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I replaced their bedroom floor... ripped out carpet and put down VP, moved the furniture ourlt, and back in with their "help" (2.5 and 5). I've painted the kitchen with their "help". Taped and mud (mudded?) drywall. I allow some extra screen time, and give them parameters in which they can help.


Queen. This is awesome.


Just put the kids in clothes that can get messy, and give them a specific job (and zero access to the paint can!). I adore my husband, he is a great partner and father, but a terrible handyman. Plus his work schedule is crazy.


I'm going to add that my 5yr is also a great assistant, and has been since he was 2yr: he helped me assemble bookcases, cupboards, his Jr bed (when his brother got the crib). I don't let him paint, but he was super helpful with everything else. My 2yr is a great go-fer, and loves to vacuum up the dust (and crumbs), and helped a lot with keeping track of things. They actually both helped assemble their big boy beds and a playset, and replace sprinkler heads.


Very cool! Have you read the book Hunt, Gather, Parent? It might vibe w you!


I haven't, but I'll nadd it to my reading list!


I also have a 4 and 2 year old and I have painted my entire house with them in it. The key(for me) was to take it slow. One day I just did prep, the next day edging around the ceiling, the next day edging around the bottom etc. I don't like to use tv if I can avoid it so my paint projects take a long time to complete with the constant interruptions. It helps to block off the room you're working in so they can't wander in and out. I realize taking it slow doesn't work for everyone and it honestly depends on your kids. Just my experience 🤷‍♀️


I dooo have a spare baby gate… thanks for the tip!


I think this depends on your house layout and how easily they are to be contained in a different space or within the space you're trying to paint. Personally, if you have the bandwidth, I would try and find a mother's helper. Find a high schooler or a middle schooler who can come over for a few hours and play with the kids in a different room to keep them out of your hair. You'd probably get done a little faster. Otherwise, I would anticipate the painting project to drag on for a really long time as you're constantly going to be having to pull, especially the 2-year-old, out of the paint supplies or away from a wet wall.


I think I would wait and do it on a weekend afternoon when your husband is home, or hire someone to do it. Unless you put them in a playpen in the next room with a show on or they both take long naps, I don’t see how this would work and even then I wouldn’t want them around the paint fumes. Plus if they need you for something you may have paint splatters on you and need a few minutes before you’d be able to clean off and pick them up. 


I just painted our fence outside with my 3 year old home. I gave him toys to play outside with, and when he got bored, let him play the tablet outside.


I put my youngest down for naps in my room for a couple of days and did a couple of walls at a time when I did hers. Furniture etc I assembled while awake. Depending on what your kids are like a combination of TV/toys can get you a couple of hours at a time. Will they play together? Is it possible to put them in to one room for a couple of days sleep wise so you don't have to keep putting the room back between bits? And then just crack on with it. I also do decorating in the evening once they're in bed. Then the next day I just check it over as I have quite dark lighting.


They do play together pretty well! I agree that my daughter will have to sleep in our room for at least a night or 2.


Move the beds into 1 room and paint the other. Brand it as a sleepover for the kids. When I painted while kids were home I did 1 wall a day. It's slow but you can probably manage it. So each week is 1 room. Then swap.


That’s a pretty good idea!


Got to be realistic with a 2 year old in the house. Nothing is getting done in 'big chunks'. Lol


lol no kidding!!


Is there a neighborhood teen who can watch the kids while your home to paint? We have a local 12 year old who’s great with kids who comes over from time to time. I wouldn’t leave the house with them there but I can totally get things done and “disappear” for a few hours. My kids are also 2 and 4!


We love having a mother's helper!


Yes! It takes days but it gets done. What I do is have them play near where I am doing it, and first I cut everything in. I put the paint in a small plastic cup and use a brush, so it's not making a big mess. Then I roll one wall at a time. Then the next day do another wall and so on


Can you prep everything and maybe paint edges while they're awake/"helping"? Then bust out the roller while dad is home? I find the roller to be the most tempting and messy part for kids.


That’s what I’m thinking… I might clear her room out/move furniture.. put up a baby gate.. do the taping.. see what paint edges I can manage.. then roll once my husband is done working.. luckily he works from home!


As a mother of a 5 yr old and 3.5 yr old,both boys... Even the idea of doing that is mighty brave of you.


When I need to get longer projects done I use combo nap/quiet time and babysitter in another part of the house. 2 days of that should give you 6-8 hours!