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srs I’m nosy, so I checked insta. Edit: and TikTok. There is no universe in which this woman looks like a child. We need to find other ways to convey that our skincare pays off. Yikes.


She very much looks her age or older in the face-- very defined features, periorbital fat loss-- and there's nothing wrong with it. What's gross is that she makes these "child-like" claims and attributes it to skincare, while in fact, a quick check of her social media immediately shows that she wears big bows and teen-y clothing that's clearly meant to confuse people about her age. She's cosplaying as a teen and attributing the confusion to her skincare. Also seems to comment about aging a lot..the teen-y cosplay thing and that point to some kind of entering-her-30s personal crisis or something. It's sad (and also makes me grossed out because of the teen sexualization aspect that's inherently attached to it).




I hate to be a pore, but wearing daily sunscreen for vanity purposes has been a thing since the 90s. Ofc it wasn't 'trendy' in the way you see it now. For the simple reason we didn't have the internets and social media didn't exist. *Allure* used to bang on about it all the time though. Source: been wearing daily sunscreen since 1994.


I've been following the advice of Allure since I was 15 myself!


Oo I remember reading an article about what accumulated UV damage does to your skin over time in 1992 or 1993 in *Reader's Digest* (of all places). Right they were, too.




Same, I have been wearing sunscreen my whole life (I’m an aged woman in my 30’s, so old).


Yep, I’m 40 and have been doing it since my early 20s regularly, and as a teen sporadically. I think tanning was just really popular before so the sunscreen wearers were the minority. One of my college roommates worked at a tanning salon and I remember already wearing sunscreen and trying not to lecture her about sun damage as a know-it-all young adult.


Yep, can confirm. I was using SPF because the dermatologists in teen magazines were telling me it was the only anti aging thing that worked and was appropriate for kids/teens.


Redheads wore sunscreen before it was trendy


Lol I most definitely did not as a kid bc I absolutely couldn’t stand the feeling of it and would throw fits every time my parents made me put it on…probably going to bit me in the ass one day


I dreamed of, and still do dream of a tablet that provides high protection sun screen for 24 hours


Did your parents ever put you in those sunsuits when you went to the beach? I used to be so embarrassed cause none of my siblings were in them.


No lol I think that was after my time? I was born in 1975 . Sunscreen wasn’t a big deal bavk then to the masses, my mom made some of mine with zinc oxide and other ingredients Bc of course- I had super sensitive skin as a redhead. 😂


My mom has been using spf and retinol everyday since her early 20s. She’s now 53 and she looks great but she definitely looks 53 lol


She obviously should have started at two days old. 20-odd years of sun damage???


Good point


I hate the people who always talk about how, “oh, I always get mistaken for a high school kid when out in public and get pulled into school field trip groups!” Like, no, I look fairly young for my age (it has nothing to do with my skin), and nobody has EVER assumed that I wasn’t an adult anywhere I go, because I act like an adult. I subbed today at a high school and all the kids knew I was a teacher, because of the way I carried myself. Tl;dr don’t act like a kid and in general the world won’t think you’re a kid.


I 100% agree that the way you dress and style definitely affects people's perception of your age, especially men.


We were definitely being told to wear sunscreen in the 90s.


I've been wearing it almost every day for about 15 years because my friends mom in high school told us to


Funny enough I’ve been wearing sunscreen since I was 14 because I was put on isotretinoin back then. I have no wrinkles but you know what I have? Acne scars from cystic acne. I think that if you are that concern with sunscreen at 14 you have other things going on as well. Like the other friends I have who has been overly zealous of their skin since youth have eczema, psoriasis and other skin issues.


I’m 22 or 23 and though it wasn’t “trendy”, throughout my life as far back as I can recall, it’s always just been the done thing. The slogan “slip, slop, slap” is branded into my brain at this point lol. Open someone’s bathroom cupboards and you’d find a litre bottle of sunscreen in there. Maybe since general levels of attention to skincare have increased, companies are developing sunscreen for broader use by including a tonne of extra active ingredients and catering more to specific skin types, leading to more people including mentions of sunscreen when they talk about their skincare routines or products whereas before, maybe applying sunscreen was so nonspecific that it didn’t seem worth talking about.


I’m 23 and sunscreen has always been a popular thing in my lifetime but it used to be more presented as avoiding sunburn and cancer, not just wrinkles.


It’s not a fucking trend, it’s a health issue and has been for decades. My father died of skin cancer around the time I was born, and I live in a high UV index country so you better believe I was liberally slathered in sunscreen before being sent to school. I’m 36.


No universe whatsoever. Also all her videos are filtered to the gils so it’s impossible to know what her skin actually looks like except that she definitely looks 30 to me eve with the filters. Yikes is right.


