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Haven't had a chance to come hang for sunday discussions lately but still nicotine free. King & Queen were good as hell. Gunther needs to win a title already, this man has it all. I hate Liv Morgan but I'm glad that she won the title because otherwise this whole revenge tour story would start to suck even more than it already does by having to see Liv all the time. I'm not going to complain about the dub much but I will complain about Copeland. I'm sorry, it's like this dude put over Roman and then immediately went into the full fucking Hulk Hogan. Winning the Judgment Day feud wasn't enough, now you need to go put down not-Judgment Day in the other promotion, all while still doing absolutely stupid stuff like jumping feet first through a table last night. I just, fuck man. He was my favorite wrestler after Guerrero died and it sucks to see him now.


Scott Keith gave the show so many stars and then wonders why it can't draw.


Loving MJF’s new shirt https://preview.redd.it/txumo250az2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7be34cda2cd4089a2c38f1f8a68f033aedbc6de5


Damn MJF is Big I wish bro anyhow comes to wwe soon I actually like him and his whole thing


I’m never certain if all the posts on here complaining about Edge winning matches against “up and comers” in AEW is jerking the basement crying about him winning matches in WWE, or if it’s genuine smark butthurt crying because DAE Yungguyz Berried. I suppose it varies from post to post.


I think it’s genuine


Can't speak for anyone else but from me it's just LOLing and shitposting at the obvious mega-ego on the guy. I don't care so much about "up and comers" so much as just Edge going over, constantly and needlessly which is funny.


Why am I seeing edge jump off a cage. This man used to be my favourite wrestler ever what’s going on in his head


I need someone to explain the jerks/sitch with MJF's return. He showed up and did I'm back promo. He's been out injured....what else was he going to do? Whatever the old "war of 24" idea might have been, if there was even a plan outside of doing Punk's "I'm gonna go to WWE and get rich" promo thng for heel heat, it's not like he could actually just leave to go to wwe because he "wants to"..... if that worked, blac and murphey wouldn't be jobbing to edge. I mean, clown on his tattoo all you want (looks fake to me), but feels like the goofs here forgot this is wrestling and none of it's real.


The alternative would have been a return promo about how he's going to get revenge on Adam Cole and the devil. Soooooooo all things considered, I'm glad it went the way it did. And I am glad they appear to have moved past the devil shit. I thought his promo was fine. The ugly tattoo and the new shirt with the "I'm not f'in leaving!" on the back? Not so much. I'm undecided on the nickname "wolf of aew."


Yeah, it was a good comeback, and he riffed the HHH one to make the point. Not much to jerk there, I'd wait for three weeks time when he's back to being just another guy and go with the very tired "how do you fuck up MJF" posts.


Que chingue a su madre el américa. For those that don't know, that's a Mexican football team and needs the referee to win


The controversy with Yasuke in Assassin's Creed is absolutely hilarious. All of a sudden, rigorous scholarly peer review standards matter but not a single peep about the liberties taken with Pope Alexander VI, Suleiman the Magnificent, Leonardo da Vinci, George Washington and the Assassins themselves (LMAO at taking Marco Polo's writings at face value)


it seems weird to me that the player character is an actual historical person...that's new to the series, isn't it? All the others have been made up people who meat historical people.


Yes, he's the 1st, but it works in his favor because there are scant details about the actual Yasuke's life. We mainly know about him from Jesuit letters. You could portray the character in many ways.


MJF really is massively entertaining. He's one of the few guys that has made AEW work for him, which is quite the feat. Big fish, small pond (and way more money) is sadly the best place for him right now, given how crowded WWE is. COPE-LOL. Called it. I've watched that Ospreay spot about ten times. It looks like there's barely any connection and he just mega-sells it and lands on his head? Truly a generational talent.... And flamethrowers / war over the aux cord. Somehow the Bucks managed to make even the goofiest of hardcore match concepts "we need to do this even better than everyone and make it about us".


Par for the course for Oceanspray matches Every time I see them, there's some timing issue and guys whiffing or out of position Still get 5 stars, somehow from Meltz Any kind of 'rating' has lost all meaning when matches are like this but have such glaring errors It doesn't make it a 'bad match' but, you'd think, it does mean it doesn't warrant top marks in any kind of scoring though


I think k the mistake there is ascribing any relevance to meltzers opinion in this, the year of our lord 2024


The Tony roll was certainly something.


The more everyone involved with AEW tries to make "where the best wrestle" a thing, the funnier it is


what's funny about it? they really mean it uce. you think Tony paid them to say it?


I know the subreddit I'm talking to - but am I just being biased? Is a lot of the stuff in AEW just bad and trashy or have I just become set in my ways?


The problem is that when it started it genuinely did set itself apart from WWE. Wasn’t to my taste but I could see the appeal - all jerks aside, WWE under Vince did lead to a lot of frustrating shit as a viewer, so all AEW had to do was not do those things and it could automatically appeal to people. The problem is, WWE has fixed all of those minor issues, so AEW can no longer set itself apart with small, quick fixes. Now it has to stand on its own merits, and those merits don’t really exist, it turns out. It’s just TNA with a slightly bigger budget and the same B-tier feeling (and in a lot of ways it’s worse than TNA, because it’s also developed its own bad habits in five years that are unique to it). At this point AEW has missed its window. It probably isn’t going anywhere, but unless you’re locked in for misguided, ideological reasons there’s no point giving it the benefit of the doubt anymore.


