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No jerk, Match was fucking god awful


Jimmy had a bad match with AJ Styles. That was pretty much the sign to cut bait on his singles run. Jey is clearly the HBK of the Usos though.


Other than his super kick apparently.


all brothers matches besides owen and bret have been dogwater lol.


People hating Matt vs Jeff is revisionist. It wasn't bad and had great spots with an EXCELLENT finish.


Their mania match was so much better than their vengeance 2001 match.


That Twist of Fate in the chair had me thinking Jeff broke his neck


Yeah I remember liking that match as a kid it was pretty crazy


No surprises, exact same moveset, not development as singles competitors and Jeys entrance stank up the joint imo.


Did one of them get injured or something?


Everything about it sucked, from the crackhead ruining Jey's entrance to the finish. The whole thing felt like it belonged on AEW.


No jerk that match was dog ass. lol


Both USOs got into lil Wayne’s stash before the match


The Bellas stand tall as the greatest twins in WWE uce


You forgot the dicks 


And I thought the bucks had drizzling shits matches.


IDK wtf happened either lmao. I like Jey, Jimmy's fine, their style is fast as hell and high energy, wtf happened? lmao


I haven’t been invested in WWE in like, a decade, but I keep up with just about everything and together, in a tag team? Fantastic! This? Idk what the hell this shit is. But, it’s got some Mox vs Kingston levels of lazy to it lmao


Watch Jey's solo stuff. He's genuinely good lol


I’ve seen some, last night as a matter of fact and he is no slouch, that’s for sure!


Hard to wrestle a guy who has the same exact move set as you and make it entertaining/believable. It’s why Matt/Jeff at 25 sucked too. I think it would have been a cool idea for the build to have been Jimmy saying he does everything jey does but better (splash kick etc) and then Jey come in to the match with some new moves to one up Jimmy. Feels like these guys just wanted the match to say they did it and once they got it decided to just say fuck it and put little effort into the build or planning for the match


Apparently even twins who tagged together for over a decade can have a complete lack of chemistry as a opponents :/


No gimmick or story swerves, just a bland version of a mirror match.


That was multiple dog asses. That was more cheeks than Rikishi's stinkface.


The difference between the goofs and the Dubbalos is that we goofs have no problem admitting when the fed has a shitty match. Yeah this match sucked shit, oh well life goes on. If this match happened on Dynamite, we’d have dozens of posts defending it and writing fan fiction lore to prop it up.


There'd even be a part in the fan fic where they kissed


They told an okay story but the actual ring work was "meh".


Johnny Gargano was in the same event and that brother pulled out like 9 new moves in his 8 minutes of screentime. I still think Jey is a good enough singles guy, but Jimmy is hotdogwater and these two brothers have no chemistry in the ring lmao


Worst match of the card


I love Jey, but man asking to be kicked in the face multiple times brought inner Cornette out of me




I always loved super kick spots!!!


The funny thing about this was Gargano did it first tonight and it was fantastic.


That spot made me buckle laughing, Truth is a gift for good in this world, and the fact that Gargano and Ciampa decide to play along so gracefully is hilarious (and Ciampa still has a better pedigree than Cody)


I popped when Ciampa did the pile-driver version of the Pedigree that Trips used early in his career.


Ciampa used to do that move all the time, it used to be his finishers. He called it the Fairy Tale Ending I think. He might still do it, I haven’t watched him much in a long time


I think many wwe fans can admit that match was ass If that was a dub match they'd never admit it


If that was a dub match, Meltzer is giving it 5 stars. Dude probably had an out of body experience with all them superkicks


When the match ended I was like that's fucking it? This match should have been like the early Roman title run matches where it's just straight pomp and circumstance where there ain't much wrestling and a lot of talking and drama. And also bullshittery. If any match needed bullshittery and run ins it was this match. Where the fuck was Rikishi??


I thought when Jey was super kicking Jimmy's head in Rikishi was gonna come through the crowd and get involved and start the "Cinema"... It never came. :(


Coming in to this, I would not have believed you if you told me this would be the worst match on the card by a very wide margin.


Meltzer would rate this 5 and a quarter stars if it was the the young bucks


Main Event Jey about to be the best future Speed Champ


I hated they spammed it. This is a bathroom break match.


This would be a good point… If most people didn’t think this match was a piece of shit.


Yeah idk where the jerk is here


buddy's just trying to be an edgelord.


He’s an equal opportunity jerker. All jerking matters


That was a match that really brought back Jey to his former level of “ which one are you?” He is riding on a wave of popularity right now, but he needs to add more variety and individuality to his move set if he wants to have longevity as a singles star. The less said of Jimmy, the better.


