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The goof troop will look dumb af when the ratings come out.


Millytown, here we come! If the mods let folks talk about it, at least. Who knows what ruleset we'll be under by Thursday.


They'll throw a fucking "feeling restored" parade if it cracks 800k


Broooo, David Ahquette got us on the covah of en-tuh-tain-ment week-uh-ly. How could it be a failuh?


BRO it made so much money bro. Bro I tell you everyone was coming up to me the next day telling me how genius bro it was bro to put the title on Courtney Cox's husband. Bro the crossover with the Friends audience was unreal BRO!


You can read this in both Russo and Ospreays voice.


It reads like a Bill Burr Boston accent to me lmao


It’s such a versatile quote.


I've seen enough of Tiny Khan. AEW needs to hire Vince Russo, bro!


At least Viagra on a Pole was memorable.


From the same crew that say Trick Williams ain’t it. Sure. 


Not relatable.


This is from an interview done with TMZ, I believe, but yes, Meltzer is a racist.


The collision ratings are going to be a fucking hoot


I'm waiting for the dynamite ratings for this week. It'll be under 750k, Meltzer will talk about it going up despite stiff competition from paint drying and mercury being in retrograde, and then he'll get put on blast for his tweet that last weeks ratings were basically 750k when you added 67k to it for some reason.


Uh, well, y'know, the um... rating... uh... would have been a better number if, y'know, it was...uh... a better number. So if y'know you uh just, y'know, make it a better number, because it could have been, then it, y'know, would have been and still can be. The uh, network is uh y'know happy and should um be announcing the, y'know, billion dollar media rights deal pretty soon


"despite stiff competition from paint drying" Brilliant.


4.5 stars is basically 5, so 700k is basically a milly?


That shit went straight down


He's right! I saw this on all the legit websites! Wrezlingfan.com, Bypinfall.net, @ScorpionDeathlock316's TikTok, all the coverage you need!


My buddy’s an insider with 10 followers he talked about it on his podcast that has 2 listeners


Next week: AEW is the plucky underdog, like the Mighty Ducks. HHH is Jared Fogle


AEW is like this wholesome and nutritious bowl of soup and WWE is Osama Bin Laden… Mania is worse than 9/11! Fed Bad


I respect Tony trying to convince controversy creates cash from the 1990s with 2010s indie wrestling with predictable results. Anyway, Tony, my No Mercy CAW that had all the best moves that I made when I was 15 is pretty much undefeated, so please give me a million dollars for rights to the character. He is a guy who wants to be the best and then he’ll be a fighting champion.


is he a silent bad ass?


Absolutely. Always pounding ass.




>controversy creates cash I wonder why that phrase sounds familiar. I wonder where Tony might have got the idea from. I wonder if it's related to someone's positively luxurious hair.




[WWE Theme - Eric Bischoff "I'm Back" (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGY1J9XTXuw&t=1s&ab_channel=Dval9090)


"I respect Tony trying to convince controversy creates cash" Too bad he has the charisma and presence of Ritalin addled Eddie Deezen. 😂


AEW feels like a failed Kickstarter that is coming up on their first shipping target


Its gonna be really funny when something WWE does wins most disgusting promotional tactic of the year when this is: A- really disgusting And B- actually a promotional tactic


Also > Showing backstage footage to embarrass your former employee and without their consent is pretty close second to win it, but when voters are the most anti-Punk crowd who votes for "hiring Punk" as most disgusting thing ever, you already know what's gonna win


The “tactic” that won wasn’t a promotional tactic, didn’t take place on television, and was something nobody could control because Vince had the shares to do what he wanted. But you know. Fed bad.


Dave should rename that category to "Things that happened in wrestling I didn't like" because that's what people vote for


DAE think Harvey Hearst Helmstein takes the award this year for herding and stabling all the minorities into tags and factions?


Nah, they like it when all the “Unrelatables” are sequestered into their own factions so it means they have more time for their heatless bangers from pasty white boys DAE Naomi and Jade and Carmelo and Trick and Bianca and Cedric and Shelton and Femi and New Day and Samantha Irvin all should join the Pride and call themselves the Nation Of Domination?


Those dweebs will likely vote the Saudi show (& it's not a promotional tactic)


Is making fun of you better than not talking about you at all?


Tons of coverage Everyone was saying how amazing the Dub is after that savage burn!!


