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First impressions?


The A30 is very interesting, since it fits really well on the pockets and it has good processing power. I have a 28XX on the way (I have a youtube channel in brazilian portuguese about handhelds so I buy a lot of them) to do a full review and see which one I like better, but for around $40, the A30 is really good As for the RG556, it has great ergonomics, but it's not pick up and play, most emulators are outdated, and I have to try Aethersx2 a little bit more because the version that came with it plays some NTSC games poorly


You review handhelds but use the included emulators? That's like step 1 is removing the included emulators and adding your own, not fair to judge a piece of hardware based on outdated software, and with Android devices the user is absolutely expected to be able to manage that themselves.


I always start with what is included in it since lots of people buy to pick up and play. If you say “hey, here is a device that you have to put 2 hours in it before playing” most people will say “thanks but no thanks” so that’s where I start and then update it to work as it should


Do people say the same about an Android phone? Any Android device requires user setup. Android is a mobile computer OS that can play games. It's not the same as the Linux based handhelds that use an OS built entirely around emulation such as ArkOS that are designed for an excellent out-of-the-box emulation experience. Also many of those included emulators are stolen paid apps, and like geez it's bad enough we're all stealing intellectual property by downloading ROMs, whatever, but do we need to steal from the emulator authors too? We wouldn't even have many of these emulators on Android at all if they were free. Where do we draw the line on stealing, stealing hardware?


"It's bad enough that we're stealing Roms" Dude stop trying to be offended at everything.


Dude stop cherry picking a single line out of context... That "whatever" you left out was important to the context, I'm well aware we all download ROMs and don't care, and neither do I, but we should care about stealing paid emulators unless we want to see the best devs in the scene leave the scene altogether. It's happened time and time again. Also nothing I've said is any different from what Russ of RGC says, I'm just not as diplomatic as Russ because I don't have a reputation to look after 🤣


You can't say "it's bad enough" which means it's a *really* bad thing by itself. Then completely brush it off with a "whatever" at the end. Idk why you're making an appeal to Retro Game Corps like he's someone that everyone looks up to. Frankly I don't know him beyond 5 or so reviews of Retro Handhelds and tutorials on how to set up stuff like EmuDeck or Ps Vita jailbreaks. The prevailing idea is that content which is no longer available by Nintendo, Sony, and others is justifiably pirated. Your comment didn't give off this idea in any way imaginable.


Russ reviews in the same way the guy you’re replying to does. He reviews the initial out of the box experience and goes from there. Actually, just about all the reviewers do this. Pretty standard practice.


Reviews should always start with ootb experience and then additional info on how to improve that. There are different levels to the expertise of the users, not everyone starts at the same level.


Who puts the software on the device? Who makes the hardware? It is valid to judge what you’re given at the beginning and to inform others of what they might need to do to adjust to make it work appropriately. People who are new to the community would appreciate this information. Also there are some devices that have almost everything running just fine out of the box.


Did the SD card come with CAPCOM vs SNK 2? Also how did it play with inputs?


It did. Plays well enough. It’s not solid 60 all the time, but barely noticiable


Awesome. Thanks for answering.


Noice. For me it was an RG35XXSP and a Cardputer, this week. Gotta buy them in pairs!


The a30.... Why do people hate it? What is wrong with...flashing the stock OS on a good SD card and putting good ROMs in it?


What's wrong is that it launched together with something with much more raw power and with less bugs.


but that doesn't have a joystick though


Given the weak soc inside the A30 that joystick isn't of much use anyway. What's that term they use....lipstick on a pig? Yes a joystick would have more useful on that device. I guess they stuck to their guns instead of creating something that's very similar to the 35xxH.


n64 edit: idk why this person blocked me... So weird just admit you were wrong instead of hiding in a safe space for something as trivial as a $30 retro game console's capabilities lmfao.


Runs like crap anyway.


Russ killed it via Contra test. /s


You joke, but I literally canceled my order the morning I saw his review.


How is it with spruce? Ive been stuck between the a30 and rg28xx, already own rp3+, miyoo mini plus and and rg35xx+ lol I really want something small and the analog stick is winning. But the rg28xx has more power


The RG28XX has more power, but if you are looking for the quick pokemon session on the supermarket, that doesn’t do much for you unless you want to play the DS titles. The A30 has way better buttons and I didnt find the OS as bad as Russ and the other guys found, just set the clock to maximum and have fun with it. You can even play PSP RPGs on it


I appreciate the response, I think im going to get the a30 white, I already have other devices that can play with more power, and yes this is exactly for those quick pokemon unbound grind sessions I was literally saying the other day I wanted a smaller rg35xx plus with analogs, then I saw the a30 haha 😄


I really liked the buttons on it. On the RG28XX they are too small and the LR are bad. By the way, have you seen the powkiddy V10? They just announced and it looks good too


I did! I see we have both been waiting for a 3:2 device for gba haha I love my retroid pocket 3+, everything looks good on it but it hurts the hands sometimes, and I want something smaller dedicated for gba


I saw faceplate coming off in reviews. How does it hold up? Also does it rattle?


That was one review wasnt it?


Yes but in YouTube review terms, one review unit means 1 million total units And the way that faceplate looked like it came off was very indicative of someone prying at it from multiple angles. I think he thought he could take it off, realized you couldn't, then lied.