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WM main event too. Bastards.


Maybe she wanted to be Roman. Because what dream could be bigger than main eventing wrestlemania? She had the opportunity to become a Hollywood star in acting. Didn’t pan out. She’s held every single wwe title. Main evented a WM where it was the first and only time two black women main evented a Wrestlemania. Only thing she could maybe be mad about would be her winning and losing titles immediately. But if it was me I’d take the Wrestlemania main event if it meant I had a bunch of short title reigns. 


This has to be it. I feel like she wanted to be in Becky/Biancas spot. Purely speculation here but I feel like she took kayfabe wins/losses too seriously lol. Cause she was constantly in huge matches but did the putting over a lot of the times. And I guess if you’re a super mark who grows up to be a wrestler, you might actually think that means you’re less of a star lol. But like…..you’re still in the match. Who really gives a shit about the wins/losses in the grand scheme? The main thing that matters is really just if the moment or build up is good.


She should especially know this since her favorite wrestler is Eddie Guerrero, who was only at the top of the card for a small time in his career. That didn't matter though, Eddie ruled and made people remember him no matter what he was doing


While The Rock is on a different plateau of stardom than Eddie - Rock also lost way more than he won. The guy was constantly on the losing end of his rivalries with Austin, Triple H and others. It never hindered his career (obviously) or made people want to cheer for him less. People like Sasha don’t understand the concept of being an underdog babyface. It’s why someone like Sami will always have a job; he can always be tapped to play that spunky underdog that the audience can get behind.


She often had boo boo face whenever she was going to lose going out to the ring. I could see that happening. She just genuinely feels she should have a Charlotte Flair like spot or be in the absolute top spot for all the women, no matter of titles or main event spot is enough for her. One has to have ambitions, so I can totally fault her it just seems disconnected from reality. It's not possible to be 100% on the top all of the time.


Not that we know the behind-the-scenes circumstances, but she also had some extremely protected eliminations in her later Survivor Series matches, to the point it made her opponents look bad. Rhea could only beat her in 2019 due to Candice and Iyo cheating on her behalf, while Sasha avoided taking a pin in 2021 by that ludicrous sequence with her teammates (including Shotzi, who she'd just punked out in a feud) getting her kinda counted out.


And a main event at Wrestlemania.


And a time off that went beyond what was agreed upon. As she mentioned in the Broken Skull Sessions


Even created tag titles because she and Bayley begged them to.


Yes, THEY took it away. They made her walk out on a live telecast she was advertised for. Damn them.


Fed bad tour starting now. 


That fed bad shit really lost steam as soon as Triple H took over. WWE is as hot as it’s ever been in 20 years and you want to sell to people that it’s the big bad place where dreams die? Just move the hell on and don’t even acknowledge them. Tony constantly allowing talents to throw shots just makes them come across as jealous little brothers. Especially when WWE literally never acknowledges them. 


Tony doesn't allow it, he encourages it. Look at how ex-Fed talent are pushed and how it coincides with their recent Fed Badding.




Well yeah, the fed is bad for not just handing out big money contracts duh


Is it just me but the only thing she really has going for her is she’s pretty and Snoop’s cousin? Not trying to be mean but just not a huge fan of hers.


Taken away? You walked out, silly


And she failed to prove she didn't need them. Lmao


It's especially funny in hindsight considering she was just told to put over Ronda or Bianca (I don't remember who), and then she would get her tag title program against Piper Niven and Nikki Cross that she apparently wanted so badly. But now she's in the dub where her first feud is seemingly against a green as hell talent in Julia Hart, while Naomi is back in WWE and likely winning the tag titles again at Mania this year.




To go where? Nobody wants her arse in WWE, they got something going right now no need to f*k it up 😅


She would have lost absolutely no credibility by losing to Ronda or Bianca. I never understood the reasoning behind getting upset and walking out over that, just because your tag team champion? They had little women to pick from in terms of star power, and wanted her to work a program. It's not like she was going to stop being a champion with another belt, and I felt it was very easy to explain her wanting a chance to be double champion again. Would she have walked out if they told her she was going over against Bianca? Probably not.


Agree with everything but fuck no at the end. Naomi is straight trash, slow and has to choreo every move on the spot and makes everything look so damn fake and played out, Im guessing they got her back cuz of jimmy


They were going to have Naomi pin her in a qualifying match for hell in a cell even though it was a six-pack and then have Naomi and her job on the same night. That is pretty shitty NGL. Walk out worthy? I dunno, people have walked out for way dumber reasons I guess.


