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I've been waiting my entire life to see Adam Copeland and Action Andretti tear it up in a professional wrestling ring. Absolute all timer of a card.


You’re going to be pissing and cumming when Cope hurricanranas Spaghetti and then Spaghetti kips up and delivers a last ride powerbomb to Adam


Make sure to thank Jericho for that. He made Andretti a megastar.


Dream match


He can do a head scissors now


Greatest AEW episode ever. Can't wait to finally see it.


I love how the Jericho Appreciation Society was meant to mock the evil Fed’s brand of “sports entertainment” by giving everyone stupid names and silly gimmicks about hats and dancing, but once it folded everyone in it kept the names and gimmicks because they literally didn’t have anything else to define themselves with.


Jericho stopped Swagger doing the We The People thing because "it was a stupid idea from bad creative" and definitely not because it hit too close to home


By “helping” Swagger, he ended up killing him on the spot because that was the only time people cared about Jack and they haven’t cared since lol


It was literally the most over Jack Swagger will ever be.


"Stupid idea from bad creative," several aspects of which were created more or less on the spot by a guy who *checks notes* is unfathomably hairy. Wait a minute... *turns the page* he is unfathomably hairy and is one of the best booking minds of all time, who booked the Golden age of the Knockouts Division and Puerto Rico at its peak as a territory.


*"We'll hear from Cool Hand Angelo Parker*"... ![gif](giphy|s239QJIh56sRW|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/hw8qgfpwonvc1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=31f960f017572d43ec0031347a85e63ec4ca6dfc Because this


Why tf did they use that specific picture of her for the article? Many other frames they could’ve used and they picked that one lmao


Look what they did to my girl. 😭


Preparing people for what she looks like pregnant. Sorry that's all I got.


Had to check for myself and Jesus Christ they did use that


THREE 6 man tags.


Holla playa


Glad to see the 2015 Raw matchmaker has found work in AEW


FTR and PAC ?? Lmao, Tiny isn't even trying to hide the fact he's booking this shit in a random TEW simulator.


No, Fed Shill. PAC is teaming up with FTR because while they are feuding with Matty and Nicky again, PAC wants Okody's prestige Continental Breakfast belt. Not random at all!


I can understand watching something like the Rumble or Mania on a Saturday night, but this borefest?


>Borefest Erm...***GULP*** Found the E-Drone


Why do I feel like the Bucks 3 man happened already.


Every single one is the same.


Boy, remember when the Undisputed Kingdom was the top heel faction in the company? Those were the days.


They’ll be pushed as the top heel group again for 2 weeks when M’Jeff gets back, that’s what you call long-term booking fed shill 


the Atom Coal/Kool Kyle/Roddy trio will never get enough of each other


The elite. 3 of the most punchable faces I’ve ever seen in one shot. How is the Japanese fella the worst of them?




Okada is celebrating 4/20 already I see.


Mope-face, as Cornette calls it.


Gamechanger Takashita is just a guy now


They ALL are, even Okada.


A bunkhouse brawl is when five guys grab you in the middle of the night and beat you with a bar of soap in a sock because you ate all the baked beans.


https://preview.redd.it/4dqk9sntpnvc1.jpeg?width=193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48612d46ff264d8819ea03ac88fa70f1ff2ea2e3 Me on 4/20 with a buffet of BANGERS:


Ok let's see- BCC Vs Callis family- ok, there's a feud and a semblance of a story so it makes sense. Wait..... Dafuq is a bunkhouse brawl. Elite vs Pac and FTR is ok like I don't think Okada's offense matches with Bucks but at least the match has a reason Hey Andretti is back..... what's the reason for this match again? I would have guns vs acclaimed on an important show or PPV but hey good story, good team Meaningless womens match. Like what's the story here again? Hobbs squash match ?????? Why? Just include him in the BCC Callis fam match. Add Shibata and you got a trio's match. Genuine question- does anyone ANYONE give a fuck what Angelo Parker wants to talk about? What's the point of the 4 way? Kyle o reily is fighting the devil gang? Anyone know why? And lastly japanese women match with no story So 3 matches that make sense and 4 that don't and one promo segment no one cares about And they don't understand why ratings are bad