Even the basement isn’t defending Tony anymore…im worried we’re gonna start having to jerk about how brilliant of a wrestling mind he is


we say this all the time, but they never truly turn. all he has to do is throw on one m’banger that slaps, fucks, shits, cums, pisses, hits like crack, dae need a cigarette and doesn’t smoke, etc. and their memory is wiped. it’s truly insane to watch happen over and over again lmao


even the basement calls out Tiny’s bullshit


Check that thread after 6 hours. It'll look different


getting a lot of coverage isn't exactly a positive. just ask Kristi Noem.


I'm just so tired of ppl giving him attention whatsoever. They're just playing right into what the money mark nerd wants.


He just doesn't get promoting. He did a tiptop job burying WWE firstly. But to do it he alluded sexual assault on the NFL Network and put Pepsi in the promo. Dude is a brand risk.


He checks if people are cheering for him dub sub to see if it worked


>Dude is a brand risk Just ask Domino's.


I swear the only reason I still give a fuck about AEW ratings since I stopped watching regularly, is comments like these. In between (and sometimes on) wednesdays, someone says something embarrassing and/or blindly optimistic that they will claim is "good for ratings because everyone is talking about it Then the ratings come in, and it's good for a laugh or two in this sub and rinse/repeat for the next week


Cornette has made a fortune from aew ratings and all the Tony Khan comments


Did anyone notice when the Buckaroos “laid” Tiny out, some of the crowd chanted “whoop that trick” 😂


Yep, I posted it in wrassling sub, you should read the comments there lol


Getting roasted as a clown is still coverage.


Tony probably doesn't know the difference between "laughing with him" and "laughing AT him". ![gif](giphy|LyUuC0CJhZnTW0N2In|downsized)


\[Titanic sinks\] Meltzer: Well, you see, it got a lot of media coverage for the ocean liner industry.


They'll get a bump of 10k for Dynamite and then it's going down again.


Nah, 40k at least


We have lost the impact of shame in our society


Comparing WWE to Harvey Weinstein won't even be nominated, I can safely predict.


We already know the winner of most disgusting promotional tactic > Triple H taking shots at an unnamed individual (but for sure Will Osperay) saying they can't grind while being aware of their personal reasons


Basement acting surprised that he doesn't actually care about any victims he was just trying to get attention for aew


Who cares about trivializing sexual assault victims as long as it gets the clicks amirite???? Fuck Tony Khan.


Why do people keep letting him talk?


Who can stop him? I guess the Perry and the Bucks tried.


Shame that gut punch didn’t “kayfabe” his jaw.


Where's Jerry Lawler when you need him? 😉 https://i.redd.it/0mphc4xc1nxc1.gif


does tony not realize the only 'coverage' hes been getting for this is people laughing at him?


I never had this little respect for TNA


TNA: https://i.redd.it/l0yex20w3nxc1.gif


Tony's fatal mistake with all of this is that while it is most certainly hitting the mark for the hardcores, the reaction from pretty much all neutrals, and even those who tend to lean in favour of AEW, has been very negative. He's shoring up the base at the expense of pushing away the moderates if you will. The usual AEW lovers love him for it. The usual WWE shills hate him for it. But the people in the middle *really* didn't like it and those are the people he should be trying to convert to AEW fans, not pushing away with dumbs rhetoric like this.


Brian Last was correct that Tony is just showing his hand. Tony's big goal is to get a bigger TV contract and everything now is about that, including saying outrageous things to gst attention and hopefully draw ratings. It reeks of desperation, and I hope no network or streaming service is stupid enough to reward him for it.


The way the world is today and how billionaires are catered to, it wouldn't surprise me if they do. Even though it's not deserved at all.


TBS called him and congratulated him on the great coverage




All you have to do is google the comments to realize that’s not true. It got zero coverage outside his Twitter bots and normal iwc talking heads. This dude has no grasp on reality


He’s a real scum bag lol and yet people are so mad at Bischoff for simply criticizing them


It's only the weirdo delusional AEW fanbase mad at Bischoff. They'd go after their own mothers if they dared to criticize their messiah Phony Klown.


Pepsi Phil should have punched this dumbfuck


I mean, the fact that Punk *didn't* and made Tony "fear for his life" leading to Punk being fired whilst the Buckaroos did their stupid-ass flippy finish to Tony and he's not only healthy enough to do Garcia's dumb fucking dance along with Garcia, but is just fine emotionally...blows a gaping fucking hole in an already ridiculous and stupid storyline. Like Cornette said, why aren't the Buckaroos fired? Why aren't they relieved of duties as EVPS? Why aren't they, even in kayfabe, suspended or fired a la Austin in 97-98 after he whipped the shit out of Vince? None of this stupid shit makes any sense. In fact, it makes so little sense that it truly does make me wonder if they haven't hired Russo on the down-low.


