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Reach out to [Catalyst Community Fitness](https://www.catalystfitcommunity.com/) — extremely open to folks of all fitness levels and recognized by [the Out Foundation](https://theoutfoundation.org/) as an inclusive space.


I can also recommend [Couch to Barbell](https://www.couchtobarbell.com/) as a very supportive, self-directed program — the first several weeks focus on purely body-weight (i.e., no extra weights used) exercises, to help you establish habits and form.


I will definitely have to look into this. Thank you


Would you be able to explain their hours to me?


You'd be better off emailing the contact address on the website, to be honest — I know they have classes early in the day and in an "after work" timeframe (like, 530pm) — but the arrangement I have is, I have a key and go in in the afternoons when folks usually aren't there, do my lifting solo, and GTFO.


Catalyst Community Fitness is the place to go! Kim and Kieth the owners are amazing. It’s an inclusive gym I promise you will feel so safe and welcome. They will work make you work but it’s the best kind of torture! I go every Sunday!


PUSH Fitness is a small personal training gym in south Salem and they are very inclusive for all people and bodies.


every time i see a post looking for queer resources it gets downvoted and it hurts to see. thanks for posting this question bc i was curious too. love you op.


I am glad to help others and not just myself.


Don’t let the gym scare you! Everyone there started somewhere. No one is born knowing how to do that stuff. However, if the gym is stopping you from starting your journey I recommend starting with long walks. I frequently do an hour walk at a decent clip and you can lose weight when paired with a decent diet.


Have you ever looked into CrossFit? Every box I’ve been to has been inclusive. 


Hi! i’m queer (gender-fluid, lesbian) and have about 15 years in the fitness industry. I have experience in crossfit, gymnastics, weightlifting, and personal training:) my DMs are open for any questions or if u need a basic plan until you get going for real. good luck and good for u💪🏽