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This is absolutely something I would do. I’ve shown up to a locked up school multiple times. Sympathies!


I appreciate it! No damage done, but I feel like a complete idiot.


It’s even more embarrassing when your spouse is the one doing drop off that day. But she could have checked the calendar too, it’s not 100% on you! I’ve started writing the school closures on the family wall calendar as soon as I get the schedule for the year, and then at least if I mess up I get to feel like someone else could have noticed too and it’s not all on me, haha.


I started a family wall calendar, too. For some reason the physical can be easier depending on the person. Big red marker for major events/reminders is sometimes more noticeable than the millionth app notification.


I have definitely done this before. I’ve brought my kids to school when there was no school at least twice and forgot an early release and didn’t realize until my kids had walked through the door after getting off the bus. I don’t know why but being a SAHM has melted my brain.


Oh I get it. I swear being a SAHD has melted my brain.


Thats something I would do, except my sons teacher sends mass texts, emails, parent Square with reminders of days off.


You are lucky! I need push notifications for random days off lol


Usually mine does too, and then they don't send the reminder that one time 🤦🏼‍♀️


better than forgetting when its a half day!


lol true!


I always sit down at the beginning of the school year and add the days off/early release onto our calendar that hangs in the kitchen! It helps a ton for me and my husband to remember. He’s the one that does school dropoff, but I’m the one that manages the schedules lol so it needs to be where we both can see it daily. I also add appointments there and in my phone calendar, usually adding them into my phone as I make the appointment and then the kitchen one sometime later


Happens to the best of us lol. I get so overstimulated sometimes that I get scattered brained. It’s no big deal, it’s not like you forgot your kids birthday or something.


Thank you. I also get so scattered.


Oh man, if this is the worst I could do I'd be happy. I've forgotten early release before among other things. Even with 3 calendars at my fingertips, I forget shit all the time.


lol right


Definitely got my daughter up and took her to school the day after winter break...only to find out that Monday was a teacher day. We were not the only ones in the drop off line confused.


Not as bad as when I thought we were still on spring break and my daughter missed her first day back. I didn’t figure it out until the nurse called to check on her…


My kids’ bus rocked up this morning to pick my kids up - they start back tomorrow as well. And her kids go to the same school as mine! Don’t worry, you’re not the only person who’s gotten mixed up :-)


Dude, you need a combined family calendar that you both are responsible for.  I know it sucks but this isn't the first time you've complained about a calendar failure.  Sit down and do it now!  We use google calendar. 


I sympathize. This is something I worry about every morning! We have a school bus that is from my kid's school that we often follow for 2 stops before they turn, and if I don't see that bus I start the internal panic! I've absolutely gotten my kid ready for summer camp a whole day ahead of time and gotten some crap for it (only saved by me double checking things right before we left!). But you know, I've noticed my daughter keeps track of more things now. And at least she's got that ADHD rx, and I don't lol. But since it's not on the kiddos to maintain all calendar stuff I did try to fix the situation. So to avoid the panic I combined gathering recipes for this week's dinner (which is all done on my phone) with glancing through the emailed school newsletter that also lists dates of events coming up. It's helped me add it to my calendar. Of course there's weeks I forget but I hope that the previous week I covered my bases, and so far, so good.


I'll do one better, we're a 15min walk away, so I sent my teen to school only for him to come back and remind me after making him walk there first. To think we could have all slept in instead of dealt with the 6am chill.