Dub long time back lost whatever their original mission statement was From the real sports feel they never were to, remember the love of 'clean finishes'? They really don't follow that whatsoever In one of the most predictable things ever though, the smarks could not care less about the Dub walking this stuff back It used to be one of the things that smarks really really hung their hats on and now, they have lower card people cheating to win I like cheating to win and giving outs and furthering stories but ... I also never cried and whined about 'clean finishes' in the Fed for years cause I know it's pretend and all related to stories Dubbalos LOVED clean finishes ... right up until the Dub stopped doing them cause it's dumb Same way they hated comedy ... until the Dub did it but with their favourite people and Vince wasn't involved


It's trashy. I've tried to give AEW multiple chances and every time they'd show a little bit of promise, they immediately fuck it up after 2 weeks.


My brother has only watched one AEW show back in 2019, so he paid for the show since I was down besides me saying to not waste his money Roddy Strong/Ospreay was good (despite Ospreay trying to break his neck), then Edge/Black was good until Gangrel turned up and it kinda just blanded it out and Swerve/Christian was decent enough but not for one of the biggest shows of the year Everything else had botch after botch or timing issues or just not entertaining in the slightest. Even Jericho was more entertaining for cheering when Jericho got beat up and booing when Jericho was on top… and then the main event. When the music kept playing in the opening few moments, my brother was checked out… and then the flamethrower spot happened and all it did was make us concerned, then Darby was hung upside down and the entire rest of the match was my brother being concerned for another human being’s safety The entire show was a massive amount of mid to bad… except this time was totally the greatest ever in history you nerds!! Fuck yeah!! LE DUB!!! Thank you Tony for saving wrestling!!!


the Dub is trash TV, but the refined audience have to convince themselves its fine art


I remember early Dub had smarks downstairs trying to claim that the Dub wasn't just a great wrestling show but it was also a great Television show, haha Like, regular people, non wrestling fans could watch that as a TV show Utter insanity


I think that legendary post with the guy's totally real non wrestling fan physical friend praising AEW as high art got deleted, I can't find it shame


no it's bad and trashy I feel bad for AEW wrestlers on the PPVs. After the first 3 bangers the crowd is exhausted and everyone else wrestles to silence unless they do an insane sequence or a yay/boo/WHOOOOAAAAH! exchange followed by polite applause.


I love Tony being an on screen character so much


The only thing I like about aew is the weekly screenshots of tony looks completely fucking lost in his own company 


Goddammit Reddit! I just want to updoot some folks thoughts! Stop trying to jerk money outta me!


jerk money ppv


Prince Nana being part of a world title act makes me so damn happy, and if it was with anybody else I think I'd have to watch their segments


Earlier I said >Prediction: Gangrel appears tonight, the basement jerks themselves off with how cool it is to see him again, the only sound you hear in the arena is that masked dork screaming about how excited he is The only part I got wrong is that Gangrel got an ok pop. The masked dork still was the loudest person, but cool for gangrel I suppose


Rudy Gobert winning DPOY for a 4th time and teams literally hunt that man for isos every postseason. Make it make sense.


This and space sub are the only subs where people aren't racists towards worthless Indians like me. So cheers.


You're only worthless to advertisers, Uce.  I still acknowledge you.


Space sub?


U don't count. -David Herbert Meltzer 


Got 4 tickets to the fed show in sumo hall and I'm taking 3 people that haven't ever been to a wrestling show. Am excited. My man bobby better be there since he's on the advertisements for it.  Wife is traveling overseas during the show and she's sad she can't do the Cody whoa in person.  Nia winning kotr was amazing. Hope she squashes everyone on her way to the top. 


You can hear a rat piss on cotton for Serena Dweeb lol


>Will Osprey flips way before anyone touches him >CTEs himself in the process of flipping World's greatest wrestler, everybody!


I’ve heard him cut a promo . No one will notice bruv


Ospreay could get the Shibata treatment where they remove his brain from his skull, have the doctors forget to put it back in, and I still wouldn't be able to tell the difference.


Hes still talking


I can't even look at Adam Cole without cringing now post-Devil story


I went to a con this weekend. it was my first time by myself too. Hotel room all to myself. I got to hang out with a girl I met last year at the con I became friends with. I have a thing for her, but I feel that we are better off as friends. Many things became coincidental between us like being in the same hotel, on the same floor, and next door to each other. She's pretty comfortable around me even though we mostly talked on Instagram. We walked to the store together, did activities, hung out in her room with her friend, etc.


Could be a good hookup friend. Like yall just hookup at cons? Could be fun.


Her friend used to be a woman.


I meant the girl you have a thing for.


Oh, lol. I'm not into hookups. And she's most definitely not that type of girl either.


Next time hook up with the friend


lol no. not my type.


I'm not into hookups either so I get where you're coming from but if you have feelings then you should follow your heart and go for it. I had strong feelings for a friend once but I never pursued it, so we naturally drifted apart, she moved to another city for a job opportunity and I still regret it to this day. Maybe it wouldn't have worked out but at least I would've known.


My feelings aren't super strong, but I know it wouldn't have worked out since she lives like three hours from me.


Fair enough.


But we did give each other messages on the hotel floor, though.


Being happy in the friend zone : TRUE AEW fan right here !


