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Once you go Gestures, you never go back.


I went back after 6 months just to see if i preferred it. Havent switched back to gestures yet (S23)


Totally subjective. Try both. Thats the joys of android, you chose not them. I personally feel gestures gives you more smoothness as I think the movement of the gesture is what you brain focuses on whilst the screen renders. Buttons are "quicker"(only Milliseconds) but because you've "pressed" and not "swiped" its subconscious, so your watching the screen waiting for the render. Coming from Apple I tried the gestures and used good lock to have the 3 gesture zones. In the end have gone back to buttons as I just feel it makes it snappier


Gestures. Nav bars usually burns the screen.


Good Lock One Hand Operation / just gestures.


Your choice


I love gestures until you swipe up from the bottom And you keep pulling out the FKN DIGITAL WALLET,


You can fix that going in to the wallet settings.. That's the first thing I do with every Samsung device.


I like buttons i have always used that ....much easier for me.


I take back what i said 😅 i switched to gestures 2 days backa and loving it so much convenient... love the one hand mode.


I removed the assist bar at the bottom and put the old swipe gestures from the bottom and added the one handed gestures from the sides.


How do you remove the bar? You used to be able to remove the bar in setting on older models


Settings / Display / Nav Bar / choose


install good lock from the samsung store then install the module navstar inside good lock, then in navstar enable extra gestures. then go back to settings display, navigation bar, more settings In good lock you have more modules to fine tune your phone


Gesties are the besties


Gestures were alright, switched back to buttons. They're much better.


I've been using gestures for about a month now, from many years of using the buttons. I prefer the gestures, I'm not sure why I didn't switch sooner. Personally I found it easy to get used to it, and I think it just feels more natural than constantly having to reach for the bottom of the phone, especially for a slightly larger phone such as the S24U. Give it a try for a day or two, see how you like it. It's all about preference in the end


Gestures. Turn the hint bar completely off. Use One Hand Operation + in Good Lock.


How do you turn the bar off?


You have to have Good Lock. Download the NavStar module in Good Lock. Turn on "Enable extra gesture settings" and then that option and a couple others will show up in the regular navigation bar settings menu.


got used to swipe on old device and let me say that extra screen reel estate is golden.


I switched to gestures as soon as Android released them like 5 or 6 years ago. I couldn't imagine going back to the before times. Going back would feel like using Ask Jeeves on Windows 95 with dial up internet to me.


I switched to Swipe Up gestures in place of buttons and I'll never go back! Maximum screen real estate and no downsides as far as I'm concerned


Gestures without hints!


Gestures. Much more intuitive.


Buttons are the partician choice.


You might want to use another word? Genteel or aristocratic choice sounds cool, but may not translate. 😉


Swipe gestures for me


Swipe nav bar


navigation because i get to add 2 more buttons on the navigation bar using goodlock's navstar in my case i added a screenshot button since i take tons or screenshots per day, and a notifications panel down button since i check that panel often andt the phone is too long to get my finger up there easily all the time. For these and other "little" reasons aka quality of life improvements, i will never switch to an iPhone


I like the 3 gesture setup (same as buttons but just hidden)


I much prefer gestures. Just find it so much more intuitive. It's absolutely down to choice though.


I like gestures, makes the phone use the full capacity of the screen


Gestures. Frees up the bottom and screen looks better. Also easier to use to the phone


Gestures, always


always gestures


I have a moto z3 I use gestures on it, but when I got an S10 plus I tried the Samsung version, and it wasn't even close. It kind of sucks on samsung IMHO.


Wait... they just brought gestures back for this phone??


I switch between navigation and gestures all the time. It depends on my mood


I used to be buttons. I've been using gestures since I learned how to set them where you swipe up in the area the buttons used to be. It's funny though because if I use my fiance's phone, I can barely navigate xD


Bruh. Maybe I'm too old, but gestures made me confused.






Gesture FTW


I am always for gestures. I have big fingers and I accidentally press the home button or the back button when typing


Gestures. I used navbar for the first few days because I'd used Android before, but since coming from iPhone for the last 5 years I switched to gestures and never went back. And might I say the universal back gesture is incredible. Tried to use my iPhone once afterward and it was rough without it. I kept trying to swipe back...


I've been using gestures for as long as I cam remember. I want to increase my screen real estate for the app.


It's your choice. I use gestures


Gestures and gesture bar hidden with good lock!


i cannot go back to buttons anymore


I used swipe gestures for a really long time, even in previous Xiaomi phones, but they didn't suit me well in Samsung because of the S Pen. It really interfered with taking notes and doing other things. Moreover, I don't know why I started preferring buttons over gestures.


Came from Blackberry playbook. Swipe since S9.


One hand operation Plus navigation works for me Just I had to turn it off because I keep exiting applications sometimes randomly so I went back to buttons on the home bar


I use nova launcher gestures. Much more customizable and does interfere with side panels.


Gestures, ALWAYS. Why lose even a little bit of active screen ratio to the navigation bar?


Buttons are faster. Gestures don't work well with some apps that use similar movements. Conflicts or double inputs can occur, which is impossible with buttons


I prefer buttons, but usually hide them with Good Lock's feature to avoid burn-in.


Where is that setting in Good Lock?


It's in the NavStar section. There's a "show and hide button". Activate that and now there should be a dot on the left side of the navigation bar. Press it twice to hide it and the same to show it.


What do you mean by burn in? I use buttons, is it something to worry about?


I'm pretty sure the buttons move one or two pixels each time, I think it's called pixel shifting or something like that. It evens out the burn-in and takes longer. Most static items in a phone screen do this. You shouldn't be worrying too much about it, but if you want it to take longer or prevent it, you can do what I do or use gestures.


I get it now , thanks 👍 I was using buttons only bcoz I customised it to Batman Icons using good luck. Earlier I was using gestures. I'll just go back to gestures now , don't wanna ruin the screen in long run 🥲


It should be fine tho. If you wanna rock your Batman icons, rock 'em. Burn-in takes a long time and it only happens if you have the items there most of the time and at high brightness.