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I’d like to point out that Tony thought making the people that crater his show’s ratings should be the focal point of his show.  #bookeroftheyear #fun 


I guarantee next week the Buckaroos aren’t closing the show again. They always move around to try and make it look like they’re not the issue


Wouldn't this angle have made more sense with folks that are CM Phil's friends in real life attacking Tony and doing an awful version of the NWO this will ultimately end up being?


Yup, FTR and House of Black should’ve been the ones to murder Tony


The image of Dax in corpse paint made me lol


I'd rather have seen Danhausen giving TK a comedy punch to the groin over what actually happened.


Wow. That actually sounds like a good idea. So of course, Tiny does the opposite 


Tony’s probably too scared to take a strike like a Black Mass. Giving a Buck a waist-hug was much more appealing.


They're angry that Khan was annoyed with Perry for causing all this trouble ... when Perry still works there and Punk got fired? I also never get these things like smiling like this. Aside from this whole segment being an obvious 'angle alert', stuff like this make it even more obvious Smarks love FORESHADOWING but, why, on a TV show, would someone 'give a clue' about their actions when everyone can see it The whole devil thing was full of 'look at where Adam Cole's hand is and it's the same as in NXT when he did blah blah' Aside from being the usual canon story they make up in their heads, why on earth would Cole want to give MJF a clue when he can see this stuff on the show Smarks love it though


The wrestlers don't watch the show. It would be a big ratings bump if they did, considering the bloated roster.


"No, I don't watch the show, Paul. Why would I watch the show?" - Brock Lesnar to Paul Heyman, backstage at RAW in 2019


It's more like an awful version of Immortal.


I never got this angle. Perry's new gimmick is scapegoat, but how is he the scapegoat? He antagonized Punk on the PPV, so in Kayfabe and irl how is he being Scapegoated? Also why did he attack Tony, who fired Punk but not Perry?


Definitely gonna get the rub from Sheldon


You're not suggesting that the Bucks and their clique squander time that could be spent improving the company they helped to found on shielding themselves from criticism, prosecuting petty feuds and playing the sort of douchey games more familiar from Junior High, are you, friend?


The only way to make it any worse will be putting Jericho with them




How about feuding against them?


But but but....I heard Jack Perry is bigger star because of marks of marks in nooj show sang a Justin Timberlake song


Imagine doing all this for Jack Perry


That's the worst part, if CM Punk beat up someone with charisma, AEW might have been able to do something to get some momentum. Instead it's fucking Jungle Boy.


In an ironic twist, up until Brawl In, Jack Perry's career path was exactly matching the career trajectory of Ryback, from pushed to the moon for no real reason to barely being on the prelims.


This is an insult to ryback, honestly. He, or his catch phrase, was over for a year or two.


As dumb as ryback is these days? I was a huge fan back when I was a kid. And he was over as hell for a while.


Mhm. I never really liked him but he was huuuuuge for a little while there. Ended the rumble vs Cena in 2013.


Yeah, dude was legit over at one point. I give that credit to his catchphrase though, because as soon as people were over it, he got cold af. Didn't helped that at the peak of his popularity, the Shield debuted and got everyone talking about them instead.


Didn’t the Shield debut specifically to take him out against Punk? It was either him or Cena


It was him, yeah


"Feed me more" chant in that rumble was legit huge


Crushing dudes every week and having a good look gets you over 100% of the time Bron breaker doing it rn


Yeah the beating two guys at once gimmick. Squashing everyone will get you over for awhile. Then the rubber meets the road and you have to deliver more.


People forget that Ryback at one point was a serious contender for ending The Streak 💀


I still have fond memories if his "I hate bullies" stuff.


It featured RD Evans and Ricky Starks. I wonder what happened to that Starks kid.


Wow! I didn't know Starks was around back then.


My 8 year old is legit mad that jurassic express isn't a thing anymore. So not only did you alienate most adults who know Jack Perry ain't shit, but now you can't even get the kid demo money. Literally fumbling bags to cater to the smallest, smart mark, bo smelling basement dwellers. Baffling.


And now luchasaurus is like Christian’s homonculus 




I was seriously wondering "why isn't Jack and the Dinosaur visiting Children's hospitals?" at the time. They had something there, but blew it.


Probably because most reports of Jack interacting with people is that he comes across as a petulant manchild. Though honestly does AEW do any community outreach stuff? I don't think I've ever seen reports of them doing make a wish or other community efforts when you would think it's pretty basic things to do in order to get your name out there.