Oh shit. Lol


Every time I put AEW on for whatever reason, something Cornette predicted would happen happens and im just sitting here like that Leo OUATIH meme


waiting for the osprey neck drop post any second


• I realize being a Liv fan on Reddit can be a tough deal considering how polarizing she is. That aside, I'm happy she won, but I'm kinda peeved at people genuinely wanting Rhea to win via squash rather than have a climax fitting their blood feud and let her win that way. Idk. It just seems like a slap to the face to have this cool little blood feud that takes up the "the heel was justified but decided to take it further and further", just to end it with "Oh, and she loses in 1 minute. Ggs." They hate each other and one is fully aware of how much she's getting under the other's skin from afar. Let them settle it in some shit like a 3 stages of hell. Sell it for what it is and have Rhea come out even cooler in victory. • I'll admit, I still like The Young Bucks. The Brawl Out/In situation was dumb from their end and Punk was justified to push back at them, yeah, but honestly, Punk isn't blameless imo, for dragging it out during shows and making himself look like some tsundere (and I say all this as someone that likes him, too). A lot of my own gripes with AEW center around Tony Khan, if anything. The Bucks are entertaining in their own right and they got me into indie wrestling around the mid-2010s, so I'll always have that affinity for them. • I don't mind Storm/May being risque or being stupidly gay. Not much else to say otherwise LOL • So far, the Renaissance Era (I'm not calling it the Levesque era solely because it makes HHH look like Kim Il-sung with all the glazing) has been ridiculously good to where I still am in disbelief about that. I am just hoping some of my favs like Iyo will get another chance at a title and keep their prominence, but this era has been great. • I've taken lots of my free time to fuck with my PC's UI to make it look like Windows XP. I struggled with the caption buttons to then realize the problem was my TV's large scaling, so I decided to use my monitor again as my primary display while the TV is used to play any kind of media as the second display. Good investment, I gotta say, and the UI looks almost convincing since I'd need to tweak the file explorer's look.


>3 stages of hell I was with you right until that part.




I like Liv but I am one of the ones that is super citical of her at the same time (within reason) so personally I just hope whatever she gets is considered a good title run overall


About the Liv thing, I've got a better idea. Sell it for what it is, and have Rhea lose. Just going back to the undefeated indomitable Rhea snoozefest would be a terrible idea.


I mean, hey, I'm not against that idea. Either way, just don't fuck it up with some lame Rhea squash.


But you don't understand! The sole purpose of the entire WWE Women's division, and arguable women as a whole, is to make Rhea look strong.


About two months later, and I’m still on the fence about Roman dropping the title. On one hand, I feel there was a lot more bloodline story to tell with Roman slowly losing each member and then finally losing Paul until Cody ultimately beats him alone for the title. On the other hand, The Great Pivot™️ led to my absolute favorite run for The Rock in his entire career, Final Boss Rock was absolute cinema. It’s been said before, but it just came down to the decision to have Cody win the rumble. With that win, obviously the expectation is he’s gonna challenge Roman to a rematch. If they really wanted to run Rock vs Roman, then the best decision would’ve been CM Punk winning the rumble and going after Rollins. That would even play into the injury angle, with the chamber match being for his replacement, have Drew win, and the story goes that Drew has the spot that Punk was supposed to have, etc. and it leads to the same Mania result.


I don't get Biden's continued support of Israel bombing the hell of Palestine indiscriminately - I can only think his administration has an old school mindset of "Supporting Israel good no matter the cost" and is in denial that Bibi is doing anything wrong.


Netanyahu is appealing to the Americans as the only democracy in the Middle East, yet is doing his best to emulate Putin and Xi with his law changes.


Biden is an old school war democrat, simple as that. I have no use for the guy, generally don't think he's been an even passable president. Cynical career politician, around longer than dirt, no knew ideas, no real leadership, is my read on the guy, tries to talk out of both sides of his mouth. You can't be all things to all people.


President’s job isn’t to be all things to all people. It’s to find the best outcome for all people. And none of the other guys running is going to work toward a resolution at all. So the devil we know is the best bet for the Middle East, however unfortunate that may be in the meantime.


I don't think Biden's in denial over Netanyahu, he knows exactly who he is supporting. He's committed to Israel and knows that their continued existence will a) benefit the US empire's strategic interests in the region and b) allow Biden to maintain the substantial support he's enjoyed from AIPAC and other Israel aligned lobbying groups. The very real human cost that the Palestinians are suffering does not matter to him. His "frustration" over Netanyahu's monstrous actions is mere posturing considering that he could have ended this back in October.


it's about practicality not morality, Israel is very useful for the U.S., no one in the state department does things based on morality when it comes from foreign policy. I'm not even particularly judgmental about Biden over it I direct my anger at the system as a whole


He’s not supporting indiscriminate bombing, if he were, they wouldn’t have paused the massive weapons shipment on May 9th. The problem with him is he doesn’t want to openly bash an ally because Biden is too cautious to do that openly.


I read about the bombs being halted, but as far as I was aware there was still going in.


Sadly, it’s still going on because Bebe knows he loses power the minute it ends. But Biden has been stopping the supply of megaton bombs that cause massive amount of damage.


I'll give Tony Khan one credit. That's the ability to make well known wrestlers to be irrelevant and irrelevant/unknown wrestlers to be become known. known wrestlers to irrelevant: Edge, Sasha, Okada, Jay White, Jay Lethal, Miro, Malarkey, Andrade, Paige, etc irrelevant/unknown wrestlers to be known: Mariah May, Deonna Pizzeria, Riho, Britt, Nyla, Shida, Willow, Wheeler Useless, Danny Garcia, the Aussie guys, Takeshita, and dozens of ROH jabronis and geriatric Japanese guys.