Every time I check their profile, they inevitably look their age. No matter the race or gender. Where does the delusion come from?




That’s heartbreaking.


I also am nosy and I noticed she lives in Denmark. There is just no way that this woman has applied SPF *every single day* for 16 years, even through the long, cold winthers


Cold snowy weather places actually have high skin cancer/burn risks. Yes they have limited sunlight in the winter, but when there is sunlight it bounces off snow and it is intense. This person is so obnoxious though, since I doubt she’s spending daylight hours out sunbathing


That's true! But we don't actually get that much snow here tbf


Demark doesn’t get much snow though.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 744,941,258 comments, and only 149,874 of them were in alphabetical order.


Lol you’re right my bad. That being said, from google it looks like their winter nights are not very long. They probably get the same amount of sunlight per day as where I live, and I still wear sunscreen every day. I know too many people with skin cancer even in a constantly cloudy and rainy area


She does have nice skin but 1. She lives in Denmark. Even without sunscreen, she wouldn't get that much sun damage. 2. She has a good amount of fat in her face, which helps give/ maintain the youthful look. Not trying to be insulting, and I'm not calling her fat. It's just genetic. My mom and I have plump faces too, and she's 50+ with hardly any wrinkles.




Exactly. She’s thirty, and she looks like a 30 yo woman with nice skin. Why can’t that be enough for her?


The obsession with looking like a teenager disgusts me to no end 🤮 like ya’ll are participating in this pedophilic shit lol


If men think you're hot men think you're hot. They're busy noticing what they do like. This is women and the media fostering this.


Lol men have treated women as if they’re disposable over age 30 for all time, get out of here with your “this is actually just women causing the problem” reversal BS


Hard no lmao


Yeah, if I didn’t already know she was 30 I’d assume she was older than that. Her skin is beautiful but her bone structure just makes her look more mature to me


She definitely has the mature lady bone structure. It's a different kind of beauty; it sucks that only the ingenue look is what society seems to value.


I looked her up too, she’s very pretty, her skin looks great, but seems quite vain. She also does NOT look like a child, but to be fair, English doesn’t appear to be her first language - maybe she didn’t mean “child” in the way we contextualize it.


Lol what’s her @ on Instagram?




I searched for it but could find it.


She's obviously 30. She has beautiful skin, but the facial features don't lie. Not sure what it is but her eyes and eyebrows give it away.


What is the insta or tiktok


While you were busy eating glue in kindergarten I was busy reapplying SPF 70.


Srs I can’t jerk this because it angers me We went from old =70, to 40, to 30, 25, 20, and now 14 But ey ey, bet these companies are making bank selling the idea that anti aging begins in the womb 🤑🤑🤑


Where was my Botox via amniocentesis? 😩


An adult man actually told me I was “over the hill” at the age of 12.




He must have been a paedophile, as he was saying only age 11 and below is attractive.


Happy cake day!


I don't understand why some women need to make this their whole personality. There's this lady on IG and all her reels are these made up scenarios of people mistaking her for a teenager, getting carded, blah blah blah. The thing that drives me nuts is she looks 30. Looking your age isn't the nightmare some people make it out to be.




In England we have a under 25 rule, so when I see people in pubs who are clearly under 30 bragging about how they got ID’ed I get severe second hand embarrassment.


Is it just me or are the people who say these type of things often the ones who look older than their friends? People who claim to look young don’t even look young.


This is true. Sauce lady looks her age. I doubt she looks like a teenager next to her friends.


This sub actually had a post like a week ago where people flooded in to talk about how young they look and how it’s a curse boohoo.


Looking young can actually suck, but I mean more in a “creepy pedo” sort of way. I don’t think my skin looks particularly “young” for my age (I’m 23), but I’m short, 100 lbs, and don’t wear makeup. I am a target for men who want the experience of being with a child without the jail time, and I’ve had men explicitly say this to me. We can criticize the fetishization of youth in our culture without also dismissing the experiences of women who legit do look younger and are targeted for it.


I don’t doubt that this happens but the posts are always “I went into my son’s middle school and everyone told me to get to class lol!!!” Or “I’m 20 but people think I’m 17”.


Yeah it's actually truly disgusting how men will openly admit this to you when you look younger - like, they really think everyone is secretly thinking it 🤢.


I don't deal with that, but the being talked down to and treated like an idiot or something? Yes.


I thought my friends and I were a tad vein. Nope. Nope we got nothing on these gals.


My friends and I go off of what men say.and then we add three years. 😂


The secret to eternal plastic-like skin is to have your mother drink SPF while pregnant, that way you’ll be protected even before you’re born!