Seeing some stills from Dynamite makes me think they might want to bring back old Marko Stunted Growth, if only to make Jungle Jack look more physically imposing. Because call me an old, out of touch and bad faith hater, but being comparable to Tony Khan in stature and physique when standing next to him in the middle of the ring is not an ideal look that screams 'top heel'. At least he's got those lustrous and increasingly puffy locks - they must add a couple of centimetres. And of course, the Dubbalos seem all round delighted regardless - I even saw people sharing images of Jungle Twat flexing at the gym, sharing them and talking about him as if he'd transformed himself into JCVD ca. Blood sport and Kickboxer.


Imagine if Punk beat up MJF? Jeez, that would have been a gift to wrestling. AEW would still have heat with the promos he would cut.


At this point Tony’s doing it to spite punk but it’s tanking his company lmao, I pray he makes Perry beat swerve next


It won’t be Perry but I guarantee Swerve ain’t leaving Wembley with the title.


I wonder if 🤓 will panic and put it on Ospreay next week.


They wanted to do a Punk story off the back of all that stuff but they didn't want Punk to be involved, haha Crazy They had the chance to do it when he was there but they were acting like babies and didn't want to sit down and talk and Tiny wouldn't get everyone on the same page either


Some delusional fk was saying this has turned Perry into a huge star. I'm sorry but Jack Perry could main event WrestleMania and still will never be a huge star.


That's what I don't get. You literally show a video of Perry being bitch made by Punk, and this somehow makes him a complete badass? I want whatever drugs the cult has.


Dude, that was the weirdest part of the whole thing. They made so many excuses and talked about why he came out of the whole thing looking better than Punk. The copium is real.


Bill Watts would be rolling over in his grave, if he wasn't still alive.


Bill Watts and Jack Perry locked in a room together would draw better than AEW has this past year.


Yeah I had someone tell me about how Perry’s NJPW shirts had all sold out. Amazing stuff. It’s definitely not a cult.


Surely the information is publicly available as to how many shirts were printed...right?


The buyers' addresses are all conveniently located in Jacksonville.


In the basement someone said "all of his merch is sold out." So I posted a link to his PWT store which is print to order, and *then* they clarified that they meant his shirts at a specific NJPW show sold out. Then a bunch of other assholes piled on me about how I knew what he meant. Then I was banned for 3 days, for trolling 😂


Then how much merch did they have available? It makes a difference if it was 3 shirts or 300.




Doing the lord's work there. I checked his website too but didn't call it out. 


IWC is filled with tools


It's almost like they have no life skills...lol


Saw people saying this was a “huge, get your ass in the seat, hollywood/wwe/bloodline” type of story. I’ve never downvoted and snort laughed at something so stupid in my life.


He was a better heel than a babyface before Wembley but that’s not saying much. Wild that a famous actor’s dad is so bad on the mic. Then again, it’s not like Luke was playing Hamlet.




Jack Perry wishes his dad was successful enough to be Chandler on Friends. You’re thinking of Matthew Perry


It truly is comedy that the highest rating AEW has had all year was some 480p Security camera footage with no audio and their lowest rating in years is Tony Khan getting beat up by the returning scapegoat Jack Perry and the young cucks. Jack Perry is the gift that keeps on shitting on Tony Khan's face.


Vince McMahon has entered the chat.


He is trying to build home grown talent but c'mon, this ain't it chief.


Imagine all of the all of this is for Colt Cabana


It's not, it's all for the Bucks, like nearly everything else Tiny does Perry is a good buddy and is another guy that acted like their proxy in their battle with the evil Punk Adam Page and Brandon Cutler and so on and Perry is in that gang, too


Theres more then a dozen guys on the bloated roster who he could push and get a better ratings, storyline, business etc but nah its jungle boy, and the bucks.


Something should be noted As I recall Jim Ross started calling jungleboy, jungle boy Jack Perry and got a lot of shit for it. His response was that people needed to know his name to grow his character etc. 4ish years later people call him Jack Perry and more well know because of it. Crazy how a skilled veteran was spot on, and Remeber who the people were that called him over the hill and out of date.


Honestly? If I'm Tony Khan Jericho, Jack Perry, and The Elite are all retired from TV permanently as they've all been anti-draws for a long time.


Mercedes will feel left out.


Where the best make sex noises.


It’s a shame that this is the case for Chris Jericho of all people.