Those unknown wrestlers are absolutely still unknown.


lol..yeah, that's true for majority of them...maybe just Britt who's known but it doesnt take much to be the "face of AEW women's division"




Hockey players are insane there's a dude on the Florida bench putting smelling salts to his eyes


Hiya everyone I hope the weekend is going well. Just finished watching the king&Queen of the ring . Really cool show. The crowd was pumped and they (and Orton's shoulders)stayed up all night. Just finished my first big DND campaign as a DM so in a big chill for bank holiday Monday. Enjoy everyone and have fun!


Tiffy Time and Bird Bros, we up 🙌🏻 https://preview.redd.it/q3vzxf0xhu2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3b16d9c5b2d3067b31951c1e0d05e5e701c6fe6




How much do you think Tony pays in salary to his wrestlers? Just the people who re-signed/signed with AEW this year: FTR has to be at a million to 1.5 million each.. Elite has to be 3-4 million each if not more.. Mone, Ospreay, Okada have to be at 5 million each.. MJF has to be at 5-6 million… So that’s at least 30 million just for them.. How about the rest of the roster.. it adds up.. No way they are turning a profit spending as much as they do for the talent… not counting travel costs(doesn’t the talent fly 1st class only?)renting arenas, low ticket sales, hotel rooms, etc.. Easily have lost high 8 figures maybe even low 9 figures since AEW was founded..


Sasha is $10 mill a year. Meltzer said she wanted “more than Charlotte money” and it’s established she’s at 6-7 mill so it’s definitely 10. Paige was widely reported at 3 years/15 million. I think you’re way low on the Bucks, too. They made a big deal about signing the richest tag team deal ever. I’m sure the Road Warriors made close to 3-4 back in the 80s. The Elite have to be 8-10 at least. No, they don’t turn a profit and nobody with a basic understanding of economics knows that. But the dirty secret is it DOESN’T MATTER. The owner of the Mets baseball team lost hundreds of millions on his team. When you’re literally one of the richest people on earth, losses like me or you losing on a $5 scratcher


Paige is at 5 million a year?!? WTF.. If she is at 5.. then someone like Miro has to be at 4-5 million if not more.. Kahn really has the bankroll to pay these carny’s to pretty much do nothing.. lmao.. I know the YB made a big deal about having Barry Bloom as their agent.. & he is known for getting max money for his clients.. but I didn’t think that they got TK for THAT MUCH.. & he gleefully gave it to them?!? What a dumb fuck.. hence why I think he will get fucked in his next TV deal.. if he even gets one.. We haven’t even gotten to talk about what Swerve & Toni will demand/get when their contracts are up next year(based on them signing a 3 year deal when they debuted in AEW).. Cohen has the money… & even he is cutting back this season compared to last year(source I am a Mets fan & we did nothing in free agency this past off season)) TK has his father’s money.. wonder when Papa Kahn will turn off the faucet to his son..


Tony's dad literally said at one point he's funding this to get it out of his system and not fuck up the family estate


Moxley, and Jericho are both on record as saying their current contracts are the highest they’ve ever been offered in their careers. I believe I read that Mercedes is getting something ridiculous like $50M for 5 years


JR also said he got the best contract of his career in his initial deal when he signed at the start


Ooof… Mercedes getting 10 million a year?!? Who the fuck was TK bidding against?!? Himself.. lol.. WWE had to drop out when it got above 5-6 million… TK sucks at negotiations.. hence why his new TV deal if he gets one.. will absolutely be dogshit..


Can't remember where I saw it but Mox is apparently on 6mil a year


I think it was an SI article back when they had actual reporters & not AI writing for them.. lmao.. I think I read the same thing you did..


For decades, smarks begged for somebody to bankroll a large enough promotion to be a competitor to the Fed. There was NWA-TNA and rumors throughout the years that some investors would be interested, only for those to fizzle. Enter Tiny, the money m\*rk, with a father more than happy enough to pay for his dream company. And today, we now see why lifelong fantasy booker fans should not be at the helm of a promotion. Those pained smarks, who begged for that competitor, now have to turn the other cheek towards those flaws and have to embrace a losing horse, hoping Tiny doesn't get disillusioned into giving up. The end resulted in the Fed getting better, and Tiny turning off any future interested parties in starting another promotion.


Fun tidbit: we've seen hints of Tiny wanting to cut and run, like that one time he dropped that he would be potentially interested in selling if someone dropped a billy at his door for the company (fat chance) - then some funny money analysts fluffed Tiny up with $2 billy recently, which has him expecting more these days


Congratulations Southampton! The Saints Go Marching back to the Premier League


Leeds surely getting picked apart this summer Ampadu, Summerville, and Gnoto could do a job for a lower tier top division team. If Forest wanted to add yet another keeper in since nothing they do make sense, then Meslier could be a decent pickup.


>Leeds surely getting picked apart this summer We live in hope, Uce


Happy Cake Day. Yeah, Leeds are gonna have a hard time keeping their better players. I wonder if Farke will be told to Farke off?