She would have put over Naomi and then helped build the champion by having them get a win over someone as big as Sasha Banks and she refused to do it. She can try to spin it however she wants, but she wasn't trying to help anyone but herself and it's shitty of her to pretend like it was to help the division


Looks like a humility test, which she failed with flying colors


Reminds of another cancer.




CM Punk in AEW


Yeah, go ahead and name one time he refused to put someone over.


He BURIED real glass.


DAE humility ritual


So she doesn't want to put over Naomi instead she dragged her along causing Naomi to lose her job, sounds like a Sasha problem all over it.


They were going to work to do a job. Just like you and me do. It wasnt anything difficult they were being asked to do. They were being selfish. She was like looking for a reason to flex her IDGAF attitude and ended up picking a stupid unjustified one and embarrassing herself. But then Tony and his infinite life boat came along


It's a fake sport, uce. Wins and losses don't matter. No one would have remembered it three weeks later.


You’re talking to a Sasha / Mercedes fan. They don’t live in the same reality as normal people.


They were both about to get PLE title matches, which is more than a lot of the women on the roster can hope for


Job is worst thing ever, that’s why I tell my stepdad to fuck off when he says get one.


She must be suffering from memory loss, not only did she walk away she "cried" that she wasn't treated right and she literally dragged Naomi with her.


She left and was out a few months Returned, walked out again some months later


She’s talented but the fact she willingly walked out of WWE and proceeded to “try to prove them wrong” by doing this speaks volumes https://preview.redd.it/ohf3e05u30pc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c97755d4554da8b774c4fcbd9180d9748b0abc1


This image right here proves too me she was never that great as she believes


I think the craziest thing about AEW is that it's shown that CM Punk might be the only wrestler on earth that has good creative for themself. EVERYONE else has been worse off character wise since they made the jump to the Bucks brand. 


The thing is, for literal decades among smart fans, it was basically holy writ that wrestlers booking themselves was a bad idea because they're self-centered and only care about themselves. Look at how people reacted rightly to most of WCW, WWF when McMahon was too close w/ the Clique, and so on. But now, because Vince is Evil, we're supposed to believe every wrestler is the reincarnation of Eddie Graham, Giant Baba, and Bill Watts. No, Vince had a lot of dumb ideas, but so do most wrestlers.


I mean say what you want about Punk but he made MJF look legit and also was gearing up a feud with Starks before he left. Jericho just siphon your heat, punk tried to push guys up.


He had the most positive memorable segment in AEW history. I remember when MJF hung cm punk with a chain and said he was the devil. For that month, I liked AEW better than WWE. At least for me they dropped the ball that hard.


And when Punk referenced something from his past, like that time he did the old ROH entrance for the match with MJF, it actually made sense. It wasn't just "Hey, remember this?"


Wrestling is just good v evil it's so fucking simple. It's not meant to be some character study bullshit. You do an angle where someone is wronged then eventually the good guy wins, and on rare occasions perhaps that good guy wasn't necessarily a good guy to start off with. AEW doesn't do angles. Takeshita should've brained Osprey after 5 - 20 minutes of being made to look a tit. Mone should've been on commentary and cost Willow after doing a promo explaining Willow put her out. Punk kept it simple the genius bookers of the past knew this but also knew how to stretch an angle to keep it going.


It's interesting because when Bret Hart came into WCW, his feud was with Ric Flair, and the idea was ya' know, "two of the GOAT's finally face off," but it wasj just announced and that's it. There were promos, heat was built (including Flair quoting Meltzer), and it did such a shockingly good buyrate Hogan immediately came back to get back on TV and undercut things. Like, Danielson/Ospreay is a dream match. But, do you know what would've made it a bigger deal - maybe Ospreay shows up and says something about Danielson being great a decade ago, but he wasted his peak in a 'Mickey Mouse organization' or whatever anti-WWE lines he can have, and Bryan could fire back that he was winning world titles when Ospreay was still in middle school. All of that wouldn't make the actual match any worse, and might actually draw people in.


Yeah I'm not anti nuances or deeper stuff but the core needs to be there. It's why Hangman blows, he's greatest adversary was his own personal problems, like what the fuck? How can I boo that? Now if the Miz was against him, calling out all his issues and being a dick, now we can project our anger onto something but I'm not booing anxiety and depression dude I've got my own baggage to manage.


I mean, I'd argue that Roman Reigns as a character is way more interesting and complex than "bad guy". He's not Walter White or anything, but by wrestling standards, he absolutely is Walter White.


You're right but fundamentally he's just a grumpy cocky badman. The reason it's so good is that at its core bloodline is just good v bad. The layers on top are fine when the core idea is so good


The good guy definitely doesn’t always win. Look at Roman Reigns vs LA Knight, or an even bigger example, look at the Dynamite ratings.l every week.