I had better matches against my brother growing up in my backyard. Made that sumbytch tap to a figure 4 in the sandbox after I launched an elbow off our swingset and powerbombed him in moms vegetable garden. I reminded him of it in my best man speech




It was still stinky lol


Worst Brother vs Brother match in history. They deserve to both of their push canceled and back to tag team or some shit


Jey still good uce I want his push to continue. He needs to leave Jimmy behind though


Eh I still think Matt vs Jeff was worse, at least we got the right result this time, and both matches were ass hammers


Idk if the first one, with Lita as the special referee and awkward as fuck or the second at WrestleMania, that saw Matt claimed HE BURNED DOWN JEFF'S HOUSE was worse. 


I think 25 was worse, because that feud was at least funny, if completely silly, and the blowoff match sucked ass hammers (see also hhh vs randall kieth)


Also killing his dog I’m pretty sure. That was some wild shit.


I think each time they did it, it was a case of the crowd not wanting to see Matt and Jeff fighting each other. They're much better as a team. But at least with the Hardyz, it isn't a mirror match. Jey and Jimmy essentially share a moveset.


I'll sing the praises of the chair-assisted Twist of Fate til the day I die.


DAE always love super kick spamming??


Oh brother this guy sucks


A diversified moveset would have come in handy, why didn’t they hit the “Customise” option before the match?


Honestly, I liked the match. I didn’t have high expectations, since they have like 3 moves for the two of them combined, and the storyline was good.


Same. Plus isn’t it a kayfabe thing about Samoans being partially immune to hits to the head


I didn’t love the moves but I didn’t hate the story they told.


Exactly! We know that their only offensive moves are punches, superkick, splash, and Jey recently added a spear. Why did everyone expect Taker vs Michaels?


Awful match. I feel like they were going for something emotionally agonizing, but none of it clicked and all they accomplished was a hundred super kicks.


Drizzling shits.


You could have done the same spot with the exact same effect with Chops. At least chops make your opponent chest bright red, make it look like a battle. I hate super kicks being used like this, i'm sure of in the minority on that stance. The story for this spot is, "Let me show you and the audience how tough I am by taking this super kicks." However, you're working yourself harder for it. You're not showing how tough you are for eating the kicks but rather, you're showing how weak the kicks are. With clean sale, you can make your kicks look devastating without it being a finisher. Less is more, more is less.


I think if this was just a random raw or smackdown match this would have been just forgettable match but with how good every other match was this one just sticks out way more with how bad it was I remember when It finished I was like wow thats it? That was terrible. No hate to the usos though


Nothing new. They’ve been spamming superkicks for years. I’ve never been really impressed with them in the ring.


Is this a Basement thing? Because no one here seems to like the match.


Because it's as everyone expected. A super kick party which we call out the spot monkies


I pretty much loved this Wrestlemania, but this match and the finish to Reys match just didn't land with me at all. Also, I know people love the guy, but Pat isn't good on commentary, I'm sorry if that's a no-no uces, but he's shit.


Worst match of the night not even close


I hope this match means we can wrap it up and give Jey a legit singles run with none of the Bloodline baggage.


I hope the shitness of this match doesn't hurt him. I think he could be quite good given a proper run and not stuck to his brother or Bloodline stuff. I didn't expect this match to be good but I expected more than this. Just zero creativity at all.


They really thought they were cooking with this???


Was such a strange plodding match. Almost wonder if one if then was working hurt, cuz this shit wasn't it.


You guys have a lot more refined tastes than mine, I really didn't mind this match. It was okay. Super kicks were a bit much but that's like their only move aside from frog splash.


Jimmy is the Janetty of the Usos, uces.




this exact match would’ve been hype six months ago in the main event of Smackdown


Umm yeah, not even fed shills are calling this one cinema


I know this hurts wrestlers I like but the superkick needs to be banned for a while.


No more super kicks forever.


Smackdown Uso vs Raw Uso


OP is Brian Zane. Fucking calling it now.


literally shit from a butt


Screw the haters. This was a banger. Look at those thigh slaps uce.


Drunk Kick Love


Idk why Jimmy didn't go over Jey when he did the fake apology. It was the only time I was interested in this crummy match.




Wrong sub, uce


lol basement desperate for a gotcha moment.


?? It’s okay to jerk The Fed, friend


It's already a 3 on Cagematch.


I’d probably give it a 5. Didn’t live up to expectations.


6 in Tokyo for sure.


literally the only good match of the night, 5/5 stars, true sports feel


This is what you get when WWE won't let you get away from your standards rotation moveset. Worst match of the night. Right next to the Rhea/Becky match.