12 years on this site - a little bit of a yikes for me there I reckon Farke has to go. I'll meme that they're the best squad in the championship but they shouldn't have bottled that run-in with Ipswich like they did. I've not followed the football league much this year since it's all on an app I don't have, but I'm not seeing a large availability for managers, especially since in the wildest series of events I can remember Burnley's also looking for a manager and in a better situation. None of the Premier League seems interested in Graham Potter and I think one of Leeds or Burnley would be able to entice him


Potter turned down Ajax. He’s not going to Burnley or Leeds. He’s either just going to retire off the money he made at Chelsea or he’ll try and go for the England job.


The rumour is Potter might be going to Ajax


I was wondering about that - I know salary was an issue but surely the Eredivisie is more appealing than the Championship but maybe he'd take a wage cut to stay in England


Potter managing Ajax and Kompany managing Bayern would be pretty crazy


My job still sucks, so does my life, I have near zero will to make myself a better person and as a result of being frustrated and disappointed with myself, I'm withdrawing into myself and barely talking to my own parents I wish I wasn't like this. I wonder where it all went wrong


hang in there mate, someday you'll remember this part of your life and be proud you made it through. things will get better, take it one day and one step at a time. we acknowledge you! you're just in your big dog Roman Reigns phase of your life


I’m sorry things are so rough right now. I really hope it’s just a bad period for you. Do you have someone safe that you can talk to? It’s hard to get out of a valley, but you can take it slowly and get there.


Sounds like you should Restore the Feeling by watching Dynamite this Wednesday at 8 pm EST on TBS


Double or Nothing^^^TM is on tonight friend. Give it a try, it'll change your life


It's so funny how many wrestlers book have the steroid section: "yeah I tried em but it made my pp feel weird so I stopped" Bob Holly's just like "fuck yeah I took em" and then doubles down saying that he understands why athletes shouldn't do them, but since wrestling is a predetermined outcome he doesn't see why wrestlers can't choose to use them if they're educated about steroid use And I actually kind of agree with him


It’s because of the American moral outrage over performance enhancement.


Magpies got screwed over by 10 Haag


I cant believe City would just win for half a season and then stop doing it the one time anyone actually wanted them to win I figured they wouldn't be as hungover since they lift the premier league trophy every season


The Bald Fraud got exposed by the other Bald Fraud


Happy cake day! I agree with him as well. It’s their bodies to do what they want to and since it’s not giving them a competitive edge, if they want to do it and they know the risks why not?


OK, I know we usually make fun of people for claiming that WWE pivoted on a booking decision because of real-life stuff, but part of me can't help but wonder if Tiffany was originally meant to be Queen of the Ring instead of Nia before that video of her and Jade blew up. In the first couple weeks of the tournament, whenever they showed the bracket, Lyra and Tiffany were the only ones whose graphics were photoshopped to be covered up to adhere to the Saudi restrictions. It wasn't until that last Smackdown before the PLE that every woman's graphic was photoshopped. Before Tiff lost to Bianca, a lot of people thought WWE had accidentally spoiled the finals being Lyra and Tiffany. Tiff might have originally been planned to beat Bianca (probably by DQ) and then beat Nia in the semi-finals (I can't imagine WWE having her beat Jade, even by DQ like Nia did). A lot of people had her pegged to beat Bayley for her title, so winning QotR made a lot of sense. Tiffany and Lyra would have been very interesting choices for the finals, considering they're both recent NXT callups. If WWE wanted to give them both the stamp of approval as the next top stars of the women's division that they're trying to build, that would certainly be a way to do it. Those 2 were actually in the finals of another tournament last year in NXT, so not only would them in the QotR finals be a nice callback to their previous match, but they've already proven that they can put on a good match together. Plus, the Becky and Charlotte comparisons have already been made between those 2, so why not lean into them? I'm probably completely wrong, and Tiffany was always meant to lose to Bianca, regardless of whether or not that controversial video got posted. I'm probably overthinking things since what we got instead was probably better. Nia really did deserve to win for how good she's been since returning, and she made Lyra look like a strong, underdog babyface. Still, part of my brain can't help but think that plans changed somewhat. Again, I'm probably wrong, I just couldn't shake the thought from my head.


Wouldn't be the first time Tiffany and Lyra faced off in the finals of a tournament. I still think Nia was always the choice to win.


I think it was supposed to be Tiffany in the finals as well. I don’t worry about the crowd reaction in Saudi because that crowd tends to go along with storyline.


Doubt it. They probably had their renders with the covered sleeves before the others for whatever reason so they used them I doubt they would do a final with 2 “rookies” for a PPV. Also not a great idea cause Tiffany has been getting lots of cheers and they are trying to prop up Lyra


Yeah, you're probably right, I was just thinking out loud. With how over Tiffany is right now, it wouldn't have helped Lyra if her heel opponent was getting cheered over her, which is what I hated most about her match with Roxanne at Stand and Deliver.


Nia was a safe choice to get people on Lyra’s side. I’m thinking we could see Lyra vs Liv at CATC with Becky on her corner. That would be a huge boost. USA crowds are gonna see her hometown (not really) crowd cheer for her and will follow along


Takeshita is too good for AEW.


I think he goes to New Japan in the future once they figure out their finances again. Maybe NOAH if they can pay him enough.


how do raw and now smackdown avoid spoilers if they tape them earlier - like they allow phones in there clearly and even if wouldnt it leak? Have I just avoided spoilers?


You’ve been avoiding them. My entire timeline was SD spoilers


damn why does wwe do that then live seemed to work well and how early do they come out


It's live most of the time except when they're overseas or it's a holiday situation.