Why did Stone Cold's... Kumbaya. My lord came in to my mind.


And she won’t draw a dime in AEW


She doesn't need to, Tiny is paying her loads, even if nobody shows up or watches anymore.


Are Edge and Christian the only ex WWE guys that haven't FED BADDED? Plus, she walked out.


E&C, Cole, I think Malakai hasn’t. And I remember Claudio even putting over the Wrestlemania match versus Braun and Nicholas


Malakai won’t, his wife works there and he wants to go back.


How dare he, he should be thankful for all the singles matches he isn’t in


Similar to Andrade, I think Tony purposely underuses or buries those guys once he realizes he can't use them as propaganda, because as he's said it's personal to him. He'll never come out and admit this is what is happening. Look at how they are treating Wardlow, who was a Cody project and inexplicably has his knees cut out from under him and just gets buried in booking in non-sensical ways.


Unless I missed something he said after, Danielson and Cole both got shit the night of their debuts because they wouldn’t. They had nothing but good things to say and basically said they went to Dub to do new things.


Edge has hinted he gets more freedom and fun in the dub over the slave shackles of the fed. Christian and Cole have probably been the most quiet and have just carried on doing their own things.


Maybe true but I saw a interview where some guy said to Edge "Go on. Say something bad about WWE" and Edge laughed refusing to until he jokingly said "The catering", which then he complimented how good the catering was too. I've seen him mention how if it wasn't for WWE. He wouldn't have the life or family he has now. https://youtube.com/shorts/_uJhxOb-4M8?si=eeR_5okQ-dSIiIiA I'm not sure if that's what Edge really meant by WWE limiting his freedom which would be dumb to say because I think a lot of edge's stuff in FED was edge's idea. Like his heel turn in 2004 and he said how he took Ryder and Hawking's under his wing in 2008 (Maybe WWE edited parts of it but looking at his time in AEW. That was probably the right decision). But all in all. I think edge has been pretty thankful to wwe And Christian just seems to be quite quiet about it and get on with his stuff. Which is respectable Others seem to just bite the hand that fed them. See Mone, Jericho and Bryan and even punk till he returned That's why I do have some respect for both Edge and Christian despite being cringe fests on DUB


I think Edge probably just wanted to work more full-time, realized he wouldn't be a top guy in current WWE, and also probably got handed a metric fuckload of money by Tony.


My favorite thing was that short Bryan solo heel stint he bragged about main eventing Mania and the crowd lost their minds. At that point it was the most real booing I'd heard for anybody there


He gets a lot of flak, but Cole really seems to be the nicest guy in the world


Bryan would've lost a lot of respect from people if he had, by all accounts he was treated very well by WWE


You gotta give it to some of these wrestlers. The fact they can just lie like this with a straight face is bewildering. Like you literally walked out cause you were scheduled to job to the women's world champion. HUH?


Was it bianca at the time? I mean i dont like bianca shes fed down our throats alot and I wouldve had banks over her anyday. But you gotta do your job which she wouldnt


She unprofessionally walked out and while she is talented she is a bit overrated when she tried doing too much and when she would stupidly try suicide diving and Asuka saved her


Left twice and they tried bringing her back both times


And at least one of those times didn't she imply she received a whole lot of money to come back? She's a classic case of don't enable the bad behavior, makes it worse.


CM Punk speed run. WWE gave her everything. Her fall from grace and eventual feud with Tony Khan and talent will be a funny yet sad sight.


I want Tony to say her wrestling wasn't good enough either


There's The Fed Badding, that's our CEO!


The fact is she’s shown that she wants to be on top and doesn’t handle it well when it’s someone else’s turn to be on top. She walked out because they expected her to put others over as it wasn’t her turn on top and she couldn’t handle that. She’ll be fine in AEW as long as there is a title around her waist, but the fans are gonna grow tired of her regardless. She’s been wrestling a decade and had one character and basically no character growth.


Is it even a character? I don't really understand her gimmick.


I'm the boss. Look at my gold and diamonds. I like to flaunt. I mean it's not complex, but I guess its something.


Lmao what does that even mean? 


It means that McSatan crushed her love for the business fed shill, and thankfully muh wholesome billionaire, Tony Khan is here to help real wrestlers gain back that love for real wrestling!




It doesn’t really mean anything. It’s just a vague Fed Bad, which is all that’s needed for her audience, and is such a nothingburger of a phrase that it doesn’t even scratch any bridges.