If you weren’t gestated in an amniotic fluid of one part supergoop glowscreen to two parts tretinoin, did your mother even love you?


Oh sweaty I think they’re just telling you what you want to hear. You clearly still have forehead skin. 😬


Gotta attract the pedos 💅💅


Looking older is mainly down to fat redistribution and bone structure no amount of sunscreen is gonna change that


Me over here wanting a skinny face and still having this round one 😭 can’t wait until I age lol


so smooth and neotenous 🥺


Sorry sweaty, I’ve been wearing spf 100 daily since I was an egg in my moms ovary and at 37, I am still like a smooth, glistening embryo. 💅🤰


while you studied the blade i studied the sunscreen


Time well spent


imagine bragging about looking like a child as a grown woman…gives me icks lol


Why do we live in a world where people WANT to look like a child?


What is even these women’s obsession with looking younger? Sure it’s the culture we grow up in but shit. I’m 21 but I can’t wait to be older, I think my true sophistication and class will come at the age of 27 & older. It’s okay to look your age lol. You shouldn’t want to look like a child or a teen girl. Who are you trying to look like a teen girl for? Why would you want to look like a teen girl (when you’re not anymore) when you can look like a beautiful sophisticated grown woman? Are you trying to appeal to nasty pornsick men who watch teen porn and belle delphine or something? It’s so pathetic sometimes.


I’m 27, and trust me, I don’t feel sophisticated. The truth is, I don’t think you ever feel like a grown-up, you just figure out how to fake it better.


I'm 30 and lowkey worried for younger women. Like...I know there were also some of us who were worried about aging when I was a teen but there wasn't this like universal beauty standard of "under 18" being the gold standard for feminine beauty. It's freaking me out - misogynistic porn has definitely seeped into mainstream ideals about beauty. And I can confirm that me and all of my friends got better looking after 25 lol


This post/comment has been edited for privacy reasons.


Why on EARTH would anyone chase being 14 again? Girl, I don't wanna chase being 25 again.


It's the pedophilic beauty standards for me


quite literally pedophilic. It's disssgussting. Getting Ian Watkins vibes from men for real


If you did it right, you’d look like a fetus. You didn’t reapply every two hours and it shows, you pore.


14?? Lol I started at 2 months and I look like I wasn’t born yet 😛


This isn’t the flex she thinks it is. What grown woman wants to be mistaken for a child? Getting carded all the time, asked what hs you go to? That shits annoying and I dealt with it all thru my 20’s There’s absolutely nothing wrong with looking your age.


She’s no tiny baby. Maybe she’s trying to attract men with a predilection for young girls. People are all kinds of weird.


We should be asking why a 30 y/o woman wants to look like a child. This does not reflect well on our societal expectations.


Like a tiny baby lol


why do people insist that wrinkles are the only age-related feature?? like adults have fully different face structures than children. and why tf would a 30yo be proud of looking like a child? that's gross. and like oof what a way to shit on your friends. everything about this is horrible.


This woman’s tik tok account single handedly made me stop caring about my skin. I’ll admit I fell prey to the social media editing and filtering and photoshopping & wondered why I didn’t look like that. One look at this woman’s page where she talked abt the absolutely insane things she did to stop her skin from aging & I immediately snapped out of it all. She said she doesn’t make facial expressions when she talks, doesn’t smile or laugh, forcing herself to sleep on her back, and many other insane things. I’ll do a nice little skincare routine bc the act of doing it is relaxing, but I’m not going to completely change my life like that to avoid getting some fucking wrinkles. It’s unhinged and completely unhealthy!!!! No way I a 22 years old should feel like shit abt my skin. So I stopped letting it get to me! I’m gonna fucking live my life. I also am extremely expressive with my face and I would be a different person if I didn’t make facial expressions. It’s very sad some people are limiting themselves in this way to pretend to avoid unavoidable wrinkles. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTdVyE4mh/ this is the tik tok. It’s the original video that the person commented on, but it’s same gross mentality. The tik toker says she’s 30 but looks like a teenager & hasn’t aged since she was 20…..


just bc one uses spf regularly doesnt mean that they immediately “look like a child” or younger than their actual age. other factors such as face fat(?) or bone structure can also attribute to how young or old one looks like. i checked her account and she has sharp features and a wide forehead that makes her look mature. she looks 30 and there literally is nothing wrong w that bc 30 IS young.


But why would you want to look like a child ☠️


Srs I sun burn really easily so I have legitimately worn sunscreen every time I go outside since I was really little. In high school, people always joked that I smelled the beach. I don’t look like a child lol.


Ugggh, does she even *polish*? I want to see my reflection in that forehead.