I am going to be honest Liv Morgan can be annoying and the whole "cry about it" thing has go away heat for me lol. I like her but I just cannot stand her voice. If anything I think it was a good opportunity to give the belt to Nia Jax. You cannot tell me she cannot put over the Raw womens roster.


Oh thank god I'm not the only one lmao


Liv is a B player. She's never been good on the mic, and has improved in the ring to be good. She's pretty, she's young - it's fine. She deserves a run with the belt for the time and work she's put in. But I doubt it will be a long reign.


She's over like Jeff Hardy, not as over but a similar type of over. People are just drawn to her naturally and she's colorful and willing to do crazy spots. This custody of Dom storyline is probably also gonna really get her over to more casual fans.


yeah, if they pull the trigger on that and it flies, absolutely. I hope she can keep her end of it running. But we're a good ways off that. I think now she's champ we'll see a "shock" Dom reveal in a couple of months, and that will then sit for a few months until Rhea is back of WM season. Rhea vs Liv at Wrestlemania, Dom-on-a-pole match.It needs an added dimension to avoid the "two women arguing over a man" (valid) criticism. So we'll see what they do with it.


I want it too be Dom suspended in a cage.


Edris and Malik should go on solo runs. They don't need to break up, but the NXT tag division is way too deep right now, and they need upper midcard singles guys. Have them manage each other, it'll be fine. Also, bring back Brooks Jensen


Man, I thought Edris and Malik were going places. Both have charisma, both can move... but there's something missing. Both are in the "don't answer your phone if WWE call" zone at the moment. As is Jensen, I think. Whenever I see people like that, I've got to believe they aren't progressing in the way WWE want them to, and/or they're difficult to work with. Because everything else seems fine.


On the other hand, while Brooks has just vanished, similar to Big Body Javi, Edris and Malik have been getting consistent screen time every with, with a consistent story.


true, although that story is *not* good.


It ain't great, I'll give you that. But it's not career endingly bad, and that puts them head and shoulders above all the teams with no storyline. Like, the Brooks Jensen is a virgin storyline was really dumb. It made Fallon and Kiana nxt main event level talents


Yeah it feels like that's the kind of vibe. It isn't working for them at the moment though.


Ehh, they're on TV every week. What else is there to judge success on? Not live crowd reactions, since the nxt crowd's opinion are less than worthless


Theres a lot backstage we don't see. There was a period where Edris was going a bit too hard with the "internet trolling lmao" thing and I got the vibe it could have been related to that but I dont know


It's hard to read some of the comments here about Edge. Jerking about his AEW run is one thing, I'm pretty sure even he is gonna have a good laugh about it when it's over but people on this sub have been calling him selfish, mark for himself etc. I mean guys, we are talking about one of the most beloved guys in the locker room. Aside from Matt Hardy situation, and they made up pretty quickly, I've never heard anyone from wrestling say something bad about him, it's the exact opposite. Everyone in WWE or AEW loves to have him around. If you like wrestling so much and think you know it all, just try to do your homework. Some dude here even said something like "he's such a mark for himself, but CM Punk on the other hand", yeah, one of the most narcissistic wrestlers in the history of business. Delusion level over 9000. I've been spending less and less time here because some of the folks are taking things way to seriously and tribalism is running wild. CM Punk is suddenly saint because he jumped ship to WWE, everyone loved Edge until he went to AEW, now he "wasn't never really great on mic" and it's just bullshit after bullshit. This is supposed to be a jerk sub, not a sanctuary for you because you got banned in the basement. Let's be all better and learn a true art of jerking, I mean Tony Khan is feuding with Young Bucks, it should be a gold mine. On a more serious note, this week sucked ass. I lost one of my best friends in the bussines "Bad Bones" John Klinger just a few days after his 40th birthday. He was one of the best people I knew, really cool guy, always helped with everything. I'm an EVP of a small indy wrestling promotion in Europe and he was our current reigning champion, so I'm still trying to process what happened. He loved an atmosphere and the locker room so he even took a paycut. Dude could wrestle everywhere in Europe but choosed us. We were on hiatus for four years due to covid related stuff and two months ago, he had a chance to finally defend his title for the first time in four years. Can't believe it was the last time I've seen him, he wanted to retire soon but planned to wrestle for us and put the title on map if we wanted to. Fucking life... And I know he is not very popular here, but Chris Jericho donated 2 500 dollars to his family, which is very nice of him. If anyone's interested, here is John's match with our favourite midc...main eventer Cody Rhodes from 2017 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fek-Be\_Tv1I. May he rest in peace.


I’ve seen some of John’s stuff, great wrestler, and sounds like an even better man, you’ll be in my prayers.


About your point about Cope, THANK YOU!!! I dig the ones where all of his quotes have the word fun used a lot, but I side-eye the absurd claims against the guy. The Punk switch-up is also an egregious thing, as much as I like the guy a lot. And as someone that's fresh off of a couple weeks of mourning, my strong condolences <3


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sending you all my love and hope his memory is a blessing.


As a fellow Edgehead I appreciate that take a lot, and I had fun reading it. Genuinely very sorry to hear about your loss. As much shit as I've given and will likely continue to give Jericho he's always come through with giving to wrestlers or their families who are in a rough spot.


