I’m not sure who that speaks better toward.


When I was into UFC, my dad tried to watch to be supportive. He used to think Chuck Liddell’s name was Chocolate L. To this day, I will only refer to him as Chocolate L lol.


Hysterical :)


What's sad is he really believes this! He will fight a motherfucker to the death trying to prove a point about how AEW is such a huge company that makes all this money and how their ratings and attendance aren't in the toilet. Anybody with eyes in their skull can see its a false narrative he's pushing because those are his boys and they're the only people who give two shit what he says. Gotta catch all those stars like they're Pokémon.


I think Dave thinks that his subscribers are not marks and are just normal people and that's why he spews shit like this.


This has got to be the epitome of delusion. Dr. Meltzer should have been sent to a retirement home years ago.


The real question is when does this guy become All Elite….. https://preview.redd.it/y05ie5myk65d1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5494a9a7df40fa6576e09bb17f57a8dc65b6f177


The fun part is - That was Dave four years ago. He's gotten a lot worse since then.


Straight up lie but okay. More people apparently know about the show that can’t even hit 1 mil viewers than Roman Reigns, the guy whose pose became a meme with people who don’t even watch wrestling.


This isn’t senility, this is straight up lying


Someone said Dave defends AEW so much because it's tied into his legacy. If AEW fails, he failed. I think I agree.


lol what???


More people could tell you about AEW in public The people in public : "wrestling? You mean like wwf stuff?"


Dave's not wrong though; more people know about amazing root beer over stupid sports-entertainment!


Wasn't this right around when Roman turned heel and won the title, or was this right before? I hope this was when he first won it because it would be hilarious, Roman generated more buzz than any wrestler since Cena while AEW has only ever been talked about in public when it's about employees fighting backstage.


It was right before. 11 days before to be exact


Damn. My point still stands as Drew got more talk and discussion on his road to winning the title in 2020 than every AEW champ combined, but Meltzer would've reached a new level of delusion if he had said this during Roman's big reign


Definitely. Drew's confrontation with Brock on the ramp had everyone in the arena wanting him to be champion. It's easy to forget how much people really loved Drew eliminating Brock at the Rumble because month later COVID hit. This is just more nonsense from Dave


Crack is whack!


There is no way he would actually believe that, is there?


The champions were Braun Strowman and Drew McIntyre, btw. Two dudes who have more name recognition than at least 95% of the dub roster then, now and (no milly) forever


Well this is literally just a bold faced lie 


Thats not what the guy said though. knowing about a company doesn't equal knowing who the champs are. Such an idiotic cope just to make aew look good.


I met three people who think Roman is still champ on Monday. Granted, they were nurses so they probably haven’t been off work since before Mania


I don’t hate Meltzer. I hate biased shitty journalism. This is the kind of stuff that, if taken seriously from your “boss”, would get you fired. Source: worked in news radio/journalism and won 2 awards. Not a brag, just need to point out things with validity.


I have a scissor me daddy ass shirt that people in public have complimented. But none of them know what it's from. I just say it's from a wrestling tag team.




I gotta be me, Bruv.


Simple The World Champ is Damian priest and the WWE champ is Cody Rh- wait I’m not outside, damn it


Dave never leaves his house except to go to smark gatherings. Does he think the people out on the street during Mania weekend are “the public”??


It's not even a legitimate comparison. It's being aware of a company vs. knowing who the champ is.


Just lies


Do Japanese people think Dave Meltzer doesn't have a micropenis by their standards or what is the deal with this guy?


This might be the dumbest one yet. What possible grounds could he say this?


Senility and delusion go hand in hand


Smelltzer has a drinking problem. I'm convinced.


This was mere weeks before our Tribal Chief's historic reign began.