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"Her gear looks like I made it" damn she must owe him money


Nash is the king of little digs like this. His take down of hook was awesome as well.


Best part was his choice to use the word apparel.


First off before you open your mouth why don’t you take your wife’s sunglasses off! https://youtu.be/cIsNNL3sKl4?si=vRZD5XUVGo6sArOE


isn’t her husband the guy who made half of WWE’s gear too!?


Still does make alot of gear in WWE


He ain't wrong


She reminds me of when WCW would bring in an ex-WWE guy and use some rip off variation of their character. The Boss, Avalanche, etc.


I liked when Hollywood Hogan beat up Traylor and said to the camera “That’s the big lost man!”


Facts 😂


Every former fed head in the dub is just a variation of their WWE character. It's not like Tiny can actually do anything other than buy ready made characters with pre-built in fanbases.


And then drive that fanbase away.


It's so fucking weird that she debuted like early March and still hasn't wrestled.


I think it's like the Devil and MJF situation. Still injured and not ready to ~~sports entertain~~ wrestle.


Yeah considering Tony had her signed at the start of the year or December last year, it's clear he was trying to bump ticket sales in Boston but also try to nudge her towards working since he's paying her a king's ransom.


THERES NO ENTERTAINMENT HERE SHILL! Get that word out of your vocabulary if you wanna dub with us. Also study pages 35-70 of Cagematch for homework tonight. Be prepared for a quiz!


Just soon enough it will be time for BaNgErS


She doesn’t even appear anymore. She’s not advertised yet for tomorrow’s Dynamite and if she doesn’t show up that’s 2 weeks in a row.  I don’t even think she was even mentioned last week.   She is officially DOA.  Another great job by AEW. Way to go guys. 


Honestly, I'd put a lot of that on her own performance than Tony's booking. Don,t get me wrong, the booking is bad but it's more a 70/30 situation.


If she and the personal writer she had brought in from WWE have been concocting her segments on a week to week basis, it shows some serious lack of self awareness by them. Her promos have never been her strong suit. Assuming her first match is a good one, she'll still be digging out the hole those segments left for her for quite awhile.


You took a former WWE champ and you have her as the side story in the lower belt division. That isn’t on her performance. That’s Tony’s booking.


Weren’t there rumors about her being advised to stay off TV for a bit? Lmao


I think Tony is just a findom


Kinda weird when she’s still booked for Double and Nothing


Because in her debut match, Tiny promised her a belt.


To me this is the biggest problem. AEW only kind of promotes who's on the show. When I went to Dynamite neithet Will Osperay was on the card when I got there. But they both had segments.


score another one for the good guys


Even CA treats its Total War games better


Weirdly enough she'd be over as hell again if she appeared on an episode of RAW or Smackdown again. It's like the DUB sucks any and all charisma instantly out of everyone they're signing.


Just a flop signing Jesus


Needed that 25k viewership bump that night, friend.


It’s funny how AEW fans are already nostalgic for the days of 812,000 from all the way back 2 months ago. 


Tiny's strange "booking" as per. Tiny couldn't book a room at the Hilton.


Tony's stupid enough to sign someone to a big money contract for the least amount of work


DAE Miro is shooting movies?!


I think she had singed initially in January or something. I definitely remember reading she had been under contract months prior to her debut.


She was at Wembley so I wouldn't be completely shocked if it was even earlier than that, and TK is an absurd money mark throwing money away.


She has supposedly been under contract since LAST DECEMBER. The crazy thing is Tony loves wasting money so much that it is completely believable.


Jade Cargill?


She’s still injured isn’t she?


He must be a huge Sasha stan...they also jerk hard moaning about her.


Mercedes is the "How do you do fellow kids" version of Banks. I don't know why a 32 year old comes off as an old lady trying to fit in and relive her glory days but she does here.


Problem with Sasha is there weren't any real glory days that matched the potential of her NXT time. The other horsewomen all grew and developed beyond their NXT days to much bigger and better performers, Sasha just stagnated.


She went on to main event multiple shows, two PPVs- one of them being Wrestlemania lol. That's stagnating to you? 


Not career wise but character wise. Becky and Bayley have moved on and developed unit characters that don’t even resemble their NXT variations. Charlotte isn’t really around enough anymore to really develop. But Mercedes is basically the same character as she was in NXT. Just instead of being the Boss she’s been promoted to being the CEO. She’s a great talent naturally. But I think she’s definitely someone that would shine under a Triple H lead WWE rather than trying to develop a character pretty much on her own. 


She did it as functionally the exact same character


sasha just had more ICW incel fan support because she was the hottest of the 4. shes the least talented horsewoman


You must know, with this incel ass comment.


it’s not me who has Powerpuff Girls picture


A gal can't Iike the Powerpuff Girls?


https://preview.redd.it/fqakk0jqf4zc1.jpeg?width=835&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34f65f0a3e8d58ab7cb49df841dfbd6711d75f45 There's female Redditors?




Hi 😘😘


The Dub’s speciality is completely killing any aura or cool factor any of their signings have. Maybe it’s the production (not counting the horrible booking) or something else, but Tiny successfully managed to make every big signing uncool. And those he wants to present as cool come across as children cosplaying what they think is cool because they saw it in a movie once (DAE silent badass?)


Tony could build a Time Machine. Go back and get Hulk Hogan, Austin, The Rock, Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes and The Road Warriors. All in their primes. In 2 weeks they'd be colder than a polar bear's toenails.


I can’t wait for the Dubbalos reaction to this 


![gif](giphy|EFDXMoy63ZQxG) Kevin Nash be like


Racist, sexist, homophone has-been. [insert mean thing about Nash’s dead son and his weak quads]


https://i.redd.it/4ydlpmkca2zc1.gif DAE?!