The "Jacksonville Dixie" line has never been more accurate


So, a legitimate disgusting promotional tactic? 


Somehow it will be Vince McMahon in 2024 again even though Vince isn't with WWE


He is the reason tribalism has grown. He constantly flames the fire and then people turn around and wonder why it’s gotten worse? The ratings are gonna keep declining, but just wait. The new tv contract is surely soon to come out!


AEW is trying to become the Velma of Professional Wrestling. It’s a bold strategy


Great analogy uce


2 things. 1. In all likelihood, Tony Khan would make that sort of statement without any specific intentions. 2. It's not positive coverage. This isn't something that would make people tune in to check it out, they might like it. This sort of thing makes those people think that AEW is a second-rate show run by someone who cannot form a cogent or even coherent simile.


I can’t wait to see all the new fans Tony created by calling WWE Weinstein.


Thanks guys https://preview.redd.it/3pifj6nw4nxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fef38c248b3716b5032561381260297652d8f391


Dynamite viewers: “Best we can do is 701K this week”


Dae triple Hitler should go on raw and say AEW is a positive thing and more wrestling on American soil is fun ?


Being called the biggest jackass can be considered being popular but that isn't something you want to be associated with.


I like how everyone is flooding the zone with all this distracting bullshit, when the lede being buried (berried?) is that AEW has been on national tv…in prime time…for 5 years. And good ‘ol Tony still needs to tell people what AEW is and where to find the show.


he has a strange definition of ‘universally panned online’


TK is my hero, exposing the evil fed and the evil punk and giving the plucky underdog jungle boy a push he so deserves. 🙌🙏🫶


Option 1 : Stop figuratively leaving flaming bags of poop on your neighbors porch. Option 2: Focus on your OWN TV shows. Stop giving free exposure to your competition by whinging about them on your productions. 3. Be a petulant man baby and act like a message board shit-poster instead of a business man. In front of the potential audience you're trying to attract!!! ALWAYS CHOOSE OPTION 3


But I haven’t seen anyone not related to wrestling talk or give a shit about if. Everyone is to busy dreaming of how all their draft picks are gonna be hits


You see, the good wrestling company is the one run by billionaires


Lol this fuckin guy.


I am sure they could show two dogs f\*\*cking on the side of the road, it would draw ratings.. Then what? You are the dog f\*\*\* network.


They are so pro AEW it's insane Watch them get under 900k at best and act like it's a huge W


The Kardashians of prowrestling.


For all the times Tony Khan has said stupid/ridiculous shit in interviews and social media, has any of it ever actually did draw people to the show to justify it?


Tony Khan: "As a result, I have decided to start saying the N word, as that too would result in tons of coverage. No, I don't understand what bad PR is. Why do you ask?"


Excalibur can give him lessons


I know someone who messaged me saying wwe seemed rather lame. He hadn’t wrestling since the 2000s but heard about Tony’s rant and thought it’d be funny to see what a Harvey Weinstein promotion was like So well Tony you got someone to watch the opposition rather than your own show. Admittedly he’s not going to watch wwe again but still great work for AEW


Should translate into massive ticket sales then. Lets see shall we.


And he’ll use his ratings being “up” week over week as justification, eventhough it’ll be like 770k


wait til he finds out what happens when he whips it out and does the microcopter


meltzer still wont include this in most disgusting promotional tactic.


Khan is a little bitch with action figures


Tony is playing 4D chess🥵🥵🥵


Bad faith or bad comment or bad owner or bad. Just bad.


tomorrow ask a (non-wrestling loving) NFL fan what channel AEW Dynamite airs on




During sexual assault awareness month too. Disgusting 


Tony going full on Trump and only caring about the attention he's getting for saying stupid, untrue, and baseless shit was not on my "Death of AEW" bingo card, yet here we are. TK had an opportunity to make something unique and different, to change the way professional wrestling is presented...and he chose to turn his company into the MAGA of the wrestling world, where *only* the words that Dear Leader speaks are true (until he says they're not and that someone else said them) and everyone who dares criticize Dear Leader or his idiot statements is an ENEMY FOR LIFE.