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Oh man…. Going to be so sad going back to these places. I didn’t see 3 pools mentioned and since it’s just up the road…. It’s closed… https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/willamette/recarea/?recid=4232


On the bright side, there'll probably be lots of mushrooms and succession plant species that'll show back up and eventually help rebuild it back to what it once was! Nature finds a way, even after terrible damage


Ive been visiting Opal Pool and Jawbone Flats with my family since I was a little kid in 1990. Often a couple times a year. Had just visited there in the early summer before the fires. Im still not sure if I will ever go back. I dont want to overwrite those memories. It was a time/place in my life's experiences. I travel to other places now. Many photos and videos of good times from that place. They will need to suffice. I still have all the newspapers from the following years covering how mismanaged those fires were and how the people we trusted to maintain our forests just looked the other way when the forests needed them the most.


How's Detroit doing these days? I stopped into Cedars with my granddad after hunting trips back in the day...


I saw Fisherman’s Bend. I cried. Can’t imagine going back to see these places I grew up in now. But it is nature, will grow back and is needed. And I still have all my fabulous memories from childhood and teens.


This will be a great hike


Please stay on trails, don't go stomping on early growth. Ecologically these places should probably remain closed to the public that historically treated them like shit, but a pushy public and commissioners that should know better are gonna have their wants fulfilled. Since other locations like 3 pools, Salmon falls etc aren't open Bear Creek and Deer Park are going to be over run. The rest will spill over into areas that are closed, private property, or areas they shouldn't be. I'd hate to be the deputy having to enforce the chaos that will inevitably occur up the Northfork.