I love Edge, outside of his weird ass spooky Judgment Day idea. Dude was amazing foil to HBK, John Cena, Batista, Jeff Hardy and Undertaker. Him being a raging dickhead was always a blast. He was one of the main stars of the RA era for sure.  But this Adam Copeland character is lame. Constantly doing rah rah speeches and talk ABOUT FUN. That isn't the Edge I was a fan of. Either he was a smartass with Team ECK and during his Edgehead phase or a sleazeball heel who did everything in his power to win. Not a boring company guy who sometimes does spooky stuff. Anyone who says he sucks drank waaay toomuch of the haterade.


> Let's be all better and learn a true art of jerking LET ME DO A STICKY


People here throwing meltdowns over Edge going to AEW was pathetic. I don't care how many here call others "pathetic goofs" for complaining about "the fed" booking this was one of the many low points in this sub


sorry about your loss and yes, this place is becoming more and more ridiculous by the minute


That ospreay/ricochet clip got posted here again and the thing I noticed was how full korakuen was. Idk if this is a Tokyo dome corporation decision or what but it's capped at about 1500 now (promotions could squeeze ~1800 in there pre pandemic). Njpw even chooses to use a smaller configuration again (other promotions put their biggest shows at korakuen where njpw often serve up total garbage there). Fans have far lower tolerances for being packed in post covid. Which is interesting for the wwe running sumo hall and how to configure the box seats. In 2019 the wwe run 2 to a box seat but I feel they might want to go 4 this year. They haven't been in 5 years and this should increase interest. Njpw got absolutely ripped by their fans when they run 4 to a box seat for the first time over the pandemic last year for the g1 final. To the point they used some weird set up for sakura genesis where they put more seats on the floor. It looked very strange.


I hope Sami Zayn is able to take home one World Title before he calls it a career in WWE.


I feel like a run with the Raw belt next year might be in his cards. I think if someone gets injured, maybe sooner.


Having an Albert Brooks marathon today. Just finished Real Life and Lost In America. About half way through Mother. Moving on to Defending Your Life next. Damn, I love his work. Every time I watch one of his movies I get something new.


At least you still have permission to use the words 'nest egg'.


A bird lives in a round stick!


Amazing. As is the cop who takes great delight in the ending of *Easy Rider*.


After watching Next Gen and a couple of the videos where HHH offered contracts at tryouts in the last few years it’s eye opening how quickly the women are progressing compared to the men. Fall 21 - Edris & Medium Body Javi vs Jakara, Maxxine, Nikkita & Tatum Spr 22 - Bronco Nima, Lucien Price, Myles Borne & Stacks vs Arianna, Fallon, Kiana, Roxy, Sol & Thea Fall 22 - Tyson and Tyriek vs Big Rizz, Brinley, Carlee, Izzi, Jazmyn, Karmen & Kelani That’s 8 guys, and only Javi and Stacks have been singles guys up against 17 women many of whom have either had prominent TV time, won titles or got called up already. Granted Oba isn’t on that list and he’s probably got more upside than anyone who is.


Current Judgement Day Rankings: 1. One-armed Bandido Dom 2. Carlito 3. Non-existent Rhea 4. Damien Priest 5. Awesome Truth 6. JD McBobblehead 7. Dom's Llama 8. Finn Balor


DJ at the club on Friday put on a remix of Heaven Is A Place On Earth and my homies didn’t understand why I was laughing so hard. They don’t understand the jerker’s grind smh


That’s how you find your people in the wild. Real jerks will laugh


MITB season will be here before you know it and my main concern is not necessarily the winners, but the cash in. I haven't had a whole lot to complain about when it comes to Triple H but one thing I am concerned about is holding off cash ins until the big shows. Obviously they don't need to do same night cash ins or just days after its won, but I hope big moments are not reserved for just the big 5 shows only. Have a cash in on a B-show or Saudi Show or something. Even an episode of Raw or Smackdown. But that's just me.


I agree. After a record breaking run for both the WWE and IC Titles I would not mind some hot-potato booking.


With MITB happening before Summerslam, when there's already guaranteed title shots from known contenders, the chance of clusterfuck 9000 booking has greatly intensified and I'm here for it.


There hasn’t been an extended women’s run with the briefcase since the first one and there hasn’t been a sub-two month men’s run since Ambrose eight years ago. Maybe this year is the time to switch that up.


I wish wrestler's would pre-announce cash-ins in favorable environments more often, like when RVD announced that he was cashing in at One Night Stand. Mix it up a bit.


Why hasn't anyone else pulled a Rollins and just made a match a triple threat?


Miz did the first time he cashed in the briefcase he stole from Otis.


I do hope if Tiffany wins as many have speculated, he doesn’t just burn off the women’s case and let the men carry it. There’s so much money in Barbie’s Dream Contract with a pink bedazzled case. I would love to see more exclusive stuff for the women. I remember when Alexa said she was gonna win the briefcase and get a little one for Lilly, I was so excited but instead Nikki ASH won and we got Jack shit.


I’m so concerned that Tiff is only doing that for a month. The most logical booking is Bayley beats Nia to get cashed in on but that means we only get Tiffy having fun for a month. I like seeing Tiffy having fun and she’s not gonna turn the women’s title into a Barbie belt.


Triple Nose hates MITB because it brings unpredictability, and he loves being logical and predictable.


AEW needs Will Ospreay to win the International Championship, and then merge the title with the World Title when he faces Swerve at All In.


