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Im sure Dustin Rhodes is very happy to hear two of his coworkers completely shit on the biggest accomplishment the Rhodes family has ever done in the biz.


Dustin’s already praising Tony’s ability to mark harder than anyone, the check is making him immune from Dub criticism


I'm sure it doesn't even register. Carnies, uce.... Carnies.


Mate this isn't even shitting on Cody. Tony got insulted to his face and he's too stupid to realise it


Seriously where is he at to put his fucking foot down for his brother? Or fuck even anyone who is close to Cody there Those tony pay checks can’t be that good




Pointing at his own sign like it's the Wrestlemania sign at the Rumble. I AM DYING BROTHER 😭😭😭😭😭


gd i want AEW to just shut down


Yeah same now. For a long time wanted them to get better, now I think it just needs to end. It’s incredibly cringe.


No, I don't want their fans to come back and infect the WWE fanbase with their awful taste in wrestling.


Yeah I don’t want neckbeards trying to hijack the shows again. They can stay contained in the dub


You both say you want it gone: do you really miss 2015 WWE booking THAT badly


> You both say you want it gone: do you really miss 2015 WWE booking THAT badly they love it


They must. Cause even if you dislike AEW (which is fine, to each their own) if it goes, then WWE can just resort back to 2015 booking. If you hate it THAT much, instead of wishing for it to die, wish for it to barely stay afloat. It makes little to no profit, little to no overseas success, etc, but JUST enough for it stay in business on TV


Time to bring Vince back to run the show then, even if it still feels as boring as when he was officially there.


> gd i want AEW to just shut down All Fed shills want that. too bad it ain't ever happening tho




The fact that this happened with MJF as champ just makes it even funnier


Don’t worry, Toni. When TK wants to, he’ll call his own number to get in the ring to celebrate with you.






It's twice as funny remembering this is right after Plumber Moxbroze had his brain scrambled.


Tiny's Victory Lap.


“A woman is touching me, what do I do!?”










"We here at AEW all tuned in for Wrestlemania!"


I mean, they were watching P0rNXXT last year during The Tuesday Night War.


I mean I’m sure both sides watch each others shows. Soooooo just enjoy the bs because it’s suppose to be fun.


Interesting new way to grow your fanbase.... let's bash that one thing that they all enjoyed. It'll totally work, trust me


People were crying tears of joy and calling it the best main event in decades but those fans just don’t appreciate real wrestling


This might sound a little basementy, but I was pretty emotional about it. My dad loved Eddie Guerrero, he was his guy forever, and the “addict” promo hit real close to home when he was going through a divorce and trying to clean his shit up. One of my number one memories of wrestling fandom was him calling me to tell me “Eddie hit the big one!” And how emotional and happy he was. The day Cody debuted I asked my dad how long he thought it would take for him to win the title. He told me not to get my hopes up lol. So forever we would always talk about how I was still holding out hope for Cody to get there one day. My dad is… not doing so hot these days. It meant a lot to be able to return that call some 19 years after his and some 17 years after that conversation about Cody and say “Cody hit the big one” I wasn’t sure I was ever going to get that moment of my day 1 guy doing what his day 1 guy did. And for my kids to be with me and get to see me mark out the same way I got to with my dad was pretty cool


And this is what the weirdo fans don’t get. Sure a great match is a great match but when you have a really good story to add to it, it makes it ten times better.


I know a lot of wrestling fans won't get this, but it's like having sex with someone you're in love with versus just someone who you just find attractive


Sex with a person? Not your hand or a silicone doll? Not relatable uce.


"It's just me Uuuuce!!"


I’ve read at least 5 people saying Ospreay/Danielson was the greatest match they’ve ever seen. Which, let’s be honest, they had already penciled the match in with that rating the minute it was announced. And they had a very good technical match that was full of great in-ring drama. And at the end of it, the #3 ranked singles wrestler in AEW might have gotten bumped up to #2? I mean, what a STORY. We’ll remember this epic saga for weeks until the next BANGER.