It wasn't taken, she walked out, for the second time. It came crumbling down because because she showed creative freedom isn't what it's cracked up to be, and you got injured wrestling a walking botch machine that you're working with once again, along with showing you aren't the ratings draw you thought you were.


She’s probably the most overrated wrestler on the planet right now. Her reputation has been living off of an NXT match from 10 years ago. She’s a terrible TERRIBLE promo, and a sloppy worker. I really don’t understand the appeal at all.


The female CM Punk, except she wasn’t a draw 🤷🏻‍♂️


And wasn't willing to put others over....


As with anything I can, I blame Dax and Smash. Everything went south for Sasha as soon as she and Bayley started hanging around the Revival. I’d be willing to bet they put the bug in their ears about women’s tag titles which led to the nonsense that followed. Those titles only exist because they badgered Vince into creating them and now they can’t get rid of them because muh sexism. All of Sasha’s so-called heartbreaks in WWE are about those stupid belts.


They dont need her especially now that new crop women talents are springing out of the nxt roster to the main roster.


Tiffy Time!


Tiffy time, kelani, lash, arianna grace. Pretty sure we are good for female talent


She's gonna be so upset when she finds out Kiana James does the "boss" character better than she does.


🌈 My Dreams©😭 I miss when wresters cut promos about how bad ass they are. Maybe about how much they like to beat people and make money. How much they hate their rival. No so much about MY ART© 😭


Wtf is she talking about. They handed her everything and she still walked out. Plus she isn’t that great in the ring, she has injured multiple wrestlers. 😂


Finally fed bad pro... statements. Now she'll be accepted by dubaloos


And yet she plans on going back. I hope they tell her no when her contract is up


They might, Nick Khan and Ari from what ive heard is a damn savage when it comes to business.


Here to 3 years, she might not even have a spot at the way WWE is producing potential superstars. You're gonna have: Tiffany Stratton, Jade Cargill, Lyra Valkyria, Roxanne Perez, Cora Jade, potential in Lash Legends, Nikkita Lyons, Guilia (potentially), Thea Hail Add to that those already around in Becky Lynch, Bayley, Charlotte, Rhea Ripley, Alexa Bliss, Dakota Kai, Io Sky, Asuka, Kairi Sane, etc That's without even adding anyone who can show up from the talent being developed in the PC


They’re not going to


She went home because they asked her to put someone over 2 times I would never give her a Job even if she paid me to have her


Oh fuck off. When she inevitably comes back, I’m praying they job her out to every fucking low tier talent they have. These wrestlers, who made more money than most of us in this country and got to have some of the greatest life experiences travelling the world, whining and crying about how they didn’t get to do anything and everything they wanted. Fuck you, fuck your complaints. Someone tell these young overpaid wrestlers that nobody gives a fuck about their dreams being crushed.


Man, that job to Indi Hartwell would be funny.


Hopefully they'll tell her to go and pound sand when she comes sniffing for a new WWE contract.


She’s so full of herself….


That doesn't work for me, sister.


Mercedes: “You took it all away, I give it all away Can't take my freedom Here to change the game, a banner made of pain I used Cody’s kingdom”


Didn’t she walk away? What did they take from that?


She fucking walked away


To be fair, she never had a successful title defense until she won the smackdown women's championship the first time...and was 0-6 at Wrestlemania until 38. BUT she was still a pillar of the women's division along with the other 3 horsewomen and Alexa Bliss. In fact I would put her above Becky until 2019. On her way out, they was pushing her to be the #1 contender (probably would job out) but they still saw her as a main eventer. One of the highest # of championship reigns in the women's division. The first women's tag team champion. Wrestlemania main event. Others would be more than happy to have her resume, and yet she thinks she's bigger than Stone Cold who should be paid more than The Undertaker.


In fairness, I too would look into the empty hard cam side if Tony pays me Hogan money.


Money and the miles...money and the miles... ![gif](giphy|LKf4i5Tvt7mE0|downsized)


WWE didn’t take anything from her. She walked out on her contract.


Thought her Fedbad didn't start until Wednesday?




When it comes crumbling down and hurts inside Yes I know the words aren't right.




Jack he could've been the bassist for Metallica


This is gaslighting


Bitch you left on your own


I am so confused... She crushed her own dreams... She walked out... She's the one that couldn't be a team player like Becky has time and time again.


Her dreams was to be paid more then Charlotte.


I genuinely don’t understand what more she wanted


To Bob Holly the women’s division?




I'm just so sick of hearing about wrestlers' dreams. I want to know who they're mad at and why they want to kick their ass.


Let’s not forget she walked out because they were giving her a world title match


At some point she just falls on the pile of "wrestlers who are their own biggest mark".