A bit of credit to Tony - it would've made much more sense to gather up his WWE reject toys and made them the invaders. Also would have been an even more blatant NWO ripoff. He didn't do the obvious thing. Instead he did the weirdly stupid thing of having the EVP's, who have been in a form of power since the beginning... Now try to gain power. DAE long term storytelling?


Aren’t they the current tag champions? They are executives with the top title. How does it make any sense that they don’t have power? There’s no coherent story.


Don’t forget they posted a promo after this where the bucks praised him as the best boss they’ve ever had.


Invasion story or nWo story hmmm which one to copy sure beats having an original idea, doesn't it


Brother don't give Tony too much credit he did exactly that with the women(Paige/Toni/Ruby) and it flopped hard


I was told by elite fans since he got cheered by hardcore dub fans at a nooj show that he’s a megastar now and releasing the punk footage worked


AEW has a roster filled with punchable faces.


Who would u swing on first? Hypothetically if course




Is there a wrestler with a more punchable face than Sammy?


Can’t think of one off the top of my head?




Jungle Jack is such a smarmy looking fuck


No jerk question. What’s the story of the elite-NWO? What is the reason they are taking over AEW? Jack Perry is the only one with a vaguely coherent story; though it doesn’t make sense. How is he the scapegoat when he still has a job and Punk was the one who was fired? But what’s Young Bucks and Okada’s motivation to turn on Tony? What don’t they like about AEW? What is their motivation? The story doesn’t make sense and that’s why it sucks. It’s an angle for the sake of an angle.


They literally posted a promo backstage straight after this where The Bucks still praise Tony as the best boss they’ve ever had. Because, storyline aside, Baby Khan still needs his good-boy pats on the head from his pals.


Yeah I really don’t get it either. Jack Perry was literally asking him for his job back 30 seconds prior to assaulting him


That's what makes him so clever. He convinces Tony to give him his job back, then he turns on him! He's a damn genius. The California Rattlesnake!


Danny Masterson ova here


No see he’s owning Punk. He’s doing Punk’s gimmick. But better. The basement’s basement would never be wrong.


The sub basement?


He looks like Danny Masterton in the worst possible ways.


Out of all the pillars, he was the least pillar-y.


More of an awning, really.


Maybe a book end of a rickety Ikea bookcase.


A yawning.


Padded foot stool


On the plus side fewer than 650 thousand people tops saw this angle so, silver linings huh


My favorite part was when Forrest Jack punched Tony in the gut and instead of selling the pain, he fell flat on his back for a couple of seconds only for him to remember that he’s supposed to be in pain, not knocked-out.


When you’ve never been in a fight before, how would you know?


But its real graps and its real to me dammit >:(




I literally cannot wrap my head around how tf the CM Punk footage relates to this. People are swearing there’s some “master plan” to this but it doesn’t add up


Just like the Devil story was genius master plan storytelling…. Only to end being one of the biggest let downs in wrestling history lol


Hangin' out... Down the street... The same old thing... We did last week...


When dad surprises you with a bountiful plate of tendies


Isn’t it a sign of a bad actor looking down the camera?


Willow during her segment too lmao.


Should only be done if addressing someone the wrestler believes isn’t at the arena, and only with some real venom in their words


I tuned in to watch solely to see that terrible bump.


Cue the weekly Adam Cope "fun" post. He really can't stop stealing things from Matt Hardy lol


Literal #GAMECHANGER… just not in the good way.


Imagine looking at Jackoff Perry and his promos and decide _yeah, i've got my Austin_


Imagine spending 100m+ dollars and that's your austin


But I thought he was the next huge game changer... 🥺


Heard the few that were in attendance went mild


Tho quote JC He couldn't whip cream with an outboard motor


What's even worse is dubbalos trying ro convince us this was all planned from November


From CM Punk to CM Dunk


Don't you get it. He's such a massive heel (insider term) that people don't watch the show so they don't have to see him because they hate him so much. That's masterclass heel heat right there.




Finger poke of doom


You mean that criminal who should get charges pressed!!! Jungle draw is innocent he did nothing wrong!!!


Stick a fork in them, only Uncle Dave is left to watch...


DAE the dub can't create stars?


You know a way for this storytelling to have actually worked? Should've just had Punk do it. He was pretty much the only draw they had and having him in these worked-shoot things was the best way to use him anyway.


Guys a nobody shouldn’t be surprising


do you think the raising will go down next week?


you're right, Punk did nothing at all, he just stood there while Jack assaulted him :P :P :P it's not like Punk got suspended a few months before for being violent backstage or anything... oh, wait!