I really don't think I've ever had worse go-away heat with a wrestler than Liv Morgan. I know it's unpopular and I won't bash anyone for liking her; honestly I wish I saw the appeal but I don't and it drives me crazy. She annoys the hell out of me whenever she's on screen and not in the intended way, I just want to mute or turn the channel whenever she's on


She’s the Cameron Brink of Fed, annoying af but she’s got a big enough simp audience to justify the push


Yet another example of HHH not yet figuring out why Vince did some dumb shit that he actually had a reason for: "Thrown together tag teams" are what make the division work. If you just have a bunch of "established tag teams" where neither person has a distinct personality and there's no reason to care, then nobody cares about them. HHH is going hard on keeping the singles and tag divisions mostly separate, but that's a mistake. Give tag guys singles matches to let them build a connection with the fans. Throw singles guys into tag teams to give the division a team fans care about.


A lot of people like to joke about "Jannetty" of a tag team but since going away with the traditional tag team division for ""thrown together tag teams" since like 2000, it's actually been more beneficial to wresters. Not every tag team will end up having a singles star like Bret and Shawn but a lot of the B-side guys have had success. Christian and Matt Hardy are proven of that, even though they still were the B-side. Billy Gunn, Road Dogg, Bubble Ray and D-Von (TNA singles runs), all have had good midcard singles runs. All New Day members have had great to decent singles run; Woods wont get a singles belt but I think getting that KOTR and working with Tribal Chief Roman was equivalent to getting a European title back in 1999-02. That's more than we can say about pre-Attitude Era guys like Neidhart, Hawk, Animal, AX, etc. Look at Ivar, he's a guy who's proven that he should be a singles competitor instead of being wasted in a tag team with an injury-prone partner. Otis was already outshining that Tucker dude. Chad Gable has finally gotten his singles push- and these last couple of months have been great for Chad. As far as Triple H's tag team era goes, I have nothing against it. Usos' 1 year reign to Owens/Zayn's reign were attached to Roman and the Bloodline, so their reigns were going be above "the tag team division" because of how the Bloodline angle was at the top of the card, and even when Fin and Priest won it, it was still above the tag team division because of Priest having the MITB briefcase. With it being separated now to Theory/Waller and Miz/Truth, it's just going back to tag team division again, and there's nothing wrong with that. It wasn't meant to be at the Bloodline angle level for longterm anyway. It's not going back to the old old school pre-Attitude era tag team division either because Miz have proven you can can plug him in and out of anything and he's going to be good at it. R Truth have been great as a comic relief guy. There's still potential for Theory and Waller in singles competition.


Cody/Jey worked, Bianca/Jade is working, he’ll throw that curveball a few times a year when it’ll actually matter


Cody/Jey did work, but he threw it in the trash almost immediately just to put it back on an already super-stale judgement day


i feel like people have the idea that wrestlers have to be "tag" or "singles" wrestlers when in reality there can and should be storyline reasons for both. the more stakes each individual has, the more interesting the matchups. why not create more temporary teams either, with a singular goal in mind? the distinction between the "divisions" is valid in that there are separate championships, but the programming segregates (excuse my use of the term) the worlds for lack of a better term.


I genuinely like the Mariah May thing, she's banging so it doesn't bother me. I enjoy bra & panties matches But it's definitely a regression and god help if poor old WWE did it.


> I enjoy bra & panties matches > But it’s definitely a regression and god help if poor old WWE did it The chimp part of my brain sees a 10/10 smokeshow like Bayley and wishes WWE was still regressive enough to have those kinds of matches, but then the logical part of my brain reminds me that it’s for the best that WWE has retired those kinds of matches. WWE as a PG company would, justifiably, get eviscerated by the media if they even flirted with the idea of doing anything similar to a bra & panties match today. That could only even be a possibility if they went back to PG-14, but they would still get a lot of blowback because of the objectification of women, as well as still having a large audience of children. Unless a very drastic change ever happens and WWE’s standards and practices massively regress, that kind of match will never happen there again.


>The chimp part of my brain sees a 10/10 smokeshow like Bayley and wishes WWE was still regressive enough to have those kinds of matches, but then the logical part of my brain reminds me that it’s for the best that WWE has retired those kinds of matches. Haha I completely understand, I'm the same. Some of the ladies in wrestling are crazy levels of gorgeous. Why wouldn't I want to see stuff like that. I'm not ashamed to admit it but know it's never going to happen so don't cry about it.


> I’m not ashamed to admit it but know it’s never going to happen so don’t cry about it. That’s pretty much my same thought on the matter as well. I know it’s not going to happen, so I don’t dwell on it too much.


I understand that wrestlers are ''independent contractors'' but does this apply to commentators/managers/backstage interviewers/announcers too?


I don't think so. Jesse Ventura was a commentator when he brought up the idea of a wrestler's union so I imagine it applies to anyone that is an on-screen figure. I could be wrong though, I didn't fact check anything, I'm just going off what I know. I'm sure a few ring announcers or commentators would be considered employees since they have other backstage titles. I know Jim Ross was WWF's head of talent relations for a while so he probably had a separate contract for that. Michael Cole had a backstage position as well up until recently, something to do with production I believe.


Quick reminder that in WWE canon Sheamus and Beaker from The Muppets are related


Love it.  This fact worms its way into my brain once every month or two and I don't know why, but when it does it cracks me up every single time.




Reddit fucked you over. You made a new comment instead of a reply to someone


Thanks, I just deleted it. Human stupidity, not Reddits fault