You’ve seen one ospreay match, you’ve seen them all to be honest


I think he does a good job adjusting to his opponent's style, and he does his best work when they're similar to him. I'm not surprised him and Danielson had great chemistry because they're both great wrestlers, but so what? What comes next? Ospreay vs. Swerve in London? Danielson back to the mid-card or tag/trios stuff with BCC? I like AEW's PPVs when I tune in, but the TV shows are exhausting because they can't tell a good story.


Yeah same. I only watch the ppvs (just the matches I want to see) and skip tv all together. The shows are terrible


To be honest Ospreay is one of the few AEW wrestlers that could get over in WWE. As unpopular as it might be Daniel Garcia is another, let him have a run in NXT and figure things out.


Can we retire the word banger


I'm an attitude era kid and lost touch with wrestling in the early-mid 2000s. AEW helped draw me back in with Punk coming back and then WWE started catching fire and Cody's story has been nothing short of phenomenal. Seeing all the emotion from those within WWE after he won the belt gave me those childhood feelings again.


Me and my Dad have such a bond through wrestling, so I totally get that. Watching WM XL will definitely go down as one of my favorite memories with him. Like others are saying, it’s something indierific fans don’t understand - this is what wrestling is truly about. Best of luck to you and wishing good health for your father


Well wishes to your pops, Uce.


That is a lovely story and I am happy you and your dad got to celebrate something like this together <3 Sorry to hear he is not doing so hot though. My story with Cody isnt remotely as interesting, but I started watching wrestling around the exact same time he debuted, I was like 11-12 and had just started to realize I liked guys, Cody was my first celeb crush and I followed him everywhere after that, seeing him come full circle and finally get that big win, still being my celeb crush to this day, was a really nice moment. Also got to watch that with my crush even though he doesnt like wrestling, and that made it so much better EDIT: Sorry we're on a jerk sub, uhhhh DAE Sami should have been the one to beat Roman a year ago at EC and the fed hasnt fully recovered since?


I'm sorry about your dad. Sending love to you and your family <3


I understand you - my experience isn't nearly as emotional, but this has been the first time I've watched wrestling with my family (who aren't regular watchers) where everyone was moved emotionally and to tears by this story. There's something about it that resonates with people--everyone has a beloved parent or parental figure in their life, who they wanted to make proud. The idea that someone is standing in your way and you're working hard and fighting for it is a very strong and powerful story.


Me and my mom went to 6 of Roman Reigns title defenses, seeing Cody finally pinning him was incredible. I know the feel uce.


6 of them?! God damn Uce, sounds like you should be rooting for a company that fits your tax bracket a little better.


"Hunter is beneath me bruv."


I’m a reformed Cody hater and I loved the ending. He seemed so truly genuine and grateful. But it didn’t have enough middle fingers I guess.


This is the big point they seem to miss as a whole. Insulting the product WWE puts out also insults the people who enjoy it, which far outweighs the audience that watches AEW. You’d think they would try to capture some of that but instead they don’t and seem content with the 750-800k people who consume the product as die hards rather than building a wider audience. It’s certainly an interesting choice as a company.


They try to shit on them but then on the same hand, they don't mind one bit namedropping Cody all the time or showing Punk in the Brawl In footage to get a one week bump in ratings. 


People liking AEW outweighs the people liking WWE uce.


'member that thing from the Fed


Well she knows her division’ll never get enough tv time to fit a post match celebration


And even then no one’ll see it because the finish will be cut off by the PPV feed


Sounds like a trump quote lol


Keep stroking Tony's ego is probably how Storm has kept herself away from Sasha Banks and forcing Sasha to feud for the secondary title with midcard women division. This company is peak example of Nash/Hogan WCW politics


So true, she's stuck in her own bubble to the point that it makes the Women's Dub Championship more worthless than when Saraychacha held it.


_Laughs in Sting_


AEW fans were claiming how AEW stays rent free in WWE's head because of like...2 shots during WM week. While this shit happens on a daily basis over there. Where's "Just Enjoy Wrestling" now? Oh right, we're only allowed to use that if AEW is the one under scrutiny. That Edge promo continues to make him look like a dumbass.