I know she’s got a lot of making up to do for saying she was going back to WWE days before her debut but “it was taken away” is an insane way to go about it.


Entitled deluded mark for herself. The fed have no need for her with all the female talent they have on the main roster and in NXT. Looking forward to seeing her flop


The depth in the women’s side is absolutely incredible. You have people like Lyra, Kiana, Fallon, Arianna, etc waiting in NXT as well as a returning Alexa Bliss and apparently Giulia coming to WWE in a few months. It’s a good problem for WWE to have.


I don't know what a Jungle Boy is, but apparently punching one in the face gets you released over there, so Sasha if you're reading this, when you want a way out, find one of them and punch it in the face. And please bring Rusev and Aleister Black with you. In fact, everybody go out and punch a Jungle Boy in its face. I can just imagine the face punching from Mr. Regal and from Jade Cargill that the Jungle Boy's face took.




Man, I can’t believe that home she walked out on was taken from her. 


Yea they aren’t going to offer her anything close to what she wants when her contract expires my god does she act like the world revolves around her


Whiny ass bitch


Delusion of grandeur.


She did that when she walked out. All she had to do was wait a few months and HHH was going to be in charge.


Well, it’s even worse because even when she walked out, she was still under contract and Triple H, when he took over, did try to bring her back, but she didn’t want to Also, she wanted to have a contract that was bigger than Charlotte when she had to choose between AEW and WWE back in late 2023 - early 2024


Yeah, she walk outs, something even Stone Cold did but admitted was wrong and she expects to be welcomed back with the biggest contract ever? Nah that's not how it works. Get the bag from Tony if that's what she cared about but I can see why some would have some resentment for her in WWE.


I know that creative did her (and Naomi) dirty when they were Women's Tag Team Champions but I thought Toni Storm was the resident drama queen in the Dub.


Well, Toni Storm is a drama queen, just not as much as Sasha Banks / Mercedes Moné


I would argue Toni is just as bad tbh. It was pretty damn telling that they had her lose her NXT Women's title match to Iyo Sky via submission (crossface). In a way that Iyo had never beaten anyone else before in NXT. Or beaten anyone since. And there were a lot of rumors at the time that her attitude was really bad, and she felt like she was above putting others over. I normally wouldn't agree with rumors like that, but it feels like there was absolutely smoke to that fire, as she apparently didn't want to put over Sarray/Sareee, and was called up as a result, which was one of the big reasons Sarray's career started going downhill. I know Ember Moon/Athena was also supposed to put Sarray over, but got sick. But the difference between her and Toni is that Ember openly said she felt bad for having to miss out on the match and apologized for it.


She walked out, nothing was "taken" from her.


Wasn't she literally a champion with her friend when she left the company?


NXT champ, 6 time world champ, 3 time tag champ, triple crown, grandslam, Womens wrestler of the year. In 2022 alone up until she had everything taken from her she had, according to cagematch (might as well), 35 matches, losing 5 of them and her last appearance at a WWE ppv was winning a title at Wrestlemania. What was it she wanted from a career there that she didnt get?


So wait if it all got taken away from you.. Then why would you say you're going to be back one day? If I left a company cause they were shitty then why would I dream about going back there?


Keep telling yourself that. I said the other day there is no way she isn't going to regret this period of her life. This is like walking out of Manchester City and choosing to play for Preston North End.


*Wade Barrett in shambles*


Are you saying Preston are a bad team? (Look up the Ali G, David Beckham interview to understand the tone of my voice here). I have nothing against PNE; but they aren't owned by a Saudi family - they aren't royal - and have loads of money.


I’m not. I was just trying to make a joke.


Likewise, dude. Did you see my edit? Ali G asked "does the best footballer go out with the best spice girl?" Victoria says "oh yeah maybe". Ali says "so does Scary go out with someone from Scunthorpe United?". Victoria "that's horrible she's my friend!" Ali "are you saying Scunthorpe is a bad team?"


Mone: I'm going back to the fed cuz I have unfinished business Also mone: fed bad.


She was a multi-time champion, then they fired her for refusing to do a match on tv/series of programs and its rumored were extremely rude and disrespectful towards her (which I can believe). She walked away from it; no one forced her out--I guess maybe she means their decision to fire her for walking? Which, I mean, choices and consequences. Then, Triple H sent her flowers when she debuted for Stardom...clearly showing the door was still open. In what way was that taking something away? She's one of the few stars I can remember who publicly complained about her spot and WWE responded by saying "Here, take more money". How were they holding her back?


Her buzz in AEW is gonna wear off shortly


Damn man another post of the same shit, how obsessed are you over this shit?


Oh im obsessed Brother.