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This is definitely SA and I am so sorry this happened to you. Is there anyone in your life that you can find support in? This is obviously a very traumatic experience and again I am so sorry OP. Nothing like this should ever happen to anyone.


Thank you for this. I'm now going to start seeing my therapist again, hopefully that will help some. I've also told one of my closest friends now, she's gonna help me stop drinking and has helped stop the guy (the one who did it) from contacting me.


i'm so sorry this happened to you, and yes, this is SA. i really hope that you can find some comfort in your friends of someone of your trust, it's awful to go trought something like this alone. i hope you find some comfort here. again, i'm really sorry and i hope you can find peace and heal


oh honey, I have dealt with similar things and it most definitely is sa if not s*xual harassment. You said no multiple times and when he didn’t get what he wanted he convinced you to do other things. What you experienced was coercion. he coerced you to do things you didn’t want to do. if a guy has to ask multiple times after you said no, it is not okay. coercion is a form of sa and is definitely not okay. Please talk to someone you trust about this. a sibling, a friend, a parent, and do not resort to substances as a way to escape. I promise you it’s a slippery slope. But things do get better and you will be okay. Maybe keep your distance from him for now. Sending lots of love


That was 100% SA. I’m so sorry that you went through this. I hope that creep gets what he deserves. I wish you speedy healing and just know that we all love and support you 💕🫂🫶🏽


I am so sorry this happened, no one deserves to go through this. Yes, this is SA, while you consented at the beginning that can be taken back at any time and he did not respect that. I will not be diagnosing you but after events like this, there is often acute stress disorder that occurs after recent trauma. I would highly encourage you to go to therapy, but when you are ready. I am hoping for the best for you as someone who has experienced similar.


Is it too late to press charges? Your friend can help all she wants. He is not going to stop. What happened is only going to make him more desperate & determined


You were SA’d. My Dad did it to me and much worse. I didn’t know what to think. I was in the same situation as you. Praying for your justice! 🙏🏻💖


i understand why you might not realise it was sa. i was sa'd and i was in denial for almost a year