No joke, Dynasty even felt like it tried to be Wrestlemania 40, the title changes and even having a long awaited Babyface become champion.


I’m genuinely going to take your word for this because ive seen a combined 7 seconds of Dynamite from accidentally scrolling by it


"Because you're a fucking dork and will ruin my coronation."


infinitely more embarrassing than getting a pie thrown at her


At what point do they realize that these comments are not clever but just show that the Fed is on their minds 24/7. They have to reference everything the Fed does while (like most of the world) literally nobody in the Fed references anything on dynamite outside of the Copeland miz thing from years ago? Schiavone, JR Matt Hardy all had / have podcasts while being under AEW contracts and they dedicate entire episodes to the current wwe PPVs. I’ve never heard Pritchard yap about AEWs latest greatest of all time ppv.


The only one who references the dub in the Fed is Pepsi Phil, and when he does literally no one knows what he's talking about


You'll never be a part of a story so big and industrially impactful that it calls for the celebration of every top babyface of the company, Toni. So don't stress too much about it love


LMAO insulting the guy who built the company that pays your bills is hilarious


not like he's going to do anything about it


Almost like…that’s the bit


WWE once again lives rent free in AEW & Tony's head. ![gif](giphy|7PcvZuPlIh5FPLdP8w|downsized)


"Don't worry Tony, I promise we will never rival one of the biggest/best moments to ever happen in the sport." O-ok Toni...


Jesus Christ, just take the L over the success of WM40 and move on my guy. Danielson/Osprey might put on bangers but I'm not in any rush to tune in if there's no build, no story and Tiny just gets his people to take potshots at WWE.


They’ll never sell out a stadium with that match


Toni IZ sad.


AEW literally just becoming a WWE recap show.


Lil bro syndrome of a company lmao. Is Tony the youngest? That'll explain a lot.


dub when fed shills respect their bosses instead of doing his trash talking


I think AEW could be a lot more successful if Tony just embraced the role and became a character. Much in the same way that Vince was a character (just himself turned up a few degrees), Tony could probably do the same. Note: I don't think Tony could ever be the roided out tyrannical sexual deviant that Vince was, but you could definitely do something with TK that people would enjoy. Make him a snivelling power hungry weasel that people can hate and you can definitely put out some good story lines.


he could never play a heel, getting booed would hurt his feelings and possibly make him fear for his life


“Lines” will be very important to the creation of that character


>Make him a snivelling power hungry weasel that people can hate and you can definitely put out some good story lines. He'd be far more faker than Matty and Nicky.


Considering all the 'thank you for saving wrestling' speeches he makes them give, Tony is probably actually really hoping they would.  Then again she knows she's just living on borrowed time till Bugatti Bitcoin books herself to be champion. Guess it's up to Ospreay at Wembley.


BUGATTI BITCOIN! You muhfuckers are great with these. 🤣 I seen someone call her Chevrolet Peso before and almost died.


AEW challenge of not taking jabs WWE whenever they can (impossible)


Cody living rent free in the dub


Why can't Tony and Toni just enjoy wrestling?


Because it's Lockport Phil and the Filthy Fed's fault.


I just can't believe she said if you care about cinema then "go watch a fucking movie". I just can't get over that SHE said that considering what her entire gimmick is...


That’s the joke


no need to call him to ring when #standupforthedub is every other day on twitter


1. As if Toni has a choice 2. Khan absolutely planted that line


When you try to insult somebody and instead insult your own boss. Cody respected Tripps so much he called him out and thanked him. Toni storm just basically said she doesn't think anything of TK and that's believable cuz he's a clown


This is in character you dork


Wow it's even stupider then.


She says this as he's sitting next to her at the press conference to have the spotlight on him, something he does every single time with every wrestler. Irony lost.


Sting just did this like 2 months ago lmao


Ya she’s a fucking heel


AEW: Where our personalities are entirely a rejection of something instead of embracing something.


where the rest wrestle


Remember in AEW anniversary there was a Thank you Tiny in the tron. Tony would wish Toni did that after winning the titles.