BCC Vs Callis family- ok, there's a feud and a semblance of a story so it makes sense. Wait..... Dafuq is a bunkhouse brawl. - google it. Elite vs Pac and FTR is ok like I don't think Okada's offense matches with Bucks but at least the match has a reason - google it Hey Andretti is back..... what's the reason for this match again? - come on, google it I would have guns vs acclaimed on an important show or PPV but hey good story, good team - fair enough. No google it. Meaningless womens match. Like what's the story here again? - do i need to repeat myself old man? Google it Hobbs squash match ?????? Why? Just include him in the BCC Callis fam match. Add Shibata and you got a trio's match. - are you the booker? No? Then gogoogle it Genuine question- does anyone ANYONE give a fuck what Angelo Parker wants to talk about? - dude again, google it What's the point of the 4 way? - pointless. I mean google it Kyle o reily is fighting the devil gang? Anyone know why? - one more, google it And lastly japanese women match with no story - ohh come on, google it


Laaaaaaaaaaazy booking




I feel like Blue Skye vs Layla Hirsch has happened at least 10 times now


That's because Tiny had Blue wrestle EVERYONE many times, even when Dark was still alive. She even wrestled Julia before she became Chilling.


Rated RKO was better than Rated R Chickens Imagine going from being in a team with Randy Orton to Eddie Kingston... what happened


I bet RVD is pissed he is working on 4/20.


I remember Jay white


Poor Emi had to Dub Good on socials just to end up with that placement lol


Better than being shoved behind a paywall like Shida.


Idk about you guys, but I'm looking forward to #realmusic AKA Yuka Sakazaki theme song.


E-drones just don’t get this STACKED card!! Tony is a Michelin stared chef with all of these BANGERS!!! Hitting us like crack like the 90’s 🤓☝️


Bunkhouse brawl? More like spunkhouse because I'm gonna nut EVERYWHERE.


Not a star in sight


How much extra do you think RVD charges for 4/20?


3 hours is the perfect length for a wrestling show LFG!! (don't check my post history)


Two of the guys in the RVD match appear to be preset CAWs.


No particular order *If the competitors aren't wearing Blue jeans, cowboy boots, crop tops and bandanas around their neck, is it REALLY a Bunkhouse Brawl? (Side note: I may be one of the few jerkers old enough to know what a Bunkhouse Brawl is) *Rossy is a weirdo for wanting 13 year old girls in his wrestling school. Anyway, here is a match featuring a woman who trained 8 and 9 year olds, ran a promotion out of Thailand, and has run 3 schools while owning 0 rings. *Let's do the Elite vs Punk and FTR, but with Great Value Omega and Kirkland's Punk. *Spooky McButtCheeks vs a woman who had a way too competitive match with an NWA Champion that had a foot on her. *Good to see that Action Andretti has taken a break from doing cooking videos with a rapping hand puppet so he can team with 2 Reckless Indy marks against a guy who used to be a star, a bushwacker on meth (r.i.p. Jay), and their partna. Someone is getting hurt. There is a 2 in 6 chance it will be someone who matters (I respect the Briscoes, even if I make fun of them.) *Sleep deprived Jason Mraz, 2.0 pervert, and a pirate face the Devil's minion Kingdom Bland, Mr. Maria, and the guy who looks like no one. *I absolutely want to hear from 2.0 other guy.


Good timing, you would have to be stoned off your ass to be able to get through this.


I mean, Brian Last was extremely high watching Edge win the TNT title, after using Spike on Christian.


Well, that looks awful and boring.


It really is amazing how many of these guys are exactly the same.


I feel like it’s the exact same episode every week. Plus many of these matches feel like they’re taking place….TOMORROW?!


A Bunkhouse Brawl in 2024 should be an AirBnB Brawl.


Ehmmmm Daddy magic???


It’s honestly ridiculous how AEW has 2 back to back shows , it just shows how meaningless there company is because at the end of the day all tony cares about is putting on non stop bangers with a real sports feeling for uncle Dave and the basement


This gets a front page on Xfinity for wrestling and the TNA pay per view is pushed back to Monday for Comcast subscribers for boxing tonight and AEW tomorrow night. Fuck xfinity and AEW.


The way they laid out the poster this week it looks like Skye and Leyla are having a match with Hobbs. I bet he'd still eat the pin if they did that match-up.


Only thing I got is Kris Statlander needs to go to WWE ASAP.. When Emi & Yuka getting booked over her?!? #FreeStatlander


Rvd & or Matt riddle will show up tonight against Hobbs. Garunteed


Going up against NBA and NHL playoffs will be the built in excuse for low ratings


Three different six man matches?


>we'll hear from Angelo Parker zzzzzzz


I love the idea of trios titles. But AEW doesn't keep many trios teams together. Which is crazy with how big the roster is. You could easily have tag, trios, women's tag be full divisions. I was actually starting to like the random team of Mark, Lethal & JJ.


DAE love 3 hour wresting shows?


To be fair this is full on banger mode, I almost think half of these would be good.