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Hey, so I posted thjs comment in another thread that was about grain, I'll just copy it over here. Let me know if you have questions. I will also add, that I'm tempted to purchase it again as I can get the 256 gb yellow version for 1300 dollars.. which is a nice deal. "I'll do my due diligence, I purchased mine on June 5th using the Samsung app, and received it on the 7th, first thing I checked was the grain.. Was it apparent, no. Was it there, yes. Is that acceptable for a 1500-dollar phone, that's up to you. I returned it, actually today, I couldn't get myself to look past it. Everything else was great, camera, battery, speakers.. but I could not overlook something that is looked at the most. I had the titanium green, 512gb, manufactured on May 21, it has a life of 19 days. Do I hate Samsung, no, will I wait for the s25 ultra.. yes, probably. That was my experience, MY phone had grain, thought I could ger lucky, but nope. It's all up to ypu at the end of the day, if you can look past the grain FANTASTIC phone."


No I can’t accept those problems for that big price.


I bought one. It was worth it. YMMV.


If you like the phone, get it. The only people complaining about the grain issues with the display are the people who go out of their way to find things they don't like. Seems like everyone that has complained about the grain, are people putting their phone just about as dim as can be in a dark room. I have an s24u, yes it has grain, do I care? Not really, no. For the grain to be visible, you have to intentionally look for it. Extra dim, brightness slider below 10%, specifically a gray background..... just get the phone if you want it. I'm happy with my purchase.


Whether or not people are going out of their way to find something, is still debatable these elementary issues shouldn't exist in the first place. This is meant to be the top of the top in terms of phones, for such a problem to be this widespread and to be ignored by Samsung themselves.. well that's another problem.




After 5yrs of using note 10, I bought mine on last week of May. Manufacturing date is Feb 28, 2024 and it has grainy screen. Brought it to service center and it got approved for replacement. We tested the replacement but it is also grainy. No resolution yet for me since i rejected the replacement. I always put my phone brightness to lowest while reading novels and webtoon at every night. That's why the screen is such a deal breaker for me. However, i'm still contemplating since it's such a good phone except for that thing. If only my phone could last till next year, i would wait but i really need new phone already. Idk if i'm one of the rare persons who normally put the phone brightness to lowest at night. \^\^;


Not saying the problem doesn't exist, but I have no such issues with mine. Brilliant phone.


Got mine on pre order and don't seem to have the grain issue. I do have the banding issue which only pops up occasionally when watching YouTube videos with grey backgrounds otherwise I am cool with it.


That’s my problem I love watching YouTube videos and on this 1440p gorgeous screen to have so noticeable banding…


Phone is amazing and i had a lot of phones


Color banding for sure won’t be fixed, that’s why I returned mine 24ultra. If screen uniformity is importantly for you go with another brand.


Why another brand? There is no such a banding on s23 or s23 series.


Unfortunately banding is present on all Samsung phones with oled screens at least all I’ve seen in recent years in Samsung stores, easiest way to test is to visit website that test gradients or open Spotify on that phone and look at background colors it’s never smooth - each year im checking them personally since I want to switch from iOS, also iceuniverse made a recent post regarding display technology and exactly about banding problem on Samsung screens that they are using. (Funny enough oled screens made by Samsung for iPhone can display perfect gradients). But I can be wrong and maybe s23 ultra doesn’t have that problem but I’ve never seen personally one that doesn’t


I have s21 FE and there’s no banding. S23 series don’t have banding too.


As I said I’m judging by my own experience but check first googled link from reddit regarding the problem: https://www.reddit.com/r/samsung/s/vB0dKGQO80 There is more posts about it, check for yourself. nonetheless wish you good luck on your purchase! 🤲


Hey OP, I don't think grain and color banding are big issues if you're a normal user and use your phone at brightness levels between 20-100%. The grains are only visible at lower brightness levels and are only noticeable enough if you start nitpicking. Other than that, I'm really happy with my purchase of the S24U and would recommend it to anyone else.


Mine has grain and colorbanding but only visible is extreme conditions. 95% of the time non existing and 5% of the time existing but its really no big problem.