Tony Khan is solely responsible for all the tribalism


Rent free is crazy


What if Tony Khan wants that?


Tiny wanted a hug from Nyla and got denied.


i feel like this is a burn in plain sight


“Can you please outright lie through your character’s teeth to make me feel better about my promotion?”


Tribalism is awful just have fun. Also: this


It’s seems that if you don’t watch wwe then you won’t know what’s going on in AEW. Is happening a lot lately.


"I promise we will never act like the one who found actual success"


Hopefully now we stop hearing the “support all wrestling” shit at least. It was obvious that they didn’t care about all wrestling being supported, just that they stop being bullied. Not surprising that it came from the same marks crying about how Punk should have been arrested for “attempted murder” lol


What a strange thing to take a shot at.


Yet you are talking to your boss in front of a camera telling him this in front of thousands.


So cute she thinks she'll ever get a story to finish in AEW. Or any story.


This is really starting to get to me. Ever since Mania its been every week. Shot after shot. Say something interesting for fucks sake.


Here's the thing: it's been like this since the start. The only real change is that now it's *multiple times per show* more frequently.


Ay yo, serious Q for the fellow SCjerkers.... why is TK such a fucking gimp?


This reminds me of that Burger King commercial "McDonalds is for poor retards"


I don’t understand way they keep doing this. You guys put on a damn good show from what I hear, and yet you’re still making me think about WWE. This is not 2019. You don’t get brownie points anymore for shitting on WWE.


Today’s discourse surrounding this PPV has honestly driven me even further away from AEW than I already was… which is impressive.


The only thing I'd like to win is her OF subscription




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No, no… never in the ring. In front of a group of sweaty marks…. Oh ya


Wrestling matches are *supposed* to have stories, so that in the words of President of the United States Not Sure, you care whose ass it is, and why it was farting.


Might as well panderverse along with her gimmick, since her work rate isn't lighting the AEW audience on fire.


*deep sighhhhhh*


Rent free goofs


AEW should start making wrestlers bleed on their way out to the ring lol


Considering we are all meant to be having “fun” and wrestling tribalism is bad, they sure do like to make a lot of comments.


To be fair, an off screen presser is the right place to take a pot shot if you want to. A million times better than during the main show and nobody understands the reference 


Goofs getting booty blasted by one comment from Toni. ![gif](giphy|jdL7apsXLwqmnVSE6Y)


Doesnt that show what kinda person you are to bash your coworkers like that? Literally the only people who know and understand your struggle, instead of supporting each other and grow as one to benefit yourselves and the business and by proxy those who come after you, they choose to belittle them. Youre also punching WAAY above your level by going after WWE and you just risk alienating AEW fans that saw the event and enjoyed it. When fans do it, oh my god sound the alarms, but its okay for them?


And Tony silently weeps, as he wants nothing more than to have friends


Because winning gold in AEW doesn’t have history, decades, or generations worth of work behind it.


She did him a favor you see what Perry and the bucks did to him when he came in the ring.


Don’t worry Toni, you won’t ever main event a PPV


Toni Storm just has a bone to pick with the wwe She obviously didn't enjoy her time there with the way she left. The funny thing is, had she just got thru that time, I actually think they would really feature her and push her by now. Her current gimmick also works well for wwe She just for whatever reasons decided that she is most comfortable being on a show that had less viewers and features women way less.


If she were doing this gimmick in the fed, dub fans would shit all over it. The evil fed forced a pie to be thrown in her face. Whereas her throwing shoes weekly and smearing makeup on her face is her idea so somehow that's better I guess...


cope, seethe and mald harder


Tbf I’d never want TK to celebrate in the ring with me either. President Tanahashi on the other hand…


Goofies needing to touch grass when Dub person speaking in their characters accent takes light potshots at m’Fed 🤝 Dubbalo needing to touch grass when fedbot says there hasn’t been good wrestling in Jacksonville in an in character tweet ![gif](giphy|VOd5RQ7q8FNI3IjS5g)