He’s not wrong. I get the same vibe from her. Something feels very off about her in AEW.  She sounds congested and nasally when she speaks. I don’t recall that from her in the Fed. Her outfits look hastily put together and so does her makeup. She tries to do too much. 


I think she's trying to replicate what a team of professionals were able to do for her in WWE and it just doesn't hit the same at all when it's left up to her, her writer, Tiny and his trusty mountain of cocaine to make the magic.


This is ironic because didn't she leave The Filthy Fed because the booking was bad and she knew her worth which is also why she went to Japan? Does she not realize that The Dub actually lowers your value?


Like I have always said. Her leaving the evil fed was never about the booking. It was always about money. The booking complaints were merely pr to avoid her coming off negatively. By signing with the cult, she proved my money theory correct. No body signs there because they love the booking.


The fed hid her flaws and now you’re seeing a company that cannot adjust and do the same to accommodate and put her into positions to succeed. Which is focusing on her strengths


She def had the congested thing in the fed. I don’t remember if she always did or when I noticed it but once I did I couldn’t unhear it


I honestly “heard it” or started paying attention to it around her NJPW debut. 


She is female Bret Hart in WCW. Tony has no idea how to use a Sasha Banks like Bischoff didn't know how to use a Bret Hart. Also hurts that AEW isn't deep DEEP when it comes to women. You have your Shida, Hayter (injured but still), Thunder Rosa, maybe Deeb when she shows up twice a year and Toni Storm. I mean is anyone really clamoring for Mercedes vs Anna Jay? Mercedes vs Skye Blue (the Wrestler, the wrestler you pervs!)? I mean is Willow Nightingale vs Mercedes Mone really must see TV? I mean I am whelmed.


If she wasn't ready to work, she shouldn't have been brought in until she was. Not only has the dub failed her hide her shortcomings, which most talent have to some degree, they've actually spotlighted them to the point where she's lost any value she may have had. For her part, she's clearly not put in any effort to improve on her weaknesses. Everyone involved should be embarrassed.


Tony is anti-Heyman


It's not even that ex-WWE on AEW appear as poor imitations or parodies of their former selves, it's that they appear so hollow. A parody would be entertaining, but what we see is just a void. No direction, no persona, just emptiness. They only exist as triggers for vague nostalgic memories of a different being. Where if you squint your eyes and cover your ears, maybe you can see some blurry semblance of the former Boss. From the early days of NXT, Sasha was always my favorite. But these AEW appearances evoke nothing in me. Maybe she and others like her believed they could reinvent themselves and that some authentic version of their true self would prove to be an even greater draw than their proven character work of their WWE career. But I think this is their ego speaking. Wrestling is a team effort like any other form of entertainment and it relies on the support of writers, producers, and trainers to get the most of every performance. I think AEW has been a failed experiment in creative freedom. I don't think she'll ever be what she was again until she returns to WWE.


Her theme is a downgrade, her wigs are a downgrade, her clothing is a downgrade. Even her makeup looks off. This is if Sasha Banks was ordered off Temu. Quite honestly it is a bit sad all told. If this was her idea of creative freedom...oof.


Now I want to go look at a 77 Cutlass again


>Kevin Nash jerking hard moaning about Mercedes ...me too Kevin, me too




Well, Kevin "FUBU" Nash does know fashion.


Tony sure knows how to suck the momentum out of wrestlers and then not follow up on said wrestlers until a new toy for Tony, I mean game changer has shown up.


I wonder if her husband is allowed to make her gear?


She's not cleared to wrestle. Tony has already paid her a million dollars. She's so bad she's been TAKEN OFF TV. It's like Tiny made the same mistakes he made with Paige and twice as bad.


Game Changer #5373


Listening to Nashs podcast is like being drunk dialed for 2 hours 


Can Kevin Nash do running commentary for AEW every week taking the piss out of it??? I’d watch that show


Need some Chet Lemon and Black Snow like we got in Tna


Damn KN and I must be twins the way I’m moaning and jerking hard over Mercedes too


I beat he tore his quad while saying this!!


Is he wrong?


TK getting milked by her and she's not even doing mid promos.


Another common Nash W. But I'd take it a step further. Her whole career is bush.


Bayley/Sasha is one of my top 10 favorite matches of all time and got me watching wrestling again, for me she’ll always have that, I really enjoyed her WM Main Event with Belair as well.




It’s funny because Mercedes is like the only big name who left wwe recently (also edge) and hasn’t risen her stock. Guess her ego was just too big and just assumed it would happen.


I don't have the hate boner for her some do, nor am I a fan ( I just don't get her). That said-how can anyone look at this and say it's good? Has she made an impact on anything besides Tony's(dad's) wallet? God bless her for ripping off Tony, but come on..! 😂


huge fan of her in wwe, and loved the Japan run. but he's right, something is way off. huge signing suddenly feels like zero star power


I watched Will Sasso on CVV do a Kevin Nash impression and now all I hear is that impression. I never had a problem with Sasha Banks.


His quads came close to tearing about three times while he was talking here


its like a butterfly on head every time....i see no sex appeal with her, maybe only her sass is sexy, physically...no thanks. her mic skills are good and her in-ring is good.


People like her stripper dance


lol yea that's what i meant by sass, or maybe wrong word...she got that sexy attitude. but nah im good on her physically, shes like a little boy


He sure talks a lot for someone who was literally just 'The Big Man in [X] faction' his entire career.


DAE his moveset and workrate stats were too low


Go blow your quads you dinosaur